Globalization and Criminogenic Effects


This paper focuses on globalisation and crime. The paper explains the criminogenic effects of globalisation outlining those crimes where people are forced to "migrate into illegality" due to economic reasons (impoverishment and marginalisation), political conflicts and socio-cultural change. For those seeking criminology dissertation help, understanding these effects can be crucial. The paper further discusses the links between crimes and globalisation based on the new discourses about the axis of transnational organised crime and the crime epidemic in the states. The discussion proceeds by (i) demonstrating how in the present day the advantage of fast moving technological advances such as travel or migration, the internet, and the freedom of circulation and establishment of global markets make the globe a small place of activity and begetting crime, (ii) showing how widespread certain crimes are, how certain perpetrators of crimes permeate borders and how states deal with the problem of global crime in the context of globalisation strategies in the form of multilateral agreements that have been put in place "to fight the scourge”. Citing types of crimes as cases for study and countries that have adopted global approaches to resolve crime and crime related problems as case grounds. The paper further shows how nations translate these agreements to meet crime mitigation

The paper examined the impact of crime in the global context. It specifically focuses on those factors prompting people to undertake the transitional orgized crimes. The factors include povety, sideline of some regions, ethnicity, political conflicts and social cultural change. Further discussion demonstrate how rapid development of technology which has enhance traveling, online booking, information sharing through Emails, social media platform. Consequenctly, same rapid development of the technology has increases global transitional crimes.

Displaying the prevalent of certin crimes, same nation have developed a startegies approaches to to fight the scourage. The major crimes as results of globalization includes the sex trafficking, radicalization, ponography and police counter counterterism. The topic is justifiable due to a massive part of what is observable decreases in space and communication efficiency, transportat, as well as health sector. The rapid growth in technology due globalization has led to increase of internation crime by offering avenue for criminals to generates revenue.


The paper aims at achieving the following: To provide a translation crime profile and the crime with similar effects and prevalent in many nations. Based on the profile factors, the paper seeks to answer a question as to why some crimes are consider global menace will others are not. Second, is to highlight the effects of the global criminal behavior. Third, describe the processes link to globalization crime related based on the discourses about the crime existence as a transnational organized crime or crime occurred as an epidemic among states. Finally, outline the mitigation process.

Theoritical construction of globalization and crime


To begin with, Kinnval and Johnson (2016, P.3-5), globalization is a present feature covering political, economic and cultural aspects and spread of Western culture especially the Americanism influence. The researchers argued that the globalization is reflected in two dimensions as an avenue of more significant development for all while others may say that globalization is a threat to democratic political life and nation culture.

According to the Kinnval and Johnson (2016: P. 4), globalization is defined in regards to scale, speed and cognition. The scale discusses the magnitudes. It discusses political, social-economic and activities amid the society currently besides prevalence as compared to the previous history. Speeds evolve how globalization conceptualized in space and time. The scholars argue that globalization is not a new idea or phenomenal but contains a comparison of time and space that has never experienced before. Cognition embraces the increasing global awareness of the small place.

Keily and Marfleet (2018), defines globalization as a culture economy, societies, politics, and cultures relate in a sense. In supporting their idea, the researchers talk about Giddens (1964) globalization idea magnifying typical interaction linking distance, the events and enlighten the locals what took place miles away.

Snyder (2013) defines globalization idea as an aggregate of multidimensional bumpy, often contains the contracting social, economic and politics of our time usually characterized by the time. Johannen et al. (2013) combines Kinnval and Johnson (2016) perception that globalization contains many things. Johannes states that the current research pertains the globalization tends to agree that globalization studies capture the historical movement essence. An achievement of neo-liberal characterized by the Anglo-Americal ideology being more subjective by capitalism and influence of events and technology. The doctrine brings rapid changes to business, governments and ordinary citizens.

Findlay (2015), globalization is based on the societal framework as the global cultural evolution. In his definitions, Findlay's view globalization as societal progress wherever geographical constraints of one community enable other communities to be socially aware of the recessions.

The above theories cited above indicates a similar definition and understanding concept of globalization. Others scholars offer different ideas of their understanding of globalization, but piercing dissimilarities last to discrete participants on globalization discussion. Several theories endorse the opinion of globalization as a fundamental change in scale, speed, and cognition


Beside the globalization which theorized, the offense it cannot be speculated except its causes. The crime concept has traditionally relied on jurisdictional and cultural context for crime impacts and relevance (Findlay, 2015). Reviewing Bartol’s (1980) literature indicates the traditional definitions of crime based on two perspectives which can illustrate as shown: Crime predominantly distincted as a gross misconduct that violates legal procedure through commission or omission or performing duties that contraven the law.

Crime is traditional explains as an serious breach contrary to ethics and public well-being; barbarity, sin, inequity or mischievousness. When a person omits or commits an act forbidden by the law, is punished by jail, fine or both to deter future reoccurrences. A crime subjected to excellent only is considered misdemeanor. The acts are punishable therefore follow all offenses against the moral law.

Global Crime Nature

The global problem on a particular crime

Based on the evaluation of the United Nations Documents (HDR, 2012/2014) report on top political ratification forum for United Nation conventional held on 12 December 2010 in Palermo Italy. The research paper indicates that the crime is a global problem when it meets certain outlined conditions: (i) If the offense has stressing character in many nations, (ii) when a crime occurs across the frontier. The following crimes were considered a global problem by the concept papers. Corruption, Illicit drugs, war crimes, illegal trafficking of human beings, illicit trafficking in weapons, violent crimes including terrorism and money laundering. The crimes were merited global problem due to their unwarranted effects. The undue results make the author consider examining the impact of global corruption.

Effects of Global Crime

Transitional crime is a new phenomenon strongly affected global and domestic politics, economics, social or security. Eduardo (2013) offers examples of transnational crimes. According to Eduardo, Legislator Kerry in 2002 has persuasively refutes claims that current crime is domestic problem, citing a situation where the majority situations where Turkey associated with drug trafficking especially heroin trade. A banker cleaning drug money is in the same league as Colombian cocaine smuggler.

Human Development report 2012, Indicates that organized crimes is risk to global process, for instance, the rising impact of the organized global crime generates $1.6 trillion annually compare to transnational organization as the profitable companies. Further research indicates that organized crimes have power to criminalized police, politics and business to develop the effecience network and extent they're rich deep and wide. All these activities take place across the borders. The globally organized crimes developed their strategies alliances linked across the worldwide network reaping the globalization benefits.

Crime groups prefer globalization for it to utilize the existing and create new opportunities among the most active and creative opportunities across the global criminal world. According to HDR, the syndicates can generate huge amount. The trade in illegal drugs, for instance, generates $ 500 billion equivalent to 9% of the general global trade and surperses trade in steel used by the vehicle manufacturing companies (7.6%) slightly above the gas and oil trade (8.6%). This a cause for alarm if the figure is reliable according to HDR 2012.

Drug industry

Currently, 300 million people are using drug globally a threat to the neighborhood across the world. A decade ago, optium production was more than a triple coca-leaf. Belarus for instance, a crimes related to drug use increase from 5% to 27% in every given 100,000 people in 2016. In Estonia, in the same year, the figure rose from 1.5 per 100, 000 to 8 per 100,000 people. As highlighted, the sales of illegitimate drug in 2016 is valued to $ 500 billion equivalent to eight percent global trade surpassing trade in gas, steel, oil,and iron business.

To support the problem magnitude, Amsterdam Institute of Transnational organized a one day workshop in December 2013 on the impact of the illegal drug in economy. The gloabilization has led to corruption, increase insurgency and changes in aggressive social behavior, counter-insurgency guarreallas. The problem is not limited to a particular country, but it’s a global feature. A good example is the attack attack on American Soil which associated terrorism to politically instigated or organized armed crime boosted sales of illegal drug.

Money Laundering

According Buchanan (2014) the problem is a global occurrence and required addressing. Development in globalization enablesenables money launders to conduct their activities with easy, profitability even though sophistical. The financial institutions has opened trading opportunities enhanced with globalization and liquidness of the commercialized improvement. Allowing launders and opportunities to established their systems of trading easily. Increase border competition has also reduced the transaction costs which enable the money laundering network to work effectively. Money launders groups tend to spread their dirty wealth worldwide from everting national control. Such amounts tend to stream in countries with inflexible measures. Global development has increased effective communication means for money launders through internet stress-free travels which have enabled transaction more significant a cross the world deviating many legal obstacles set aside by nations to aid in investigations. Parrell or underground banking and cryptocracies has also attracted the attention of the regulatory agencies and law enforcers.

The money laundering outcome is quitter obvious. Launders has damaged effective economic operations of several countries by supporting poor channel to to defeats the justice. As a consequent, many countries experience slow growth of economy as results of corruption lowering public faith in financial sector. Therefore the financial sytem risks and unstable reducing the rate of the world economic growth. Besides above-stated effects, money laundering has aggressively linked with terrorism due to the need for reinvesting the product of illegal drugs trafficking into the clean economy as made money laundering a necessity for drug trafficking hence support the organized crimes power worldwide. Money laundering itself can cause social harm by distorting competition, erode institutions, exchange, market, and interest rate affecting the national economy as a whole.

Transnational Crimes and Crimes against economy

According Eduardo (2013), crimes against economy (corruption) institutes an international crime. Corruption offers a blurred stripe between state and criminal control making it hard to curb organized crime. A corruption dominant country, there is a high likelihood of high prevalence of organized crime and slow or retarded economic growth. High level of corruption inhibits growth and damage economy due to high bribes which social damages and politically destabilized economy.

International organized crimes uses corruption to facilitates illegal activities such as drugs production trafficking or creating an avenue for terrorist activities. Russia is living example of how fraud is used to expand the organized crime territory. According to Eduardo (2013), the root cause of any organized crime and criminal activity is a corruption supported by political events, cultural and economic as well as cultural factors.

Global Terrorism

Globalization has enhanced the global terrorist activities. The rapid development in airline service has enhanced hijacking and more comfortable. Internet and media has publiced terrorism successful attacks enable the growth with technology offering information and access to a fantastic range of sophisticated weapons and explosive. Terrors withdraw money from money laundering, credit card fraud and securities scams enable them transverse at will, to purchase necessary apparatus and weaponries.

Transnational crimes like terrorism is in various form. One terrism sponsored by the state forming global organized crime similarly charactered and social-political organized crime. Global terrorism is a form of crime possess a substantial risk, there are breeds of self-motivated terrorist constituting a more frightening possibility. Global terrorism is not sponsored or affiliated to a particular state but affiliated with violent ideology and extremism which has proven more dangerous they lack organization and identification association difficulty.

Cyber crime

Increase computer crime-related has become a new phenomenon and expected to increase in the coming days. Cybercrime has been on the increase due to increase in computers development and internat accessibility. Quick growth of the household computers especially the development of the computer networks, especially the internet broadcast, public access to television cable. The crime related to crime includes pornography, credit card theft, data, and IP theft, extortion and Sabotage, Malicious information leakage, corporate and fraudulence bankruptcies.

Taking many cybercrime activities, for instance, pornography, several criminals have taken internet pornography as revenue generated platform. One of the largest organization doing the business over the internet is pornographic and dating sites. Ponographic sales made almost $100 billion annually. The terrorist uses the pornographic sales as the quickest means of revenue generation to support terror activities. The Internet is drug, arms trafficking vehicle.

Links between local transnational crime and globalization.

Globalization enables local transnational and global crime through easy immigration and travels. Audiovisual and cyberspace communication bring several benefits, likewise making criminal activities much more comfortable. The course of the organized crime is common, offenders capitalizing on rapid technology improvements like internet, freedom of circulation, free online market to facilitate criminal and terrorist activities across the globe.

These developments have offered opportunities sustainable economic improvement but also raised a new concern concerning the challenges of global crime. Globalization has generally brought countries together in the form of technological innovations. Trade has become easier, quicker and more comfortable because some financial institutions currently operate 24 hours. It has also increase cross border investments. It enhanced both legal and illegal trades.

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Globalization has enhanced organized crimes, arms, drugs, and human trafficking. For example, armed conflict has emerged from arm battle and terrorism across resources forming a network.

Solution to global crimes

There is no doubt that international action is needed to curb the transnational crimes and economic activities which adversely affects and dam, age to the economy of several nations. The facts that such corruption is not localized but globalized requires global solutions. The crime has penetrated across culture from one culture to another requires a comprehensive theoretical framework as far as mitigations are concerned. Intercontinental collaboration is required for joint efforts and simplified legal system.

Another major factor to neutralized the globalized crime is the implementation of standardized law enforcement lead by intelligence mechanisms for proactive measures that impede globalization impacts of crime are reasons that required a international corporation and body of multilateral agreements between the states curb the course at all level. The UN, for example, is one of the founded cooperated mechanism to fight such sources. The United Nations membership is internationally influenced, and resources enable to an active crime-fighting arm.

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Globalization crime consists of change in socio-economic factors. Limitation such crimes not only needs Interpol but multiple agencies derived from different states. The debate should undertake the global approaches such as mutual assistance between the countries. It is only through democratic globalization, human rights observation and violent crime challenges can fight the globalized organized crimes. Additionally, increase of active states by putting strict measures to money laundering activities, illegal drugs trafficking and human illicit trafficking as well as terrorist activities both funders, perpetrators and sympathizes can deter the increase of global crime.


Buchanan, B (2014). Money Laundering. Journal of Research in International Business and Finance. 18(1). Elsever

Eduardo, F. (2013). Combating Money information network on Laudering and Financial Terorism. International Monetary Funds. 39(3).

Findlay, M (2015). Globalization of Crime. London: Campbridge University Press

Kinnvall, C & Jonsson, K (2016). Globalization. NewYork: Routeledge. Baglandes e-jounal of socialology. 3(1) January 2016

Kieley, R. & Marfleet, P. (2018). Globalization and Third World. New York: Routledge

Snyder, F. (2013). Globalisation and Power Disparities. London: Buttrworths. LixisNexis

Johannen, U., Steve, G. & Gomez. (2013). Social and Economic Impacts of Globalization Latin America. New York: Routledge

United Nation Development Program (UNDP). Human Development Report 2012: Globalization with Human Face. Oxford University Press. Journal of Human Development Report 2012, P. 5 & P. 42

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