This essay will explore and analyze student essay including its, clear summary, structure, strength and weakness. Also the essay will give recommendation to improve the student essay.
The author suggests that Fredrick Taylor developed the scientific management theory. He described five principles. The theory creates an ideal way of completing a task and selecting an individual to complete tasks, which is crucial for management dissertation help. The author also reveals that scientific management has significantly improved work design in modern organizations as workers are educated and trained to follow precise instructions. Moreover, the essay suggests that the model is essential to organization in the food sector like Mc Donalds through analyzing which kind of food to serve and it's quality. Therefore, the theory positively impacts the organizational design due to the high level of formalization in the organization, thus, tasks being highly standardized.
The essay states that scientific management reduces the wastage caused by the organization's inefficiencies in task creation. Similarly, when workers are involved in quality assurance at all production stages, making it easy for a business to fulfill its objectives.
Moreover, ensuring that workers follow predetermined tasks through giving financial incentives using scientific management techniques. These incentives improve the creation of work. Likewise, the author also reveals that the theory reveals that employees are naturally lazy and unmotivated. Therefore, motivation can enable employees to generate a higher income by increasing the units produced. Therefore, managers can influence the efficiency of employees by maximizing pay.
The essay also creates the idea of underutilizing workers. The essay reveals that regardless of the theory being vital in influencing the design of work in modern organizations, it can create workers' underutilization. Moreover, strategic managements impact work to design and show limitations like workers' reduced ability to apply their insight into completing a task.
Validity of the Essay
The essay discusses the influence of scientific management in the modern firms. This essay objective is sufficiently met, thus making the essay very effective. As part of the analysis, the author mentions that the mode creates an ideal way of completing a task and selecting individuals to complete tasks. Wren ( 2011) also suggests that in modern days, scientific management theory includes analysis and observation of each task, standard determination, selecting and training employees to perform better, and ensure that work is done most efficiently. The essay states that scientific management has significantly improved work design as employees are educated and trained to follow precise instructions. This idea is similar to that suggested by Grachev and Rakitsky (2013), who state that Taylorism has led to productivity increases, regardless of few workers performing the job. The research shows that productivity has increased in the modern era due to Taylor's efficiency techniques can cause considerable disruption in a traditional working design. Therefore the points listed in the essay are valid and effective.
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Additionally, the essay states that scientific management minimizes the wastage caused by inefficiencies in the organization. This point is proven by Derksen (2014), who states that scientific management analyzes workflows to promote economic efficiency and human resource productivity. The study also adds that the theory limits time wastage by eliminating potential waste in the workers' process (p.148). This indicates that Taylor focused on minimizing process time. The essay also notes that the theory promotes workflow as employees follow predetermined tasks through financial incentives using scientific management techniques. This point is proven by another study by Turan (2015), who states that scientific management theory analyzes and synthesizes workflows. The study also reveals that the theory significantly economic efficiency, particularly labor productivity (p.1102). Therefore, the points illustrated in this study effectively Illustrate and discuss the influence of scientific management on modern companies' design.
The essay state that, other than advantages, the theory also creates underutilizing workers. As per the essay, scientific management has decreased influence on work design in organizations that need high innovativeness levels within workers and collaboration to achieve the organization objectives. This point is also proven by a study that suggests that workers who cannot apply their best talents often lose interest and become disengaged (Tikhomirov, 2017). Due to the underutilization of talents, most employees become disengaged from the larger purpose behind those projects, making the theory also limited and impacting work design (p.30). Moreover, employees function under autocratic bosses and operate strictly under management guidance and control. These workers have to obey management orders without giving any suggestions, limiting their innovation and leading to employees' underutilization. Therefore, based on the fact that these ideas are supported by evidence proves that the essay successfully answered the research question.
Strength And Weakness
The essay presents an effective introduction that guides the reader into the essay by introducing the topic. It starts with a hook that catches the interest of the reader, “Scientific Management is a management theory developed by U.S. engineer Fredrick Taylor” (p.1). After this exciting opening, the essay presents some background information, making the reader knowledgeable. Also, the introduction presents general and enough information for the reader to understand the main claim before gradually becoming more specific to lead into the thesis statement.
Moreover, the essay body supports the major points presented in the essay thesis. Though put as subtopics, every idea is presented effectively and supported with specific details and a range of examples. For example, the authors say, "For example, Toyotas total quality management involves input from all employees to ensure quality is high throughout the manufacturing process. (D.B., 2013)". This example is strengthened by scientific examples, which make the essay structure focused and effective. Also, the range of examples is vital in analyzing the theory and the topic, making the conclusion very easy (Redman & Maples, 2017). Moreover, within the body are effective transition which connects paragraphs. For example, the author says, “Besides, Taylor suggests that workers are naturally lazy…” The connective verbs make the essay connect and form the paper flow from one topic to the next.
The study provides one of most effective conclusion which summarizes the essay. The study conclusion brings together all the essay's main points (Uswar & Andriani, 2019). In the essay, the writer has reviewed the thesis statement and creates compelling final thoughts for the reader. For example, the author presents the main idea as, "…improved quality of good or services, ways to reduce the wastage in organizations to improve the efficient use of resources…" Moreover, the presentation of the conclusion address the implications of the argument thus making the essay very effective in addressing the main topic.
In any academic paper, citations are essential and give each source credit using in-text citations and a Works Reference list (Redman & Maples, 2017). The essay presents various citations, which makes the essay very effective.
Likewise, the paper presents and addresses the essay question by giving relevant content and research. The essay also uses research and examples throughout the study, which makes its understanding and presentation strong. Also, the development of arguments and construction is coherent, making the essay valid and effective in addressing the question.
In general, the essay is subjective and creative. Also, it describes the subject in simple terms, thus making it for the reader to understand the subject well after reading an essay.
The essay presents poor spelling/grammar. Redman and Maples (2017) grammatical errors can interfere with the understanding ad format of the essay. For example, the author suggests that "This can be beneficial to companies in the food industry such as Mc Donalds, for example, not serving over or undercooked food," "His description has five principals" and "Ensuring employees follow predetermined tasks buy providing financial…". These are some of the grammatical and structural errors presented in the essay. This makes the author's essay look more unprofessional regardless of presenting an effective introduction, body, and conclusion. This proves that the author fails to proofread their work, thus creating some grammatical errors.
Moreover, regardless of the influential essay, it is very repetitiveness with few use of transition words. Research shows that repetitious wording is a trait of poor writing (Woods-Groves et al., 2013). Repetition is created when the author writer repeats words instead of varying his words by using synonyms. For example, the "design of work” and “organizations" have extensively been repeated. In this case, the author should have avoided using one word too often. Also, from the essay, few transitions are utilized, thus making the essay flow limited.
Improving the Essay
I recommend that the writer acquire a solid understanding of basic grammar, punctuation, and style. Excellent grammar and punctuation make the essay to be understood and taken seriously. The authors should also be mindful of their comma usage and know when a period is needed (Redman & Maples, 2017).
Moreover, I recommend that the author build vocabulary and use it properly. The essay is good though the author needs to express precisely what they mean and reduce time wastage. Developing an excellent use of vocabulary displays intelligence and allows individuals to be more persuasive (Woods-Groves et al., 2013).
Similarly, I recommend that the author learn to develop topics and subtopics in essays and to write topic sentences.
Effective writing in academics is very critical. Effective writing needs to be structured and be supported by peer-reviewed sources. The essay author has presented effective writing which is supported by good sources. Moreover, the essay presents a compelling introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion. Likewise, the paper presents and addresses the essay question by giving relevant content and research, making it effective. However, the essay has poor spelling/grammar, and it is repetitive. Therefore, there is a need to improve grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. Additionally, the author needs to learn to develop topics and subtopics in essays.
Derksen, M., 2014. Turning men into machines? Scientific management, industrial psychology, and the “human factor”. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50(2), pp.148-165.
Grachev, M. and Rakitsky, B., 2013. Historic horizons of Frederick Taylor's scientific management. Journal of Management History.
Redman, P., & Maples, W. 2017. Good essay writing: a social sciences guide. Sage.
Redman, P. and Maples, W., 2017. Good essay writing: a social sciences guide. Sage.
Tikhomirov, A.A., 2017. Mythology remains: one more tale behind The Principles of Scientific Management. Management & Organizational History, 12(1), pp.30-46.
Turan, H., 2015. Taylor’s “scientific management principles”: Contemporary issues in personnel selection period. Journal of economics, business and management, 3(11), pp.1102-1105.
Uswar, Y. and Andriani, N., 2019. Writing Tips of English Descriptive Essay Text in Prayatna High School Medan. SINDIMAS, 1(1), pp.316-319.
Woods-Groves, S., Therrien, W.J., Hua, Y. and Hendrickson, J.M., 2013. Essay-writing strategy for students enrolled in a postsecondary program for individuals with developmental disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 34(3), pp.131-141.
Wren, D.A., 2011. The Centennial of Frederick W. Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management: A Retrospective Commentary. Journal of Business & Management, 17(1).
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