Key Factors in Change Management


Chang management can be referred to as the systematic process or approach through which organisational; can make the useful transformation of its goals, strategies and decisions. Change management has the purpose to take innovative as well as relevant marketing strategies and decisions in order to control, implement and adopt these changes in terms of dealing with the changing external and internal organisational; factors. Through implementing the changed management organisation considers that ow these changes can effectively impact the organisational staff's culture and productivity. This study is going to discuss the changed management process in two different sections, in the first section, it will discuss the internal and external stimuli or factors that affect the overall, management change in an organisation. In the second section, this study is going to make a report on evaluating approaches that are used to implement change management in organisations.

1.Description of Internal and external stimuli leading to change management:

Transformation or changes in organisation management is associated with several internal and external stimuli or factors. Internal stimuli are the factors within the organisation that affect the overall management decision, strategy and operation of the organisation. the external stimuli are the factors outside the organisation that affect the overall business decision and management processes of organisations.

Internal stimuli:

Internal factors that lead to change management in an organisation are as follows:

Organisational personnel:

Changes in the organisational personals such as replacement of managers by the new managers or restructure of the workforce by terminating the old one with new staffs can make severe changes in the organisational management (Cook, 2015). Each organisational staff has his or her own viewpoints and perception. Therefore, with changing or replacement of personnel by the other personnel brings changes in the organisational decisions, strategies and operation that leads to the huge change in the overall organisational management process. For example, UK based largest supermarket chain Tesco Plc experiences the change management due to the continuous staffing and termination of the staffs in order to increase the productivity of the organisation. Moreover, the replacement of managers with the new as well as most eligible managers also brings apparent changes in its management decision and business processes. On the other hand, Sainsbury Plc, the famous UK based retailer has been reported to change its overall management process with replacement or change of the organisational management or staffs.

Organisational structure:

Most of the organisations have a large hierarchical structure with staffs, supervisor, managers higher managers, a board of directors, MD/CEO and the proprietor. Stability of the organisational management is based on the relations, cooperation and understanding among the different layers or hierarchy of the organisational. In this aspect, Geppert et al. (2016) stated that the majority of the large organisation with huge hierarchical structure face the change management due to continuous changes in the decision, misunderstanding between the managers and staffs. for example, as compared to Sainsbury Plc, the largest retail organisation in the UK, Ben's Cookies the small fast food chain in England has more stable organisational management, due to its simple organisational structure. Therefore, organisational structure one of the most important internal factors that can lead to change management.

Organisational resources:

As stated by Apostolou (2019), organisational resources disclosed whether the company will survive or die. Based on the financial resources the management decision has been taken by the organisational officials. A company with limited fund and staffs need to set their strategies and operation in such a manner that would be highly cost-effective to the organisation. For example, during the global recession in 2008, UK based retrial organisation WM Morison, UK based retail organisation, has faced severe difficulties in managing the consistent flow of investment of fund from the investors. This compels the managers to bring cost-effective changes to the management decisions in order to deal with the financial crisis.

External stimuli:

External stimuli or factors that lead to change management in an organisational are as follows:

Economic factors:

The current economic condition of the home country as well as in the post-country, in which the organisations operate their business, has a potential impact on the survival and stability of the company (Schutte-Lyth et al. 2016). If the country suffers from the economic slowdown ad recession then it affects the overall management process and the business decision of organisational operating there. For example, economic slow down in the US during 2016, has compelled several technological hubs such as TCS, to terminates majority of the old and well-experienced staffs in order to reduce the organisational crisis, this process has brought potential changes in the overall management decision and operation process of this company.

Political and social changes:

Political and social changes in the home and host country have a potential impact on organisational management (Rodríguez-Olalla and Avilés-Palacios, 2017). Changing government and political instability in one country affect the business decision and operation of the organisation working there. on the other hand, changing perception, preference and demand of the society people also compel the managers to set new strategies and management process to deal with the changing social trend.

Technological factors:

Technological advancement assists the organisation to implement the useful changes in their management process, business operation and customer dealing service (Piercy, 2018). By using online transaction, online monitoring process wed chatting and video conferencing, organisational are able to bring useful changes in their management process which make the operation faster. Moreover, through the technological advancement marketers are able to make proper online market reser4cxh on the particular target market, based on which they can set their marketing decision and management planning.

Change management of Virgin Group in order to deal with Technical factors:

Virgin group is UK based Multinational Venture capital conglomerate which is founded by Nik Powell and Richard Branson. It has strong management strategies in order to deal with external stimuli that comes from changing technological context(, 2019). As stated by Schutte-Lythet al. (2016), technological modernisation brings about drastic changes in management strategies. Virgin group strongly focus on operating and managing all its companies under the one desk from its head office. It is possible due to the high-quality network connection and online platform that this company uses to make regular interaction with all its branches. It has taken the internet business strategies in order to coordinate among all the companies. As stated by Geppert et al. (2016), as Today's business world has become digitalised in order to faster its service, it is important for the organisations to take such management strategies that will assist marketers to adapt their business with this changing trend. Virgin company strictly follows the online business process, through which it not only connects to the employees working in different branches of this company but also makes proper interaction with customers, dealers, supplier and media(, 2019).

n order to deal with today’s digital business world, marketers of Virgin groups focus on updating and designing their websites in such a manner which will assist the customer to find their products and service easily. If customers enter into Virgin’s website, they can easily access all the products of this company under one portal. Moreover, customer can take the online membership of Virgin group in order to access all the information regarding new products, existing product, new service offers and discounts(, 2019). Through using the credit and debit card, customers can easily avail any service of Virgin, such as travelling, telecommunication, banking, entertainment and transportation. As stated Piercy (2018) wireless technology assists businesses to make positive changes in their management strategies in order to strengthen their relationship with the customer and increase profit margin. Virgin Group is one of the leading venture capital company, which beliefs in updating their software and application programs in order to improve the management and operation process. Moreover, Virgin Group, always uses wireless technology, in order to maintain a strong connection with all the managers working in different branches across the world. Through using technology, marketers of this company are able to make proper changes in their management process that assists them to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty(, 2019). Moreover, through using the internet and online marketing process, they can be connected to the customer across the globe in any time, which assists marketers to understand and the actual preference and demand of today’s customers.

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Customers and suppliers:

Due to ever-changing demand and preference of the customer, organisational need to make the continuous change in their decision, operation and management process (Tsikira, 2018). With changing the social trend, the preference of customer also changes that compel organisational to set new marketing strategies to meet this preference. On the other hand, the number of suppliers in the market also affects the overall business management process r organisation. Shortage of suppliers in the host country compels organisations to set new management strategies to deal with the situation.

2. Evaluate and contrasts the approaches to change management:

Impact on technological innovation and change on organisation:

Technological innovation assists the organisation to bring effective changes in their management process and organisational structure (Scheepers and Whelpton, 2018). There are several impacts that technology has on the organisation in order to implement positive changes in the organisation.

a. Understanding and awareness of ethical issues relating to change management:

Change is an inevitable part of an organisation that assists the organisational leaders to bring about the useful transformation of business strategies and process. As stated by Piercy (2018), although change is important for re-engineer the business process, several ethical issues arise during the change process. in most of the change process, the external agent is hired by the external management in order to gather the data and provide proper data analysis on the organisational issue. In this case, if the data analysis is not alignment with the executive management agendas, it leads to data manipulation. However, data manipulation interferes with the ethical and moral value and regulation of the organisation. On the contrary, Tsikira (2018) argued, sometimes the change process is done involuntarily, without the confirmation of the organisational staffs, which is unethical to the organisational rules and regulation. Sometimes change management does not focus on the overall employee engagement, rather not emphasize gaining the personal advantages by the organisational leaders. In this aspect, Scheepers and Whelpton (2018) mentioned that change process sometimes becomes irrelevant and unfair for organisational staffs, in which the changed management focuses on the organisational profit rather than emphasizing on the welfare and safety of organisational staffs. from the overall discussion, it can be stated that, for maintaining the this during the change process, the organisation needs to develops its positive culture, principals and shared beliefs. Moreover, the organisational needs to focuses on maintaining transparency in the change process in order to promote its responsivities that are beyond the profit and marketing.

b. Knowledge of the key theories regarding the management of change

Different theories can be discussed in order to analyse the use of change management in an organisation.

Lewin’s Change Management Model:

This theory is proposed by Kurt Lewin during 1950, which describe the three stages of the change management process, such as unfreeze, transition and refreeze. During the unfreeze stage, organisational leaders need to motivate the staffs to adopt the change that the organization has taken. As stated by Cummings et al. (2016), for proper implementation of the changes in organisational this stage is important which assist the organisational staffs to understand the purpose, effectiveness and outcomes of these changes. On the second stage, the transition stage, the company moves into the transition period, in which organisational staffs develop proper leadership, business strategies and marketing skill to make the better implementation of the changes. In the third stage, the company become stable again, as prepare itself to resist any sudden change during this period.

McKinsey 7-S Model:

This model represents the holistic approaches for the organisational change. Based on this model there are seven factors that act as collective agents of change management. These factors are, shared values, structure, strategies, style, system, staffs and skill. according to Mitchell et al. (2015), these factors assist the organisation to develop proper strategies in order to implement the changes in a well-organised manner. Moreover, these factors impact on how useful the changes for the organisation. on the contrary Ravanfar (2015) argued that, although the above-mentioned factors are important for the useful implementation of changes in the organisation, the change management also depends on the fact that how the organisation; staffs adapt themselves with these changes. In this aspect, it can be stated that the organisation needs to focus on paper leadership, staffs’ welfare along with the above-mentioned seven factors. through maintaining a proper balance of the seven collective agents, an organisation can implement the effective organisation changes.

Kotter's eight-step model:

Based on this model there are eight states, through the organisational staffs need to pass during the change process. according to the first stage is ‘urgency for change', in which organisational leaders feel that importance of organisational transition for dealing with the external environment. In the second stage, organisational needs to build the team, which execute the changing strategies, develops new thoughts and innovative technique to implement the changes into organisational practice. As stated by Libby (2017), in the third stage, organisational needs to create the proper vision for implementing the change management in such a manner that will align with organisational goals. In the fourth and fifth stage, the organisation communicate with staffs about the changes and empower the staffs to adopt these changes. In the sixth stage, the organisation creates short terms goals, which are relevant to the changes that are taken into account. In the seventh and eight stage organisations have implemented the changes in the proper manner and become stable by making the changes a permanent part of the organisation.

Bolster the hard skill:

Bolstering hard skill in the organisation means, strengthening professional skills and knowledge of organisational staffs that are crucial for implementing the effective changes in the organisation (Laima, 2015). Through developing and strengthening the hard skill such as communication skill, critical thinking skill, quick decision-making skill organisational staffs. there are several effective processes through which organisation develops these skills within the organisational staffs. Through implementing technical advancement into the organisational practice, it is possible to develop the skill and knowledge of organisational personnel in a faster manner. UK based organisation Tesco, Sainsbury and Morrison have developed potential workforce by conducting the online training and monitoring process. According to Naidoo (2015), through using the potential network, organisations are able to train their staffs in a useful manner. on supporting this viewpoint, several evidence-based reports suggest that through using web chat and video conferencing higher official can get all the updates regarding the performance and productivity of the workforce. Moreover, internet connection has replaced the traditional training process in the organisation by the innovative training and self-assessment procedures. In this process, the higher official can see the performed from anywhere of the world through the online video conferencing process. On the contrary, Laima (2015), argued that, although technology brings useful change in the organisational management it has increased the risk of termination and employee mismanagement. In this aspect, the majority of the old staffs are unable to adopt the technical changes in their organisation, which make them unable to set their skill as per the current needs of the organisation. In this aspect, the termination of old staffs leads to employee insecurity and dissatisfaction.

Develop multiple channels of communication:

Technology assists the organisation to improve the level of official communication among the different layers of the organisational structure. Technological advancement has changed the overall process of communication between staff and officials (Van Rooyen, 2018). For example, the managers and higher officials of Tesco Plc are able to communicate with the staffs of franchisees across the world through using web chat, video conferencing and the email. On the contrary, Pamacheche (2015) argued that communication through technology sometimes leads to the risk of data hacking. Through using the unauthorised access of database unknown person can get the official and personal database of staffs. therefore, although technology brings effective management changes in organisational, the higher official needs to make proper risk assessment process whole using the inline communication system, As stated by, through using online communication, it is possible for organisational to update all the employees in regular wise about their jobs, performance and skill. technology also assists the management to change the traditional process physical delivery of information to the staffs. Now organisations are able to communicate with any of the organisational hierarchy (Lozano et al. 2016). Moreover, through using the podcasts, e-newsletter, emails, and videos organisation can bring effective changes in the organisational information system which is associated with improving the organisational productivity.

Replace the traditional business model:

Technological advancement has changed the traditional business model which was based on the slow and physical process in order to accomplish any task (Corfield and Paton, 2016). Todays' digital business world assist the organisational to implement a faster online process which has less physical involvement. Such as for consulting training process, managers of a department is not needed to physically meet with all the staffs of that departments, rather he or she informs the staffs by dropping a mail regarding the training into the official managers of the company. For example, UK based bank Barclays Plc arranges its regular meeting and staff training through the official mail of organisation. On the contrary Frawley et al. (2018), argued that sometimes, through using the online technology it is unable to understand the actual issues and problems that the staffs face during the new business model. Moreover, online communication is indirect process through which it is difficult for the organisational leaders to sense the internal mismanagement, poor coordination and lack of employee involvement. In order to implement technology in order to change the business model, it is important for the organisation to improve the overall monitoring and surveillance process within the organisation which would assist organisational leaders to sense the internal business issues.

The perfect storm develops:

Technology assists organisations to change the overall workforce structure and organisational management framework (Ziaee Bigdeli et al. 2017). Through these changes' companies are able to adapt their business with the changing trend of the external factors. Implementation of technological advancement such as email, internet, web chat, podcasts, video conferencing and official websites, organisational are able to replace the traditional marketing process ad business decisions, through using the internet, now organisational can make market research on the different market in order to operate their business in the target market. On the contraryElsmore (2017), technology can be effective in bringing about the positive changes into the organisation if it is used in useful as well as positive manner. In this aspect, it can be stated that technological facets are also associated with the organisational culture such as hacking, poor data protection, huge termination of old staffs and reducing of staffs by installing new machines. As stated by Lozano et al. (2015), in the US, there are created jobs are only 20,000 in the technical field during 2018. This is due to the installation of the new machines and online working process that can reduce the workloads of several workers. based on this aspect, it can be stated that the organisation should focus on applying the useful way in which technology can be used in the best process that would assist organisational labours to deal with the issues and difficulties.

3. Analysis of organisational resistance to the changes:

According to Narayanan and Adams (2017), although change management is one of eth important process in the organisation in order to transform its goals and market strategies in order to deal with changing market situation, these changes bring about the potential impact of the overall organisational framework. Sometimes the impact affects adversely the workforce, organisational culture and structure. Therefore, it is important for organisational to make resistance towards these changes in order to implement them in a positive direction. In this following point, this study is going to analyse the resistance strategies of the organisation.

Redefining organisation culture:

According to Stensaker and Leiber (2015), restructuring and redefining organisation culture is one of the important sources for organisational resistance towards the changes. Changes in the management process have a potential impact on organisation culture. As stated by Lozano et al. (2015), in most cases, change management poses an adverse impact on organisational; culture. Therefore, organisational needs to restructure the organisational culture in order to set again the positive and motivational work culture that would assist the organisational staffs to the world in a collaborative manner to achieve the organisational goals. Through redefining the organisational culture, it is possible for the marketers to deal with all the resistance. Through maintaining the positive organisational culture, the marketers are able to offer the high-quality training and development framework within the workplace. It assists the staffs to improve their overall skill and development.

Assessing the risk:

When an organisation brings about some changes in the management, there are associated with some risk along with the positive changes. As stated by Ziaee Bigdeli et al. (2017), organisational needs to have proper risk assessment strategies which it can apply to determine, execute and mitigate the risks. Through eliminating the risk assessment process would be formed on the basis of the current, management process and changing the market trend. On the contrary, Narayanan and Adams (2017) argued that, sometimes, the risk assessment process cannot be used as the appropriate source of the organisation; resistance to change due to its poor implementation in the practical field. Through maintaining proper risk assessment framework, organisational staffs can understand what type of risk is going to attack the organisational culture. Through maintaining the safe and secure organisational framework, the organisational owners can improve the overall structure and planning of the organisation. It is important for all the staffs and the marketers in the organisation to maintain the high-quality risk assessment framework in order to deal with any type of risk within the organisation.

However, for dealing with the changes, organisational needs to take proper risk assessment strategy that would assist organisational staffs to combat the sudden challenges in the organisation.

Exercising authority:

Through exercising authority, an organisation can build strong cooperation among all the higher officials in different departments. Though exercising the authority of each department, the organisation would be able to understand how these changes have affected each part of the organisational structure. Through maintaining proper administration of the organisational authority, the marketers are able to mitigate any type of risk in the organisation. Through empowering the organisational authority it is possible for the organisational leaders to develop the high-quality framework which not only assists the staffs to deal with each issue but also improve their skill and quality to achieve the organisational goals. On the contrary Geppert et al. (2016) argued that, sometimes, exercising authorities is possible in a small organisation, but when it comes to the large corporate firm, it is highly time-consuming and complicated to exercise each authority of the entire organisational structure. In this aspect, the organisation needs to focus on strengthening the collaboration among the higher official which would assist the organisation to execute the authority in an easier manner.

Strengthening communication:

Communication is one of the important resources in order to make organisational resistance to the changes (Scheepers and Whelpton, 2018). Through improving the official communication among the different layers in the organisational it is possible to share views, decisions, and ideas. Through strengthening communication, the organisation can assist its staffs to make synergistic approach or strategies for dealing with the changes.

Analysing the individual resistance to change:

Individual resistances to change are referred as the process of improving and managing skill and expertise of individual staffs for dealing with difrent organisational challenges. The process of individual resistance to changes that the organisational staffs can follow is as follows:

Time management:

Time management is process which assist staffs in developing their individual skill in order to perform their individual responsibilities within the deadline (Narayanan and Adams, 2017). Through managing proper time of dealing with each task, individual staffs can improve their efficiency in understanding, analysing and achieve the job target, which not only improve their expertise but also assist the individual staffs to achieve common organisational goals.

Self assessment:

Self assessment is one of the important processes in order to assist staffs to improve their skill and proficiency to deal with the organisational resistance and changes (Schutte-Lyth et al. 2016). Through evaluating own skill, strength and weakness, each staffs can improve his or her overall professional standard in order to combat any kind or organisational risk.


Self-motivation is process, in which individual staffs can motivate themselves to make betterment of their professional standard (Narayanan and Adams, 2017). Through maintaining the motivational and encouragement, individual staffs can improve their professional knowledge, risk assessment skill, decision making skill and problem solving ability. Through self-motivation each staff can hold his or her interest onwards heir ask, which assist him or her to achieve the task.

Involving in challenging task:

Through involving into challenging task, staffs can improve their individual proficiency and expertise in order to combat the risk. The more staffs will deal with challenging task, the more they can improve their understanding and professional standard (Rodríguez-Olalla and Avilés-Palacios, 2017). Through going beyond their ability and limit of staffs can improve their individual performance level which assists them to deal with any resistance and risk inside workplace.

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4.Evaluating Strategies and techniques for the effective management and organisational change:

For maintaining effective management changes, the organisation takes important strategies and techniques. One of the important techniques for implementing the changes in the organisational management process is the online communication process. As mentioned by Apostolou (2019), in order to introduce the innovative and effective changes in the management process, the organisation needs to faster its communication, so that the organisational; staffs can be easily connected with one another. Moreover, through using the online communication, via web chat, official mail, emails, video conferencing, the higher official can inform all the staffs in few second about any changes or rescheduling or strategies taken currently by the organisation. on the contrary Schutte-Lyth et al. (2016) argued that, although communication is effective strategies to implement effective changes in the organisational management, the organisation also needs to have proper infrastructure and smart marketing tactics. In this aspect, it can be stated that through using smart marketing technics, such as an advertisement, media conference and online poster organisation can be connected to the consumers, through this process, the marketers can set effective strategies about the useful implementation of the changes in tom their organi9sational structure. On the contrary, Rodríguez-Olalla and Avilés-Palacios (2017) argued that only smart marketing tactics are associated with profit-making strategies but bot with the change management process. as per this author, one of eth most important strategies for organisational change management is online market research. On supporting this viewpoint Piercy (2018) suggested that, through using the internet, the market can make market research on the current market situation and global demand which is important to make the effective transformation of their marketing strategies and innovation.


From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that change management is an important organisational process that assists the organisation to make the positive transformation of their goals and strategies in order to deal with the current market situation. There are two important stimuli of factors such as internal and external factors that have a potential impact on organisational to have the change management. Internal factors include organisational structure, organisational culture, changing organisational personnel and changing resources of the organisation. external factors include the political, social, technological and economic factors. Technology has both the positive and negative impact on the organisational management that leads to change management in the company. For resist these changes, organisational implement different strategies such as risk assessment and strong organisational structure. Therefore, it can be tested that organisational needs to focus on implementing the management changes in such a manner that would offer a positive impact on the organisational framework.

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