Fostering Effective Communication and Collaboration

The responsibility as a teaching assistant is to improve competencies across various range of knowledge and skills as well as support other teaching professionals to develop education for the pupil. It is necessary for me to support the activities of the individuals or the group members where I need to improve my communication and interactive skill so that I can interact with other teaching professionals and develop in depth skills and knowledge efficiently. For example, as a teaching assistant, I also try to develop my behaviour through professional development and personal behavioural skill which in turn helps me to build strong relationship with other teaching professionals. It is necessary for me to develop my skills to interact with others, respecting them and develop integrated teamwork in the organisation so that I can work with others collaboratively. For improving my competencies through gathering vast knowledge an technical skill as well as developing my capabilities, it is also necessary for me to improve my understanding as well as cooperate with other staff members so that it is also possible for me to develop an effective group where all of the members can be collaborative and sharing their experience and views with each other which are important in the organisational context. This further helps me to improve my knowledge and management skill as a teaching assistant where I also can contribute in achieving success in my career. Additionally, for example, supporting the pupils while learning and listening their perspectives are also necessary and, in this organisational context, I also need to manage my patience to maintain the pupils and resolve their queries and misunderstanding during learning process. This is my duty to let them pupil understand the learning subject, and, in this regard, I need to cooperate with them and resolve their queries calmly after listening their perspectives properly. Moreover, seeking education dissertation help can provide additional insights and strategies to enhance my effectiveness in these areas.


In addition to these, for example, as a teaching assistant, it is my responsibility to contribute in developing educational plan for the pupils as per their background and necessities in their livelihood. It is hereby effective for me to develop my decision-making skill and capabilities through which I can meet the objective of contributing positively in the educational development plans as a teaching professional. In this context, I need to develop in depth knowledge and understanding in my field as well as understand the perspectives of the pupil, so that I can acknowledge their preferences as well as develop appropriate educational planning for them successfully. In this regard, I need to improve my imagination power as well as making more creative planning which can maximise the educational level of the individuals. I also need to design new educational planning and innovate the system with new and creative planning which in turn helps me to meet the objective of developing educational plan for the pupils. In this context, I am focusing on analysing the present situation as well as understanding the requirements of the pupils in their daily lives so that I can categorise the priorities and develop effective decision-making planning for upgrading the educational system. Hereby, for example, critical thinking skill and enhancing innovation and creativity are necessary for me to support the activities in the organisation as the teaching assistant and contribute positively in developing appropriate educational planning for the pupils in the society.

For example, as the teaching professional, it is also my duty to support the children with their specific need such as physical impairment, cognitive or learning difficulties, behavioural, emotional and social development needs, communication and interaction difficulties, in which I try to cooperate with each of the students and communicate with them personally so that they can feel free to share their views and experience successfully. In this regard, I try to build strong relationship with the children with specific needs such as physical impairment, cognitive learning difficulties ad social development needs so that I can provide suitable environment where they can get proper support of improving their learning abilities successfully. In this regard, I focus on developing my emotional intelligence in which I try to show respect and empathy to the students as well as develop friendly behaviour in the organisational context with them so that they can feel free to interact with me. I also try to contribute positively in the health and wellbeing of the children and in this regard I try to develop an effective team with communication and cooperation where all the teaching professionals can support the children to fulfil their basic needs as well as improve their health and wellbeing so that they can live a normal life. Hereby, emotional development as well as friendly atmosphere are necessary where the children can feel free to interact with us and communicate freely without any hesitation or fear.

Providing proper access to education, supporting the children with literacy and numeracy skill as well as proper access to curriculum are also necessary for the students so that they can learn more ad gather vast knowledge for improving their learning process so that they would be successful in near future. In this regard, I also try to gather in depth knowledge and skill so that I can have vast knowledge and teach the children properly with appropriate information. Additionally, I also try to manage time by prioritising my tasks at the organisation, so that I can manage the classes as well as the students in the organisation and also contribute in the organisation for making effective educational plan which are beneficial for the students ion the educational organisational context. Hereby, time management skill is required for me to meet the responsibility and fulfil my duties as a teaching assistant where I try to manage the people, monitor the learning procedure as well as evaluate the development of the pupils through learning process at the organisation as well as contributing positively in the organisational decision making practice so that I would be able to achieve success in near future as a teaching assistant. As a teaching professional, it is also my duty to develop effective team work at the organisation and in this regard, I try to improve my skill of collaboration and communication so that I can develop suitable organisational culture successfully in which I try to manage transparency and accountability in the workplace as well as maintain cultural diversity in the organisation, so that all the members can cooperate while working with others.

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I also try to maintain working relationship so that there will be no such internal conflicts among the teaching professionals and in this regard, I am focusing on building strong relationship with other staff as well as improving trust and loyalty so that the members can rely on each other’s and work as a team proficiently to meet their primary objective of providing appropriate educational planning for the pupil. Health and safety is another factor which needs to be maintained in the organisation and in this regard I am also concerned on maintaining the safety measures for the children where for example, I try to implement CCTV cameras and fire extinguisher in the class rooms so that the children will be safe and secured. Moreover, I try to improve my technical skill and knowledge and implement the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for enhancing internal and external communication. Through this system, I can improve cooperation and communicate with the teaching professionals, government, parents and other stakeholders who are important for achieving success in the educational organisation. Hereby, through the technical skill as well as improving my knowledge and understanding, I can contribute positively in developing educational planning for the children by creating innovative ideas and planning. Additionally, I need to improve my communication skill and develop suitable organisational culture to support the children and develop an effective team by cooperating with other teaching professionals in the organisation so that we can work as partnership basis and maintain healthy relationship with all the members.

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