Impacts the Six Aspects Globalisation

What are the Impacts of the Aspects of Globalisation to the Royal Dutch Shell Company?

Globalisation, according to Baylis, Smith, and Owens (2017), refers to the process by which the globe is gradually becoming more interconnected under the influence of social, economic, cultural and political contacts. The advent of globalisation has also been drastically influenced by advancements in the domain of information and technology, which has made accessible the exchange of information, regardless of geographical distances involved. Notably, globalisation has dramatically influenced the flow of goods and services, capital, information, people, images and ideas across national boundaries, and in combination with political institutions and social fabrics. Considerably, this essay is inclined towards Anastasiou and Schäler (2010), view that globalisation is the intensification of world interconnectedness, which has created an impression of free movements, contacts and therefore the exchange of cultures or even trades. This paper intends to critically examine the six aspects of globalisation, and their impacts on a selected Royal Dutch Shell Company.

The Royal Dutch Shell Company’s growth and thrive is accredited globalisation. The Company was founded in the year 1890, to engage in the production of gas energy, petroleum products and chemicals (Sluyterman, 2010). Over many years, the company has treaded through the test of globalisation, cutting through the edges of its mother countries into other states. The company was also founded on the threshold to empower members of the society economically and provide services them equitably and sustainably. And so it has done over the ages, but again venturing into new countries under the motivation of globalisation aspects which this essay intends to present thereon.


Many contemporary scholars share a converging perspective; that indeed globalisation is not a new concept, but rather an idea which began during the old days of colonization. In that during then, the flow of raw materials from colonized countries flowed to colonizing countries, including other factors such as labour. Another class of scholars perceives globalisation as a product of modernization, dating it back to the mid-1980s after the collapse of the USSR and the conception of capitalism, which unprecedentedly induced social-political changes to the world. Consequently, the birth of information technology, especially internet inspired inter-global connectivity, and people began to migrate into new areas in search of better prospects (Burbules, and Torres, 2013).

Amongst these scholars who perceive globalisation as a product of modernization is Beck (2018), who therefore defines globalisation as “the integration of markets, finance, and technologies in a way that is shrinking the world from a size medium to a size small and enabling each of us to reach around the world farther, faster, and cheaper than ever before.” Notably, globalisation as in with the case of any international systems is directly or indirectly coded with home politics, foreign and international relations; and economic frameworks. Therefore, globalisation is a complex and multidimensional that engages complex and simultaneously linked processes at every level of society including political, social, economic technological, cultural and environmental domains (Otter, 2018).

The different aspects of globalisation including economic, political, social, cultural, technological and environmental issues have directly or indirectly impacted the thriving and continuity of the Royal Dutch Shell Company. Economically, the continuity of the company’s prosperity and ability to ascend to new geographical countries has been inspired by favourable fiscal and monetary policies in new countries which the corporation ventures into. Globalisation tend to assume the whole globe as a single economic block within which are alleviated restrictions for market entries, and labour movements (Caruso, 2010).

Additionally, a globalized block is characterized by liberal and free trade areas which thus pave way for international investments and rapid capital flows. National economies tend to surpass economic boundaries to get incorporate with financial markets and international trade. In the United Kingdom, the economic structures within the countries which encourage the creation and expansion of businesses beyond territorial borders have equally inspired the excellent performance of the Royal Dutch Shell Company.

According to the Economic theory, globalisation is presented as a model of the free market without elemental restriction of mobility and competition; global mass culture and a robust exchange of information. Concerning the neo-liberal thoughts; the global markets are capacitated to fulfil its allocation in the pursuit to direct the flow of goods, capital information, services, and labour to places where there are deficits. Exemplary, the Royal Dutch Shell Company has continually provided its essential goods to where they are crucially needed especially in the Asian economies and Africa. The consumers have consequently benefitted through the competitive market and quality products availed at relatively low prices (Cipriani, 2018).

The economic aspect of globalisation takes cognizance of the interdependence and interconnectedness of firms through the global market. The dependence therein is built on the threshold of global trade, joint venture investment; the international flow of labour and financial streams (Robertson, 2012). The advent of computer linkages and production technologies has simplified the business operations, paving the way for the establishment of businesses to new countries. Consequently, the globalisation of the Royal Dutch Shell Company has relatively smoothened existing differences and income discrepancies. The relatively developing nations and people have benefitted from the flow of ideas about business operations via the internet.

Technologically, the advent of information technology has been one of the key drivers of globalisation. Through the conception of Information Technology, there has been an efficient threshold for communication which is the primary facilitator of trade (Vasileva and Schmidt, 2018). Such discussions have formed the basis for the identification of business opportunities, and markets for the produced goods and services. Contextually, the Royal Dutch Shell Company has been drastically impacted by the advent of technology both in production and marketing of its products. The application of technology in production has lessened the production costs, making the company accrue high-profit margins which the company uses for expansion both within the home and new countries (Cohen, 2018).

Notably, the adoption of technology has increased flexibility in Royal Dutch Shell Company in the domain of production, management, and consumption which has eventually minimized the distance between the society and economy (Conversi, 2010). The incorporation of technology has alleviated the need for vertical hierarchies and indeed contributed a lot in carrying out marketing strategies for the industrial's produce. The internet innovation brought forth avenues for marketing the company products such as online marketing, Search Engine Optimization and other related techniques which have indeed contributed to the basketry of higher profit returns.

In the socio-cultural domain, globalisation has been considerably considered as a tool for interconnectedness globally through social media, migrations, trade, tourism, and similar political alignments. As a result of globalisation, the local culture of a business and people get to diffuse into different global jurisdictions (Segbers, 2018). Local cultures as a result of globalisation have been exposed to ideas such as democracy, human rights, and new methods of production and new products for consumption. Royal Dutch Shell Company in her unique position to produce differentiated products has supplemented the ones already existing in the market, thereby providing rich and diverse products for consumers to choose from. By so doing, giving the consumers a varied range of products to choose from equally inspires the production of quality products, based on the proposition that consumers will always tend to go for quality products (Deshwal et al., 2016).

Globalisation induced to the fusion of British culture with the natives where the company established its branches. Through the company’s influence, it has continually influenced the adoption fuels and chemicals globally. Most notably, the expansion of the country comes forth with some associated challenges especially environmental degradation; which this essay categorizes as a social impact. The felony of ecological degradation and Royal Dutch Shell Company are entwined, in that the resources the company uses as raw materials are extracted from the environment which gradually leads to depletion (Ekatah et al., 2011).

Alternatively, the emissions from the firm end up in the environment as wastes, making the environment choked with pollution. Globalisation of Royal Dutch Shell Company has thus contributed to the globe’s challenges concerning pollution and climate change; despite the significant internal structure to combat the same. The company is however committed to mitigating the impacts through investments in green technologies for productions which cut short the environmental effects. Remarkably, the Royal Dutch Shell Company has been an excellent champion for ecological production and has continually integrated environmental constraints in production processes (Hanson et al., 2016).

Additionally, globalisation equally has an impact on the culture of the local community. As a result of mass communications, there has been immense cultural interconnectedness, which has also been inspired by the mass flows of people as in tourism, migration and transnational institutions (Heller, 2003). The establishment of Royal Dutch Shell Company has diffused the home nationalities into new countries, paving the way for cultural exchanges and borrowings. As a result of trans-boundary establishments of the company, the affluent classes working for the company have diffused into less developed countries. As a result, in the modern days, observable people and cultures are coexisting in different parts of countries where Royal Dutch Shell Company has established.

Whereas globalisation inspires and promotes global culture and international trade; there are also visible traces of emerging global consciousness due to migrations. While the company constitutes of economic and political capacities to tread through countries and establish businesses, it may be expensive to enact physical contacts (Isenberg, 2010). The introduction of liberal and secular cultures by globalisation also constitutes the foundations of conflicts between international and native cultures. The introduction of new ways of life to new areas may conflict with the already existing fabrics and arrangements. This may result into adoption of the introduced culture by the locals, compromising their authentic alignments and values.

Concerning the political dimension, the politics of a country plays a vital role in setting the ground for foreign countries to establish business ventures. A nation’s legal policies and arrangements of economic policies dictate the measure of existing space for foreign investments. A state with motivating policies for international investments is likely to attract foreign corporations to establish their firms (Intriligator, 2017). This is similarly applicable in the context of the Royal Dutch Shell Company; in that, the company has thrived well in countries with accommodative structures for foreign investors. Such countries have substantially benefitted from returns and employment opportunities created by the company.

Globalisation results into the induction of discussion and corporation space which consequently pave the way for the construction of firms. The sporadic sprout of Royal Dutch Shell Company to new geographical areas has been built on the threshold of such inter-state talks and discussions, which have consequently seen through the developments and renewed performances. The contemporary governments have become aware of the rationales and strengths behind working together for economic empowerment. Such awareness has inspired to the formulation of policies and frameworks which encourages foreign investors into the country (Ivanov, and Webster, 2013).

Globalisation has historically paved the way for political understandings amongst countries. As countries function and cooperate; they enhance on another politically, tending to create a similar pool of political practice favourable for them. The flourishing business operations have built a solid base for mutual collaborations and partnerships, and therefore peace amongst the globalised nations. Upon the eruptions of ideological differences, the involved countries are encouraged to solve such issues amicably through negotiations, to sustain the business environment and attachments. Indeed, globalisation invokes states to initiate friendly relationships to help themselves work together not only towards achieving harmony but also improvement of the quality of life (Potrafke, 2015).

To conclude, trade and the conception of information and technology are deemed as necessary propellants of globalisation. As presented in the essay, the aspects of globalisation namely the social-cultural aspect, political, technological, political, have all through direct or indirect means impacted the survival of Royal Dutch Shell Company of England. The essay presents globalisation as a tool that has inspired equity and lowered discrepancies in capital ownership but again as a tool that has instigated environmental degradation and erosion of native culture. The Royal Dutch Shell Company in the context of this essay has flourished through time with globalisation impacting its thriving significantly in especially in Asia and Europe.

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  • Anastasiou, D. and Schäler, R., 2010. Translating vital information: Localisation, internationalisation, and globalisation. Syn-thèses Journal, 3, pp.11-25.
  • Baylis, J., Smith, S. and Owens, P. eds., 2017. The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press.
  • Beck, U., 2018. What is globalization? John Wiley & Sons.
  • Burbules, N.C. and Torres, C.A., 2013. Globalization and education: Critical perspectives. Routledge.
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  • Isenberg, D.J., 2010. How to start an entrepreneurial revolution. Harvard business review, 88(6), pp.40-50.
  • Ivanov, S.H. and Webster, C., 2013. Globalisation as a driver of destination competitiveness.
  • Otter, D. (2018) ‘Globalization of business: good or bad?’ In Wetherly, P., & Otter, D. (2018). The business environment: themes and issues in a globalizing world. 4th Ed., Chapter 10, pp.: 275-2299. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Potrafke, N., 2015. The evidence on globalisation. The World Economy, 38(3), pp.509-552.
  • Robertson, R., 2012. Globalisation or glocalisation? Journal of International Communication, 18(2), pp.191-208.
  • Segbers, K., 2018. Centre for Global Politics, Freie Universität Berlin. Populism in Europe an Overview, p.4.
  • Sluyterman, K., 2010. Royal Dutch Shell: company strategies for dealing with environmental issues. Business History Review, 84(2), pp.203-226.
  • Vasileva-Dienes, A. and Schmidt, V.A., 2018. Conceptualising capitalism in the twenty-first century: the BRICs and the European periphery. Contemporary Politics, pp.1-21.

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