Corporate Leadership Attitudes And Activities


The concept underlying conteporary environmental challenges on the world have risen many concerns to those who have been reawakened by the associated impacts. The world is cutrrently faced by critical challenges such as climate change, global warming, extinction of species, pollution of all kind, depltion of renewable sources of energy, depletion of water resource, land degradaton and desertification (Bazilian et al., 2011).These challenges became magnified and intense especially with the conception of industrializaion, and affluence and increased demography. The naturalist and environmentalist; David Attenborough observed that the issues underlying water shortages, energy needs and land use are entwined and maintained that the three aspects ought to be examined globally and a lifelong solution drawn for the essence of sustainable development. For those seeking deeper insights, environmental studies dissertation help can provide valuable guidance. This essay intends to unravel the Energy UK organization in pursuit to establish her corporate leadership, attitudes and activities in relation to the three domains.


Alleviating Environmental Crises

Water and energy have been identified as indispensable inputs to current development of global economies. Under the influence of environmental sustainability, supply security and economic efficiency; the water land and energy sectors have surpassed critical reforms, which have guided behaviour and practice (Timmons, 2013). The advent of sustainabe development aroused the need for a framework of development without destruction; such that as human harness the planet’s natural resources for needs satisfaction; this should be done while eyeing future posterities in utilizing the same resources.The Energy UK has been in the forefront for establishment of green energy sources which less impact the environment. The organizational leadeship has participated into the basketry of enacting strructures, ownership and statutory frameworks governing the consumption of water, energy and land resources (Pollitt, 2010).

In the water domain, the realization of the significance of clean and water resources as being the "bloodstream of the biosphere" have inspired the establishment of robust water regulations. The realization has also rekindled a need for water planning and management; and a need for just and equitable allocation of water between non-consumptive and consumptive uses. According to Cole, (2012), the supply of water, energy production and land use are affected by climate change. The interplays amongst the three factors can complicate climate change prevention, mitigation or adaptive measures. As the Energy UK continually seeks to combat, mitigate and adapt to the needs of climate change, the concern has extrapolated towards energy supplies, water and land because of the interconnectedness therein.

The rapid human population growth rate have induced pressure on the availlable natural resources, causing rapid depletion. The Malthusian Theory by Robert Malthus laid insights; and amplified the atrocities encompassed in populaton overshoot. Malthus founded out that overconsumption, affluence, and population increase constitutes the major drivers of resource depletionon earth. Malthus noted that the unprecedented rates at which human population increses insert pressure not only to our environment, but also to economies, infrastructures, social institutions and governments (Smith, 2013). As the population increases geometrically; the rate at which ecological resources regenerate themeselves happens arithmetically. This therefore demonsttares thet the human population will soon surpass the earth’s carrying capacity, despite this premise being subject to scientific debates. The following graph demonstrates the rates by which population has been growing globally over the span of time shown;

The rapid increase of human population therefore has impacts on the energy, water and land sector; based on the proposition that too many people insert pressure on such resources which increases their depletion rates; especially when there are no legal frameworks overseeing the usages (Calder, 2012). The Energy UK has battled internally in the production of greener energy sources which complement the non-renewable sources. Additionally, the organization has laid effort in sensitizing the public on energy efficient gadgets and measures to put in place for the betterment of energy utilization practices.

Over time, the Energy UK in conjunction with other green movement associates have participated through legislations, lobbying, and capacity building to induce sanity in the water, energy and land use domains. The increased legislative processes and activities in the said domains have spelled out comprehensive frameworks governing land use, energy and water; thus contributing to sustainability targets (Elimelech, and Phillip, 2011). The organization has contributed to the table of decision making efforts geared to enhance equity in energy allocation countrywide.
As David Attenborough perceived, the spontaneous increase of human population has an impact on land use. As the human beings increases, they are in a constant need for space for settlement which will translate to clearing of natural forests to cater for the same. This will give birth to desertification, loss of wildlife, extinction of species, reduction of bio-fuels, soil erosion and other related challenges (Biro, 2011). The tragedy of land use thus is that it is webbed with other processes which when disturbed will invoke destruction of the authenticity of the earth, and support systems. The planet is continually in need of environmentalists, with correct knowledge, skills, attitudes and perceptions which can contribute to alleviating or mitigating the worsening state. The planet is indeed critically in need of lovers, and enthusiasts of nature, and those who can treat her with empathy, justice, integrity and kindness.
The Energy UK for a long period of time has subscribed in the supply of energy to homes, across the country. The supply of energy has been embedded on three elements; making of electricity, transporting electricity and gas; and selling it to consumers (Azman-Saini, Law, and Ahmad, 2010). Investing in greener sources of energy has gone a long way to cut short the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which form the basis of global warming. The recent years have been proved the warmest on record. Empirical studies reveal that the increment in

temperatures is as a result of increased concentration of greenhouse gases; which absorb solar energy and thus warming the atmosphere. Studies have also substantiated that the atmospheric alterations are human-induced. The population influence centres the vast challenges the world is experiencing (Pfister et al., 2011). First, industrial emissions and energy consumption increases carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Secondly, land use changes such as deforestation impact the exchange of carbon 1V oxide between the atmosphere and the earth. Finally, agricultural practices such as overstocking are the basis b which greenhouse gases such as methane are exuded into the atmosphere.

The constructs of Energy UK revolve along checking the overconsumption patterns of different households in UK. The organization has continually gathered inspiration in sensitizing the locals on the importance of harnessing energy sparingly, and indeed in the utilization of alternative sources of energy. The organization is also concerned about the application of renewable sources such as solar, wind and biogas for domestic lighting, cooking and other domestic uses. According to Bloom, Canning, and Fink (2010), both overconsumption of environmental resources and population size are some of the pertinent factors which ought to be integrated into realistic policy prescriptions and debates. The rate of environmental depletion and degradation is largely caused by over consumerism, rapid population and affluence.

Affluence impacts the capacity to control, access, manipulate and synthesize the natural resources. The affluent class, according to written literature has demonstrated huge potential to accrue resources from the earth more aggressively than the poor elites (Lewis, 2013). The concept of environmental awareness which is one of the Energy UK programs is critical in sensitizing the public about concepts underling sustainable development. Environmental Education help in the creation of awareness about challenges presently constricting the planet and calls for unanimous cooperation, collaboration and partnerships between the private, public and governmental agencies in making the planet a safer place for both intergenerational and extra generational equities.

Through the constant research and practice; Energy UK has sought for various technologies that are deemed green and sustainable in long-run with high efficiencies concerning energy consumption. Through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, the organization has laid a rapport with research institutions in pursuit for new eco-friendly discoveries and innovations. The application of recent technologies such as satellite remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to study environmental crises and environmental changes contributes a great deal in the availability of reliable data and information on the current state of affairs in the realm of water shortages, land use systems and energy (Dominelli, 2012).

The Energy UK organization through training has provided access of valuable knowledge, skills and correct attitudes to her employees concerning the control remedies of the water, land and energy-related predicaments. The knowledge has instilled the awareness concerning the existence of desertification, energy resources depletion, and shortages of clean water for human, flora and fauna consumptions (Lang, 2010). It is through this awareness which inspires the need for correct decision making processes that can reverse the situations, and the correct skills for combating the tyrannies of desertification and other challenges. Training of employees also reorients their behavioural patterns and perceptions; to develop affinity, awe and respect for the planet.

Energy UK through empowerment and capacity building has continually sustained and helped the poor people into accessing power, at relatively lower costs. According to Coale, and Hoover, (2015), the vulnerability immersion of people into poverty triggers a careless utilization of environmental resources. Many people have continued to overexploit land based on the proposition they have no other alternative source of livelihood. There is a need for empowerment to unchain such populations from the chains of poverty and enable them develop alternative income earners. The supply of power to the vulnerable class of people (especially the poor) will greatly allow the chocked land resources to regenerate and re-establish through natural ways. Besides, empowerment is essential in the alleviation of societal miseries and low living standards. It constitutes one of the prime techniques to fight down environmental crimes and injustices; the world is currently undergoing (Hannon, Foxon, and Gale, 2013).

Through activism and lobbying Energy UK has significantly championed for a greener planet. Activism and lobbying involving the conservation of nature for sustainable development constitutes one of the main methodologies used by eco-green organizations to emancipate the perpetrators of environmental crimes of their illegalities. The power of activism in historic contexts has contributed in the abolition of crimes which were initially being perpetrated against nature. Environmental activists such as Chico Mendes, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson were valiant in championing for the rights of nature (Karnieli et al., 2010). Such individuals tireless and relentlessly advocated for eco-friendly discourses and justly regards for the environmental species for the benefits of present and future posterities.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The above presented challenges facing the world are largely caused by anthropogenic factors; despite the fact that natural factors equally take stake. The Brudtland Commission which designed and conceived the concept of sustainable development indeed played a crucial role to the rise of environmental education which indeed ought to be integrated into all sectors of the economy (Godfray et al., 2010). The future posterities will be in need of planet earth in meeting their needs; just as the current generation does. This therefore motivates the need for conservation and preservation of global resources for such equities. The Energy UK has embraced that pathway of sustainable development. This essay recommends the following practices to the organizations to further amplify her war towards the realization of sustainability;

Partner with other organizations to create a comprehensive force spearheading just, equitable and sustainable utilization of energy, water and land resources. Introduce Environmental Education, and sustainable development programs within and without the organizational practices to emancipate the masses on the existence of environmental challenges and present ready solutions. Foster the expansion of existing capacity to provide empowerment to many people languishing in poverty to reduce overreliance of local resources as a source of livelihood.

Organize and inspire the organization’s internal stakeholders to be the champions of environmentalism through training and rewards. Resource mobilization while ensuring the organization adheres to existing legislative mechanisms for accountability and responsibility; and for the purposes of acting as a role model in environmentally practices. Encourage for sustainable use of land, water and energy through media and other means.

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  • Azman-Saini, W.N.W., Law, S.H. and Ahmad, A.H., 2010. FDI and economic growth: New evidence on the role of financial markets. Economics Letters, 107(2), pp.211-213.
  • Bazilian, M., Rogner, H., Howells, M., Hermann, S., Arent, D., Gielen, D., Steduto, P., Mueller, A., Komor, P., Tol, R.S. and Yumkella, K.K., 2011. Considering the energy, water and food nexus: Towards an integrated modelling approach. Energy Policy, 39(12), pp.7896-7906.
  • Biro, A. ed., 2011. Critical ecologies: The Frankfurt School and contemporary environmental crises. University of Toronto Press.
  • Bloom, D.E., Canning, D. and Fink, G., 2010. Implications of population ageing for economic growth. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(4), pp.583-612.
  • Calder, I., 2012. Blue revolution: Integrated land and water resources management. Routledge.
  • Coale, A.J. and Hoover, E.M., 2015. Population growth and economic development (Vol. 2319). Princeton University Press.
  • Cole, S., 2012. A political ecology of water equity and tourism: A case study from Bali. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2), pp.1221-1241.
  • Dominelli, L., 2012. Green social work: From environmental crises to environmental justice. Polity.
  • Elimelech, M. and Phillip, W.A., 2011. The future of seawater desalination: energy, technology, and the environment. Science, 333(6043), pp.712-717.
  • Godfray, H.C.J., Crute, I.R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J.F., Nisbett, N., Pretty, J., Robinson, S., Toulmin, C. and Whiteley, R., 2010. The future of the global food system.
  • Hannon, M.J., Foxon, T.J. and Gale, W.F., 2013. The co-evolutionary relationship between Energy Service Companies and the UK energy system: Implications for a low-carbon transition. Energy Policy, 61, pp.1031-1045.
  • Karnieli, A., Agam, N., Pinker, R.T., Anderson, M., Imhoff, M.L., Gutman, G.G., Panov, N. and Goldberg, A., 2010. Use of NDVI and land surface temperature for drought assessment: Merits and limitations. Journal of Climate, 23(3), pp.618-633.
  • Lang, T., 2010. Crisis? What crisis? The normality of the current food crisis. Journal of Agrarian Change, 10(1), pp.87-97.
  • Lewis, W.A., 2013. Theory of economic growth. Routledge.
  • Pfister, S., Bayer, P., Koehler, A. and Hellweg, S., 2011. Environmental impacts of water use in global crop production: hotspots and trade-offs with land use. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(13), pp.5761-5768.
  • Pollitt, M.G., 2010. UK renewable energy policy since privatisation. Harnessing Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems: Theory, Practice, Policy, pp.253-282.
  • Smith, K., 2013. The Malthusian Controversy. Routledge.
  • Timmons, J.R., 2013. Trouble in paradise: Globalization and environmental crises in Latin America. Routledge.

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