Gardening Through The Developmental

Section 1

This study selects the older adulthood (above 80 years) as one of the most vital life stages in the case scenario. In the case scenario, May is 84 years. This study will discuss as well as analyse the older adulthood of her life.

Section 2

The activity that the study selects is gardening. In the case scenario, may loves gardening, but she faces several ageing issues in term of performing proper gardening activities.

Section 3A

Two different psychological theories that can be relevant to analyse the selected activities and life stages are Developmental theory and Cognitive theory.

As stated by Ialongo et al. (2015), the developmental theory is based on development, human growth and learning throughout the life stages of the human being. Moreover, the developmental theory does not only highlight the physical growth and maturity of the people but also it focuses on demonstrating the psychological growth and development of thoughts as well as the moral values of the individuals. During the older adulthood stage of life, gardening is one of eth most preferable activity. May, the 84 years old lady in the case study, is fond of gardening. Although she is unable to access all the trees and flowers in her garden due to her problem in bending, she put her best effort into maintaining the activity in a regular manner. Based on the theoretical perspectives of the Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development, it can be stated that May, although suffering from age-related issues, she has moral beliefs and values regarding the activity gardening. According to Fonagy et al. (2015.), moral and psychological development in the human being is associated with the growth of feelings, ideas, and thoughts and emotions about different aspects. In the case of Ma, as she is highly passionate about the gardening, her ethical and moral understand are assorted with these activities. She wants to offer the appropriate care and maintenance of all the flowerbeds in such a manner that can assist the growth of several trees and flower in her garden.


On the contrary, Arsalidou and Pascual-Leone (2016) argued that, although the developmental theory is associated with the moral, psychological and emotional development of the human being, it controls the mental strength and decision-making ability rather than affecting the physical activities. In the case of May, she faces some issues in term of bending and reaching the flower beds. The psychological development is not associated in terms of affecting her poor health condition. On the contrary Burack et al. (2016) argues that psychological developmental although are not effective biological the biological activities of the individual but it is associated with developing the strong decision-making ability and problem-solving skill in the individuals. Based on the perspective of the developmental theory it can be stated that, although May faces certain difficulties in maintaining the gardening task, her string mental strength and willpower are the major aspect that encourages her to perform the proper maintenance work of her garden.

Another important psychological theory is the Cognitive Theory, which is associated with describing the mental and emotional aspects of human being and how these aspects interact with the external and internal environment if the body (Resnick, 2017). In the case of May, gardening is one of the activities with which she is emotionally and mentally attached. Through gardening, she feels highly motivated as well as encourages that not only improves her physical strength but also improves her decision, ideas and thoughts, cognitive development is strongly associated with the gardening at the older adulthood (Leahy, 2015). Through gardening, May improves her decision-making ability, she can analyse that, which types of fertiliser or drugs she should use for assisting the easier growth of the flowerbeds. Moreover, she gets proper assistance from her friends from the local gardening club, who have raised three flowerbeds and tide up the shrubs surrounding the fences. Through this process, she can access her garden easily and more freely. Therefore, through gardening, she can spend her quality time chatting with her friends. The assistance that she gets from her friends also promotes her moral values, mental strength, positive and fresh thoughts and ideas, which lead to proper cognitive development at the older adulthood. As stead by Rana and Dwivedi (2015), gardening at the older adulthood can be one of the most effective activities that promote greater anxiety relief and mental stimulation. Although May suffers from age-related issues, such as she has certain age-related health restriction in term accessing the flowerbeds or other flowers in the taller trees, she has huge mental strength and willpower. Through getting assistance from the friendly in terms of performing the gardening in an easier way, she is able to share her feeling and decision rearguing the activity and also she is able to learn new things regarding about gardening. Therefore, this activities leads to the development of knowledge, improve the perception and introducing the innovative thoughts and ideas into her mind.

According to El Haj et al. (2016), both the developmental and cognitive theory is important for the proper psychological development of individuals. Through developing the moral and ethical values, the individual can develop their decision-making ability and positive thoughts. May, although she is above 80, still she is full of charm, happiness, social life and motivation. Gardening is one of the major activity that assists May to maintain her social connection with external people, which not only improves her decision-making ability but also improve her physical ability. As stated by Ohlsson (2016), physical and psychological development of human being is associated with the increasing physical strength in performing different activities and proper decision-making ability in terms of taking the appropriate decision. In the case of May, gardening is the form of physical exercise that assists her in maintain the body flexibility and mobility. In older adulthood, people are generally suffering from reduces mobility which is the outcome of the poor exercise and irregular muscular activities. Through gardening, May able to develop her motor skill and muscular ability. Based on the theoretical perspectives of the two psychological theories the developmental theory and Cognitive theory, it can be stated that May has several emotional attachments with her garden. For example, she had won several prizes for her garden, which are the nostalgic memories for her life through gardening she cherishes these memories which not only assist her to get the fresh thoughts and ideas but also keep positive as well as highly motivating ideas in her mind. Her mental strength and position thought are the reasons behind her good mental as well as physical health.

As mentioned by, Resnick (2017) during the older adulthood, the individual needs proper mental and physical support that assists them to deal with their activities. May get proper assistance from her friends in the local gardening clubs her by making the gardening easier for her. Their assistance and support towards May, makes her strong more mentally and physically in term of dealing with her regular activities such s gardening, during gardening May, can also share her memories that are associated with this activity with her friends which assist her to develop the emotional, moral and ethical attachment with the gardening process. Therefore, through analysing the gardening activity at the older adulthood of life, it can be stated that psychological and cognitive development are associated with promoting the position mental health and physical ability of the people. In the case of May, although she is suffering from age-related issues such as she face severe difficulties in bending and accessing the flower, but she develops her mental strength and cognitive ability through the gardening process. Ducting gardening, May can develop new ideas and apply this in the term, of getting desired flowers or fruits. Moreover, throughout the gardening process, she can maintain regular exercise that is important for the older adult fort maintaining their muscular activities and mental strength. Through gardening, May also spend quality time with her friend from the local gardening club, m which assist her to develop her knowledge by le ring new things of gardening from them. Therefore, it can be stated that throughout the gardening process. May is able to develop her psychological and mental strength which are the reason behind her happiness, social connection, positive thoughts and impressive behaviour.

Based on analysing of gardening activity at the older adulthoods but using developmental and cognitive theory, it can be stared that, human being minds proper psychological and mental development at the older age, along with the physical development (Ohlsson, 2016). Although May in the given case study suffers from age-related issues such as muscular problem and mobility issues, gardening makes her able to improve her emotional, social, mental and spiritual strength. During the older adulthood, the gardening activity assists the May to develop her decision-making ability, perspectives about different aspects of nature and understanding about gardening. Therefore, it can be started that gardening is one of the importance of activity during the older adults in terms of developing the mental strength in the human being.

Section 3B

Two selected systems are cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system that are associated with the gardening activity at the older adulthood stage.

As stated by Alves et al. (2016) cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system are two important body systems that are paramount for the individual in terms of performing regular physical activities. In the case of May, gardening is her passion, which needs her proper physical fitness. Therefore, in term of performing gardening in a regular manner, May needs to have proper cardiovascular functions. For performing gardening in a regular manner, it is important that the blood circulation into the body is normal and sufficiently which will assist May to get proper oxygen and energy to perform the different tasks associated with gardening. A strong heart and highly organised circulatory system will assist May to perform different laborious tasks during gardening such as digging the soil, accessing the flower beds and cutting the upper of the shrubs all over the garden. Gardening is one of eth important physical activity at the older adulthood which is associated with the proper supply of oxygenated blood into the lungs. As the older people suffer from poor blood circulation, it leads to a lack of oxygen into their alveoli which make it difficult for them to perform gardening and other laborious activities. In the case of May, as she is highly passionate about gardening, she needs a proper circulatory system that can assist her heart to send the oxygenated blood to all the alveoli when required throughout the gardening process. As stead by DeFina et al. (2015), when people are involved in laborious tasks, they need more energy that comes from oxygen supplied to their alveolus through blood. In the case of May, while she is involved in gardening, she needs proper blood circulation into the alveoli of the lung. Moreover, string cardiovascular system in case of May will also assist her to improve her decisions, understanding and perspectives by providing the proper blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which is important for normal brain functioning.’

Another body system that is important for performing gardening is a musculoskeletal system (Nicklett et al. 2016). As May is above 80 years old, she can have reduced mobility and flexibility, which can make possible constraints on her passion for gardening. Therefore, the musculoskeletal system is important which can improve the strength and ability of different muscle of the body, in order to move the body part for performing any physical activities such s gardening (). For gardening, May needs proper muscular strength and ligaments power, which will assist her to move from one corner of her garden to other free to check different flower beds. Moreover, it is important forthe May, that she would have proper muscular strength in her leg and hand which will assist her to access all the flowerbeds and fruits on different parts of the garden. As stead by Gaines and Zarzycki ( 2015), muscles are not only associated with maintaining body flexibility but also associated with maintaining other function such as circulation, respiration, digestion and posture. During the older adulthood, people suffer from poor muscular strength in terms of controlling the functions of heart, lung and intestine. In case of May, as she regularly spent her quality time by doing gardening, for carrying out this activity she needs proper muscular strength and flexibility, which will not only offers her proper mobility but also improves her blood flow to the lungs as well as into the brain. Her muscles need to be highly functional which will assist her to perform the different task which needs the muscular strengths such as digging soil, clearing the ground and picking the plant. Moreover, May would have proper functional ligaments, muscles and connective tissues that are involved in maintaining the flexibility of the mobility of the body. Through maintaining the functions of muscle in Heart and lungs, the musculoskeletal system would provide the proper support with the May in order to get energy whole doing a laborious task during eth gardening process.

Section 4:

Different stages are associated with gardening based on which the entire gardening process is progressed. The stages are as follows:

Getting the idea about gardening
Picking the place
Clear the ground
Improve the soil
Dog or don’t dig
Picking the plants
Putting all the plants in the ground

In the case scenario, May needs to oases through the above-mentioned stages in terms of maintaining all the criteria of gardening. During the very first stages, May needs to have clear ideas about how to perform the gardening and the ways in which she can put her best effort to get the expected result. In the second step, she needs to choose the proper place which would be relevant as well as appropriate for growing plants. In the thirds stages, she would clear the ground for covering are with different plants. In the fourth stages, she needs to focus on maintaining the good quality soil which is important for growing the good quality plants and flowerbeds. During the fifth stages, May needs to analyse whether she would dig the soil or do not dig based on ten requirements of the gardening process. During the sixth stages, she will pick the pick the plant as the requirement and put them into the appropriate soil for their proper growth. During the seventh stages, May needs to put the plants on growing un proper manner for fostering their growth.

Section 5:

One of the important motor skills that May needs to maintain to improve the soil is Bending. This is because without bending properly, May cannot be able to reach the soil. Although she has some issues regarding bending her body and accessing the flowerbeds, it is important for bending to check the appropriateness of the soil before using it for gardening purpose. For checking the elements and minerals within the soil it is important for the May it is flexible in bending her body. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to complete the task.

Process skill

Notice/respond is important to process skill that assists the individual to check the proper quality of the soil. Through this skill, May can notice as well as analyse the proper quality terms of growing the healthy plants. In the case of improving the soil of flowerbed, it is important that the gardener would have proper analysing the responding ability in terms of checking the quality of the soil. Therefore, May needs to have this skill which will assist her to notice the drawback of soil and maintain proper flower beds.

Communication/ interaction skill Acknowledge /encourage is the unimportant interactive tool that May needs to have, through which she can acknowledge the suggestions and advice given by her friends. Through acknowledging the different strategies presented by her friends, May can learn new things regarding the improvement of soil. Therefore this skill would assist her to learn about the innovative process of soil improvement and maintaining the proper growth of the plants.

Bending down by using the Synovial joint at the knee is one of the important movements in terms of performing the soil cheeking activity during the gardening process.

The synovial joint is the knee joint that connects the femur, the longest thigh bones in the body to the tibia, the second largest bone as well as the shinbone. As stated by Gaines and Zarzycki (2015) there are two bone joints at the knee, the tibia-femoral joint, connecting the tibia to the femur. Another joint is the patella femoral joint that connects the kneecap to the femur. These two bone joints at the knee are associated with performing the movement bending down. During bending down, the tibiofemoral joint plays important role in bending the knee at the joint of tibia and femur. During the flexion, there are cumulative movement different bones such as the knee, hip, spine and leg bones. Through the synovial joint, the individual is able to perform the flexion and extension of the hip and legs. The patella femoral joint assists the patella to maintain the smooth connection with the femur in terms of making eth initial bending of the hip, which is known as the flexion of the hip. On the other hand, the tibia-femoral joint assists the tibia and femur to produce proper strength to the muscles associated with the synovial joint to maintain proper contraction and extension for conducting flexion or bending of the body. During bending the down the body while improving the soil, May would have proper support from the cartilages and ligaments that are located at the synovial joints. The specialised cells, connectives tissues and chondrocytes are also associated with performing the bending down of the body. Collagen fibre and fibro elastic cartilages are assorted with maintaining proper movement of the knee joint by providing proper elasticity to the two above mentioned joints. In addition to rights, Minatelli et al. (2015) mentioned that bone is full of blood vessels and connectives tissues which lead to self-repairing capacity to the bone joints. During the bending down if eth body in case of older people like May, the blood supply to the bone joints increase which leads to maintaining the normal; function of the bone joints.

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