We’re looking to recruit the next generation of leaders. The changing world of work is hugely influencing today’s labour force conversations. In a business environment where skills, jobs and wages will feel the impact of automation and artificial intelligence, business leaders need to adapt if they want to remain competitive in the market and demonstrate resilience to respond to change. Successful MBA candidates, who seek MBA dissertation help, will demonstrate their understanding of the Future of Work and their approach to shaping a responsible future for business and society.
The leaders are playing a crucial role in providing directions, setting vision and mission of the company, and motivating the people to work with full potential and utilising the organisational resources successfully. Hereby, the leadership style is important in the organisations to develop effective strategic planning to run the operational activities of the firms. In this regard, the leaders try to motivate the employees and encourage their creativity to enhance innovations in the organisations as in the recent years, there is high influential impacts on innovation and creativity to attract the audiences at the market for the business. In the recent era of globalisation and digitalisation, there is high impacts of artificial intelligence where through computerised work, people are trying to enhance their creativity and speed to perform well so that the organisations can develop effective tactics to meet the organisational vision and mission, goals and objectives successfully. In this regard, the artificial intelligence is mainly the area of computer science that emphasises the creation of intelligent machine that work and react like humans. The artificial intelligence in this regard is effective to increase speed, enhance learning and development, minimise cost of the organisational operational activities and it acts as effective problem-solving skill for the human being. Through artificial intelligence and automation process by utilising the computerised system, it is possible for the individuals to develop their professional and personal career as it helps to enhance learning and development which manipulates more objects and develop creative ideas for contributing in the organisational success.
In this era of digitalisation, the leaders of the companies need to be more open innovative minded for enhancing the chance of utilising the artificial intelligence of the workforce so that it is easy to enhance creativity and innovation at the workplace which in turn helps to conduct the operational activities of the organisation more easily and within effective time as artificial intelligence provides a scope to reduce time and cost and improve productivity of the firms. Through artificial intelligence, the leaders can enhance the overall performnace of the firms and in this context, the leaders in the recent years encourage the artificial intelligence to get the organisational job done by the workflows efficiently and within effective time. The leaders are also able to reduce cost of the operational activities of the firms through utilising artificial intelligence of the human beings where the leaders now a days prefer skilled workforce rather than labourers in the company. Working through computerised system is beneficial for the companies in the recent era of digitalisation which increases the speed of the performnace and enhances the overall performnace of the firms for which the leaders in all the conglomerates prefer to recruit the skilled workforce who can handle the computerised system and develop computer science technology for performing the organisational operational activities more efficiently by ensuring creativity, innovation and technological advancement. It is hereby, advantageous for all the leaders to respond the artificial intelligence of the workforce so that they can achieve success in near future with more creativity and technological upgradation.
The leaders try to respond the practice of artificial intelligence by encouraging the creativity of the employees where the leaders provide harmony and freedom to the employees to work as per their understanding and motivate them for continuous improvements. In addition to this, the leaders respond to the artificial intelligence and computerised system through providing performnace related incentives to the staff members, engineers and also provide rewards and other non-monetary incentives which motivate the staff members to increase their creativity and perform better through utilising artificial intelligence and automation process. the staff members in this regard try to raise their speed to perform netter through the automation process where the leaders encourage them and lead them towards technological change. Moreover, creative innovative organisational culture in the workplace is another step for the leaders through which the leaders try to respond to implement the practice of artificial intelligence in the workplace so that the workers also can conduct their job and responsibility successfully. In this regard, the leaders try to develop transparency and accountability at the workplace where all the workforce try to cooperate with each other and maintain transparency during work. Respect for each other and positive cooperation with other colleagues at the workplace are also effective where the leaders try to develop positive working culture for successful utilisation of the artificial intelligence and automation process at the job. Hereby, continuous encouragement of the employees, giving them freedom to work and maintain harmony at the workplace as well as creating values for the employees are helpful through which the leaders try to respond to the impacts of artificial intelligence where the leaders prefer automation process at the workplace to get the job done efficiently through computerised system.
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In addition to these, the leaders try to empower the employees in the organisational decision making practice and it is a useful planning of the leaders to create values for the employees and encourage them to be responsible and developing effective tactics for utilising artificial intelligence at the workplace so that the machine work and computerised system are useful to conduct organisational operational activities proficiently. Empowering the employees, utilising their skills and abilities are helpful for the leaders to respond the introduction of the artificial intelligence and enhance the use of computerised system for improving creativity and innovation. Apart from that, the leaders try to develop partnership working for responding the artificial intelligence so that the employees are cooperating with each other and work as a partnership basis for developing effective robotics or computerised system to get the organisational job done more proficiently. Developing the computerised system needs cooperation and team work where the engineers, computer science technicians and the staff members try to cooperate for developing effective system that would perform the organisational operational activities automatically. Partnership working practice and analysing the existing issues at the workplace are helpful for the leaders to enhance problem solving skills of the staff and decision-making skill for developing computerised system and automation process. The leaders respond the technological change at the workplace with cooperation and partnership working practice where all the staff can share their knowledge and experience for utilising the artificial intelligence at the workplace. Moreover, the leaders try to respond o the artificial intelligence though successful investment in the organisation for technological advancement and in this regard proper investment and appropriate utilisation of organisational resources are beneficial for the leaders to respond the chance of artificial intelligence and motivate the workforce for developing automation process for the organisational activities so that it is posisbel to conduct the operational activities of the firms efficiently with proper speed and minimising the cost of the operations.
The leaders also focus on enhancing communication for responding the artificial intelligence where communication and positive interaction are necessary to develop an effective team and enhance the partnership working practice. In order to respond the artificial intelligence, the leaders try to improve internal and external communication through implementing the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) through which the employees can interact with other internal staff, managers and also communicate with external stakeholders of the business such as government, customers, other organisational representatives, suppliers, distributors and researcher which in turn provides a scope to analyse the market trend and access all the information about the technological upgradation in the business for enhancing the organisational performnace. Hereby, enhancing communication is another strategy of the leaders to respond the artificial intelligence through which the leaders try to share the experience and knowledge of the team members and develop effective strategy for developing proper computerised automotive system at the workplace to enhance the organisational performnace as a whole. Encouragement and communication as well as building strong relationship with all the staff member presented to the workplace are helpful to respond to the impacts of the artificial intelligence so that the leaders can lead the technological change and achieve success in near future. In addition to these, the leaders try to arrange group meeting and enhance open discussion for sharing knowledge and technical skill as well as utilising the problem solving and decision making skill for successful empowerment of the staff in develop appropriate automotive system at the workplace. The leaders also arrange training and development program, technical induction course for the employees to respond to the artificial intelligence where all the workers have the opportunity to gather more knowledge and gain technical skills from successful induction and technical training program and it is also a great respond of the leaders towards technological enhancement and artificial intelligence in the recent era of digitalisation. Focusing on team preferences, integrated workforce and clear vision and mission of the leaders are also effective to respond the chance of artificial intelligence where all the team members can cooperate and communicate with each other for developing effective strategic planning to utilising computerise system, artificial intelligence for enhancing automation process at the workplace of the organisations.
We want to support aspiring and established leaders from our region to continue their professional development. Our Regional Impact Scholarship is aimed at MBA candidates who can demonstrate their potential to the economy and society of the North East of England.
Leadership skill with problem solving and decision making knowledge are useful for the individual who tries to get scholarship in MBA and I in this regard try to support the leaders who demonstrate their potential towards the economy and society of the North east of England. I have shown leadership skills in working of onshore and offshore wind farms with my work with Siemens Gamsea and Teeside Windfarm, both are located in the north east. I have contributed majorly in the production of clean sustainable energy and service of maintainable assets. I have a passion for the renewables industry and I believe the future is bright for aspiring leaders in this sector. The project work at Siemens Gamesea include supervising, contract management, management of spares, procurement of components, purchase orders and invoice handling, ensuring availability of skilled Siemens technicians and project scheduling. Siemens Gamsea is the leader of renewable energy resource in the North east of England and the company is efficient in renewable energy resources, working to provide the world’s best offshore and onshore wind turbines and services and on the other hand, Teeside Windfarm is also efficient in providing power output, turbines statistics, water depth, developers and contractors for reproducing renewable resources in the North East of England. Hereby, both the organisations are contributing in the society by developing the technique of reproducing renewable energy resources for the betterment of the society where people can utilise the energy resources for their business and other personal purposes. It is beneficial for the tomorrow’s regional business leaders to develop appropriate techniques for providing positive environmental footprint in the North East of England where the social community can stay freely with safety and security. It is also beneficial for the improvement of society where the leaders can ensure social development by providing them safe air and clean environment which is the basic needs of the human being to stay secured and safe.
The city North East of England focuses on investing more on the renewable resources for saving the wastage of the natural resources which is the best approach to lead the society safely ad gain reputation about the society across the globe. Hereby, the production of renewable resources provides a scope to the regional leaders in the North East of England to invest more on the production and manufacture of the renewable resources which is good for the overall society where the social community members can live their lives with safety and security. This is also advantageous for the leaders to create values for the society as a whole by providing clean environment and safe place to live their lives. moreover, social development can be ensured by the regional leaders where the investment on production of renewable resources are
effective for the leaders to develop the society successfully by providing positive environmental footprint in the society. In addition to these, the regional leaders can have the scope for economic growth where there is high demand for renewable resources and both the companies are effective to provide wind turbines and other renewable resources through which the economic income and growth can be ensured. Hereby, the region North East of England provides an opportunity to the regional leaders to develop their skill for betterment of producing renewable resources and enhance the chances of economic growth and social development. The people in the society can have the option to improve their wellbeing and develop their standard of living in the neat and clean environment. The reputation of the leaders across the city also be increased where the leaders encourage more investment on the renewable energy resources which is good for the society and reduces the wastage in the society.
Inventing for future work in 21st Century is also beneficial for the leaders in the North East of England to develop the society where the employees and the students can conduct more in depth researches in near future for producing more renewable resources like wind turbines so that the natural resources can be preserved well for the betterment of the society as a whole. The leaders can conduct more in depth research and development for developing appropriate technique and generate automation process for wind energy resources which is good for the social communities as a whole and it further enhances the chance of economic growth as the conglomerates are also focusing now on using the renewable resources for reducing the negative environmental footprint and creating values for the social communities across the globe. In this regard, I have shown leadership skill on both onshore and offshore wind firms which further help me a lot in leading the industry towards achieving success and gaining the competitive advantage across the international markets as the demand and market trend towards the renewable resources is increasing year to year. The strategy of re-inventing in future work in 21st century on the renewable energy production is beneficial for me as well to develop my skill and abilities for contributing the success of the companies by enhancing the production of renewable energy resources so that it is possible to provide positive environmental footprints to the social communities as a whole. Supervising and monitoring skill of mine, contract management and project scheduling further help me to handle the responsibilities in the projects of Siemens Gamsea and Teeside Windfarm as well as encourage more investment from the government of the North East of England as well as private investors for expanding the renewable industry with future growth and stability.
The activities of renewable industry are good for the regional leader for winning new business opportunities and profitability in near future and it provides a scope to the leader to lead the organisational activities strategically and secure future sustainable development. Moreover, enhancing the relationship with all the stakeholders including the employees, customers, government, suppliers, shareholders, distributors and managers can be possible through the practice of using renewable energy resources as it helps to the leader to create values for all the stakeholders. In this regard, it is also beneficial for me to develop trust and loyalty and build strong relationship with all the stakeholders engaged with the organisation. The renewable industry can be expanded through building strong corporate relationship with businesses and firms as well as ensure profitability and sustainability in the society. Moreover, the leadership skill of mine in the renewable energy resources help me to attract more skilled workforce in the North East of England as well as maintain skilled and experienced workforce who can utilise their knowledge and capabilities to produce renewable energy resources by using attest technological upgradation. Additionally, the leadership style, cooperation and supporting others at the workplace are also beneficial to enhance the industrial growth by improving the organisational performnace with more creativity and innovation. Increasing the prevention of the society and creating the values for the social communities are also providing the opportunity to the leader to lead the renewable industry towards achieving success in near future where sustainable future development can be possible through sustainable production of renewable energy resources. It also provides an opportunity to the leader to save money on energy and operating cost of the organisations which minimise the overall cost of the organisation and enhance growth and social development.
Accessing proper funding for in depth research and development as well as leading the workforce towards more research for developing effective technique to produce renewable resources which is good for the businesses and also for the society. Media interest and good reputation are also advantage of mine as a leader in the renewable industry where the industry including the Siemens Gamsea and Teeside Windfarm will provide me a scope to improve the activities of environmental sustainability and increase the utilisation of renewable energy resources for reducing the negative environmental footprint. The activities in the renewable industry is also beneficial for me to improve reputation and increase public trust where the government and other stakeholders can rely on my leadership to enhance growth and development of renewable resource where I can ensure the society to create values for overall social communities. Good practice and network creation as well as expectation of the public can be managed through the appropriate leadership style in the renewable industry where communication and cooperation are necessary for conducing the job responsibilities like supervising, contract management, management of spares, procurement of components, purchase orders and invoice handling, ensuring availability of skilled Siemens technicians and project scheduling. The motivation to the workforce, retaining the skilled labourers towards the renewable energy industry and cooperation with all the stakeholders are also advantageous for me to enhance economic growth in the renewable industry and ensure future sustainable development. It can be stated that, strong ties with the government of the North East of England, cooperation with the Siemens Gamsea and Teeside Windfarm as well as my leadership skill and efficiency are beneficial to grab the future opportunities in the North East of England by ensuring economic growth and social development as a whole.
I am writing this letter to apply for a position and scholarship for the Master of Business Administration programme at the University of San Diego starting autumn 2019.
I come from a Nigerian born family with 4 siblings located around the globe. My father is a retired civil engineer, who has 35 years of working experience and my mother is a retired chemistry teacher with over 30 years of experience. It was natural that, I have found interest in science and technology at a young age and have decided to carve out a career path in the area of mechanical engineering. I have a passion for clean energy i.e. renewables energy because I want to make my personal contribution to curb a potential crisis where energy resources deplete significantly that it becomes unavailable. I am keen to develop my skills to become a global leader in this energy sector especially as entrepreneur and engineering leader and an MBA at your institution as it will help me to achieve my aim. I am requesting you to find details of my educational background and work experience with details of the companies where I have worked for:
I have studied mechanical engineering at a Master level at the University of Sheffield, UK. My work experience exceeds over 6 years, working as an intern with Scottish and Southern Energy at Ferry Bridge, West Yorkshire, working as a Mechanical Engineer as Cummins Power Generation and Siemens Wind Power at Stamford Lincolnshire and Newcastle-Upon-Tyne respectively in the UK,
I was involved in a 2 years graduate programme that consolidated my experience in the area of vibration and condition monitoring of rotating equipment which was my area of specialism at the University. My responsibilities with Cummins Power Generation was mainly focused on servicing various kva alternators including fault finding, and testing of defected components around the globe. This experience has equipped me with cross cultural exposure where I worked in various countries including Germany, Romania, Spain, Bangladesh, China and Mexico. The graduate development scheme was beneficial due to various training programmes which have helped me to boost my soft skills and interactive skill with customers.
However, in my impassioned search for a desirable career in the renewables industry, I was able to change jobs to Siemens Energy Service where I felt I would gain job satisfaction as an engineering leader in the realm of administrative work. My experience with Siemens Energy Service as a mid-senior mechanical engineer was focused more on the maintenance of various sized wind turbines around the UK and Ireland. I was involved in the management of contractual jobs in the repair of defected drive train components. The administrative part of the job includes procurement of gearbox from vendors, man-hour estimation, purchase orders and invoice handling.
In the UK, I was associated with many affinity groups like CAN (Cultural Awareness Network) and ROAR (Recruit, Onboard, Advise, Retain) which has helped me to increase my fondness for other cultures. We mainly organised family days which involve the union of family and friends, employees from different cultures and we fostered short language learning courses for employees who wanted to travel overseas for work.
I left the UK in 2015 and was relocated to Nigeria due to a family emergency which required me to quit my Job. Soon after, I did some travelling around the globe in 2016 and by June I acquired a Job at the family establishment. We own a multi-million-dollar business located in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Windrush Investment Limited was established in 2007 dealing in the trading of Italian tiles and sanitary wares. I worked for Windrush Investment Limited as a Business Development Manager, where my main responsibility was to improve sales by developing and monitoring various kinds of KPI (key Performance Indicators). Unfortunately, this experience was not in-line with my area of professional interest. Hence, another reason why I decided to pursue an MBA to enhance my leadership skills as an engineer.
These experiences I have acquired over the years that have led me to become more well-rounded technical engineer with focus in the maintenance and service of large-scale industrial equipment. With very little knowledge of business management, I am keen to develop my experience as an engineering leader. This MBA programme will assist in acquiring more management roles in the maintenance engineering sector like rotating equipment engineer, operations manager, contracts manager and various other management roles.
As a prospective self-funding student, I am not fully equipped with funding this programme, have not saved up a sizeable percentage of my earnings over the years for my tuition fees and accommodation. Receiving a scholarship will bring me one step closer to complete my education. The scholarship will assist my tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses and books which are pertinent to the successful completion of the programme. I try to improve my mindset, entrepreneurship, social innovation, personal traits and professional skill for successful completion of the scholarship program. As per ty personal trait, I try to change my environment from a stifling and suppressed environment where sexual discrimination is an offence and I try to live in a liberal society where people support LGBT community. Financial struggling for the mortgage of 2 bedroom flat in the UK and my current salary about 15000 USD per annum is not sufficient to meet my basic needs and in this regard I am grateful if you approve my scholarship as it increases my financial earnings and provides a scope to balance my life as well as enhance my skills and abilities in technical engineer with focus in the maintenance and service of large-scale industrial equipment.
Thank you in advance for considering my application.
In this era of globalisation and digitalisation, innovation is one of the important factors behind the success of the organisations where the conglomerates try to meet their strategic goals and objectives through enhancing innovation and creativity and this innovation is good for personal and professional development for the leaders and other employees also to meet their objective through enhancing performnace. Innovation plays a significant role as it helps to develop creative ideas to perform better in future which ensure personal and professional development successfully. innovation is good for analysing the existing issues and develop creative ideas for achieving success proficiently. The employees can contribute in the organisation through increasing innovation where the leadership skill of the employees can be improved through developing creative ideas. innovation ensures increasing capabilities of the person and helps the individuals to develop their problem-solving skill for making innovative decision. It enhances the chance for conducting more in-depth research and development for future through which the person can contribute more in the business for meeting the objective of the firms by ensuring professionals and personal development of the person. Increasing the chance through creativity and reducing the cost of the organisations through developing innovative ideas and technological advancement which are effective for career development of the individuals. Through innovation, the individual can imporve the problem solving and decision-making skill where continuous improvement and research provides an opportunity to the individuals to develop creative ideas as well as enhance innovative leadership at the organisations for achieving success in a more proficient manner.
Collaboration among the employees is effective for the organisations as well as personal development as internal collaboration among the staff provides a scope to share their views and experiences as well as knowledge and understanding with each other and it enhances the skill of all the colleges presented at the workplace of the conglomerates. Collaboration enhances the partnership working practice where all the employees try to cooperate with each other for achieving organisational success and it is possible to ensure cooperative working practice with internal collaboration and team work. Key ideas from the workflows and knowledge and skill can be shared and the employees can communicate with each other which is necessary at the workplace for improving the personal performnace of the employees as well as meeting the organisational goals and objectives. Shared responsibility for each other as well as empowerment of all the staff at the workplace can also be possible through collaboration where the leaders also can lead the changes at the workplace by improving understanding and trust and loyalty among the workflows. Effective communication and team work can also be easy through collaboration which is effective for the business to meet their objectives and also for the individuals to achieve their career goal. Through collaboration, one can discuss their problems and resolve confusion for achieving organisational success and enhancing personal performnace through gaining knowledge and technical skill. Better commitment and improvement at the workplace can be enhanced through collaboration where the individuals can show respect and trust to each other for developing an effective team so that it is posisbel to work proficiently.
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