Logistics and Operational Efficiency

Delivery of the Goods

Goods are transported to the warehouse using motor trucks. Once the goods have arrived, they get checked and confirmed if they meet required standards and quality. The delivery system is automated meaning inventory is, with the help of technology, monitored showing what is needed and where at the logistic system is at. This help in making the entire delivery system efficient and reduce redundancy in handling and ordering. The goods which come in pellet and cage have different barcodes on them. Thanks to the company's well-developed technology, the goods are scanned using the installed apps in the warehouse.


Receiving and put-away

Once in the warehouse, the receiving system not only ensure efficiency but also crucial in making sure the inventory received are tagged correctly then moved to appropriate location. The system which is computerized reduces the errors such as labelling and sorting prone to human workforce. However, in our case, a combination of human and technology are used to supplement each other.

Different workers work in various shifts, and there are day shift workers and night shift workers. The workers have additional responsibilities as the goods need different preparation from receiving the goods, arranging them in the shelve, noting when the goods have reduced on the racks and so on. The system notifies them which goods need to be replenished. The night shift workers then separate each pallet by department then by aisle. So, everything is filled and worked during the night, then the leftovers are binned well and in the right places by the morning colleagues.

Each product and pellets have a barcode that can be scanned to put away leftovers and then fill the shelves at different times. There is a lot of racking in the warehouse, which helps identify and access the products when the customers need them. The idea of racking is essential as the workers and colleagues do not find a hard time trying to look for the goods and where they are placed. It is also vital as there is a lot of time saved as the products will be easily found when needed, and all this is also made possible by the superior technology used.

Order picking and packing

There is a picking system, but it does not have a name. The picking system is referred to as customer availability product, otherwise known as CAP. This system is crucial for the company as the key to a good warehouse is the products' proper and ideal location. If the goods are often misplaced, they will not serve the intended purpose properly. Therefore, the customer availability product ensures the goods are at the right location where they can be easily accessed by the customers when they are needed.

So basically, the system helps the company avoid a lot of missing items that are humanly possible and sometimes happen, but not often as it would without the system. To ensure there is a proper rotation of products, ten of the products are put on the shelves when they arrive, and ten are placed on the stock. If five of the products are sold out during the day, the system will remind us to put more stock on the shelves at 2 O'clock. By doing so, the products will always be available for customers, and they cannot miss products when they are in the warehouse.


The well-developed technology available helps in a lot of things. Cross-docking is another one of them. The system is automatic, when stock is needed somewhere, it will be shown in the system, and the stock will be taken to whenever required. Alongside the products being taken to other places, the required stock in the stores will also be shown. The process is beneficial as when there is enough stock in the stores, no more will be ordered, and when there is limited stock in the stores, the system will notify us, and more stock will be brought into the warehouse. This is very helpful as the business does not run out of products, and the customers do not get short on the products they need.

The key receipts areas are also known as the KRAs, which help the warehouse company manage the inventory. The KRAs also help with sales management. The company gets to achieve the sales required, and they get to check on their gaps, thanks to the key receipts areas. The company gets to make sure that they have a lot of gaps to achieve their targets. They also make sure that all the products needed by the customers are available and they do not run out of stock required by the customers. They also minimize wastage as less wastage means better performance to them.

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There is the binning system which gives the company information on where the goods are needed and when the shelves need to be replenished. Like when 5 goods have been sold out, the system gives the store this information and the remaining of the stock that have been brought in are stored and only removed when the ones on the shelves have been sold out.


There is less shipping of the goods from one place to another as mostly the store deals with customers who come for the goods directly from the stores. But in case of complains from the customers, they reach out to the store through the emails and they are heard and the complaints dealt with. But 99% of the times, the store deals with direct clients in the stores.

We deal with most of the thing in store, if it is a complaint that the customer takes to a head office normally would take like two days because if they get the email reply to us then we are getting that straight away with a customer, but 99% of cases we deal with in a store.

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