Factors Influencing the Implementation of Evidence

There are different intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors which are responsible to influence the use and implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in my setting. In the study of Ryan (2016), it is informed one of intrinsic factor which influences EBP is attitude and intention of the nurses towards patients. In the study by Keib et al. (2017), it is informed that nurses show a positive attitude to involve in research when they have previous knowledge of executing scientific research. This is because the knowledge acts a boost for them to understand the importance of research in including EBP in practice. The fact is true as in the placement I have found that nurses who have been previously involved in scientific research show more positive inclination towards researching facts before delivering any services compared to others to ensure quality care to the patients. The study by Ryan (2016) informs that external knowledge source acts as an extrinsic factor to influence research and EBP in nursing. This is evident as lack of effective external knowledge sources that could be used by nurses as assistance to execute research and implementing EBP is leading them in my placement to deliver care without consulting research evidence.


The importance of research in nursing practice is that it helps the nurses to promote continuous improvement in their professional skills to deliver improved quality care to the service users. This is because research in nursing leads the nurses to remain updated about the new innovation and changes in their field which they adapt accordingly in their practice to remain professionally efficient (Bakan et al. 2018). As mentioned by Moule et al. (2016), research in nursing leads the nurses to develop clinical expertise as well as improved personal knowledge. This is effective to lead the nurses to show excellence in caring for the patients by reducing error in services as well as locating the proper resources required to deliver updated and high-quality care to the patients. Moreover, the idea has not changed after reading the introduction presented in the research as it also informed about the practical factors that are responsible for determining success and unsuccessfulness of evidence-based practice in nursing.

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Bakan, A.B., Arli, S.K. and Varol, E., 2018. Identification of nursing students’ attitudes toward older people. Contemporary nurse, 54(3), pp.284-292.

Keib, C.N., Cailor, S.M., Kiersma, M.E. and Chen, A.M., 2017. Changes in nursing students' perceptions of research and evidence-based practice after completing a research course. Nurse education today, 54, pp.37-43.

Moule, P., Aveyard, H. and Goodman, M., 2016. Nursing research: An introduction. US: Sage Publications.

Ryan, E.J., 2016. Undergraduate nursing students’ attitudes and use of research and evidence‐based practice–an integrative literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(11-12), pp.1548-1556.

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