Reflective Essay


Reflecting writing can be referred as the process of evaluating one’s personal skill and qualities that are important for understanding the requirements ask well as criteria of any task in order to executive this. Through reflective writing it is possible for the individual in terms of understanding their ability and strength in order to achieve the expected goals. This study, as part of education dissertation help, is going to discuss one personal skill in order to represent the comprehensive analysis of that skill in in-depth manner. Moreover, this study will also evaluate the strength of this quality in terms of applying it into life. This study will also discuss the reflective discussion on the challenges associated with this quality and the benefits of this selected quality in the future.


Selected quality: Critical thinking skill

Definitional and description of the quality:

My personal quality is Critical thinking skill, that assist me to make proper decision-making process and problem-solving ability during the module. According to Cottrell (2017), Critical thinking skill is one of the important interpersonal skills that assist people to think clearly and rationally regarding that they do as well as believe. During the course of my module I have developed Critical thinking skill that assist me to execute each task with applying, logical reasoning, judgemental approach and perfect evaluation of the task criteria. Critical thinking skill assist me to develop the analysing ability which I apply during the coerce of my module to understand the needs and criteria of each task. Through using the critical thinking skill, I can evaluate and analyse subjective information of different academic task. Moreover, the critical thinking ability assist me to develop the discriminative ability that make me able to differentiate among the different needs of separate task, while working in separate groups. Logical reasoning: critical thinking also assists me to analyse and evaluate the different informational and events with applying the logical thoughts and reasoning, to judge the reliability and appropriateness of this information. I can describe my quality through using the Gibbs reflective cycle which is six step process. Through using Gibbs Reflective Cycle, it is possible to evaluate and describe the personal attributes.


During the course of my module, I have the attended the introduction class. In which the lecturer described the what the Enterprise is. Although the overall lecture was understandable for me, some of th pints I did nit understand. I had tried to use mt critical thinking and analysing skill to understand those points, however, it was time consuming and it disrupted mt concentration towards the lecture. Therefore, I asked the lecturer about thse point that I did nit understand, the lecturer suggested me to use my own understanding and analysing ability to evaluate the actual criteria of these points. Moreover, the lecturer wants to give me time for trying to understand these points by myself, through paying my personal strength. If I am unable to understand in spite of trying, he will definitely help me. Though this process, I learnt that I should try to use my personal skill in order to understand the lessons prior to approach to the teacher. I have used my critical thinking skill to understand these points and most of the pints I have understand finally. The rest part that I didn’t understand in spite of applying my skill, I discussed it with the lecturer.


Throughout the module, I felt that for understanding the actual criteria of any information of task, it is important for applying own skill and ability. Through interaction with my lecturer I understand that I felt the importance of critical thinking skill in order to understand the criteria and requirements of the task. Moreover, I also felt that, for applying proper critical thinking skill, itr is alsio important for having better understudying and interactive skill.


During the session of module. I evaluate the importance and criteria of using critical thinking skill into the study. Through attending the lectures, I am able to analyse the importance of merging the critical thinking skill with proper interactive and listening skill. throughout the module, I understand the for applying reasoning and analytical ability, it is important to have proper listen the lectures carefully, if I listen the lecture in proper moment it would assist me to develop the clear perception and understanding about the subject. Through interaction of my lecture, I can evaluate my strength and weakness in terms of using the criteria thinking skill, in order to understand the different points. Therefore, the classes during eth module, assist me to analyse and evalyuet the way to use my personal skill in order to understand different subjective matters and lecture that ate discussed in the class.


The module assists me to understand the importance of reasoning, decision making and analysing skill in order to apply and implement the critical thinking ability into practice. During this module I am able to avoid the poor decision-making process, poor cognition and problem-solving skill, which is the key constraints in terms of understanding the actual criteria of different aspects.


Throughout the module, I am able to conclude that critical thinking kill is important for understand the different subjective matter. Furthermore, it assists me understand how I can use thus critical thinking skill in me class in order to understand different lectures and academic information.

Action Plan:

For the future growth of my personal skill, I will focus ion improving my reasoning ability, logical understanding and judgemental approach, that would assist me to evaluate each information in proper manner. Moreover, through regular reading of academic books and article I would apply my critical thinking skill to understand the underlying meaning of different aspects.

Explanation and evaluation of the quality:

Critical thinking has been proved to act as the strong individual which assist them to deal with any research-based process, identifying biases, making proper interference and developing the right decision. For me, critical thinking skill is one of my strength that assist me to develop analysing skill, logical reasoning ability, predicting skill and the information seeking behaviour. Through using the Johari Window model, I can evaluate the benefits of Critical Thinking Ability which makes it one of my strength. This model represents four regions such as blind area, hidden area, open area and unknown area. Open area model highlights that what is actually known by individuals about their personal quality. Throughout the module I have gained more informational about my own skill. the open area assists me to understand the strength and weakness of my critical thinking skill. According to Azizi-Fini et al. (2015), for applying critical thinking skill it is important to develop the listening and communication skill. during the course of my module I understand how to use effective communicational ands listening ability to understand, evaluate and analyse things with better viewpoints. Moreover, through the lectures and interaction with my lecturer I understand the I have string critical thinking skill, which can be improved through using the useful listening and interactive ability. through interaction with lectures and peers, I can improve my knowledge, understand about the different subjects, which assists me to develop my own perception, knowledge, logical reasoning and thinking ability. Moreover, during the module I understand the for applying critical thinking skill, it is important to gain proper understanding on the particular subjects. My lecturers assist me to understand that ow can I integrate the communication, interactive and critical thinking skill in order to solve different queries and problems. Moreover, this module assist assist me to understand that, if I don’t understand something it si important to execute the information applying own understanding, decisions and perception. This process would improve my problem-solving ability and decision-making skill.

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Blind areas of this model represent the information about other people that individual can know throughout the reflective learning process. this area assists me to evaluate the abilities and strength of my lecturer and peers. Through the process, I found the lecturer is more helpful and interactive, that assist me to solve my problems. The first time when I approached to the lectuere frc making me undertested the points that I did nit understand, he suggests me to do it by myself and if I failed then he will assist me on the next day. That time, I was quite disappointed about his behaviour and unsupportive nature. However, when I analyse and evaluate the points at home with aping the information from reference books, most f the pints I have clearly understood. Throughout the process, I changed my viewpoint about my lecturers. I understand that he is highly supportive, who focuses ion improving the personal skill of students. Throughput the module I knew about the nature and behaviour of my peers. Most of them were unsupportive and highly competitive during the module. However, this was quite embarrassing for me. Them I have formed polite communication and interactive with some of my peers who were helpful throughout the process. this process assists me to understand that, effuse communicational is important part of critical thinking which assist people, to clear the perception.

Hidden area assists people to evaluate their quality that other do not know. Throughout the module, I am able to understand the actual strength of my personal skill. Moreover, I understand the areas of improvement that I needs to do for improving my skill. I found out that I have string decision making, analysing and logical reasoning skill, which assist me to evaluate the underlying meaning of different subjective aspects. On the other hand, I also found out that I have poor communicational and interactive ability that I needs to improve for having clear perception and understanding about different aspects, that is important for applying the critical thinking skill in better manner. The unknown area is information abiut personal quality that is unknown to the person as well as to the other people. through out the module, I am able to found out these unknown facts about my critical thinking skill. I am able to know during the module that, although I have string critical thinking and reasoning ability, my problem-solving skill and interactive skill is poor. Moreover, when the lecturer told me to try to understand the point by using my own skill, I understood that I do not have quick decision-making ability. Therefore, it is difficult for me to take any decision of solve any subject related issues quickly.

Attributes, behavioural preference and the values that underpin the strength:

Behind setting the strong critical thinking ability there are the different behavioural preference, attributes and the values, that influence the decisions, psychology, thoughts and reasoning ability of individuals (Azizi-Fini et al. 2015). This quality assists individual to apply the fresh ideas, thoughts and decisions, which assist the people to make the positive behavioural transformation. My critical thinking skill also assists me to improve my decisions, thoughts and psychology which not only improve my behaviour but also strengthened my ability to deal with the complicated issues in eth personal and professional live. Moreover, through using the critical thinking ability, I am able to improve the moral values which assist me to interpret the appropriate message of any information.

By using Gardner’s Stage 1 Reflective Model I can highlight the attributes, behavioural preference and the values that underpin the critical thinking skill in the individuals:

Based on Gardner's Stage 1 Reflective Model, there are three stages of the reflection such as analysis, exploration and the deconstruction. These three aspects assist the individual passes through the four stages of refection cycle reaction, meaning, context and the experience (Duran and Dökme, 2016). Through passing these four stages I am able to find out the attributes that are associated with setting the critical thinking skills. The attributes are as follows, which can be described through this model.

Curiosity is one of the important attributes of critical thinking skill, which motivates the critical thinkers to read and analyse the wide range of topic and subjects (Jacob et al. 2017). Based on the reaction stage of Gardner’s Stage 1 Reflective Model, I can fund out my feelings and needs such as curiosity, which assist me to read several books, articles and wide topics in order to solve the different mystery.

Compassion is another attribute that assists critical thinkers to do things with the heart and mind (Hanlon et al. 2018). Compassion can be referred to as the addiction to solve the mystery by applying the good reasoning ability and evaluating skill. In Gardner’s Stage 1 Reflective Model, the second stage, meaning, is associated with understanding what is important for the individual to developing their quality. In this stage, I am able to understand that I am highly compassionate regarding critical thinking skill. Through analysing the importance of critical thinking skill, I find out the compassion that I have to explore new things or solve the mystery.

Decisiveness is the important attributes to the critical thinking ability, which individuals to take to the right decision in the limited time (Zuriguel et al. 2015). The third stage of Gardner’s Stage 1 Reflective Model, is context, that associated with identifying the background of the experience or social context. Decisiveness assists me to analyse the background and history of different context while dealing with a wide range of topics. Therefore, this skill, improve my critical thinking skill reasoning ability and analysing ability, in order to evaluate the underlying meaning of each subjective aspect.

Behavioural preference and values are associated with setting the critical thinking skill. As said by (0, critical thinkers have optimistic and positive behavioural expression. They believe in eh logical, raining values. Through the stages of Gardner’s Stage 1 Reflective Model, I can explain my behaviour and values that I follow during the process of critical thinking. My optimistic and explorative behaviour assist me to be a critical thinker, Moreover, I believe in values and ethics that are based on logic, reasoning and judgements, all these values and behavioural expression assist me to develop the critical thinking skill, in order to analyse different topic and information.

Challenges in the workshop exercise:

.Although the critical thinking skill is associated with developing different ability and strength in individual such as decision-making skill, reasoning and logical skill, there are several challenges that I find out during the workshop exercise. Johari Window Model can be used to analyse the challenges that I have faced during the workshop exercise.

Johari Window Model reflects on the important workshop activities and experiences such as Achievements; MBTI; Values; EI; Team games and exercises (Aizikovitsh-Udi and Cheng, 2015). Through using this model, I am able to analyse the achievement as well as challenges that are associated with these achievements. Critical thinking ability is my personal quality which leads to achieving the analysing skill, reasoning ability, compassion towards work, strong logical understanding and good interpreting skill. However, there are some challenges that I have faced throughout the process are poor time management skill, lack of communication skill and poor quick decision-making ability.

MTBI is Myers Briggs Type Indicator, that has sets of questions, which assist me to explain the achievements, the strength of the quality challenges that I have faced and the situations. Through answering this question, I am able to understand the areas of improvements, on which I need to focus to deal with the challenges. Critical thinkers sometimes cannot manger the time, as they invest huge time for one analysis or evaluation (Lane and Oswald, 2016). Therefore, I need to improve my time management skill. in this purpose I need to write and read the wide range of topic within the limited time, that will increase my ability to interpret different information within the given time. I have poor communication skill, which poses a challenge to interact with my tutors and pers. In which aspects I need to be involved in the group discussion and the discussion with the tutors, which will improve my ability to communicate with the teachers and tutors in a well-organised manner.

Life Value inventory (LVI) is associated with describing needs in workshop exercise (Stupple et al. 2017) Through this process, I am able to analyse the challenges that I need to overcome. LVI process makes me understand the needs of overcoming the challenges. the areas of improvement on which I need to focus on are proper listening ability, good communication skill. Strong verbal skill, important questioning ability.

EI (emotional intelligence) is the segment that is described in the Johari Window Model, in which individuals develop their self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relational management (Yao et al. 2018). In this process, I am able to overcome the challenges that I have found out through the workshop activities. Through improving the self-awareness and social awareness, I am able to improve my knowledge regarding the society, external environment and self-assessment. This process not only assists me to improve my knowledge but also develops my understanding regarding my awareness. Through improving the communicational ability, listening skill and interactive skill, I am able to overcome the challenges and my critical thinking skill in a well-organised manner.

Contradictory evidence from the experience:

Although the quality of individual assists them to improve their ability to deal with issues in personal and professional lives, there is some contradictory evidence in which shows that the quality may not be relevant for some work (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2015). By using Gardner’s Stage 1 Reflective Model I can analyse the situation in which my quality may be irrelevant or inappropriate. My personal quality in Critical Thinking ability, which makes me able to analyse, and evaluate a wide range of topic. Based on Gardner's Stage 1 Reflective Model, it can be stated that Moreover, it is, critical thinking ability highly helpful in order to assist the individual to accomplish the three process that is described in this model such as analysis, exploration and the evaluation. Through critical thinking skill, I can apply logical reasoning and judgemental approach in terms of finding out the underlying meaning of any information. However, there is contradictory evidence which shows that critical thinking skill, is not relevant in many aspects such as in the case of the quick decision-making process. as the critical thinking skill needs proper time to analyse and evaluate things in well-organised it may take several times to interpret and conclude things. Therefore, in case of a quick decision-making process, critical thinking cannot be applied. Such as in corporate organisation, the decision regarding the marketing and sales needs to be taken quickly, which cannot be managed through using the critical thinking skill. therefore, I need to improve the quick problem-solving ability to take the prompt decision in order to deal with things that have minimum time allocation. Moreover, Wilson (2016) stated that, in the case of developing fluent communication or speech, quick decision-making ability is relevant that the critical decision-making ability. through critical decision, I can interpret the underlying meaning of information, however, through this skill, I am unable to improve the interaction and communication skill, which is entirely based fluency in speech. Therefore, it can be stated that I cannot use critical thinking skill, in every aspect of personal and professional life. For this reason, I need to focus on the other skill, such as decision-making skill, problem-solving skill and listening skill.

The way in which selected quality benefits in future:

By using the Johari Window Model, I can analyse and explained benefits and achievement associated with critical thinking skill. based on this model, there are different reflective aspects associated with eth quality such as achievements, emotional intelligence and the Life Value Inventory (LVI). Through using eth critical thinking skill, I am able to achieve different abilities such as string logical reasoning skill, analysing skill, compassion, strong understanding ability, interpreting skill and problem-solving skill. this quality also benefits me to improve my ability to generate fresh and positive ideas and thoughts that are important for solving different mysteries and problems. Also, critical thinking ability benefits me to develop the logical reasoning ability and judgemental skill, which can be applied to judge the appropriateness and authenticity of different information.


From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that, critical thinking is one of the eth important quality if human, which assist them to deal with any difficulties in the personal and professional life, through using this skill, people can be able to analyse, evaluate and interpret wide range of topics and subjects, through using eth logical reasoning and critical ideas, people can analyse the underlying meaning of any information. However, there are some challenges associated with eth critical thinking such as time-consuming and lack of time management process. critical thinking needs sufficient time, to analyse, evaluate and interpret things, which cannot be used during a quick decision-making process. Therefore, it is important to develop the other skill such as quick division making skill, communicational skill and interactive skill, along with the critical thinking skill, in order to assist the individual in dealing with any situation.


Introduction to Enterprise Value Added:

Entrepreneurship is can be referred to as the launching, design and running a new business. entrepreneurship is often based on small business. the proprietor and owner of the business are called the entrepreneur. As stated by Naranjo-Valencia et al. (2018), innovation and creativity, both are associated with the entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur uses creative ideas, and innovative marketing strategies to establish a business in the new market.

In the first session of the Module, lecturer represents the introduction to the Enterprise Value Added. In this session, I learn about the entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. I have used my personal quality, the critical Thinking skill in order to analyse and evaluate the importance and difference of creativity and innovation in terms of establishing the entrepreneur business. However, I have faced some issues regarding understanding how creativity and innovation can influence the entrepreneurship business in a different way. In this aspect, I have made an open discussion on this topic with the lecturers regarding this topic. Lectures assist me to understand the creativity and innovation that are associated with entrepreneurship business. In this process, he assists me to use my critical thinking skill in order to understand the characterises and requirements of entrepreneurship. In this process, I learn to use the critical thinking skill in the proper way to understand the discussion on the entrepreneurship business.

In this session, lecturers use the Venn Diagram that represents the effective value creation process through the overlapping of managerial behaviour and entrepreneurial behaviour, which is often called the strategic innovation and entrepreneurial management.

Venn Diagram

Lecturer also assists me to use my critical thinking skill in order to analyse and evaluate the application of Venn Model in terms of understanding the relationship and differences between entrepreneurship and management. Through using reasoning ability, and logical thinking skill, I am able to understand that, is analyse this fact with Venn Model, then entrepreneurship can be referred as the opportunity-seeking process, which based on creativity, innovation and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, management is based on the profit and advantage-seeking process, that focuses on business expansion.

Way to start the business:

In this session, the lecturer has given the speech on how to start an entrepreneurial business. during this session, all the interns or students are provided with a project on making a business plan. I have chosen. My group has chosen the business, of opening Healthy Fast Food Outlet on the University Premises. In this session, I learn to make a business plan for entrepreneurship business, in which I use my critical thinking skill, to analyse the market, evaluate the customer expectation and set the relevant business planning. For this project I work in the entrepreneur workshop and take the support from famous entrepreneur, William, Susan and Kris to make the entire business plan:

The business plan is as follows:

Description of the business: I am going to open Healthy Fast Food Outlet on the University Campus.

Product: Sandwich (veg and chicken), fried chicken, mixed veg, fruit juice (seasonal fruits), cookies, muffins, cupcake (fat and cholesterol free), sugar-free dessert

Location: University Campus

Target customers: University students and entire staffs.


Marketing strategy:

With the assistance of the guest lecturers, teammates and the famous entrepreneurs, I am able to set the relevant marketing strategy for this small business. for this analysis, my group focuses on eth market research, which assists us to understand the demand for healthy fast-food in eth current market and the customer trend. I use my critical thinking skill to analyse the opportunities and challenges that have to be faced throughout the marketing process. This session of the module, assist me a lot to learn about how to make the marketing strategies for opening an entrepreneur business.

Competitive analysis:

Competitive analysis is important for every business planning, through which marketers can analyse the strength and weakness of eth rivals. Through working on this business project, my team face direct competition with the current catering provider of the university. In this aspect, I use my reasoning, logical thinking and eth analysing skill, to understandeth weakness and creativity of the current catering service to University, in order to set proper strategies to compel the students and university staff’s ton chose our business over the catering service.

Operation and manage plan:

My teammates and I have the decision to operate this fast-food outlet with distribution and manage the different work that our society with the business, such as, cooking, customer dealing, cash handling and administration of eth entire operation. In this project, I am working as delivery staff, with other four teammates, which will serve foods to the customers.

Entrepreneur’s enrichments tasks and challenges:

During this session, I also learn how to make the entrepreneur enrichment to driving the entrepreneurship business to the next level. In the case of the project, on which I am working, the enrichment process can be achieved through the following process:

  • Through improving the investment into a fast-food outlet it is possible to expand the overall business process. for more investment, my teammates and I have decided to approach the different local shops for investing the money into our business outlets. For this purpose, they can give free ads of their shop, through using banner through our outlets. Moreover, we would approach University staffs and lecturers for the investments.
  • Through improving the promotional strategy in order to attract the larger amount of customer I can make the perfect enrichment of eth entrepreneur business. for the purpose, my group is going to use the online ads on social media through which we can aware of the customer about the newly launch food product and service.
  • Through improving the quality and including a wide range of foods on the menu, it is possible to expand the business. For this purpose, my teammates and I have decided to enlist the healthy energy drinks in the outlets along with the lunch and snack package.


In this session, lecturers have also provided lectures on challenges that are associated with the entrepreneurship process. on doing the entrepreneur business project, my teammates and I have faced the following challenges:

One of the common challenges that I have faced after opening the fast-food outlets is the high level of competitive threats from the current catering service of the University canteen. As compared to my business, the catering service of University canteen is larger that consists of several employees who have several years of experience in this field. Therefore, it is one of the important challenges that I have faced through doing thus projects.

Another important challenge that I have faced during working in this project is the lack of sufficient money and time to organised the business. as I am a student of this university, it is quite difficult for and my peers to collect sufficient amount of investment for opening and continuing this fast food outlet. In this aspect, my critical thinking ability cannot be used, rather I have to use the communicational skill and interactive ability to convince people for investment into this business.

Idea development and business modelling:

In this session, I have learnt about the different huskiness models and their application in opening the entrepreneurship business. my lecturers, assist me to understand how new business ideas can be developed through using the different business model. The important business model that is commonly used in the entrepreneurship business is Osterwalder Business Model Canvas and Marketing Mix (7Ps).

Osterwalder Business Model Canvas is used to get the new ideas, analysing and mapping process in case of the existing or new business. through the lecture of this model, I have learned that this mode consists of nine different canvases based on which marketers can analyse the market, set strategies and operate their business. the nine canvas are key partners, key activities, value proposition, customer relationship, customer segment, key resources, channels, cost structure and revenue system. this model will assist my team to improve the marketing strategies and business ideas for our project on opening the healthy fast food outlets. Moreover, through using the canvas, it is possible to improve the resources allocation, developing the proper distributional channel, making strong customer relationship and minimise the cost of business.

Osterwalder Business Model

Marketing mix: (7Ps):

In this session, I have also learnt about the important business model, the Marketing Mix (7Ps). This mode represents the seven important aspects of or factors that influence marketing strategies. These factors are, product, price, promotion, place, people, process and physical this business model can assist me in my business project to improve the product quality, promotional strategy, pricing strategy, customer base and the distribution channel. This session assists me to understand how to use this model, into business to get the success. I would use this model, in terms of developing relevant marketing and promotional strategies, which will assist me and my teammates to deal with direct competition from eth University catering service.


Throughout the session, the module is helpful to me, through which I have learned about the entrepreneurship business, creativity and innovation process. Moreover, this module also makes me learn about the differences between management and entrepreneurship. In this session, I have learned about how to make the business plan and the challenges and enrichment process that are associated with the plan. Through working on the business project, I have learned how to use own skill and knowledge to improve the business strategies. Moreover, this model also assists me to understand the use of a different business model in order to meet the business goal.

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Reference list:

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