Post World War Crimes


Bentham had first coined the term and acknowledged the need to have an international law that would bind the world through one string. It came as a superior platform to deal with countries and their domestic laws which perhaps gave a security blanket to people all over the world and countries that needed a lending hand. There were multiple debates around if international law can be understood as a pure form of law, some agreed, some did not but however worldwide it was known to be as a weak law. Only because the dispute resolution mechanism was not as strong and the precedents that evolved would not be as binding on other jurisdictions. However, along with the existing proformas of this body of law, a grand lacuna was thriving within its body, which is an area often explored in law dissertation help. This lacuna was more evident during the post-world war period.

This period was one of the most devastating times in the history of mankind as crimes had spread like a wildfire. Men were treated unequally, suppressed and oppressed, a mass genocide had functioned which disrupted the social, cultural and religious structure of a political state. The ethnic cleansing that was carried out impacted lives, killed men, women and children and ultimately is learnt to be the most horrific periods in the history of the world.


This arbitrary and despotic episode had called on for a more peaceful and restricted deliberation throughout the world. Delegations from all over the world approved of a body that would override the failure of the League of nations and finally formulate the United Nations, as a peace governing body amongst the world. These hate crimes that had taken place so elaborately all over the historical timeline needed to be addressed and acknowledge and proper legislative framework were to be brought about to tame this past menace and secure a better future.

An attempt has been made in the essay to understand the role and applicability of powers held by the ICC with respect to handling such crimes, by dissection its ability and the nature of the crime through a much greater and broader spectrum.

International Criminal Court: Role and functioning

The International Criminal Court (ICC) was a product of such a situation brought about by the Rome Statute. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was endorsed by 10 nations on 11 April 2002. The Rome Statute was a United Nations (UN) settlement. The ICC is head quartered at The Hague in the Netherlands.

The primary goal behind the foundation of International Criminal Court (ICC) was that it would be treated as an International court after all other options have run out. Canada was probably the most punctual backer of this noteworthy court. The Rome Statute formally came into power on the first of July 2002 after in excess of 60 nations endorsed this deal. This Statute set out the noteworthy parts of the ICC like general establishing standards, ward, job of the court; essential working. By and by more than 120 nations have endorsed the legitimate commitments under ICC. There are a couple of reactions that the ICC has been confronting. All the more so United States of America formally disavowed its lawful commitments to the International Criminal Court in May 2002 just after it marked the rule in April 2002. Numerous different Countries have communicated their reservations with respect to the real use of the ICC and its viability. To comprehend the present clashes, it is critical to comprehend the real job and the working of the ICC.

The campaigning parties thought about the foundation of a perpetual international court for attempting worldwide wrongdoings as a successful system for indicting and punishing violations of universal noteworthiness and gross infringement of human rights and furthermore preventing the commission of such wrongdoings The Rome Statute contains 128 Articles and envelops both Substantive and Procedural laws for Criminal goal. The Statute is an instrument of International Criminal law. This criminal law instrument is additionally enhanced by Elements of Crime, Rules of Procedure and Evidence and Codification. These are the essential necessity of the guideline of lawfulness and the principles of reasonable preliminary so as to shield the charged from procedural harassments

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The ideal requirement of the ICC was to try crimes that were a result of aggression and held a magnitude of criminal offences. However, it was also driven by certain loopholes which were stemmed from an institutional basis therefore it was revealed that the ICC was not really equipped with the conduct that would help in prosecuting such aggressive hate crimes. It was also evident and found out in studies and its practical implementation that the gaps that were carried on by the ICC had certain reasons. The primary and foremost hurdle could be the lack of a precise and clear understanding of the term “Aggression”. This also means that it is a wide connotation making it unable to fit it into a watertight compartment and the elements are hard to determine that may well be established as functionaries of a criminal aggressive act. Overall, there is a complete gap in forming the exact prerequisites to form a suitable reach of ICC to try the cases and help it exercise its power to its fullest. Also, it has been revealed that there isn’t any unanimous decision or approval regarding the ICC being a computable body to try and prosecute cases of criminal aggression ranging at extremes.

Firstly, The ICC upholds incorporated system for achieving Individual Accountability for International Crimes. The primary job of ICC is to settle upon singular blamed for War crimes, Crimes against mankind and Genocides. For as far back as not many decades countries have felt the need of an appropriate instrument that uphold laws that will consider people responsible for genuine International violations. For instance, in case of infringement of the Geneva Convention, Genocide shows, standard laws for atrocities and so forth; national courts were required to determine the issue. This made disarray concerning which national ward must be alluded to. It is additionally seen that by and large the National Courts were hesitant to follow up on such cases inferable from boundless efficient savagery and above all because of the inclusion of States themselves. Also, to authorize an International justice System to look into reduction of impunity, since the national courts were reluctant to follow up on cases including global slaughter, atrocities and so on; there was a desperate requirement for a coordinated outsider or an International Justice System. ICC satisfies this need.

Defining Aggression:

This term aggression has been attempted to be defined by the General Assembly as an exhibition of power by one state against other whose territorial sovereignty, dignity, integrity and independence is at stake especially the act goes beyond the confirmed norms promoted by the United Nations In the first place, the culprit must be a p0litical 0r military pi0neer, for example an "individual in a position successfully to practice authority over or to coordinate the political or military activity of a State". It also needs to be seen by the court that the perpetrator had intentions to intertwine in activities that may include arranging or plotting or execute any such hostile acts as determined by the State.

Also, such a State demonstration must add up to a demonstration of animosity as per the definition and its nature and intensity should speak of the violations of law as per the UN Charter. Instances of legitimate individual or aggregate self-preservation, just as activity approved by the Security Council are in this manner plainly rejected It is not unknown that a trial of a large scale was carried out based on the aftermath of the genocide, known as the Nuremberg trial which had explicitly earmarked the term aggression as the most heinous crime possible internationally as well as nationally. In a particular case of R v. Jones also this crime of aggression as well as waging the crime was considered an international crime, therefore, on the national front such a crime is being held dangerous.

There have been continuous trials and error in order to bring the crime of aggression under a particular legislation made by the UN Charter but it could only reach out to the use of power and physical force against any external attack which could be brought under self-defence or if any activity cumulates into such an act that might be threatening to maintain security and peace as being one of the fundamental principles of the United Nations. It cannot be denied that multiple deliberations were made to prosecute people with the sole objective of bringing the crime of aggression under check so that such a horrible encounter is not repeated in the future but there were quite a few impediments but the most generous and difficult was to be able to define the crime. ICC’s powers to try this crime was not fitting into its permitted jurisdiction thereby hindering the execution of such an idea. War crimes were tried and defined under Rome Statute but it was limited to the Genocide and nothing beyond it.

The UN Diplomatic Conference could be denoted as the last measure resorted to accept the inability to understand the extent of the crime that spread out internationally leaving a preparatory Commission that was formed to help identify the fundamental elements that ay comprise the crim, a more generic approach of identifying the nature and extent and on that basis will the ICC try the crime within its jurisdiction along with the effort made by the ICC SWG ( Special Working Group on Crime of Aggression) was set up with the purpose of defining the crime that can be considered and recognized internationally.

A latent assumption was made that, to commit such a crime on the international front required influence on a massive scale, without which this crime of a grandeur nature will not be successful, therefore the attempt to commit the crime of aggression might stem from a position of authority and power. If such is true and empirically tested, then ICC might face several hurdles in prosecuting this crime. As is the custom, it is harder to recognize the source of guilt especially if it emerged out of an influential place but also holds extreme importance to be able to locate the authoritative place of emergence of the crime. Not only the SWG but the Assembly State Parties have also put sufficient force on identifying and defining the crime.

Jurisdiction of ICC:

The Rome Statute has clearly established the limits of power held by the International Criminal Court to have full liberty and authority to prosecute anyone who is allegedly involved in promoting or performing or directly involved in waging the crimes against humanity, crimes that may induce war or aggression as superficially understood by the Statute , aggression is mostly assumed but is not explicitly mentioned but crimes other than that are mentioned in the statute. With respect to the criminal laws and trying crimes, the International Criminal Court is the first and foremost body to try hold the activity violative and criminal in nature that are exercised internationally especially since it mostly entails with the existing rights and duties and not just limited with crime and criminal laws.

In ordinary measure criminal law is a public law, therefore on an international front should pertain to the state in other words being a part of Municipal law wherein punitive measures can be undertaken against individuals by the state governed criminal law. The International Criminal Court was solely formed with the objective to serve as a framework that would conduct thorough investigations, strive towards ending impunity, hold perpetrators accountable and responsible and provide speedy justice within the jurisdiction given.

It would act as a major support for courts functioning nationally but unfortunately the idea enshrined in creating this body seemed to remain incomplete due to the major loopholes that were entrenched in the system and makes it difficult for the body to function to its full capacity. It is not unknown that the ICC has not been able to combat the crime of aggression more so because of the ill-equipped commissions formed, working groups and other conferences that failed to establish a strict notion of the crime of aggression. From the time this body was established, this has remained a recurring and continuous problem which has not yet been overcome. Even the Rome Statute failed to bring under its umbrella that notion of aggression, therefore it has been left hanging from the beginning.

Comparative differentiation is made in the Kampala Conference 2010, wherein it was acknowledged as a 'demonstration of hostility' as that of state obligation, and' as the duty of an individual chief. The conference and other significant gathering had assumed a significant job in prompting the appropriation of the meaning of hostility.

Aggression or hostility can be explained through a pioneer in control of p0litical and military activity 0f the state shall be a common point of attributing the onus on the authority that is involved in the functioning. The definition places dependence as received before by the UN General Assembly, yet additionally adds to that definition as it includes the indulging character the crime entails .The issue with the authority necessity of the Kampala proposition is that it turns out to be exclusively an initiative wrongdoing, and doesn't have any significant bearing to troopers. All the more dubiously, the crimes of hostility according to the Kampala proposition just identifies with specific demonstrations of aggression. These are those demonstrations that are grave and show in their infringement of the UN Charter. Exacerbating drafting the meaning of the hostile crime under the criminal law is generally consented however the offences bear the character as per the normative agreement reached by the public, therefore barring to have any universal characteristic bearing aggression, particularly after Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Georgia.

A huge hindrance in this setting is that there is an absence of space given to elaborately understand the existence of Mens Rea .On the off chance that the ICC is to practice its purview in such manner, assurance of existence of mens rea or the psychological compartments of a person is primarily responsible fundamentally to put the onus on people for the crime .The ICC Statute does notices mens rea, in order to incorporate expectation and information as material components of this said crime.

The Kampala meeting underscores on the prerequisite of verification of the perpetrator’s information on "authentic conditions that build up the irregularity" between the demonstration and the UN Charter. The only analysis against that can be deciphered here is that the ICC should try and create a causal link between the data gathered from the original source or respondent but such is extremely difficult to prove or even ascertain. Whether the Security Council will deal with the indictment of such crimes remains unclear as individuals have demanded to understand the attributes of the crime on basis of power and choice which leads to demonstrate such aggression.. This confounds the issue on the grounds that there is a certifiable worry that the veto intensity of the lasting individuals can be utilized to limit activity where the perpetual individuals or their partners are engaged with violations of hostility.

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ICC is still struggling with his latent crime which is carried on from ages despite given several orders and established regulations to try the crime of aggression but ICC has remained gross unsuccessful. There have been attempted definitions which are elaborated above, yet they still remain non-inclusive and has gross issues that should be addressed as soon as possible, otherwise this shall continue to prove as an impediment to the International Criminal C0urt to be fully functional and utilize its power to the fullest.

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  • Guilfoyle D, International Criminal Law (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • Gurule J, Paust JJ, Cherif Bassiouni M, Scharf MP, Sadat L and Zagaris B, International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press 2007).
  • Shukri MA, ‘Will Aggressors Ever be Tried before the ICC’, in Mauro Politi, The International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression (Routledge 2017).
  • Cryer R, Friedman H, Robinson D and Wilmshurst E, An introduction to international criminal law and procedure (Cambridge University Press 2010).
  • Journals

  • Andreas Paulus, ‘Second thoughts on the crime of aggression’ (2009) 20(4) European journal of international law 1117, 1120. Muhammad A Shukri, ‘Will Aggressors Ever be Tried before the ICC’, in Mauro Politi, The International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression (Routledge 2017)
  • Carsten Stahn, ‘Complementarity, amnesties, and alternative forms of justice: some interpretative guidelines for the International Criminal Court’ (2005) 3(3) Journal of International Criminal Justice 695
  • Philip Kirsch and John T Holmes, ‘The Rome conference on an International Criminal Court: the negotiating process’ (1999) 93(1) American Journal of International Law 2.
  • J Gurule, JJ Paust, M Cherif Bassiouni, MP Scharf, L Sadat and B Zagaris, International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press 2007). R Cryer, H Friedman, D Robinson, E Wilmshurst, An introduction to international criminal law and procedure (Cambridge University Press 2010) 144. Roger S Clark, ‘Negotiating provisions defining the crime of aggression, its elements and the conditions for ICC exercise of jurisdiction over it’ (2009) 20(4) European Journal of International Law 1103, 1105
  • Others

  • Final Act of the UN Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, Annex I, Resolution F, para 7 (UN Doc A/CONF.183/10, 1998).

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