Challenges in Inter Agency Working

The inter-agency working is referred to the working process in which information and service delivery to be provided are shared between two or more organisations (, 2013). In the UK, it is reported that there is continuous failure of inter-agency working been seen one after one case reviews. Therefore, in this assignment, the reason behind the failure of inter-agency working within the UK is to be discussed.


The key reasons highlighted from the case reviews regarding the failure of inter-agency working is lack of effective collaboration in the delivery of services, improper professional communication, sharing of information and others (, 2013). The lack of communication between professionals in the inter-agency working makes them unable to understand the needs and demands to be fulfilled for the services users resulting in poor care delivery (Foster et al. 2018;, 2013). This is evident from the case of Liam Fee where the social worker and the police officer went to analyse whether the child named Liam was abused or not as mentioned by the childminder. It was found that they were convinced with the explanation of Liam’s mother that he has bumped his head and avoid communicating with the childminder to analyse the authenticity of the explanation (BBC, 2017).

The lack of effective collaboration in care service delivery leads to poor inter-agency working as proper delegation or sharing of responsibility to provide services is not reached. This hinders the care towards the service users as they are unable to have professionals who can offer them care (Cooper et al. 2016;, 2013). It is evident from the case of Liam, where due to lack of collaboration in sharing care after the case worker for Liam got sick no other worker was recruited to ensure monitoring the family so that Liam remains protected from abuse (BBC, 2017). In addition, lack of collaboration leads the inexperienced professionals unable to have guidance and support to deliver proper care during inter-agency working (, 2013). Thus, it indicates that effective collaboration to share responsibility, inter-professional communication, effective interaction and others are to be ensured to improve better inter-agency working.

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BBC 2017, Liam Fee murder: Case review highlights 'missed opportunities', Available at:

Cooper, M., Evans, Y. and Pybis, J., 2016. Interagency collaboration in children and young people's mental health: a systematic review of outcomes, facilitating factors and inhibiting factors. Child: care, health and development, 42(3), pp.325-342.

Foster, A.M., Evans, D.P., Garcia, M., Knaster, S., Krause, S., McGinn, T., Rich, S., Shah, M., Tappis, H. and Wheeler, E., 2017. The 2018 Inter-agency field manual on reproductive health in humanitarian settings: revising the global standards. Reproductive health matters, 25(51), pp.18-24. 2013, Daniel Pelka Serious Case Review, Coventry LSCB, Available at:

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