Impact Family Structure Children Well Being


A family is the most important influence in a child influence. A child relies on a family for identity, security and values at any stage of their life. Life being irreversible growth, forming stage of a child is founded in the very first people they interact with, and that is family (Zadeh, Freeman, & Golombok, 2017). Child development experts have pointed out that quality attachment of a child to both a mother and a father has big impact in progressive social development of a child. This has drawn debate if a child with both parents together or still present but divorced are still enjoying same progressive development in the long run. The quality of attachment of a child to a parent exceeds the quantity of contacts in a divorce scenario (Golombok, 2017). For those studying this subject in-depth, psychology dissertation help can offer guidance in exploring these complex dynamics and their implications on child development.


Like a mother, a father is needed in a child’s life. Children need a father figure to lay down the rules and enforce them. This creates a room for improvement in a child’s life, moreover a child will heavily rely on a father’s affirmation as they pass the bar of the set behavioural guidelines in a home. (Pediatric Care, 2019). A study of 40 men of low income custodian in America revealed that men derive their paternal identities from their fathers. The men who had father figures became involved parents in their future in contrast to those of no father figure who experienced similar struggles as their fathers of less involved fathers in child’s life (Barlow, 2017). Girls are not also left out in a fatherless family, it has been argued that girls derive their self-esteem from their fathers. Of importance to a girl is to live a realistic life that she will in future avoid the hypocrisy of explain the shortcomings of her life. Clearly, it is of much importance that there be a presence of both a mother and a father in everyday life of a child (Zadeh, Freeman, & Golombok, 2017). Quality of the presence can only be felt in less obstructed set ups where both parents are equally present in a union.

This paper purposes to bring forth the opinion that a family is the most important influence in a child influence. This is owing to the fact that a child relies on a family for identity, security and values at any stage of their life (Mandai et al., 2018). Of importance, it brings into focus, the presence of a father in a family, and thus, purposes to make it clear that in order to understand the wellbeing of a child raised in a fatherless home it is on imperative to start from the challenges faces by the children in the same house that would have been solved by presence of a father (Popenoe, 2017). This then brings into attention, the primary aim of this study, which is as presented below:

The aim of this study is to clearly state the positive impacts experienced in families with a Father figure of a child of 3 to 9-Year-old


In order to meet the aforementioned aim of this study, it will be of great significant for the researcher to break it down into achievable objectives. Notably, the most suitable objectives for this study would then be as provided below:

To clearly outline the socially accepted roles of a Father in a Family. To identify the Impact of absence of The Father in a Fatherless home on 3 to 9 year olds. To make a close argument on the Positive Impact of a Father in a Home on the wellbeing children of 3 to 9 years.

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In order to meet the objectives of this study, answerable research questions will be framed. Notably, if these questions will be answered appropriately, then they will be able to meet the objectives of this research, and ultimately, the aim of the study. They are as presented below:

The primary research question is as follows: In which conditions can a father’s involvement have a positive outcome in a fatherless family? Other secondary research questions include: What challenges do the children of 3 to 9 years of age experience that would be solved by presence of a Father? What challenges do the mothers of Fathers less homes experience in absence of the father?


This chapter will provide the methodology that will be used in this study, and as such, it will give detailed explanations regarding the manner in which data was collected, as well as some important factors, which consequently aided in meeting the objective of this chapter. Notably, accomplishing this chapter effectively would imply that this study will be able to meet the objectives of this study. In this regard, this chapter will start by providing the research design. Thereafter, this will be followed by a provision of the research sample, then the data collection tools and the timeframe required of this work. After these, the chapter will provide the ethical considerations, and finally, the process of data analysis that will be used in analysing the findings of the research.

Research Design

The research will take a deductive approach. The main primary aim of the study will be to clearly state the positive impacts experienced in families with a Father figure of a child of 3 to 9-Year-old. As such, in order to find the positive impacts on the presence of a Father in homes, the data collection will start out wide in understanding the state of the fatherless families and then narrow to what is missing in such a fatherless family that would have been provided by a father. This will juxtapose the need of a father in a home.

The research will mainly focus on the need of a father from acceptable social point of view in order not have a preconceived judgement on the outcome. These roles will be defined by fatherless family and legal framework of family set up. The definition of roles of a father shall only be subject to physical, emotional, social and financial need of the family and not pegged on social evolution dynamics. Moreover, in order to meet the aforementioned objectives of this study, the study will adopt secondary data, which will be derived from websites, scholarly journals, as well as books. Furthermore, primary data will be gotten from this study’s actual research process. The study will conduct a pilot study, thus, aiding in rectifying certain errors, which might be identified, prior to the conduction of the actual research study.

A total of 20 fatherless families will be subjected to the study. The sample population will be varied among different social and religion inclusions to avoid bias. Keen observation on the subject on physical pointers mention in the response shall also be taken seriously. Since the subject covers children of 3 to 9 years, it is practically impossible to have a clear understanding of a response of such a young person without a child care assistant. Mothers in the family will be the respondents of the question raised since they are in everyday life of the fatherless child. Notably, this number of participants (20) was noted to be suitable for this study, owing to the fact that having to get their perception would determine the perception of the general population and thus, would aid in making significant conclusions, as well as analysis. All participant in the research will come in voluntary basis and no form of cohesion will be allowed in the process. The study subject, fatherless families will be drawn from different religion and social class to have an all-inclusive deduction. Any religious point of view shall be treated as a personal opinion and not subjected to further interrogation. All data collected will be considered opinions of the mother and her view on her family, and not of the interviewer or subject to approval of the child.

Data collection tools

This study will adopt the use of qualitative research, owing to the fact that qualitative research allows the use of questionnaires, as it is regarded as most appropriate for this study. The questionnaires will allow the researcher to get the opinion of the participants, and derive their thoughts regarding certain subjects (Silverman, 2016). Whilst taking into consideration, qualitative research, it is of significance that this study will use semi-structured questionnaire, which will be presented to 20 fatherless families as a primary source of data. A semi-structured questionnaire is good enough to capture required data without deviation but also give room for further explanation since each family may not be of same economy, religion and social class to experience and treat issue in a similar. It is evident that by use of a semi-structured questionnaire, the participants might expound on a given subject, and consequently, they might come up with another significant subject, which if taken keep note of, would be of great significance to this study (Merriam & Grenier, 2019). Generally, the use of a questionnaire offers a structured approach to data collection to avoid biases and save time (Flick, 2018). Also the respondent will be at ease in a structured approach to data collection without feeling that they are being interrogated or deeply questioned about their personal life. The semi-structured questionnaire will be filled out by mothers of children aged 3 to 9 years, and majorly, it will focus on how fatherless children of the age of 3 to 9 years are affected when they do not live with their biological fathers.

Firstly, the research questions will be formulated whilst considering the available literature. They will be a total of 15 research questions and a formulation of the entire semi-structured questionnaire will take a maximum of one week, in order for the research to come up with the most appropriate questions, which the participants can answer, to aid in meeting the objectives of the paper. The questionnaires shall all be issued to the participants within 20 days, and in this regard, it will be one questionnaire a day. This is to prevent any rush in gathering data and it is only possible to meet mothers at their convenient times, off work hours. Each of the participants will as well be given two weeks to fill out the questionnaire, in which case, they will be collected thereafter. Whenever any of the participants might need additional time to fill out the questionnaire, this will be allowed but only for a restricted time of three. Once all of the answered questionnaires will be collected from the participants, there will be taken for analysis. The analysis of the data collected will take two weeks to thoroughly deduce key pointers, comparisons and differences in responses.

This research will ensure that it meets all the ethical considerations, in order for the researcher to ascertain that it is in accordance with the required ethical standards (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). Firstly, it is significant to take note of the fact that the participants will be treated with top most priority, and this then implies that it is only the researcher who will get access to them and no any other third party. In addition, the content of their answers will be treated with top most confidentiality (Smith, 2015). In this regard, when the participants will have finished producing their answers and the questionnaires will have been gotten back, for analysis, immediately after the analysis, the answered semi-structured questionnaires will be discarded, in order for them not to get to the hands of any third party.

Secondly, this study will ensure that the participants involved are anonymous, and in facilitating this, the semi-structured questionnaires will not require the participants to provide their personal details in any part of the questionnaire. Thy will not be required to provide any personal information that may concern them (Smith, 2015). Finally, the participants will be granted the opportunity to withdraw from the study whenever time they feel like, and as such, it would be evident that the researcher will not be forcing the participants to participate in this study. This would them imply that if any of the participant will wish to withdraw from the study after answering some part of the questionnaire, his or her semi-structured questionnaire will be discarded immediately, still to enhance the concept of anonymity, as well as confidentiality (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). Overall, it should be taken into consideration that if the researcher is able to meet all the aforementioned guidelines on ethics, then this research will follow the right path, and as such, would be accepted for any other study.

There shall be a cross comparison of responses made by each family respondent, the mother, on each subject to make a poll on common response. Deduction shall then be drawn on response polls on each subject question. The findings of the research will be derived, and thereafter, they will be analysed by the use of thematic analysis. Notably, thematic analysis allows the researcher to develop significant themes, based on the provisions of the participants in this study, these having been analysed, bring forth the development of significant subjects, which would require the participants to expound upon them (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015).

Rationale and Justification for the study

In order to understand the wellbeing of a child raised in a fatherless home it is on imperative to start from the challenges faces by the children in the same house that would have been solved by presence of a father (Bailey, 2017). This will point out two dimension to the question, one being the presently experienced challenge and two why they think a father should be a solution to problem. The impact of the lack of father to solve the problem can now be used to justify the wellbeing of the child in everyday life (Brewaeys & Bos, 2017). Notably, children need a father figure to solve problems, lay down the rules and enforce them. This creates a room for improvement in a child’s life, moreover a child will heavily rely on a father’s affirmation as they pass the bar of the set behavioural guidelines in a home (Tasker et al., 2015).

It is impossible to get true picture of a child’s problem other than through a child’s emotional support. A single mother in this case stands out, as a clear overall viewer of the child’s development and can speak deeply on the child’s experience in life. A single mother also points out any missing link or not in the family as she remains the drive of the family activities in this case set up (McLanahan & Jencks, 2015). Questioning the conditions in which a father will have a positive impact in a fatherless family, is the very best way to understand the well-being of a child in such a family. That will be the only differentiating scenario to any other family set up, since what the child would be lacking as a result of the lack of father will only be subject to him or her and not any other child in different family set up (Golombok, 2017). For example, of importance to a girl is to live a realistic life that she will in future avoid the hypocrisy of explain the shortcomings of her life. Clearly, it is of much importance that there be a presence of both a mother and a father in everyday life of a child (Tasker et al., 2015).

Quality of the presence can only be felt in less obstructed set ups where both parents are equally present in a union. The difference between the problems faced by in a complete family unit; that is father, mother and children, and a child in fatherless home, are the lack of positive impacts provided by presence of the father (Zadeh, Freeman, & Golombok, 2017). Thus those define the well-being of the child in the cross comparison. It is significant to take note of the fact that a family is the most important influence in a child influence. A child relies on a family for identity, security and values at any stage of their life. Life being irreversible growth, forming stage of a child is founded in the very first people they interact with, and that is family (Mandai et al., 2018). Child development experts have pointed out that quality attachment of a child to both a mother and a father has big impact in progressive social development of a child.

Moreover, it is significant to note that children raised in fatherless families often have a negative development, as compared to the children raise in families where the father is present, thus bringing forth the significance of a father in a family (Mandai et al., 2018). It is evident that children in fatherless families do score lower in schools, whilst considering their behavioural, social health, as well as academic performance. This is owing to the fact that fatherless children exhibit high levels of anxiety, depression, and also anti-social behaviour as compared to those that live with their fathers. Clearly, it is of much importance that there be a presence of both a mother and a father in everyday life of a child (Zadeh, Freeman, & Golombok, 2017). Quality of the presence can only be felt in less obstructed set ups where both parents are equally present in a union. For these reasons, this study design is justified.

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  • Bailey, F. G. (2017). Mothers in Poverty: A Study of Fatherless Families. Routledge.
  • Barlow, A. (2017). Website​​ Resource​​ For​​ Strengthening​​ The​​ Relationships​​ Of​​ Fathers And​​ Their​​ Children​​ To​​ Increase​​ Academic​​ Achievement.
  • Brewaeys, M., & Bos, H. (2017, July). Single-mothers-by-choice: parent-child relationships, social support networks and the well-being of their children. In Human Reproduction (Vol. 32, pp. 120-120). Great Clarendon St, Oxford Ox2 6dp, England: Oxford Univ Press.
  • Flick, U. (2018). An introduction to qualitative research. Sage Publications Limited.
  • Golombok, S. (2017). Parenting in new family forms. Current opinion in psychology, 15, 76-80.
  • Mandai, M., Kaso, M., Takahashi, Y., & Nakayama, T. (2018). Loneliness among mothers raising children under the age of 3 years and predictors with special reference to the use of SNS: a community-based cross-sectional study. BMC women's health, 18(1), 131.
  • McLanahan, S., & Jencks, C. (2015). Was Moynihan right? What happens to children of unmarried mothers. Education Next, 15(2), 14-21.
  • Merriam, S. B., & Grenier, R. S. (Eds.). (2019). Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis. Jossey-Bass.
  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Pediatric Care, P. N. (2019). The Importance Of A Father In A Child’s Life. Retreived [nline] from
  • Popenoe, D. (2017). Families without Fathers: Fatherhood, Marriage and Children in American Society. Routledge.
  • Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2016). Qualitative research. Sage. Smith, J. A. (Ed.). (2015). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.
  • Tasker, F., & Figueroa, V. (2016). Golombok, S.(2015). Modern families: Parents and children in new family forms. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 267 pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-05558-2 Hardback or 978-1-107-65025-1. Paperback.
  • Zadeh, S., Freeman, T., & Golombok, S. (2017). ‘What Does Donor Mean to a Four‐Year‐Old?’: Initial Insights into Young Children's Perspectives in Solo Mother Families. Children & society, 31(3), 194-205.

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