Language Related Tasks Assignment

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A vandal is a person who damages or destroys other people`s properties deliberately (Vandal, n.d.). One good method of eliciting ‘a vandal’ is showing different pictures with a focus on an individual breaking and damaging property. Pointing at the picture, so as to draw answers from the class, I could ask, what name do you give the man doing this? These concept check questions could possibly be asked: Do vandal`s damage property? (Yes) Is the vandal’s action wrong or right? (Wrong) Is the vandal allowed to do what they are doing? (No) Supposing a vandal is caught, will they be in trouble? (Yes) Van-dal is two syllables with the stressed syllable being ‘van.’

To stagger To stagger is to move or walk unsteadily, as if about to fall (Stagger, 2019). The best way to teach this word is by modelling which will involve walking from one end of the class to the other while staggering and ask the students what they would refer to such walking as.

The concept check questions that could be asked are: What makes a person stagger? (Drunkenness, Sickness) Does a staggering person have control over him/herself? (No) Can a staggering person topple and subsequently fall? (Yes) Stag-ger has two syllables with the stressed syllable being stag. Reliable – pre-intermediate Reliable is defined as consistently good in performance or quality; trustworthy (Reliable, 2019). The best way through which to teach this word is to invent a context where the word can be used. “Being reliable is when your boss can comfortably walk out of the office and leave you in charge..” The concept check questions that could be asked are: Can a reliable person be trusted with money? (Yes) Are reliable people perfect at all times? (No) d Re-li-a-ble is four syllables and the stressed syllable is ‘li.’ While students may try to pronounce the ‘li; syllable like ‘lee’, while it should actually be pronounced like ‘lie’ while

on the other hand, they may try to pronounce ‘able’ the same way they pronounce the word ‘able’, its correct pronunciation is ‘abal.’ 4. Lend/Borrow – (elementary) Borrow is defined as taking something from someone with the promise of giving it back after some agreed time (Borrow, 2019), while ‘lend’ is the act of giving something to someone for a while (Lend, 2019). To make the students guess Lend, the following questions can be asked: What is giving something to someone referred as? What other way can someone ask another person to give them something for a while? To make students guess Borrow, the following questions can be asked: What is the opposite of giving? What is taking something from someone with the promise of giving it back later called? These concept questions can be asked: Lend: Does a person I lend to something give it back? (Yes) Can someone lend their friend a book? (Yes) Can someone lend their friend, their parent? (No) Borrow: Is it right to keep something we have borrowed forever? (No) Is borrowing the same as grabbing? (No) Can one borrow a book from their friend? Yes Does borrowing imply taking something from someone or giving? (Taking from someone) Lend is a single syllable. On the other hand, Bor-row has two syllables with the stress being on the Bor.

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  • Borrow. (2019). In: Cambridge Dictionary. [online] Available at:
  • Lend. (2019). In: Cambridge Dictionary. [online] Available at:
  • Reliable. (2019). In: Merriam Webster. [online] Available at:
  • Stagger. (2019). In: Merriam Webster. [online] Available at:
  • Vandal. (n.d.). In: Cambridge Dictionary. [online] Available at:

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