A Journey of Self-Reflection

Essay Analysis Table

Essay Analysis Table Essay Analysis Table


The self-reflection is important to identify the strengths and weakness of the study (Dressler et al., 2018). The Rolfe et al. (2001) reflective framework is easy self-reflection model that do not require enhance training to implement it (Roberts et al., 2021). The three stages of the framework are:



The analysis of the 3rd essay in the assignment is executed to determine three key negative points in the essay which has compromised it quality and presentation to the readers. In the process, effective reading of the content is executed with care and research is made to identify in which aspects the essay failed to provide adequate information. During the initiation of the task, I felt puzzled and anxious about identifying the key negative points in the essay. However, at the end, I confidently identified the three negative points of the essay and mentioned them through proof where they are present in the essay so that it can be rectified.

So What?

The analysis of the essay helped me to determine that I have effective critical thinking ability to analyse any context. This is evident as I rationally evaluated each aspect of the essay to understand and identify the facts to presented inappropriately in the content. The critical thinking is important for enhanced analysis as it helps in objective examination of any problem to develop analytical judgement (Dehghanzadeh and Jafaraghaee, 2018). The effective research ability shown in framing the essay analysis is significant skill. This is because enhanced research indicates the ability to gather data in relevant manner and present them in evaluating and learning the problem (Zhang et al., 2020). Thus, enhanced research skill helped me to act with compliance in analysing the problem of the essay and support them with evidence to indicate the reason behind them being key issues. However, I failed to express creativity in the analysis of the essay as no out-of-the-box issues are identified which may have been present in the essay. In addition, I expressed underrated skill in comprehending my problem due to which it may have resulted in lack of detail towards their presentation.

Now What?

In future, to improve my analytical ability for essay analysis, I intend to develop creative thinking. This is to be accomplished by learning, practising and evaluating various other essay to develop my creative thinking. Moreover, I would try to improve my comprehension skill by taking training for writing so that the problem more effectively presented to reader for enhanced understanding.

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Adorno, T.W., 2019. 8. Punctuation Marks. In Notes to Literature (pp. 106-111). Columbia University Press.

Dehghanzadeh, S. and Jafaraghaee, F., 2018. Comparing the effects of traditional lecture and flipped classroom on nursing students' critical thinking disposition: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 71, pp.151-156.

Dressler, R., Becker, S., Kawalilak, C. and Arthur, N., 2018. The cross-cultural reflective model for post-sojourn debriefing. Reflective Practice, 19(4), pp.490-504.

Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Boylan, F. and Knaus, M., 2021. Revitalising reflective practice in pre-service teacher education: developing and practicing an effective framework. Reflective Practice, pp.1-14.

Sloan-McDonald, M., 2021. Library Guides: UQ Harvard referencing style-print version: About UQ Harvard Style.

Zhang, J., Yan, Q.Y. and Yue, S., 2020. Nursing research capacity and its management in China: A systematic review. Journal of nursing management, 28(2), pp.199-208.

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