Partnerships in Addressing Homelessness


Homelessness is referred as living in housing which is below the minimum standard of the housing or lack of tenure housing (Anderson and Sims, 2011). The people are categorised as homelessness where they are living on the streets, moving between temporary shelters including house of friends, family or emergency accommodation, living in private boarding without any private room and lack of security of the tenure (Dorling, 2010). The aim of the assessment is to develop proper literature review on the research topic of an approach to tackle the issue of urban homelessness through partnership working. In the recent years, the problem of homelessness is increasing ad through literature review, it is possible to review existing secondary sources of information through gathering online journals, business letters, articles or books through which it is possible to collect proper information and data about the issue of homelessness in the recent years. The study provides an opportunity to explore the understanding about the role of the partnership to support the people who are suffering the issue of homelessness. The review of literature is also beneficial in this context to identify the best practices in the development and management of the professional partnership through which it is possible to serve better care and social service to the people who are dealing with the problem of homelessness. It is the responsibility of the government and the social workers to work as a partnership basis on order to support the people and resolve the issue of homelessness.

Addressing issues of inequality

According to the UK homelessness charity crisis, the home is not only jut a physical space, but it is important for providing roof, shelter, identity, security and safety as well a sense of belonging and a place of emotional wellbeing where having proper shelter is the basic needs of the human being across the countries worldwide. However, it becomes a serious issue, where there a huge number of people in the urban areas who are suffering from the issue of homelessness as they cannot meet their basic need of having secured home for shelter. The people who are suffering from homelessness, they are unable to acquire and maintain regular safety and security and adequate housing due to lack of unsteady income in the social communities across different urban areas (Dorling, 2012). As per the study, the people who are homeless, experience higher rates of physical and mental health problems and adverse health outcome which renders them vulnerable of health condition associated with changes of climate and lack of oncome for treatment. Hereby, homelessness is one of the serious issues in the society which needs to be resolved by the government of the country, local authority and policy makers as well as social workers so that the people can resolve the issue of homelessness and stay safely with security (Jones, 2012). It can be explained by the figure below, that the urban areas like England is also suffering from the issue of homelessness where there is increasing numbers of population who are staying in temporary housing or who are rog sleepers. As per the figure, in all the region, across the England, the numbers of people suffering from homelessness is increasing year to year (Jones, 2014).

Number of rough sleeping by region

As per the study, there are 320000 people in the Britain who are suffering from homelessness. And it is evident that, in the recent years, urban homelessness is a serious issue where there are a huge number of people who are not able to meet their basic need of shelter, safety and security due to lack of housing, inadequate income of them and unemployment. As per the figure below, the rate of homelessness in the urban areas of London as well as other urban cities is increasing at a rapid rate for where the people are not able to meet their basic needs of housing, shelter as well as safety and security (Butler, 2018).

Issues of homelessness in the UK Whatsapp

According to the research by Housing Charity Shelter, there is 4% rise of the numbers of people who are homeless in the Britain and it refers that the urban homelessness is increasing year by year where many people are suffering from safety, security and adequate private housing. The people, who are homeless in the urban areas, are also suffering from chronic diseases, deterioration of the health condition, mental health illness, suicidal attempts and substance use which leads the people towards ultimate death. These are the major problem of the issue of urban homelessness where the people are suffering from meeting their basic needs and it further deteriorates their standard of living where they fail to improve their wellbeing to live in the society. The major causes of such rising incident of homelessness are such as domestic violence, family torture and lack of bonding among the family members, financial difficulties, housing crisis in the urban areas, inadequate source of income of the people, high unemployment, inadequate or inappropriate dwelling, family breakdown, housing affordability stress and others reasons such as high migration of labour where the governments fail to enter the demand for housing in the urban areas (Fitzpatrick et al., 2018). Hereby, for these above-mentioned causes, the issue of homelessness is rising year to year where there are lots of individuals who are suffering from meeting their basic needs to live a normal standard of living. This becomes a serious issue where the crime rate, suicidal attempts, mental health problems as well as other health issues are also increasing. It is necessary for the government as well as charity homes and policy makers to be responsible to support the people who are homeless across the countries worldwide.

Understanding of the role of partnerships in addressing the issue of inequality and dealing with the problem of homelessness

Partnership working practice is one of the effective ways to meet the aims and objectives of the work and achieve future success of working. It is important to the service providers to work as a partnership basis so that all the members can be cooperative, and they can contribute in developing collaborative working practice. There is increasing benefits of working in partnership practice in the workplace where the service providers can share their knowledge and experience with each other for meeting their aims and objectives. There are strong values of working in partnership, is effective for the service providers in case of resolving the issue of homelessness in which the service providers can cooperate with each other and demonstrate the issue of homelessness (Chesters et al., 2016). For improving cooperation and collaboration with the government and social workers, it is necessary to develop partnership working practice to deal with the people with homelessness. The partnership working for serving the people with homeless is effective as the service providers can acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the service users through communication. Hereby, the partnership working practice is important to enhance communication among the service users and the service providers as well as the government so that they can communicate positively and interact with respect and open communication successfully. Through the partnership working practice, it is also possible for the service providers to build strong bonding with the people as well as improve trust and loyalty among them so that they can rely on the service providers and government as a whole (McIntosh, 2017). Moreover, through working in partnership, the service providers can acknowledge the actual preferences as well as their problems in their lives so that it is possible for the service providers to understand the causes of homelessness among the people. It further helps the services providers to develop an effective planning or serving the people in a better way so that the issue of homelessness can be mitigated (Fredman, 2016). Additionally, working in partnership is beneficial for improving collaboration among the service provider and the service uses where the people can trust the service providers and cooperate with them for mitigating the issue. Moreover, it is necessary for the service provider to empower the service users in the decease making practice so that the service users can share their experience and problems for such homelessness and the service providers can cooperate with the for developing proper planning for resolving the issue of homelessness. In addition to these, working in partnership basis is beneficial for the service providers such as young workers, government, charity homes and other social workers to work collaboratively by sharing their views and experience so that all of them can develop proper planning and execute it proficiently to resolve the social issue of homelessness. Relationship during the work is necessary to be built so that all the members can rely on each other and accept each other working strategies and decision for achieving the aim of resolving the issue of homelessness (Fredman, 2016). Hereby, it is necessary to work as a partner for sharing their experience and knowledge with each other and resolve the social problem of rising numbers of people becoming homeless in the urban areas.

Role of working in partnership

The government also needs to work with proper cooperation and collaboration with the young workers, policy makers and charity homes and social workers so that they can cooperate and communicate to achieve the ultimate aim of resolving the issue of homelessness across the urban areas worldwide (Kennedy et al., 2016). Proper monitoring and assessment are also possible through the partnership working practice and for achieving the future success, all the service users need to work cooperatively in order to maximise the wellbeing of the individual. In this regard, the partnership working practice is beneficial for working collaboratively and improve understanding while working where the cooperative working environment provides an opportunity to the service providers to improve their knowledge and experience by sharing their views with each other and achieve the success together (Gravett, Petersen, and Ramsaroop, 2018). Shared vision and goal further influence eth service providers to achieve success cooperatively and maximise wellbeing of the individuals. Networking among the social care providers can be built strongly and the working collaboratively provide them a chance to achieve their aim proficiently where all the members are contributing positively. It is also effective for the service providers to develop partnership working by working with all the members, care providers, social workers, government so that they are collaborating for creating values for the service users. They also try to improve string relationship with the service users where the service users are empowered well under the partnership working and they try to contribute positively in developing proper decision to mitigate their problem of homelessness (Chesters et al., 2016).

Working in partnership in case of dealing he issue of homelessness is also beneficial where inequality in accessing home in the urban areas can be controlled win which the government and social workers enhance equality in the society so that all the people can get equal treatment and care in the society. Moreover, the social service providers also can allocate housing in the urban areas as per the financial condition of the people with proper cooperation and communication. Moreover, working in partnership is also advantageous for creating values for all the individuals who are suffering from homelessness and this further contributes in enhancing social development across the international borders (Robertson, 2016). For overcoming the issue of homelessness, it is necessary to develop partnership working so that the service providers including the governments, social care givers and policy makers and charity homes can develop best practice for serving the people with homelessness after addressing the issue. Maintaining and improving healthy affordable housing and increasing funding affordable housing are necessary to resolve the issue and it can be possible through partnership working among the government and the social workers. Moreover, it is necessary to address the barriers of housing development and monitoring the protection of tenant agreement are also necessary in this context where the government and the social care providers as well as the charity home professionals need to work in a partnership basis so that they can cooperate with each other and maximise their aim of resolving the serious matter of homelessness (Kelly, and Cherkowski, 2015; Kennedy et al., 2016).

Identifying best practice in the development and management of professional partnerships

It is necessary for the government and social care professional to work collaboratively by developing the practice of working in partnership to address the issue of homelessness and also provide proper care and planning to the people so that the individuals can meet their basic needs of shelter safety and security while living in the social communities. For developing and managing professional partnership, it is necessary to develop appropriate vision and aim which needs to be shared with other professionals (Penuel et al., 2015). Setting clear roles and responsibilities among the professionals are also necessary to develop professional partnership in which all the members are clear about their roles and responsibilities to be performed in helping the people with homelessness. In addition to theses, involving all the partners in the planning and execution is necessary practice through which the interest of the partners can be raised, and the partners can feel valued and to share their experience while developing the working planning. Proper involvement to work as well as improving trust and loyalty are necessary to develop so that it is possible to improve their interest and encourage them to perform better for working in partnership basis (Akkerman, and Bruining, 2016).

Best practice to develop professional partnership

Consult with all the partners and be transparent are also necessary to build strong bonding and relationship among the partners which further encourage the members to develop and manage professional partnership while working together. Delegating power and enhancing internal communication are also one of the best practices to develop professional partnership through which, the governmental and social care workers can cooperate with each other and share their values and experience with each other (Sullivan and Skelcher, 2017). Open communication and group discussion need to be encouraged while working so that every member can share their experience and communicate their pinion while working with other professionals. Moreover, good internal coordination and respect each other as well as trust each other’s deceison are also necessary for the workers to develop partnership working practice as well as manage the professional partnership so that they can achieve their shared vision successfully. Being responsive to the partnership as well as making sure support system to each other further help to develop and manage the professional partnership where all the partners are responsive, and they are concerned about their won roles and responsibilities while working with others. In addition to these, it is necessary for the partners to encourage others and motivate to explore new possibilities top conduct their roles and responsibility more proficiently (Gravett, Petersen, and Ramsaroop, 2018).

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Continuous engagement to each other and rely on each other’s decision are effective activities through which it is possible to manage professional partnership while working with others where all the members can trust each other and work as a team with open communication and cooperation. Building in interpersonal relationship and resolving internal conflict are also necessary where all the members need to respect each other and maintain integrity and transparency in the workplace so that they can manage their professional partnership while working (Green, and Johnson, 2015). Accepting different roles and tasks and cooperative working practice are also beneficial to develop professional partnership through which it is possible for the government and the social care workers to work as a team and mitigate the issue of urban homelessness which is rising rapidly in the recent years. It is the responsibility of the government and the social work to work cooperatively with respect and integrity as well as open communication and proper empowerment so that they can resolve the matter of homelessness by addressing the problems among the people and supporting them with adequate finance, providing shelter and charity to the people and educational programs to the young people for proper employment in near future.


It can be concluded that, the issue of homelessness is increasing at a rapid retain the urban areas across the globe which becomes a serious issue for the government and the policy makers in the society to provide adequate shelter to the people who are suffering from homelessness. The problem of high rate of suicidal attempts, substance abuse, increasing mental health illness and other health related problems among the people as well as the issue of lack of safety and security due to inadequate income of the people are also serious problem in the society which need to be resolved so that it is possible to mitigate the matter of homelessness among the people in the urban areas. Hereby, teamwork and communication makes it possible for the service providers to develop proper practice of working in partnership to empower the service users as well in the decision making practice and provide them the best care so that their wellbeing ca be enhanced and they can get proper housing, security and safety win which the people are able to meet their basic needs of shelter. Through this study, it has been explored that, providing proper housing, raise fund for charity, education to the social workers as well as improving educational program to increase the literacy rate in the society are necessary to deal with the problem of homelessness among the people. The partnership working practice playing a crucial role in improving communication, acknowledging the needs and preferences of the individuals in the society, developing proper action planning, empowering the service user in the care, improving cooperate among the government, social workers and the charity homes, sharing knowledge and experience, building trust and loyalty to support the people and implementing best practice collaboratively to mitigate the issue of homelessness.

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Reference List

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