Essential Skills for Effective Teachers

In today’s fast-paced academic lifestyles, teachers are claimed to invest little time in strengthening personal as well as professional skill of students as they have to deal with many task within deadline such as dealing with curriculum, setting question papers, attending meeting with the parents and attending training and development process. In this context, the teachers are trained in order to deal with any type of the academic issues. Then also there are many issues that are faced by the students as well as teaching staffs, due to scarcity of trained teachers. In this context, most of the schools in the UK focus on program for their teachers as well as teaching staffs. In addition to this, teachers need to focus on not only attaining the skills that are needed to improve the academic career of students rather the teachers need to shape their skill in order to maintain the sustainability of their professional standard.

Being a good teacher it is not sufficient to have only academic skill rather teachers need to have the management skill, guiding skills, communication skill, time management skill and interaction skill. Through using these skills in proper manner in their professional field, teachers can deliver the quality work in their professional field. On the contrary there are some claims that, sometimes teachers who possess many skills are unable to decide which skills are needed to be implemented them in terms of dealing with the different tasks. In this context, it can be stated that teachers need to focus on having the in-depth knowledge on the different skills and their implementation process in the workplace. This study is going to highlight the skills that are needed to a good teacher. In addition to this, the study will also discuss that how teachers will use their professional as well as personal skill in order to improve the overall academic career, knowledge and understanding of the students. By using relevant resources this study is going to make critical analysis that how teachers will use the skills in proper manner to improve the professional standard and academic score of the students.

Following are the skills that are required to be a good teacher:

Academic Skill

Academic skill is the prime and crucial skill that every teacher would have (Dilekli and Tezci, 2016). A teacher needs to have basic knowledge about different subjects such as science, math, arts, English, geography, history, social science and political science. Based on the curriculum, a teacher needs to have strong understanding about specific subjects. In this context Dilekli and Tezci (2016) mentioned that, along with having basic knowledge on different subjects the teachers need to have strong interactive as well as communication skill which will assist the teachers to communicate with students and teaching staffs on academic matters. On supporting the viewpoint, many studies have stated that, good teachers will focus on shaping the knowledge on each subject which will assist the teachers to discuss proper information regarding the subject which is needed to develop basic knowledge of student regarding the academic matters. On the contrary Jacob et al. (2018) argued that sometimes, it is seen that although some teachers have lack of in-depth knowledge on different academic subjects, they are able to motivate the students regarding getting good score in their class, but good academic score are not the sole needs of students rather they need to develop their basic knowledge regarding the subjects. In this aspect Shakir et al. (2019) argued that, although academic skills and the personal skills of teachers are important for being a good teacher, to become a good teacher it is important to have both of them. Based on this viewpoint several researchers have shown that teachers who applied both the strong academic skill and the personal skills such as motivation, communication, polite interaction with pupil and time management skill, are more successful in developing student’s professional and personal career. On the contrary, Hoonet al. (2017) argued that, sometimes it is difficult for a good teacher to maintain both the professional and academic skills in parallel manner. This is because sometimes, teachers need to focus mainly on the curriculum and educational guidelines set by the government of the country, in which they can be unable to integrate their professional skills.

Sometimes it has been seen that teachers who have strong academic skills, cannot be the good teachers. The reason behind this given by the educationists that, teachers, although have strong academic skills, can be unable to make strong connection with their student which effect on the grade as well as basic knowledge of the pupil. On supporting this viewpoint, Leung (2018) stated that, sometimes a person having strong academic skills cannot be the good teachers just because he or she is unable to interpret the subject matter in proper manner in front of the students. Several educationists have stated that, being a good teacher, it is important that the person will have good sense of placing right attitude and ideas in right time. In addition to that, the educationist also stated that teachers need to have the skills to conduct strong friendship with their students so that students can easily share their issues regarding the subject matter. On supporting this viewpoint Khan et al. (2017) mentioned that, sometimes teachers with strong academic skill are unable to have good communication skill which makes them unable to understand the strength and weakness of pupil. On supporting this view, many educationists have stated that, sometimes teachers who have strong academic skill are unable to show their empathy and politeness in front of students who are important for making healthy relationship with students. On the contrary, Yasin et al. (2020) argued that, without having proper academic knowledge it is not possible to be a good teacher as in this case the teacher cannot provide any guidance to the students regarding the subject matter. On supporting this viewpoint, several studies have mentioned that teachers will focus on developing their professional knowledge on each subject, which will assist them to improve their teaching styles and academic skills. According to Jacob et al. (2018), the more the teachers will shape their academic skill, the more they can evaluate the strength and weakness of their teaching styles which will assist them to make proper improvisation of their teaching process, communication styles with students and interaction styles with their colleagues.

Through improving the overall communication and interaction with the students, teachers can understand what types of teaching style will be used in class in order to improve the academic standard of students. In this context Hanushek et al. (2019) mentioned that, through focusing on improving the overall understanding of teachers regarding which teaching style need to be implemented in class in order to motivate students regarding their study. According to Jacob et al. (2018), teachers should apply appropriate learning styles for teaching the subject matter in proper manner. Teachers need to understand the benefits of each learning style, which will assist them to choose the right one based on the educational situation and the condition of their students. On the contrary, Khan et al. (2017), choosing right teaching styles is not enough for being the good teacher rather the teacher will must have proper experience and analysing skills through which he or she can easily analyse own strength and weakness that is important for shaping the skills. In this context, many educationists have stated that teachers need such teaching skills which are not confined into the so-called boundary of the school’s curriculum; rather they need to use their teaching styles to conduct vast experience on each subject matter in terms of generating the in-depth knowledge of the students. On supporting this viewpoint, Hanushek et al. (2019) stated that, teaching style needs to be very experimental which will assist teachers to encourage students for knowing the unknown things about the subjects that are not even included in the syllabus. However, there are also several criticisms on this statement. Most of the educationists stated that sometimes teachers have to use teaching styles in which they are not habituated. On the other hand, sometimes, teachers in spite of having good teaching skills can make the students puzzle by involving them into experimental studies which not only pose extra pressure on their mind but also effect on their overall academic grade. Therefore, it is important that teachers need to have the skills to understand the actual strength as well as weakness of students which will assist them to apply proper teaching styles. In this context Ahmad et al. (2019) mentioned that, in order to make strong connection with students, teachers not only need to have strong academic knowledge and good teaching styles but also they need to have friendly and decent behaviour which will convince students to share their issues with the teachers. In many cases, it is seen that teachers who although have the strong academic as well as management skill, have lack of strong connection with their student due to the fact that they lack the friendly nature and polite behaviour (Hendriana, 2017). In addition to this, the teachers need to be highly responsible in developing the professional skills and academic knowledge of the students in the class. On the other hand, through attaining extra classes, teachers can discuss the academic issues with students which will assist students to share freely their preference, interest and academic problem with the teachers. Moreover, the discussion also stated that teaching styles can be applied in proper manner if the teachers have additional skills such as academic skills, time management skills and communication skills.


Interpersonal Skill

Interpersonal skill is one of the most important skills that the teachers need to have which will assist them to make proper communication as well as interaction with teaching staffs and the students. In addition to this, interpersonal skill will assist teachers to mange task tactfully in terms of maintaining peaceful and cooperative environment within the workplace (Olori, 2019). Moreover, the teachers need to maintain strong interaction with parents in terms of making them aware about their children’s academic development. For managing all these roles, teachers need to have strong interpersonal skills such as proper communication skill, interaction skill, time management skills and analysing skills. A person can only be a good teacher if he or she is able to maintain perfect balance in the relationship among staffs, students and colleagues. Through maintaining polite behaviour and friendly attitude with the staffs and students, teachers can spread positive vibes in the environment. Through using proper analysing and judgemental skill, teachers can understand the underlying meaning of any statements, which assist them to make simple interpretation of the different subjects in front of the students. On the contrary, Trisnaningsih et al. (2019) argued that, to be a good teacher is not only based on having the strong interpersonal skills but also on how the teachers are able to implement these skills into their practical field. In this context many educationists stated that strong communication skills, teaching and interaction skills need to be integrated in proper manner while dealing with students, their parents and the staffs of schools. Therefore, a person can be the good teacher if she or he has enough knowledge of how to implement all these skills in proper manner to develop the proper and personal strength of the students. Through strong communication skills, a teacher can easily interact with colleagues, staffs, parents and mangers on the schools which is important to handle any situation regarding the welfare of education. On the contrary, Güleç and Leylek (2018) argued that only communication skill cannot be the only quality through which it can be stated that the person can be a good teacher, rather they need to have some additional interpersonal skills along with this such as time management skill, judgemental skills, interpretation skills. Through integrating all these skills, a person can be the good teacher who can understand what strength of students is and what are their needs. Many educationists have stated that teachers need to understand what the actual needs of their students are. In terms of understanding actual need of students, teachers can maintain strong communication with them which will not only assist teachers to understand students’ weakness and the strength but also assist them to analyse what teaching styles are. A good teacher will have the knowledge of how to communicate with the parents and the students, so that they can understand the overall matter. In this context,Young (2019) argued that, sometimes teachers are unable to have proper communication skills and time management skills, which make them unable to make good interaction with the students, staffs and the parents. This can be the important reason behind different conflict between teachers and staffs. In this context Othman (2019) stated that, interpersonal skills will assist teachers to improve their level of awareness about how to communicate or interact with the parents and students. In most of the cases it can be seen that sometimes persons are recruited as the teachers in spite of not having strong interpersonal skills which not only impact on the future development of the students but also on the overall reputation of schools. Therefore, it is the duty of schools and institution to check properly whether the individual who is going to be recruited should have strong interpersonal skills.

Issue or risk management skill:

While discussing skills that are important to be a good teacher, it is also important to depict the issue-management skill of a teacher which is one of the most important skill in today’s teaching field. As mentioned by García and Fernández (2017), to be a good teacher it is not enough to have strong academic knowledge on different subjects and proper interpersonal skills to promote the personal and professional development of pupil, rather a good teacher needs to be enough efficient to manage different kind of issues going on inside the school environment. In UK, in majority of the private funded schools, there are issues regarding the lower power as well as control of teachers in selecting their proper teaching styles and academic topics. Evidences based studies have stated that, in the UK, the common issue faced by teachers in private-funded schools is they cannot use their preferable teaching process as well as teaching styles while discussing in academic subject in classroom. Teaches in most of the time need to follow the instructions set by the school authority and higher management. in this context Othman (2019) mentioned in most of the times the teaching styles and process selected by school management are highly irrelevant and inappropriate for all kind of student that not only reduce academic grade of students but also create bad image of teachers in the entire school as well as in the society. In the UK, schools under funding have limited or no power of the teachers in providing their valuables decision and opinion regarding setting of curriculum, topic selection for test and selection of relevant teaching styles. Therefore, teachers in these schools feel disrespected and neglected by the management and school authority, which compel them to leave the school and join public founded schools. As mentioned by Trisnaningsih et al. (2019), many private-funded schools in developing and developed countries have scarcity of good teachers as most of them left the school due to their limited access to academic framework and lack of respect in school.

In this context, a teacher needs to have proper skill to manage these issues by making proper communication and interaction with higher official and management of school to make them understand the importance of involvement of teachers into decision-making and topic selection. As argued by Ahmad et al. (2019), most of the teachers cannot influence the decision and working process of higher management in private fund schools, as they are stubborn to manage their existing framework which is controlled by the marketers and management team. in this context, teachers can use their adaptability skills and adjustability skill, to make effective modification in their teaching process and ways of setting questions so that they can easily make positive transformation of curriculum set by management to improve the overall grade of the students.


If a person needs to be a good teacher, he or she needs to have strong team work skill which will assist the individual to maintain strong correlation with the staffs, colleagues and the parents. Teamwork is important for teachers to not only maintain good relation with students but also maintain synergistic workplace in the school. Current educational policies in the UK have prioritise the team work in teaching career, through which teachers can work in collaboration with the teaching staffs, students and their parents (Hendriana, 2017). Through using the teamwork, the teachers can involve students as well as their parent in the overall teaching process which assist teachers to discuss the strength weakness of students with their parents. In addition to this, the UK government has developed educational polices which makes it obligatory for the teachers to conduct meeting with the teaching staffs and parent in which they can discuss the overall academic growth of students and their interest. On the other hand, in this meeting teachers can take advice from parents and other teaching staffs in terms of improving the overall teaching styles and grade of the students.

Through maintaining proper cooperation with administrator, colleagues and staffs, teachers can make the school environment positive and friendly which will pose good impact on the overall education of students. On the contrary, Nizar et al. (2018) argued that, sometimes, in spite of being the good teachers, it is not possible for individual to maintain proper synergistic environment within the workplace due to the several issues such as unethical practise and immoral behaviour of colleagues. Sometimes teachers face huge dilemma that whether they will cooperate with the illegal and immoral practise of their colleagues and staffs or they will choose the right decision that can make them terminated from their jobs. Therefore, it is not always right that if any person is unable to maintain proper cooperation with the team members that means he or she is not the good teachers. On the other hand, Dilekli and Tezci (2020) stated that, teachers need the team work skills for maintaining not only the synergistic relation with the colleagues and staffs but also for motivating the students to work in groups which will assist them to share their thoughts and values with friends.

Current educational policies set by the UK government have stated that, teachers who are appointed into the school must have strong knowledge in team management and team work process. Most of the schools in the UK focus on teamwork process in dealing with nay academic work such as setting the right curriculum for the students, setting the papers for students, inducting meeting with teaching staffs as well as with the parents to discuss the academic success of students. According to Dilekli and Tezci (2020) sometimes, team work in teaching process can develop conflict among the team members, which can interfere with integrity of teachers in dealing with academic task. The UK government has set policies regarding the academic process in which the teachers need to have team work process in order to make strong connection with the teachers as well as other students. In term of eliminating the conflict, teachers need to maintain transparent communication system with team members which will assist the staffs as well as students to maintain clear communication to each other in term of discussing any academic matter.

Teamwork skills of teachers are also important for motivating students to involve into team work process for completing their assignment. In most of the schools there is group assignment which needs to be done with the team members. In this context, if the teacher has strong knowledge on team work, he or she can easily assist students about how to adapt them with each team. Therefore, it can be stated that to be a good teacher only having the team work skill is not enough, rather the teachers needs to have strong knowledge on how he or she can use the skill in proper manner in order to maintain strong connection with their students as well as with their colleagues. On the other hand, there is another advantage of having team work skill for a teacher which is to make the student understand about how to distribute their work among different team members. In today’s fast paced world, teachers need to be highly practical which is important for their students to get such an education which will assist them to develop their professional as well as personal career. The teachers need to have strong teamwork skill not only for maintaining positive relation with students and staffs but also to train their students about how to work in groups and manage the issues and conflict within team by distributing the work evenly to each team members. In this context, García and Fernández (2017) stated that overall process of team work is highly recommended for today’s children which will assist them to develop positive and helping nature that is important for maintaining good relation in the professional as well as personal field. On the contrary, Naveed (2018) argued that, sometimes, teachers in spite of having strong teamwork skill are unable to maintain strong relation with their staffs, parent and students because of their poor communication ability and interactive skill. Therefore, it can be stated that to be good teacher team work skill is important but it needs to be applied in right manner which will assist them to maintain strong relation with the students, parent and the staffs. Moreover, teachers need to always have the strong communication and interaction skill along with the team work skill as it is important for convincing the team members about the statement that the teachers is going to represent in front of them. Through maintaining strong relation with the staffs and students by using positive team work skill, teachers can improve the overall education system and curriculum.

Organising and Management Skill

Teachers must have strong organising and management skill which is important for maintaining well-disciplined classroom. According to Sanches (2017), good teachers are like the managers of an organisation whom are assigned to administrate and organise the overall atmosphere of their workplace. In similar manner, teachers need to have strong management and organising skill which will assist them to guide students in right way and maintain the peaceful environment within the classroom. Well-organised classroom is important for making positive environment within the classroom which not only assist student to develop creative ideas and thoughts in their mind but also make the friendly relationship between teachers and students. Also, there are several criticisms regarding the statement as some teachers have strong position in school without having proper management and organising skill. In this context Yasin et al. (2020) argued that, although teachers need to have management skill it depends on the school environment and support of the colleagues and staffs which assist teachers to maintain strong management within the school. Without the proper support and assistance from the colleagues and staffs, many teachers are unable to maintain proper discipline and management in the workplace in spite of having good organising skill. In this context, Hoonet al. (2017) stated that, management skills assist teachers to maintain proper connection with educational and official activities such as providing information about students to their parents, send all the papers to the principals in right time and attend all the official meeting in proper manner. Teachers act as the manger in the classroom that makes the students well-ordered and disciplined. Through maintaining strong management and organising skill, teachers are also able to eliminate the risk of corruption, discrimination and bullying within the classroom as well as within the schools. In this context Ahmad et al. (2019) argued that, sometimes management skill makes teachers to get into trouble by creating conflict among the staffs as well as among the students. Many times, teachers who try to maintain proper discipline within the class are unable to maintain strong bonding with the pupil because they cannot interact freely with their students. Due to this reason, teachers who try to act as good manger within the classroom cannot convince the student to share the thoughts and issues with the teachers which make the teachers unable to determine the weakness and strength of the students. On the contrary, Leung (2018) argued that, management is the most important part of teachers’ life which assists them to manage perfect balance between each work such as maintaining strong connection with the colleagues and maintaining disciplines within classroom. Management skills assist teachers to organise papers in proper manner that will assist students to understand them accordingly. Through managing every task within the classroom, teachers can use their management skill in developing the professional and personal skill of the students.

Leadership Skill

Teachers need to have good leaders in order to manage the entire task in proper manner. In addition to this teachers need to have strong leadership skill which will assist the teachers to provide proper guidance to the pupil in order to improve their academic score as well as professional skill (Khan et al. (2017). Good leaders are not who assist people to choose the right direction but the one who inspire people to develop positive thought and ideas in terms of developing their own professional and personal skills that is important in future life. As stated by Jacob et al. (2018), when the skills are analysed that are important to be teachers, leadership skills is the potential one that is included along with other skills as it is crucial in assisting teachers to solve official issues with their colleagues and manage all the misunderstanding between them and the students. In this context many studies have shown that teachers need to have proper leadership skill which is important for directing student in such a direction which will be positive turning point in their life. Being a leader, teachers can order the students to maintain proper disciplines within the class, guide them to get good knowledge on the subject matters and assist colleagues to solve different official issues. On the contrary, Khan et al. (2017) argued that, although teachers need to have strong leadership skill, sometimes the leadership personality goes wrong which makes the conflict and negativities within the classroom. Especially when teachers begin to dominate their students severely, it poses negative impact on the students and then they begin to deny the rules and regulation. In some cases, it is also seen that teachers in spite of having strong leadership skills cannot be the good teachers in front of their students just because they are known as highly dominating and arrogant. In this context Hanushek et al. (2019) argued that rather than being leaders, a teacher needs to be a friend and companion to the students which will bring them closer to their students. On supporting this viewpoint many students have shown that, teachers need to have skills that will make them understand that how the leadership styles will be implemented in different purpose. For example, when dealing with students, teachers need to act as a friend, philosopher and guide, which will assist their student to share their thoughts and opinion. On the other hand, in case of dealing with colleagues and the staffs, the teachers need to maintain democratic leadership styles which will assist them to work synergistically with all the colleagues and staffs, in which teachers can listen to others viewpoint regarding official and educational matters. In this context Ahmad et al. (2019) argued that, although leadership skill is important part of the teachers’ ability, it cannot be implemented in every educational situation because many teachers do not have the authority to implement any new rules or educational guidelines for the students. Many studies have shown that, high number of students in the public school lacks proper leadership skills of teachers due to excessive workload on them which not only impact on their professional careers of students but also negative impact on them. As mentioned by Olori (2019), teachers in most of the K-12 schools, teachers act as leaders inside as well as outside the classrooms by dealing with different activities such as performing administrative roles, arranging resources, allocate resources; conduct meeting with official staffs and taking effective decisions for welfare of students. Leadership roles are important for individual to be a good teacher. As mentioned by Trisnaningsih et al. (2019), strong leadership skill is important for teachers to have because it is associated with manifold crucial activities such as dealing with official issues within schools, maintaining discipline within the classroom, managing healthy environment within and outside the classroom and maintaining the positive and creative ideas within the classroom. Through maintaining strong leadership styles, teachers can represent their passion regarding the education and development of students. When teachers act as leaders, they gather information regarding the opportunities associated with right academic career. According to Güleç and Leylek (2018), through using proper leadership strategy teachers not only can guide the students in better manner but also, they can conduct the skill development program for their official staffs and colleagues in terms of developing the overall quality of the characters. Through managing strong connection with the staffs, teachers can implement the right leadership styles within the classroom to make the classroom more productive with maintaining consistent flow of positive thoughts and knowledge. On the contrary Young (2019) argued that, leadership skill of teachers is not only about making the student more productive and creative rather it is associated with reviewing the organisational policies and rules within the school and recommended proper way to make effective chances in these rules. Therefore, from the overall studies it can be stated that although there are several point of views regarding the leadership skill of teachers, it can be stated that teachers must have knowledge of how to implement this skill in proper manner to maintain the consistent development of the students as well as of the staffs and colleagues. In addition to that it can also be stated that, leadership skill assists teachers to guide the students in right way not only in their studies but also in resolving any types of professional and personal issues.

Communication Skill

Communication skill is one of the most important skills that teachers should have which will assist them to make strong connection with the teachers as well as with the students (Young, 2019). Through conducting proper communication process both verbally and non-verbally, teachers can understand the issues, interests and preference of students. In addition to this through conducting strong communication process teachers can maintain clear as well as transparent commutation system in the workplace, which assist them to maintain synergistic relation with the teachers as well as students. Communication skill is not only important for a teacher to interact with students but also communicate with staffs, administrator, managers and colleagues. Teachers who have strong communication skill can represent their viewpoint in front of the other teachers and staffs in proper manner. Through having strong communication skill, the teachers can also interpret any subjective matters within the class nicely which assist students to grab basic knowledge on subject. On the contrary Nizar et al. (2018) argued that, although communication skill is important for representing the viewpoint of teachers in front of other teachers and students, the teachers must have the listening skill too, which assist them to give proper respect and dignity to other’s opinion. Many studies on teaching skills have stated that, there are some persons who have strong communication skill but they cannot be the good teachers just because they only know to represent their own viewpoint rather than focusing on listening to the other decisions. On the other hand, teachers need to use such as communication that will assist the parent as well as students to understand what actually the teacher try to say. Sometimes, students face difficulties in understanding fast English, which create issues in their academic knowledge and development. For example, in most of the colleges in the UK, there are many South Asian students who face difficulties in communicating with their teachers as they are unable to cope with the fast-English-speaking styles. In this context Dilekli and Tezci (2020) mentioned that, communication skill of teachers will assist them to maintain simple and clear interaction with students, teachers, staffs and parents which will maintain the transparent information delivery system. Teachers need to have knowledge on different communication styles such as verbal and non verbal communication. Through having strong verbal communication skill, teachers can consult effective discussion on different subject matters and academic issues with students and teachers. According to Siddiq et al. (2016), Verbal communication skill assists teachers to provide clear information to students about their career and strength. On the other hand, verbal communication skill also helps teachers to represent their views regarding the academic process and student’s education. On the contrary Thomsen et al. (2019) argued that, for a good teacher non-verbal and written communication skill are also important along with the verbal communication skill. Through using the non-verbal communication such as facial expression, gesture and posture, teachers can convey different message to their students and other teachers. In case of interacting with disabled students, teachers must have strong non-verbal communication skill, which will assist the teachers to use the right expression and activities so that students can understand what their teachers actually want to say. Through using the written communication skill, teachers can make perfect report for students, set their question paper and make official applications for staffs and administrators in the school. Therefore, it can be stated from the overall discussion that communication is skill which each teacher needs to have for maintaining transparent and strong communication with their colleagues, parents and students.

Time Management Skill

Teachers need to have strong time management skill which will assist them to complete each task within the deadline. According to Thomsen et al. (2019), when the teachers have strong time management skill, they can train their student in proper manner to assist them to manage proper time while dong any task. Time management process will also assist teachers to maintain proper balance among different tasks which assist them to maintain proper balance among different tasks. Through maintaining proper time management process, teachers can work in right manner in order to complete the task accordingly. On the other hand, time management skill is important for teachers as it help them to complete their task accordingly within time such as setting questions papers, informing the principal regarding the academic score cards of each students and timely manage the meeting with parents. Although time management skills are important part of teachers’ professional ability, it is criticised by different studies and educationists. According to García and Fernández (2017), many times it is not possible for the teachers to manage time within manifold work such as they sometimes spend most of their times in their classes which makes them unable to make the other additional activities such as attending parent meetings or setting the papers. On the other hand, due to huge number of admission of students in each years, teachers and student ratio remains unparallel, which effect on the overall ability and workload of the teachers, sometimes teachers have to do overtime and extra class for which they are not paid. In this context, it is not always possible for teachers to mange time in each task accordingly, which can interfere with their ability and professional standard. In this context Naveed (2018) argued that, in any situation teachers need to be punctual, because managing task within time is not only associated with representing their own professional standard in front of student and other teachers but also with maintaining the systematic educational system within the classroom. Many studies on teaching skill have shown that, time management skill needs to be implemented in proper manner inside and outside the class which will assist students to complete their syllabus in right time so that they get enough time for preparation. On the other hand, teachers need to deal with administrative activities which need punctuality to make things happen within right time. On the contrary,García and Fernández (2017) argued that, sometimes teachers who are enough punctual in their professional and personal life are unable to conduct basic knowledge and development of the students. Through maintaining proper time management skill, teachers are able to complete their task within proper time which not only assist them to manage time for other important task, but also assist the students to spend more time with their teachers in terms of discussing their issues regarding any topic. On the contrary Thomsen et al. (2019) argued that time management skill is important for teachers to determine the priority jobs and accomplish them accordingly rather than focusing on completing all the task together. If a person does not have proper time management skill, he or she cannot be a good teacher because the person neither can manage time for self nor for the students and the staffs. Therefore, teachers need to have proper time management skill, which will improve their working styles, in terms of making them more punctual than the earlier and improve their overall performance. Although time management skill is important for teachers there is some criticism regarding the process of managing time by a teacher. Many educationists have argued that, due to accomplish several tasks within the given time teachers cannot maintain the quality of their performance. On supporting this viewpoint Binder et al. (2018) mentioned that, in most of the schools, teachers have to manage manifold task such as attending parent-teacher meeting, setting papers, administrating the official works and evaluating students’ ability within very short time, which automatically pose negative impact of the performance standard of the teacher. In this aspect teachers needs to focus on their overall performance standard by evaluating their own strength and weakness. Through maintaining strong connection with the students, teachers can understand that what are their priority task and how they can complete this within the given time. On the other hand, through conducting regular practice of doing different task in prefect manner, teachers can be professional in managing their time for each task without compromising their quality. On the contrary, Thomsen et al. (2019) argued that, time management skill is although important for teachers; it sometimes makes the teachers to focus more on accomplishing their task within time without focusing on the basic development of students. For example, teachers sometimes are busy in completing their syllabus in each class rather than focusing on improving the knowledge and shaping the skill of students. Therefore, from the dissuasion, it can be stated that time management skill is important for teachers to deal with many tasks accordingly and perfectly. On the other hand, in terms of managing proper time for each task, teachers need to manage all their duties on students and staffs. They need to focus on maintaining proper quality of their task within managing the time in perfect manner. Through maintaining proper time management skill, teachers will be able to maintain perfect balance between all the task which will improve their performance and professional standard (Siddiq et al. 2016). On the other hand, time management skill, will assist teachers to train their student about how they will manage their time within different activities such as drawing, playing, watching games, gardening and writing. Through this process, teachers and students can connect with each other which will help both of them to accomplish any task within time without wasting any more effort or time. Therefore, it can be stated from the above-mentioned discussion that, time management is crucial skill that every teacher should have in terms of managing the time within each task and maintaining their professional standard.

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Teachers need to have high patience level which will assist them to work on manifold activities in cool mind. According to Dilekli and Tezci (2020), patience is important for the teachers to maintain strong relation with their students and the staffs. In today’s fast paced life, schools focus on setting manifolds activities for students rather than only focusing on the academic development. In this context, teachers are also assigned to several tasks which need proper patience and effort to deal in proper manner. Through maintaining proper patience, teachers can interpret the information about each topic in right manner. During discussion of topic, teachers can face different questions from many students which cannot be relevant with the topic. In that case, teachers who have very low patience can easily be irritated and aggressive on students which will spoil the overall relationship between the students and teachers. On the other hand, if the teacher has low patience level, he may be hyper for any issues inside and outside the class. According to Nizar et al. (2018), being a teacher, an individual need to control his emotions and feelings which is important for performing all the tasks smoothly. Teachers without proper patience can easily be provoked and irritated which makes them to take wrong decision which not only pose negative impact on the learning process and development of the students but also impact on the relationship between the teachers, staffs and mangers of the schools. On the contrary, Othman (2019) argued that, sometimes, it is difficult for teachers to hold their patience during the critical time such as while there is going on unethical activities in front of them. For example, sometimes teachers in school are the only witness of bullying and discrimination which can make them to break their patience level. In such cases, teachers need to take immediate action rather than holding their patience to tolerate these issues. On the other hand, some students, staff and other teachers take the advantage of high patience level of a teacher, which can create conflict and misunderstanding between them. For example, as the teacher has high patience level, some students ask same question several times intentionally to irritate the teacher. In this context, it is important for the teachers to take necessary steps rather than holding their patience. Several studies on teacher’s ability have stated that patience level is important for each teacher to make proper control over their anger, emotion and irritation which will create the well-organized and disciplined framework within the classroom. On the other hand, if teachers have strong patience level, they can easily form friendly relation with the students as well as with the staffs. In this context Young (2019) argued that, student-teacher relationship is based on trust, communication, moral values and ethical consideration rather than depending on the patience level of teachers. On supporting this viewpoint many studies have suggested that patience level is associated only with maintaining peaceful and positive environment within the classroom which can promote positive thoughts, ideas within the students. On the contrary Othman (2019) argued that, patience level of teachers is associated with student’s development. For example, teachers who have strong patience level can easily answer different questions many times asked by the students without showing any irritation and aggression. This behaviour of teachers will encourage students to share their issues regarding their education with the teachers. Moreover, through holding proper patience level, teachers can listen to other’s viewpoint carefully rather than focusing only in representing own decisions. Therefore, high patience level of teachers assists them to make positive and impressive image inside and outside the school which will assist the teachers in their professional and personal life.

Self confidence

Self-confidence is important skill for teachers which will assist them to take effective decision and strategies in their professional life. Teachers need to be confident while doing any task which will minimise the chances of happening any errors. According to Güleç and Leylek (2018), self-confidence will help teachers to develop right goals and decisions that are important for making them successful in their professional as well as personal life. Self-confidence needs to be applied by teachers while they are engaged with students, dealing with the staffs and communicating with schools’ managers. If the teacher is enough confident on their performance and professional standard, they can train their students in right manner which will make proper physical, social and mental development of the students. On the contrary Trisnaningsihet al. (2019) argued that self-confidence of teachers is associated with developing the psychological and emotional strength rather than impacting on student’s development. On supporting their viewpoint several educationists have stated that, self-confidence of teachers poses indirect impact on the students and staff behaviour, rather directly impact on them. For example, if the teachers are self-confident, they can easily take effective strategies for students’ development and training process which will promote the physical and mental wellbeing of the students. On the other hand, through having proper self-confidence, teachers can manage different issues with the staffs and mangers of schools, such as they can mitigate any type of conflict within the groups of students and the teachers. In this context, Olori (2019) mentioned that, self-confidence in teachers comes from their ability, professional standard and in-depth knowledge, which assist them to take risk of any difficult task. These difficult tasks sometimes put the teachers into trouble which not only impact on their professional standard but also impact on their overall personal abilities. In this aspect, teachers need to maintain proper balance between their professional standard and the self confidence level which will assist them to solve many issues in perfect manner. According to Ahmad et al. (2019), sometimes self-confidence makes the teachers arrogant and audacious which makes bad impression for them on the students as well as on the other staffs. On supporting this viewpoint, many educationists have stated that sometimes teachers have overconfident their performance and professional standard, and they think that they don’t have any self-assessment process, which is associated with evaluating their own strength and weakness. Due to these perceptions of some teachers that they are perfect, they sometimes are unable to maintain the sustainability of their performance standard due to lack of proper practice and self-evaluation. Therefore, it can be stated from the overall discussion that, teachers need to conduct proper self-assessment process, which will enhance their performance standard.

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Dedication is one of the most important skills that teacher needs to carry. According to Hanushek et al. (2019), teachers need to be dedicated to students’ success. Teachers need to hold their energy level in keeping their student motivated and encouraged. Teachers need to dedicate to maintain proper disciplines within the classroom and to maintain their integrity in developing proper basic knowledge in students. In terms of being dedicated to students and staffs, teachers need to work on their empathy, ethical values, morality and professional standard. On the contrary Khan et al. (2017) argued that, dedication comes from inner strength of mind but not from the performance and professional standard. The author also stated that, teachers can show their dedication towards their duties by doing selfless activities which will not only provide positive impacts on student’s education but also can add the benefits into the overall society. For example, teachers need to be dedicated towards developing healthy and positive habits in their students such as helping people in society, working on their moral values and maintaining proper ethical values. In this context, many studies have stated that, teachers need to be dedicated towards maintaining healthy and strong connection with students, staffs, other teachers and parents, which will develop friendly and empathetic environment inside and outside the classroom. On the other hand, teachers need to show their dedication to improve the overall education system on establishing their opinions regarding improving the curriculum and strengthening the syllabus. However, there is some criticism regarding the application of dedication by teachers in their workplace. According to Khan et al. (2017), teachers should be dedicated to their students’ development and success rather than focusing on the other official issues such as communicating with other teachers and staffs. Teachers are assigned to manifold duties in a school, in which they need to maintain their integrity in their task in proper manner to maintain perfect balance between each task. On the contrary Jacob et al. (2018) argued that, teachers need to be dedicated not only to their student’s education and development but also to the overall development of society and the schools. Teachers will train their students in such a manner which will be beneficial for society and environment. For example, teachers will be dedicated towards developing helping nature and sense of dignity and respect to students, which will assist the students to provide proper respect to their elders in the home, school and society. On the other hand, teachers would be dedicated to improve the overall strength and skills of students in contributing into the society for its overall development, such as by making it pollution free and using resources such as water and soil in low quantity to save them. Therefore, teachers dedication would not only confine to the students’ success rather it will promote the benefits of entire society through promoting the good will and positive strength inside the students.


Creativity is important skill that all teachers should have (Yasin et al. 2020). Teachers need to be creative, so that they can develop new ideas and innovative thoughts which will make consistent development within the student’s education and curriculum. According to Olori(2019), through using creative skill, teachers can develop new process and theories which will assist students to resolve their educational issues on better manner. On the other hand, teachers can use their creativity in representing their new ideas and opinion in front of the colleges and administration in terms of improving the school environment, overall syllabus and education styles. On the contrary, Leung (2018) argued that, although creativity is important for teachers to develop new ideas and innovative thoughts within the education system, it can cause several conflict and issues between the staffs and other teachers. In this context it can be stated that, sometimes some teachers, staffs and parent are unasked to adapt them with the new rules, system and principles which is developed by using the creative skill of teachers. Sometimes, teachers who are involved in changing the traditional education process and syllabus are not favoured by many other teachers, staffs and students. On the other hand, sometimes the new thoughts and ideas of some teachers can create issues for some students who are unable to cope with these changes. Therefore, creative skill of teachers needs to be used on right manner which will be beneficial for all students rather than confined to only few meritorious students. In this context Hoonet al. (2017) argued that, creativity is crucial skill in teachers which will assist them to conduct new risk and challenges for the students which are important for developing students’ professional standard and inner strength. Therefore, it can be stated that teachers need to understand how to use their creative skill in positive manner which will assist them to develop the professional and personal skill of the students.

From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that, teachers need several important skills such as communication, time management, analysing skill, interaction ability, self-confidence, creativity and interpersonal skill. There are several criticisms regarding the use of these skills. Therefore, teachers need to understand the right manner in which they can use these skills in perfect way to benefits all students, staffs, other teachers and parents. On the other hand, teachers need to focus on shaping these skills in proper manner which will enhance the professional standard and perfectness. Through conducting self-assessment and evaluation process teachers can shape their skill and ability which will assist them to maintain the consistent changes in their professional and personal skill. Sometimes the overall self-evaluation process can be time consuming for teachers which can create the time issues for them as they are assigned to manifold task. In this context, teachers need to manage their time with using their time management skill, to enhance the professional standard.

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