Nasa As A Learning Organization


The essay works on highlighting the possible challenges faced by NASA. The essay works on highlighting the possible issues that can work on hampering the level of productivity given out by the chosen organization.


Key issues

The issue in the case of the current organization is the gap is emerging as a successful learning organization. NASA harbours a vision of being a learning organization, implemented through the use of continuous development of teams and individuals through training and experience in a supportive environment. The proactive support of the employees is important to ensure sustainability within their excellent capabilities (Al Saifi, 2019, p. 56). However, the current issues extend to the fact that NASA has been recently criticized for not taking up proactive learning behaviour within the organizational operation. However, a recent list of failures by NASA despite 98% success rates is a matter of concern (NASA, 2020). Nevertheless, the space research organization was subjected to criticism that the organization associated with NASA fails to provide effective checks and balances. In addition to that, the space research organization has a dearth of the safety program


Learning has been at the core of projects carried out by NASA, irrespective of success and failures. Throughout the operational history, the stakeholders have carried out continuous studies of the importance of project management from the best practices. Thus, based on the constructivism theory of learning, it can be stated NASA can learn from past experiences and contribute to better project success. Social Learning Theory can be used by NASA to learn from other organizations to avoid failures. However, NASA was subjected to a series of criticism due to the failure of projects; Orbiting Carbon Observatory and Glory Mission launched in the years 2009 and 2011 respectively (Wilcox et al., 2020). The risk management theory can be used to understand the ways project failures need to be addressed and avoided (Shin, Picken, and Dess, p. 49). The agency theory can be implemented for understanding the relationship between the stakeholders for improving the project outcomes.

The need to manage projects effectively is likely to gain importance as NASA is seen to manage a wide range portfolio within the constraint fiscal environment. There remains no doubt that space research programs are complex and the associated inherent risks are further exacerbated through poor management. NASA is noted to carry out high-risk projects that do not lend themselves as a business case approach and are distinguished from the production industry (Wilcox et al., 2020). Stakeholder theory can be implemented to provide individual responsibility and ensure limited risks.


Based on the above studies, it can be clearly stated that NASA realizes the gap in business processes. The implementation of the suitable intervention is rightly addressed and continuous development through knowledge is further implemented. Thus, it can be concluded there is a clear lack of holistic implementation learning organization, making it extremely difficult for the organization to overcome the challenges.

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Reference list

  • Al Saifi, S.A., (2019). Toward a Theoretical Model of Learning Organization and Knowledge Management Processes. International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), 15(2), pp.55-80.
  • NASA. (2020). NASA Investigation Uncovers Cause of Science Mission Launch Failures. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2020].
  • Shin, H., Picken, J., and Dess, G., (2017). Revisiting the learning organization. Organizational Dynamics, 1(46), pp.46-56.
  • Wilcox, K., Wilcox, K., Staff, I., Wilcox, K., Wilcox, K., and Staff, I. (2020). Why does NASA need to be a learning organization? | APPEL Knowledge Services. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2020].

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