Academic Writing and Referencing

Explain the purpose of academic referencing and its importance in academic writing and assessments (95 words)

Academic writing refers to the presentation of ideas and the introduction of other researcher’s idea in arguments. Referencing enhances scholarly writing and assists readers in various ways. To start with, referencing enhances academic integrity and literacy. Secondly, referencing enables the reader to trace the original ideas as well as identify the original source referred during the writing of the academic research; hence allowing the readers to go beyond what the author has mentioned in their research projects/paper. Nevertheless, referencing is a crucial method of showing different ideas, knowledge spreading, and supporting the claim of authors.


Identify and explain the characteristics of good quality academic sources (99 words)

Scholarly sources refer to academic or research article which presents the findings of a study, research or experimentation. They include books, published expert reports, academic journal articles etc. Some characteristics of good academic sources include; should be based on the work of others, should be valid and verifiable i.e. verified by the author and others, should be based on logical rationale as well as theories, should address some real challenges in the world, clearly reveal the variables analysed and should be incremental. Furthermore, academic sources should include a reference list, written by professional authors and published by reputable publishers.

Using a minimum of 300 words, write a brief summary of “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Contract Law in Construction” using a range of sources (312 words)

Contract law refers to the law category which is concerned with making agreements. Therefore, the laws govern the making of agreements, enforcement of the laws and their fair remedy in case of a breach (Adriaanse, 2016). First, agreement law in construction reduces risk. This category of law decreases the risk associated with the company giving the contract (Ashworth & Perera, 2018). By ensuring that companies involved in the agreements agree to the terms and making the parties sign a contract attesting to the contract, minimises the chance that one company will have the basis for legal action after the contract. Moreover, contract law in the construction provides clarity. The agreement provides clarity to partners and employees in their activities. Contracts usually list the expectations of each party. Due to the clarity, these contracts can assist every party to remain mindful of their objectives and mission in the project, hence increasing focus and minimising confusion (Michael, 2018). Also, the construction contract law provides evidence of the terms of the agreement between parties and assist to minimise future misunderstandings. Lastly, the laws increase control over a project which lowers the final cost of the construction projects.

On the other hand, it is time-consuming and expensive. Signing and making a contract for construction takes both time and money (Michael, 2018). Parties have to hire the services of legal experts to draft the agreement. The legal experts are often inexpensive. Additionally, contracts laws take time which could be otherwise be used in other activities which would assist grow the contracting organization. Furthermore, it provides a litigious atmosphere. Signing contracts which are aimed at reducing the parties’ risk promotes an environment where each party has their hackles up, since they maximise chances of a lawsuit (Whittaker, 2011). Besides these laws may not appreciate business culture, therefore, demotivating and impacting commitment of permanent staff (Holloway & Parmigiani, 2016).

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Adriaanse, M.J., 2016. Construction contract law. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Ashworth, A. and Perera, S., 2018. Contractual procedures in the construction industry. Routledge.

Holloway, S.S. and Parmigiani, A., 2016. Friends and profits don’t mix: The performance implications of repeated partnerships. Academy of Management Journal, 59(2), pp.460-478.

Michael Wolfe, Advantages & Disadvantages of Contracts in Companies to Minimize Liabilities

Whittaker, S., 2011. Unfair contract terms, unfair prices and bank charges. The Modern Law Review, 74(1), pp.106-122. Retrieved: 12 November, 2019, from:

Wolfe, Michael, 2018. Advantages & Disadvantages of Contracts in Companies to Minimize Liabilities. Small Business - Retrieved 15 November 019: from

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