Leadership and Humility in MBA

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a course which is designed to develop skills required for careers in management and business. The profession is characterized by leadership, people management, marketing, networking, management of difficult situations like financial crisis, maintenance of company reputation, hiring of best talents among other traits. Therefore, I believe that this course requires students who are most qualified and competent to withstand the demand and challenges of the course. However, beyond qualification, I understand that Berkeley University requires learners who embody the institution distinctive culture to be mentored.


However, talking of Ms Vidushi and from my experience, I believe she is the most qualified candidate for this course at your institution. From her nature, she is a student who understands that both humility and confidence have giant roles in making an individual become respected and an effective leader. For ms vidushi confidence has been a skill which she has developed for a long time. From the way she expresses herself, how she conducts herself especially in public and other daily activities, it is evident that she is courageous. For instance, she has never hesitated to enquire knowledge which makes me conclude that she has no challenge with being courageous.

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However, being courageous and lacking humility in the current world is very dangerous. From my experience, ms vidushi is an individual who knows the importance of expressing gratitude and who practice courtesy in daily activities. She knows what these values contribute to people's lives and especially in leadership. Moreover, she never points a finger on anyone which makes me believe that she is the best-qualified candidate to upgrade your culture. Humility is also expressed via body language, therefore I believe her strong communication skills enable her to be the most qualified candidate who suits your institution culture.

Mba is a very complicated field of subject that requires many skills to complete the degree course. There are several theories and concepts both in theoretical and practical space that make it difficult for the students to remember everything in detail. Mba is a field that needs critical thinking as most of the deals and practices involved in it are related to money or data. Many students aim to build their professional careers in this field as it is very vast and has a lot of scope in terms of making money. The students need to be profound in all the areas of the degree so that they can do different tasks allotted to them by their professors. In any case, if the students face issues with writing any form of document, they prefer taking support from Home Of Dissertations as it is one of the most reliable and credible services. Many students seek Essay Help as it provides the most valuable insights into the topic which helps them accomplish their task. The service makes sure to assist the students with all the aspects of writing the assignment so that it can get approved in the first instance.

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