Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Asylum Seekers in the UK


Asylum seekers is referred as the people who leave their home country due to social, political and economic issues. In the UK majority of the community people have faced the issues in having better education. They face discrimination and bias in order to get the higher education in the UK. in most of cases the asylum seekers face the challenges in interaction and communication with teachers and peers in the schools and colleges. Moreover, the asylum seekers in the UK face bullying and tantrums in schools, and colleges due to their poor English and interactive ability. For those needing specialised guidance, education dissertation help can provide valuable support in addressing these challenges. Therefore, it is important for UK government to conduct proper skill development program for asylum seekers in order to improve their knowledge and ability to get proper education facilities.


Research context and literature review:

According to Guentner et al. (2016), asylum seekers is referred as the individuals who leave their home country due different employment, educational and housing issues and stay in the foreign country with following proper legal processes. In UK, several people om from different developing and under developed countries such as Syria, India, Pakistan, Africa and Bangladesh. Perception of these asylum seeker in order to introduce into the UK based education system pose important impact on their behaviour, mentality and activities. Most of the asylum seekers residing in the ethnic community in the UK, have to ace the challenges regarding getting equal mand proper education facilities. According to the International Law of Refugee, asylum seekers are the persons who leave their home country due to et fear of persecution for the reason of religion race and nationality. Based on Office of national Statistics (ONS) database, in the UK several asylum seekers suffer from the different political, social and ethical issues in their home countries which force them to leave the home country and choose UK for education, employment and housing. When it comes to get the education in the UK, asylum seekers have to face several challenges such as language barriers, cultural barriers and communication barriers. Most of the asylum seekers in the UK suffer from learning barrier due to the communication challenges. asylum seekers in the ethnic community in are unable to interact with the teachers and peers in the schools and colleges. Asylum seekers in the UK reported that, they have unequal access of the education inn the UK. Moreover, the cultural barriers also affect the perception of asylum seekers in the UK, such as in the UK majority of the ethnic community people who come from developing countries, think that education is only for the young people but not for the aged and older people. this perception poses barriers on getting proper education in the UK. As stated by Guentner et al. (2016), in the UK majority of the people who resides as asylum seekers are exposed to high level of unequal access of education. These asylum seekers in the UK, are unable to use fluent English in order to communication with their whitish peers and teachers. in most of cases they have to face bullying and tantrums in their schools and colleges, due to their or English accent and knowledge. Perception of the asylum seekers in the UK in order to introduce into the education system highlights their unequal educational access, cultural inequality and unethical issues in the learning and developmental process. As stated by Birgit Glorius et al. (2016), asylum seekers from Africa and Syria, who go to the UK in order to get better education for improving the professional careers are exposed to high level of unequal educational framework. In most of the cases, asylum seekers face it difficult to deal with completely different syllabus and lesions. Even they face issues in making transparent communication with their teachers and lecturers. according to Allen (2016)., asylum seekers always struggle to make the appropriate form of expression. Asylum seekers sometimes have history of unequal access due to their race, gender, ethnicity and stereotyping. In spite of implementing different acts and policies in favour f et asylum seekers in the UK , government is still unable to provide equal and high quality educational opportunities to them.

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Literature review:

According to Birgit Glorius et al. (2016) , asylum seekers are teh people who leave their home country due to the fear of persecution for the reason of religion, race and nationality. In case of discussing the perception of asylum seekers on their introduction to UK based education system, it is important to discuss the challenges that they face during getting the lifelong learning and education in this country. First of all, the asylum seekers have poor access on the local language of UK with pose potential adverse impact on introducing themselves into the UK based education system. In most of the cases, the asylum seekers are unable to communicate and interact with their teachers and peers in the colleges and schools in the UK. moreover, poor economic capability of asylum seekers in the ethnic community in the UK are unable to access the costly education facilities in the community. On the contrary Allen (2016). argued that, economic incapability of asylum seekers in the UK community is not associated with availability of education and learning facilities, rather their social and cultural perception pose adverse impact on their introduction to the UK based education system. Recent researchers have stated that, in ethnic community asylum seekers face the social perception that only young people are entitled to get the educational and lifelong learning in the UK based community. Moreover, in most of the cases women in the community of asylum seekers are devoid of getting proper educational rights. Among the ethnic community in the UK, African women do not have rights to get higher education due to social and cultural tradition. In most of Indian community, people have perception that women will do only their homemaking activities, rather than focusing o their education. This perception affects the activities of asylum seekers in accessing the educational facilities in the schools and colleges in the UK. On the contrary Waugh et al. (2016), argued that, perception of asylum seekers is strongly affected by the challenges that they face in getting proper education and lifelong learning in the UK, rather than affected by their own social and cultural perception. for example, the communication barriers, economic incapability, unequal access of education facilities and inequality in learning advantages in the UK, pose negative impact on the overall perception of asylum seekers. In most of cases asylum seekers face the high level of discrimination and bias regarding attaining the equal educational and learning facilities. Recent studies on refugee and asylum seekers shows that, the asylum seekers in the UK face high level of discrimination due to their caste, religion, race, stereotype and ethnicity, which affect their chances of accessing proper education facilities in schools and colleges. In case of getting higher education, majority of the asylum seekers in the ethnic community in the UK have faced bullying die to the poor accent of language, body complexation and lower capacity if fluent interaction with teachers and peers. On the contrary Allen (2016). argued that, body colours or thee caste are not main issues that affect the perception of asylum seeker in the UK, rather their poor English, lack of smart interactive capability and low level of self-confidence in communicating with teachers are associated with the challenges that they face in university and colleges. On supporting this viewpoint, several recent researchers have stated that, in order to improve the perception of asylum seekers in the UK, it is important to improve their skill, interactive ability ad community ability. Moreover, the UK government needs to focus on implementing the effective policies and acts, which will emphasize on promoting the equal educational facilities for all the students in schools, colleges and universities irrespective of their caste, race and religion. .in this aspect, Nicholson and Twomey (2019.) commented that, the overall perception of th asylum seekers sometimes affected by the political, social and cultural trained in th UK, which pose potential impact on the activities and behaviour of asylum seekers. For example, the new regulation, acts and educational policies make potential challenge in the curriculum and the overall, educational structure in each institute. Therefore, asylum seekers need to again change their preparation process for examination and try to meet the new criterion of the new educatable system. On the other hand, the economic changes in the UK such as inflation, job creation and employment pose important impact on eth overall income standard of asylum seekers which decide whether they would eb able to afford the costly educational system in the UK. in this aspect () stated that that, majority of the asylum seekers in the UK have to do pert time jobs for affording their educational fare. In this aspect, social and cultural trend also affect the perception of asylum, seekers in getting the proper education in the community. As stated by (), in eth UK based community, social and cultural trend is associated with favouring the economic community who are entitled to access the costly educational facilities. Moreover, UK born people favour the whitish individual in all sectors, maybe it is education or industrial sector or the IT sectors. These social and cultural perception in the UK pose adverse impact on availability of equal education facilities for asylum seekers. In this aspect () mentioned that, sometimes whitish people deny to accept the right and entitlements of the asylum seekers who come from other countries, as it reduced the chances of the whitish people in the UK to get proper jobs. Due to the this economic, cultural, political and social issues, asylum seekers sometimes feel insecure in getting proper education facilities in UK based colleges and universities. in the UK several asylum seekers suffer from the different political, social and ethical issues in their home countries which force them to leave the home country and choose UK for education, employment and housing. When it comes to get the education in th UK, asylum seekers have to face several challenges such as language barriers, cultural barriers and communication barriers. Most of the asylum seekers in the UK suffer from learning barrier due to the communication challenges. asylum seekers in the ethnic community in are unable to interact with the teachers and peers in the schools and colleges. Asylum seekers in the UK reported that, they have unequal access of the education inn the UK. Moreover, the cultural barriers also affect the perception of asylum seekers in the UK, such as in the UK majority of the ethnic community people who come from developing countries, think that education is only for the young people but not for the aged and older people. this perception poses barriers on getting proper education in the UK. As stated by Birgit Glorius et al. (2016), in the UK majority of the people who resides as asylum seekers are exposed to high level of unequal access of education. In most of the cases, the asylum seekers are unable to communicate and interact with their teachers and peers in the colleges and schools in the UK. moreover, poor economic capability of asylum seekers in the ethnic community in the UK are unable to access the costly education facilities in the community. On the contrary Wray (2016) argued that, economic incapability of asylum seekers in eth UK community is not associated with availability of education and learning facilities, rather their social and cultural perception pose adverse impact on their introduction to the UK based education system. This perception affects the activities of asylum seekers in accessing the educational facilities in the schools and colleges in the UK. Perception of asylum seekers is strongly affected by the challenges that they face in getting proper education and lifelong learning in the UK, rather than affected by their own social and cultural perception. Recent researchers have stated that, in ethnic community asylum seekers face the social perception that only young people are entitled to get the educational and lifelong learning in the UK based community. Moreover, in most of the cases women in the community of asylum seekers are devoid of getting proper educational rights. Among the ethnic community in the UK, African women do nt have rights to get higher education due to social and cultural tradition. In most of eth Indian community, people have perception that women will do only their homemaking activities, rather than focusing on their education. for example, the communication barriers, economic incapability, unequal access of education facilities and inequality in learning advantages in the UK, pose negative impact on the overall perception of asylum seekers. In most of cases asylum seekers face the high level of discrimination and bias regarding attaining the equal educational and learning facilities.

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Research questions:

“what are the perceptions of asylum seekers on their introduction to th UK education system?”

Research method:

Secondary research methods is used in this research in order to get proper database regarding this topic. Through using relevant journals and articles, researcher has done this research. Articles are selected based on their relevant to the research topic and accuracy and appropriateness of information. Key words are used this research in order to the research which are Asylum, Asylum seekers, Education system, discrimination, challenges and social issues. Through using these key words, it was possible to get et relevant articles which assisted the researcher to get proper information in order to answer the research questions. Secondary research is based on gathering theoretical database on research topic through using eth relevant articles and the journals. In order to do this research, the researcher has used the relevant articles and journal, which assist the researcher to get the appropriate information regarding perception of the asylum seekers on introducing into the UK based education system. Moreover researcher has used MEDLINE and SCIENCE DIRECT, in order to get the relevant resources, journals, government articles and websites in order to get information on selected research topic. In order to conduct this research, primary research is not done, because it can enhance the complication of the research. In order to conduct this study, the primary research would be highly irrelevant as it needs to select the large number of respondents in order to conduct survey and interview. Moreover, primary research may not provide the revenant and accurate information regarding the research topic as there is possibility of manipulation of the database that are collected from the respondents. Sometimes it happens that, respondents do not provide the accurate and relevant answers of questions to which interfere with the accuracy of the overall research outcomes.

For avoiding the bias of database and irreverent information, research has conducted the secondary research. Through using their research process, researcher is able to collect recent information regarding th research topic through the articles and journals of recent edition. In order to into select the research articles, researcher has used the inclusion and exclusion criteria which are as follows:

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Inclusion criteria:

Research article of after 2015 have been selected for the research

Articles that have relevant information and database are selected

Journals and articles that are accurate and high value are selected for this research

Research articles that contain recent database ad current information are selected

Exclusion criteria:

Articles and journals that are published before 2015 are excluded from the selection list

Articled and research that are not from eth last 5 years, are excluded from the selection list

Journals that have vague and inappropriate information are excluded

Journals and articles that have low value database that a unable to met the research objectives are excluded from the selection list

Articles that contain the backdates and highly controversial information are also excluded from the selection list

With using the above-mentioned including and exclusion criteria, researcher has chosen the relevant articles and journals in order to get the relevant information for the research. Through using the articles, the researcher is able to highlight the perception of asylum seekers in the UK in order to introduce into eth UK based education system.

Ethical consideration:

In order to conduct this research, researcher has used th informed consent from the publishers of journals, UK government and the Human rights committee in the UK. informed consent is the written approval from the concerned individual or organisation in order to access the roper database. Before using the recent edition of journals and articles, the researcher has taken eth consent from the publisher of these journals. Moreover, researcher also take prior consent from UK government in order to access the government reports in order to get the relevant information regarding research topic. In addition to this, researcher has mentioned th confidentiality of entire database and information that are used and collected. Under the guidelines of Data Protection Act 1998, the research has ensured that, all the information that are collected from article, reports and journals will be maintained with proper confidentiality. the researcher also ensures that all database will be protected from unauthorised access and hacking. Moreover, the researcher also ensured that all database that are collected from secondary resources would be used for research only, but not for th commercial purpose.

Significance of the research:

This research is important in terms of providing eth proper knowledge, information regarding the research topic. Through conducting the research, the researcher is able to highlight the perception of the asylum seekers on introducing themselves on education system in the UK. through conducting this research researcher is able to highlight the bias, discrimination and challenges that asylum seekers face in the UK in order to get proper education facilities. The research is significant in terms of rising the public awareness about the social, political and economic challenges that the asylum seekers in the UK faced in order to get equal educational facilities and lifelong learning in schools and colleges Moreover, this research also highlight the chances and opportunities that need to be provided to asylum seekers in the UK in order t improve their skill and knowledge. Therefore researcher is able to draw the attention of eth community people in UK to understand the need to proper social and community support to asylum seekers in order to get the proper educational and learning facilities.

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Allen, Y.V., 2016. Global citizenship and global school-links: perceptions from Tobago and the United Kingdom (Doctoral dissertation, UCL (University College London)).

Eyes, T.H., 2019. A Photo-Narrative of the Sociolinguistic and Sociocultural Identities of a Refugee Adolescent. Opening Up Education for Inclusivity Across Digital Economies and Societies, p.233.

Guentner, S., Lukes, S., Stanton, R., Vollmer, B.A. and Wilding, J., 2016. Bordering practices in the UK welfare system. Critical Social Policy, 36(3), pp.391-411.

Heizmann, B., Jedinger, A. and Perry, A., 2018. Welfare Chauvinism, Economic Insecurity and the Asylum Seeker “Crisis”. Societies, 8(3), p.83.

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Loyal, S. and Quilley, S., 2016. Categories of state control: asylum seekers and the direct provision and dispersal system in Ireland. Social Justice, pp.69-97.

Nicholson, F. and Twomey, P., 2019. Current issues of UK asylum law and policy. Routledge.

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Pozzo, M. and Evers, S.J., 2016. ‘Staying active’in confined living conditions: participation assessments of young asylum seekers (aged 12–23) in the Netherlands. Children's Geographies, 14(4), pp.468-481.

Special Issue Editors: Birgit Glorius and Jeroen Doomernik and Darling, J., 2016. Asylum in austere times: Instability, privatization and experimentation within the UK asylum dispersal system. Journal of Refugee Studies, 29(4), pp.483-505.

Waugh, L.R., Catalano, T., Al Masaeed, K., Do, T.H. and Renigar, P.G., 2016. Critical discourse analysis: Definition, approaches, relation to pragmatics, critique, and trends. In Interdisciplinary studies in pragmatics, culture and society (pp. 71-135). Springer, Cham.

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