Improving Research Through Marketing Analysis


assessment is good to review the skill and expertise to conduct the research. The researcher is able to review the participation in the research as well as evaluate the skill gained from the research. This paper is effective to review the skill gained as well as the ways to conduct and compete the research.


Rationale of the research

The marketing research has been conducted on the brands such Gucci and Versace, where both the brands are famous in the fashion retail industry due to their quality and luxury products in the market. The research is related to the marketing and promotional activities of the brands, it is necessary in the recent years to promote the organisations efficiently to gain high competitive advantage and strengthen their customer’s base. The research is beneficial to analyse the external environment of market by reviewing the political, social and economic factors as well as the legal practice, environmental rules and technological advancement which influence the brands Gucci and Versace for better strategic planning to establish the businesses efficiently in the market (Wong 2016).

Ways to conduct the research

The research is conducted through gathering authentic information about the brands Gucci and Versace as well as market analysis has been done to analyse the market condition. I try to utilise the marketing and promotional models for better analysis and evaluation to compare the branding strategy of Gucci and Versace. The research has been completed in the systematic way by revising the market condition through PESTLE analysis and then comparing the marketing strategic planning for further evaluation and analysis (Harris, 2017).

Marketing theories

The major marketing theories utilised in this presentation are PESTLE analysis, STP and marketing mix strategy. PESTLE analysis is utilized for analysing the market condition for Gucci and Versace (Pogorelova et al., 2016). I also utilised STP analysis to conduct segmentation of the customers and target the right customer base for the brands and then positioning strategy is useful to identify the branding strategies of Gucci and Versace. The marketing mix strategic planning is another important model utilised in this presentation to identifying product, pricing, place and promotional activities of the brands.

Gained skills

I try to improve my skill and expertise through the presentation where I am successful to increase my research skill which further helps me to gather authentic data and information related to branding strategies of Gucci and Versace. I also try to improve my critical analysis skill, where I evaluate the gathered information and develop proper comparison between the strategic planning of Gucci and Versace which further helps me to conduct the research efficiently.

Learn from presentation

Through the presentation, I have learnt to critically analyse the gathered information and understand the marketing strategic models and planning of the multinational brands to sustain in the international market.

Different ways to conduct the research

I can conduct the research differently by gathering primary data through arranging interview with the managers of Gucci and Versace which would be helpful for me to gather more relevant and valid internal information of the brands about the strategic planning.

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The presentation provides me an opportunity to improve my skill of communication and cooperation to work with others as well as critical analysis and decision making skill which would be beneficial for me in achieving future career objective.

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Reference List

Harris, C., 2017. The fundamentals of digital fashion marketing. AVA pub-lishing, p.112.

Pogorelova, E., Yakhneeva, I., Agafonova, A., and Prokubovskaya, A., 2016. Marketing Mix for E-commerce. International journal of environmental & science education, 11(14), 6744-6759.

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