Amplifying Childrens Voices


The report focuses on the concept of "Listening to Children". It launches a campaign in social media, which encourages listening to children and creating active engagement for them. Children need to be included in social activities highly as it helps in their mental and physical development. Listening to them is also important since they have different things to share regarding their daily activities. Both of the parents these days are working and they cannot give enough time to their children to listen to their tantrums. Sometimes this becomes an issue of mental illness among children as they are being deprived of their parents' love and care. Social context includes being humiliated at school or being bullied and body shamed by other fellow children of the same age. Bullying can occur in terms of race, skin color, or even due to the appearance of the kid. Children these days are being the victim of sexual exploitation and extortion. Several cases of Pedophiles have been registered across different regions in the world. Moreover, political inadequacy is observed in the stoppage of child marriages and student dropout. These are all identified as threats of the society towards children and all challenges and strategies to manage a child's voice are going to be discussed in the current context, with relevant insights drawn from social work dissertation help.


This report has an aim to launch the beginnings of a social media campaign on listening to children. The concept is developed under the components of listening to children's words and managing challenges of active engagement for them (Moroni-Zentgraf et al. ). The motto of this report is to understand children's mental dilemmas and threats to their development.


Analysis of children voice security within a political and social context Social

Children's voice security is not always preserved. It is necessary to promote participation in children's mental health development programs by the parents (Allan, and Luders, 2021). According to Unicef data, every child needs to be heard. “Respecting a child's experiences is also fundamental to the values of effective social work (, 2021)". To be safeguarded children need to become aware of the threats coming in their way. They need to learn the difference between good touch and bad touch for their safety. Some wicked-minded people are using children as sexual objects and fulfilling their desires unethically. In the UK, there is a child safeguarding board, called Harrow SCB, that allows one to listen and understand what a child is demanding or trying to explain. In the UK alone 37% of the children are sexually molested and harassed. Children are sometimes tormented by their nannies and neglected while their parents are outside. Children are also threatened not to utter a single word to their parents regarding the issue. Hence, parents need to open the barriers between them and their children so that they can share whatever is happening with them (Gillett‐Swan, and Sargeant, 2018). Children are mostly tormented in school by fellow people being fat or short or dark-skinned. This suppresses the voices of children and it can cause a mental breakdown.

Real involvement of educators' insights is important so that conflicts that are arising in the management of child voices will be eradicated. Four principles of the rights of children include non-discrimination, rights to survival, development, and growing best interests in the educational field. All these are found to be not fulfilled in many cases (Ghosh et al. 2018). “The way people talk to the children becomes their inner voice.” Hitting a child can never be a solution and creates mental issues. Instead, the parents should grab the kid and tell them that it should never be done while any mistakes are done by them. If it is not done children sobs within their internal mind and it causes a threat to them. The social dilemma is observed as a part of managing participation in activities of children. Denying children has almost become an activity that discourages political rights unconsciously. The suppression of information is also observed. The children might find it difficult to express their voices against discrimination. Especially, the age group of 5 to 10 years finds it difficult to lodge their complaint as they do not have any platform readily available for them (Houghton et al. 2017). Officially, children are silenced in democracy and conscious regarding democratic activities.

Real involvement of educators


Political disclosure of children's voice protection is established within the recognition of norms and formalities. For children suffering from autism, learning incapabilities are seldom discussed and there is a fewer amount of policies that are designed in support of those children (Knight, and Kingston, 2021). Recognition of child voice suppression threats is not done in many countries. Sharing knowledge is essential for the increasing consciousness of people. Teachers should also be prohibited from performing any kind of discrimination. Eventually, the non-discriminatory rule applies to doctors and nurses. Representing children is important so that they are encouraged to participate in activities (McNally et al. 2018). Children are the future of the nation and allowing them to become the perfect human being is important to learn the concepts of development. Mobile applications are also not under parental control, which influences a situation where children are living in an imaginary world. Moreover, digital literacy is identified for all and children should not be deprived of it. The government is expected to take strong action against it. Moreover, there is a threat of losing the children's privacy while accessing online portals.

Children's voice is not preserved as there are social facts that are not focused on by the concerned authority (Moore, 2017). A child's voice is required to be heard to manage their opinions and emotions. The rights of being heard extend when any physical threat is coming upon them and meaningful engagement is not done by parents. The kids need to deliver the right amount of education so that they can understand what is done wrong to them. Children's voices might seem to be suppressed as the chances of survival are less in some cases where the child’s birth is in poorer condition.

Empowerment principles are important as in many contexts the government is playing its role to stop child drop out (Vrijlandt et al. 2018). Children will only be able to vent their voices if they are educated appropriately. Most of the time, their right to education is lessened and adequate policies are not enforced. The political aspect that is found to be challenging is controlling child marriages. Early child marriages are identified to be a threat to a child’s mental health also brings about health distortion and in addition, it stops the children from raising their voices. Moreover, social discrimination over race and culture can also be offensive and needs immediate eradication of the same. These are also found out to be a threat in the context of child voice domination (Witte, Lopez, and Baldwin, 2020).

Challenges of active engagement concepts for children as a key stakeholder

Challenges associated with technology and schooling

Children these days are obsessed with gaming and electronic devices other than learning offline. They are more into undertaking online courses and encouraging problem-solving than listening to hours-long lectures. It should be the right of kids to decide the way they want to process their learning (, 2021). Active collaboration spaces are needed to be best utilized under the facts of life goals management within children (Yasenik, Graham, and Fieldstone, 2020). Children with health threats such as Down syndrome are seldom heard. Challenges are associated with teaching and they might not have enough timing for planning, paperwork, and managing performances. Limitations observed in standardized testing systems also become obstacles to active learning. Conventional teaching methods make student teachers more passive which is a threat for the future generation. Incompetent educators and lack of time to prepare studies to pressurize the children to go through a threatful condition.

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Children should be encouraged to utilize their school holidays in participation in extracurricular activities. Obtaining some valuable materials through self-research gives children the opportunity to learn and grow (Keeley, and Little, 2017). Many organizations are including children in their campaigns where the kids are processing innovation highly. There are agencies, which encourage learning opportunities for kids outside their syllabus. Giving poor children the opportunity to learn is also important. Health and emotional wellbeing are identified to be an obstacle for children with poor family backgrounds. Using traditional methods such as working in forums and surveys is important to plan and execute group activities on managing the health and well-being of poor children and preserving their right to be healthy.

Putting ideas into a social media timeline helps in working on such projects where children's voice is protected and maximum views are gathered. Idea is to organize a camp where interested people can work to ensure that child rights are protected. Another social aspect is identified to be the need for the child's decision-making capability where they can think and decide upon the choice of whom they want to live with. Children sometimes experience domestic abuse and might choose to live with their grandparents and this right should be protected to have a healthy childhood. Group therapies are to be taken into consideration for children to encourage active participation (Dunlop, and Tsantefski, 2018).

Children's voices in an active learning environment are essential. The larger class size and amount of content to be covered requires administrative support. Lack of instructional operations throws different challenges that hinder the application of ALM's (active learning management) in the classroom (Clark et al. 2020). Connecting to the real world becomes an issue for the students without accessing a safe and secure web. Groups are often observed to be formed with incompatible members which prevent kids from learning teamwork. Collaborative learning allows developing strength of the assessment passing and setting out goals to achieve. Giving specific and positive feedback is also essential to venture kids' voices to their peers on their activities. Children are required to be motivated to practice a high level of critical thinking so that meaningful learning experiences are generated. Sometimes children suffer from a lack of sleep that might affect their overall health and learning capability. Sometimes there are authentic questions asked to them which they need to find an answer to and encourage identification of active learning components. This is identified to be guiding for encouraging carers (Meghdari et al. 2018).

While high-tech children are falling prey to internet threats, some kids are being deprived of the opportunity to learn and understand quality care (Kelly, 2017). Children's voices should never be lost in translations and they should never be asked that they make things up. Informal care across children's health defines no improvement on the children's safety guidelines. A protection law is important to be generated where parents are not going to be negligent on the activities of children. Balanced activities are performed to associate learning and build some professional qualities in kids from the beginning. Skill-building needs to be focused on as a generalized component. However, it becomes challenging sometimes without appropriate support achieved from different people (Cluver et al. 2017). Organizations should be committed to the management of kids' safety and contribute towards the fundraisers of child voice management. Some kids are difficult to understand as they do not want to participate in classes where the teachers are not allowed to interact. This type of situation should be mitigated and children’s choices of learning should be respected.

Child and young adolescent active engagement

Child and young adolescent active engagement

Adolescent participation needs constant monitoring and evaluation of the situations. There are certain guidelines to be followed on an understanding of the participating systems which are:

Organizational commitment and civic engagement

Peacebuilding and humanitarian response should be generated within young people

UNICEF's strategic framework includes the participation of kids in various activities (, 2021)

Empowering adolescents among the population is important

Child safeguarding is associated with no harm to them both physically and mentally

Create separate laws for managing stigma and discrimination

Right-based approaches to the empowering program of adolescents include their development aspects. These promote equity and respect for the dignity management of the pupils and their learned values are sustained (Crawford et al. 2017). Advocating the factors are due to space, voice, and audience management. Equitable facilities and services help in the effective and ethical participation of adolescents in social work. Some basic requirement for effective and ethical participation of adolescents includes:

Transparent and informative adolescent management and expressing their views

Adults should acknowledge the efforts of children and manage retention to active engagement.

Families, schools, and cultural involvement should be empowered so that real relevance to children voice management is seen (Fuligni, 2019)

Supporting individuals are needed for giving training to pupils

Accountability lessons should be given to children for becoming successful and taking ownership in future

Creating and sustaining platforms for adolescent learning and civic engagement is highly focused.

Strategies to promote participation, voice, and agency of children

Student engagement strategies for the captivating classroom is identified as

Connecting the learning within the real world

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Defining the X-factor of the topic being discussed

Filling up "dead time" inside the classroom

Encouraging the students to present and share work regularly

Encouraging students in participation in outdoor activities

Reading out louder to all present in the room (Wang et al. 2017)

Students can be engaged in learning by allowing a choice of trying more than one time to understand whatever is happening in their life. Integrated technology comprises collective accommodation and encourages active goal setting. Letting kids work together with teachers helps in the development of creativity and independent learning as well. Prior knowledge and setting are determined so that literacy levels are managed (Yogman et al. 2018). Student engagement is influenced by several psychological factors such as peer community, and engaging educational activities in assistance with teachers. Structural factors like lack of connectivity in the covid world should be mitigated so that children get the opportunity to learn adequately. It is observed that hospitals are encouraging robot-based caring systems that ensure that a kid is given adequate care during the illness. Raising smart kids is associated with teaching social skills and not being overprotective towards them. Letting them linger for a longer time in front of the screen might become a reason for kids' mental dilemmas.

Modes of participation

Procedural engagement, conceptual engagement, consequential engagement, and critical engagement are observed as a part of strategic management of younger selves (Benzing, and Schmidt, 2018.). Participation and active association of the classroom members are essential in a student's learning protocol (Trent et al. 2019).

Child voices

Using group work and encouraging pupils to put maximum effort into sole learning is an essential part of the process. In the educational aspect of children, challenges are

overcome and children are made compatible with any arbitrary situation. Handling the stress of any situation should be encouraged as a constructive element. Pupils are marking

their working systems to become adaptable towards the challenges of today's world. Time management is prioritized, on the other hand, giving verbal feedback motivates pupils and allows them to learn more. It is insisted on being an effective learner and making sure that wide milestones are achieved to process the voices (Karver et al. 2018). Boosting up thinking and dimensions of deep learning is associated with the decision-making process. The classroom should be both teacher and student-centered. Students' voices can be encouraged by establishing the classroom rules while there are lessons created on courtesy and politeness. It is also important to bring in required materials to class. Sometimes it can be books or sometimes it can be any product being discussed within the class. Following school, rules are essential as a part of learning for kids. Encouraging participation reacts upon the system of

Becoming respectful

Speaking the right words and becoming audible to each one present

Listening to classmates

Lessening the interruption

Self-efficacy and learning

Most of the participants can be described in terms of consultative, collaborative, and appropriate behaviorism. Adolescent-led participation includes issues of managing voice suppression by themselves. Adults are serving as facilitators while controlling the process and better managing the situation. Unethical participation should be managed to ensure that the focus of voice control is not shifted (Olivier et al. 2019). Children need special observation and care within family and school so that they are not harmed and develop a wide range of peer competencies. Local communities and local governments organize civic engagement while collective actions are taken on the social disruptions management. Theory of change is also under analysis where a sense of self-worth and self-esteem is encouraged./p>

Driving agents of change and protecting children voices are:

Identifying any challenges and risks

One-off consultation processes social events and naturally manages the threats that are upcoming

Engaging with bullying issues such as teenage pregnancies and minority groups

Parents are required to be more engaging in support of career consultancies and optimization (Grønhøj et al. 2017)

Learning and developing properties of sustainable development challenges

Risk assessment on children mental health should be arranged

 Children’s rights protection

Health and safety briefing is important in terms of being spoken or written. Children's health components such as their regularity of growth and ability to talk and understand other words properly need to be discussed. Children should be given a point of contact where they can reach out in case of any uncertain events occurring to them and they are coming under any medical sickness while they are parents at bay. Children need to learn the values of life and gain some lessons on becoming a potential change managers. Children are identified to be advising quieter notes.

Using a 5P strategy is important in prevention, paramountcy, partnership, protection, and parental responsibility. Children's order 1995 is protecting the voice of them where child protection issues are growing day after day (, 2021). Non-discrimination is identified to be prioritized and it is given to the best interests of the child right to come to life. Survival and development aspects are yet to be controlled for the sake of overall growth boosters for children. Safeguarding children also includes the strategies of managing different types of abuse and maltreatment. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy. People need to become educated on protecting child rights.

Awareness generation

In most of the cases, where child voices are stopped there is a lack of awareness observed. Lack of awareness holds an overall failure of the systems. There are awareness generation campaigns that hold the parents responsible for any situation that is occurring to kids. Principles of the care act 2014, hold it important to look after children's complaints regarding any person. This might be an issue of sexual molestation, the checking on nannies should be done as they are most of the time not paying attention to kids (Kelly et al. 2017). Looking after the process where anti-bullying and body shaming occur is important. It directly improvises on safeguarding the children in schools and teachers should also pay attention to the campaign. The government needs to become concerned about children's voices upholding their right to education and generalizing the age of marriage. The UN should come up with laws, under which countries that malpractice child marriages will be stopped, and thus the rights of kids will be protected.


Children's voices cannot be suppressed and they need to become indulged in the decision-making process. The value should be given value to their views on their surroundings and the people they are residing with. Direct engagement, observation, and discussion from parents and family members are part of the analysis in children's voice-hearing. Children are required to be managed by the exposition of mistreatment, exploitation, discrimination, and violence. Children's basic rights are associated with the right to protection. Non-discrimination is associated with the 5 Ps in child protection which has been demonstrated in this context. Child development strategies are largely being impacted in today's world and managing misunderstanding created between child and parents are important.

Fully utilizing the policies applicable to children's rights protection is important in this context of child voice protection. UNICEF is associated as a part of providing real statistics of child participation in activities. Studies have shown that active kids are more prone to manage any mental dilemma than inactive ones. Health and place dependency is restricting people from developing a security policy for managing child voices. Child voice raising in terms of any type of distortion and exploitation is needed. The concerned authority also needs to take immediate action to minimize the threats. The challenges of measuring informal care among children and young people are becoming a burning threat to nations. Hence, following the recommended strategies they can overcome it.

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