Planning and Conducting Small-Scale Research Projects

In order to conduct small and scale research project, it is necessary to develop proper planning and understanding so that the researcher can create proper aims and objectives of the project, set hypothesis and analyse the collected data to prove the research topic (Vitak, Shilton and Ashktorab, 2016). In this regard, pilot study is important to be conducted in order to perform small scale research to support the large dissertation and final projects. Hereby, in order to design and pilot a small-scale research project, it is necessary for the researcher to develop proper planning to collect information and data and analyse it properly by maintaining the research ethics (Greenwood, 2016). As per the theoretical framework, proper data collection technique needs to be implemented in the research project so that the research can collect relevant and useful data and information for analysing the research title (Williams, Burnap, and Sloan, 2017).


In this particular case, the researcher also chooses proper data collection technique so that it is easy for the researcher to collect appropriate data and relevant information about the research project. In this context, the small-scale research project is necessary to be conducted in order to support the final project or the dissertation in future. The collection of the data and information through small scale research project is beneficial for the researcher to support the future dissertation where the relevant and valid data and information are effective for the researcher to conclude the research topic with in-depth knowledge and understanding (Swist and Magee, 2018). Strong engagement with the research strategy and data collection are also necessary to conduct the small-scale research and design proper strategy to complete the research with proper analysis of the research topic (Denzin and Giardina, 2016). Hereby, engagement with other team members and cooperation as well as communication plays an important role in conducting the small-scale research successfully where all the team members try to be cooperative and they collaborate with each other for appropriate data collection and analysis.

In this research, the researcher tries to choose proper data collection technique in order to complete the small-scale research and the interview process is considered to be an effective way to conduct the study efficiently. Through the interview process, it is possible for the researcher to collect first-hand information directly from the participants. In addition to these, the interview process is beneficial for the researcher to understand the experience of the participant and acknowledge the actual preferences of the respondent. Moreover, through the interview process, the researcher can have one to one conversation with the participant through which the researcher can ask several questions to gather relevant data and valid information which would be beneficial for the small-scale project. In order to design and pilot the small-scale project, it is hereby necessary of the researcher to conduct the interview process successfully so that proper data and information can be gathered from the respondent. In addition to these, during the interview process, it is also necessary to have cooperation and collaboration among the team members so that they can set appropriate questions and prepare proper questionnaire for the respondent (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). Through communication and cooperation, the teamwork can be developed which is necessary to design and pilot the small-scale project successfully (Best and Kahn, 2016). Proper cooperation and communication among the team members can have the possibility to share their experience and knowledge with each other and deliver the best possible outcome by working collaboratively (Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2015). Working in partnership can also possible in this regard to conduct the interview process successfully through having proper communication and sharing each other’s experience (Klenke, 2016). Hereby, internal communication and understanding among each of the team members are necessary for conducting the small-scale research project where they can perform better and they can also conduct the interview process. Hereby, team understanding is necessary while conducting the small-scale research project so that proper data collection and analysis can be done proficiently.

In this context, as per the findings, the researcher aims to identify the reasons for drop out of the students in the first term of the university and in order to collect proper and relevant information, the researcher decided to conduct telephonic interview in order to gather first-hand information and actual experience of the student successfully. In this regard, the telephonic interview plays an important role in gathering valid data and information for conducting the small-scale research project. In this regard, through the telephonic interview, the researcher tries to understand the perspective of the student as well as collected the data for designing the research hypothesis and piloting the research successfully. During the interview process, the researcher seek help form the team members and they try to cooperative and collaborative in order to conduct the interview process ethically. During the group research, proper group discussion and developing relevant questionnaire has been done so that the researcher can ask the appropriate question to the student for gathering relevant data where the student is also willing to provide proper answer without any hesitation. Hereby, before starting the interview, support from the team members and sharing their experience ae useful for the researcher to conduct the study properly after collecting the appropriate data and information directly from the student. As per the experience of the researcher, the questionnaire is useful for the student and the researcher to conduct the telephonic interview and gather proper information and thus it is necessary to have proper group discussion and cooperation to develop proper questionnaire for the interview. Hereby, the team members are supportive and provide proper knowledge and understanding to the researcher for conducting the interview process successfully.

During the telephonic interview, the researcher provides personalise email to the student for taking active part in the interview process. As per the ethical code of conduct during the research process, it is necessary to take consent from the participant and in this regard researcher did not force or behave abnormally with the student for influencing the student to take active part in the interview, rather the researcher aims at convincing the student through sending a personalise email to participate in the process. As per the theoretical framework for ethical code of conduct during the academic research, it is necessary to take consent from the participant before conducting the study and in the practice also, the researcher follow the ethical code of conduct for doing the telephonic interview process ethically so that it is easy to design and pilot the small scale research project ethically without any issue (European University Institution, 2019). In addition to this, after the approval of the student, the researcher conducts the telephonic session where the researcher respects the person and aims to build strong relationship so that the student can answer the questionnaire asked through the telephonic interview sessions. In this regard, developing the trust and loyalty is necessary among the researcher and the respondents so that it is possible to rely on each other and conduct the interview process successfully through cooperation and communication (Halej, 2017). In the present case also, the researcher tries to show integrity and empathy to the student and aims to identify the reasons for his or her drop down in the university. The researcher also tries to gather more information about the family background, financial condition for understanding the reasons of drop down as well as the researcher also focus on understanding the perspective of the student to design hypothesis and pilot the small scale research successfully as the data and information are necessary to conduct the study efficiently.

In the other hand, as per the ethical code of conduct, it is necessary for the academic researcher to ensure data protection through successful implementation of the Data Protection act 1998, so that the participants can trust the researcher for the safety and security of the data and information provided by the participant (Halej, 2017). Additionally, the researcher also provides proper consent to the participant that the data are secured, and it will be utilised inly for the research purpose, without any biasness (European University Institution, 2019). In this research project also, the researcher aims at protecting the collected information and data. The researcher takes record of the telephonic interview and note down the gathered information properly which would be beneficial to conduct the small-scale research project successfully. The researcher also ensures the student that the data and information will be secured, and the researcher will be going to utilise the data and information only for the academic purpose. Through implementing the data protection practice, the researcher in this study is successful to build trust and loyalty with the student where the student can feel safe to discuss his or her personal information and situation regarding drop down in the university. Moreover, the researcher also focuses in enhancing communication and open discussion so that the student can share personal experience and perspective as well as the researcher also can acknowledge the actual perception of the student. Hereby, two-way communication is effective in this study to manage ethical code of conduct and complete the telephonic interview successfully with proper cooperation of the student.

Principle values and ethics in the academic research lies on honesty, trust, respect, responsibility, legality and communication. The practice of telling truth, sharing information and open discussion are helpful to build trust (European University Institution, 2019). In this study, the researcher maintain honesty and show empathy and respect so that the student can feel valued while communicating during the telephonic interview process. Apart from that, proper consent form and convincing power of the researcher are helpful to manage fairness where the researcher conducts the telephonic interview after proper consent and approval of the student through the personalise email. Managing fairness can be done through maintaining transparency and accountability in the academic research (European University Institution, 2019). The researcher also management transparency and accountability in sharing their research purpose and convince the student properly rather than influencing the student to take part in the telephonic interview and this practice is considered to be effective to manage ethical code of conduct during the research process were the researcher has the opportunity to collect relevant and valid information and data from the student through conducting the telephonic interview process. Moreover, responsibility is necessary where shared responsibility promote academic integrity among the team members (Halej, 2017). In this regard, promoting shared responsibility is effective where the researcher gets proper help and support from the team member in which the team members are cooperative and sharing their experience to develop an effective eta so that it is possible to conduct the research efficiently.

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It can be stated that, managing ethical code of conduct is necessary to design and pilot the small scale research project in which open communication, proper support, cooperative behaviour, partnership working practice and sharing experience and knowledge are necessary for the researcher to conduct the study proficiently, moreover, for managing the ethical code of conduct in the academic field, it is necessary to protect the collected information and improve trust and loyalty with the participant where the respondent can feel safe to share their personal experience and perception in which the researcher ensures that the collected data and information are protected through computerised system or keeping written documents by implementing proper data protection rules (European University Institution, 2019). The researcher in this study also follows the theoretical framework of the ethical code of conduct during the interview process where the telephonic interview has been done with proper consent of the student. In this regard, as per the theoretical framework, anonymity, accountability, transparency and integrity as well as confidentiality, voluntary participation, data protection, informed consent and independence are the major ethical practice while conducting the interview process (European University Institution, 2019). As per the theoretical framework, the researcher is also proficient to cooperate and communicate with other team members and conduct the telephonic interview to design and pilot the small scale research project by managing all the ethical code of conduct including respecting the student, managing transparency and accountability, honesty and integrity and ensuring proper data protection.

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Reference List

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Eriksson, P. and Kovalainen, A., 2015. Qualitative methods in business research: A practical guide to social research. London: Sage.

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Williams, M.L., Burnap, P. and Sloan, L., 2017. Towards an ethical framework for publishing Twitter data in social research: Taking into account users’ views, online context and algorithmic estimation. Sociology, 51(6), pp.1149-1168.

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