Social Connectivity And Economic

Cultural Celebrations: A Review of Key Impacts and Trends

Myriads of scholars have come forth to contribute to the definition of the word “festival”. Uysal and Gitleson (1994) define cultural festivals as events that are held periodically, and repeatedly in a public domain, characterized my joyous, mythical and happiness interactions. Getz et al. (2010), share the view that festivals “celebrate community values, ideologies, identity and continuity” (p. 30); while Saleh and Ryan (1993) submit to us that “by their nature, festivals are of short duration, and generally based around a theme” (p. 290) Based on these definitions, it is apparent that the study of festivals is not an evergreen subject; but an area that has been rendered attention due to its capacity to affect social and economic parameters of any given country, which could also be of interest in the context of social work dissertation help.

Cultural celebrations and festivals are characterized with the capacity to affect local communities through providing myriads of activities geared towards enhancing the image of the destination points, and also activities tamed to positively improve the economic strengths of the destination people (Saleh, and Ryan, 1993). The government or relevant stakeholder involvement in festivals is, therefore, a tool for not only economic prosperity; but also development in the social-cultural domain. Based on this proposition, festivals have become a critical target in the development of economic policies, along with local, regional or international thresholds. Since scholarly spectrums have broadened the scope of studies on festivals, this paper intends to explore the issue on the premise of common features which characterizes them, social and economic impacts induced by festivals; and the contemporary issue evolving around them.


Bell, and Jayne (2010) and Wilson et al. (2017) tend to share a similar premise that all cultural celebrations are built on social connectivity and concentration. Through this proposition, it is apparent that festivals and other events, where cultural celebrations anchors are built on interactions and building relationships when people get together to celebrate a particular course. Cultural celebrations, therefore, happen when two or more individuals meet and interact with one another. The celebrations are held to commemorate certain events, while bringing people together, to interact in an atmosphere of joy and awesome unions and reunions (Yoon, Lee, and Lee, 2010).

According to Gursoy et al. (2004), an important factor that characterizes cultural celebrations; is that “They require minimal capital development and take advantage of existing infrastructure ... have the potential for generating substantial returns on small financial investments.” on this view, cultural celebrations flourish well on motivated environment that ensures their continuity. The celebrations tend to impact significantly the immediate business environment where they are set, by encouraging more sales arising from the anomalous high populations characterizing the events.

Axelsen, and Swan (2010) and Wilson et al. (2017) share a similar proposition that cultural celebrations integrate together people from different background orientations, and provide an opportunity for socialization and learning while exploring through different geographical topographies, cultural beliefs and indeed while reflecting on diversity gaps existing between the practitioners of the celebrations. Since cultural events and celebrations have educational value, economic, and social value, they are therefore cultivated and nurtured in people’s minds and government policies.

There is well-documented literature showcasing different impacts generated by cultural celebrations, along with different pillars of an environment. Research has demonstrated a strong attachment between cultural; celebrations and regional identity which in this context befall under social realm. The benefits of cultural celebrations are not only economic-based, but span throughout the societal as it is constructed (Bultitude, McDonald, and Custead, 2011). The celebrations contribute to societal health and wellbeing, use as an educational tool, demonstrates the social richness in diversity, community integration and relationship building, and a sense of civic pride. Cultural celebrations help to inspire diversity in the local cultural constructs and set the ground for further destination growth and expansion.

In early research conducted by Bell, and Jayne (2010); there is an exhibited link between cultural festivals and the identity of a place in terms of cultural values. Andersson, Getz, and Mykletun (2013) work tends to unravel the intensity and magnitude of the established associations. Cultural celebrations are therefore a too which stores cultural diversity of a nation or society; and which gives identity to an area concerning practitioners’ cultural values, norms, attitudes, belief and philosophies. These tenets are the foundations upon which a place’s identity is based, and where a people’s origin can be traced down to.

Additionally, prior research has demonstrated times without number that cultural celebrations are sentimentally attached with tourism. Various celebrations constitute impressive and fascinating processes and activities that motivate both domestic and international tourism (Rogers, and Anastasiadou, 2011). These processes, bring together people from external orientations to come and witness what is happening, which is essence boosts the tourism sector, which also is an income generating factor for the locals and a nation at large, through gains accrued from international travel fees and expenditure whole in the country (Carlsen, and Andersson, 2011). Moreover, in the contemporary world, cultural celebrations have become key targets for tourists from home, and abroad; coming to experience how people live outside their home contexts, which is the proposition; inspiring tourism sector.

The influx of people to cultural celebration centres got the ability to impact the ecological domain of an area. The environmental pressures exerted by the people surrounded by the cultural events have become an issue of contention, and deep concern to the government and environmentalists alike (Chacko, and Schaffer, 2015). The high demographic patterns surrounding the event equally results in increased demands from the immediate environment, which may impact degradation. Additionally, the high population gives an impression of high waste generation released to the environment. Intense environmental awareness should characterize the atmosphere of cultural celebrations so as to ensure environmental constraints are taken into considerations at any particular point in time (Rogers, and Anastasiadou, 2011).

Moreover, written literature demonstrates that cultural celebrations have the potential to award people employment opportunities as organizers, and managers. Many people are earning their livelihood through performances in such cultural-based celebrations, while others getting an opportunity to establish businesses around cultural celebrations destination centres. This, in turn, has contributed improved living standards of the people and a nation (Childress, and Crompton, 2013).

Cultural celebrations also induce regional cooperation, partnerships and cement the relationships therein, by providing a platform for interactions in the occasions. The art of perfecting such a relationship between countries, or regions is an essential ingredient to economic prosperity and mutual existence (Delamere et al., 2011). Many people are brought together in the mellifluous events which form the basis of cementing the relationship. The coexistence of nations amiably and harmoniously is a key driver to economic ascendance and development of involved nations. Additionally, cultural celebrations in the contemporary have ascended to inspire socialization, family togetherness, excitement and novelty when people get to attend uniquely constructed events.

Cultural celebrations are forms of art which ascend histories, regimes and histories, and are a construct that has been practiced in different mannerisms, for different rationales. In the modern arena, cultural celebrations are deployed as a sense celebrating a local community or as government’s way of manifesting complex cosmopolitanism (Matheson, Rimmer, and Tinsley, 2014). The area of cultural celebrations tends to preserve its traditional ways of doing things. However, the domain has been induced with certain trends, which this essay intends to bring into the limelight of cognition. Boutique festivals are amongst the observable trend in the United Kingdom’s events. The element emphasis has also been granted on quality and standard of various processes that characterize ritualistic events and practices, with intent to enrich attendees’ experiences, owing to the fact that cultural celebrations, festivals and other events are economically viable in the county, as discussed above.

The construct of boutique festivals revolves around enriching cultural engagement. The merit of boutique festivals is built on the threshold of connecting and enveloping cultural celebrations in a manner consumable by the immediate audiences, so as they connect with the modern cultural production and consumption patterns (Riungu, Backman, and Kiama, 2018). The cultural boutique is, therefore, a framework for cultural engagement that fit to showcase the vital functions of cultural celebrations, which therefore also give people the opportunity to self-express, and which therefore makes them identifiable as a particular set of a group.

Cultural celebrations, meetings and events in general in the United Kingdom have also attained diverted attention concerning elemental, quality, standards and sustainability. The domain has obtained an ear and much attention, and commitment towards raising standards, for the pursuits of continuous improvement across all components of the celebrations, and meeting delivery ranging from service delivery, equipment, facilities, and all overall experience (Riungu, Backman, and Kiama, 2018).

Working in partnerships and collaborations is yet another observable feature characterizing the contemporary cultural events and business sector in the country. The Business Visits and Events Partnership is a broad entity representing leading professional and trade organizations, relevant proponents and government agencies in event sector and business visits. The role of the Business Visits and Events Partnership board is to inculcate in the cohesion and integration of the aforementioned players and together get to formulate policies, practices and strategies geared to bring forth growth in the sector, and also get to sensitize the general public about the importance of cultural celebrations, and other Business visits and events (Oh, and Lee, 2012).

Lastly, it is noticeable over the recent past that event celebration in the United Kingdom is more paced on an experiential pedestal as ever before. The pre-existing events have been re-oriented to match and induce a more elevated experience rather than being just as passive as before. The celebrations are designed to induce memory retention of such experiences on the part of audiences, which therefore makes them a bit outdoor (Organ et al., 2015). Outdoor events garner a broad perspective of experiences such as music, festivals, agricultural shows and exhibitions, sporting and charity events. Outdoor events over the recent past have attracted large audiences at local, national and international capacities, which is a new trend that was not there before.

The contributions made through participation in cultural celebrations event as insinuated in this presentation is, therefore, a health practice that should be embraced and accommodated in policies and as an individual. Events such as Chelsea flower show, Guernsey International air Rally and Air Expo 2019 in London are important not only in enriching your experiences but also for the spirit of prestige. With a legacy of more than 100 shows, the Chelsea Flower Show has continually thrilled the attendees through their horticultural exhibitions. The garden designs and innovative landscaping is a great source of pleasure and awe to the beholder, but also an educative tool when duplicating the learnt insights elsewhere (Hao, 2017).

Applicable, the Guernsey International air Rally share similar rationales with the Chelsea Flower Show event concerning enriching audiences’ experiences, being educative. The Guernsey Air Rally 47th is planned to take place in between the 7th to 9th June of the year 2019 and is deemed to continually being objective in achieving its fundamental purposes on the environment, attendees and the entire destination centre. The whole event for this year according to the organizers is intended to provide the participants not only a platform for socialization; but time to explore various things which are in the disposal of Guernsey (Blackshaw, 2017).

Additionally, the Air Expo 2019 in London is another case study of events that have met only the intended characteristics of cultural celebrations, but also which has continually contributed into building bridges for interactions and relationship building. The event accords participant a chance to experience piloting to those passionate in the aviation sector. An aerobatic air display, demo flight chances, pleasure and free seminar series which all characterize the event make it worthwhile (Windle, 2019).

This article first defines the various characteristics of an event and using a case study for Moonlight Wine Tour and Festival to substantiate the issues that are central to an event. The article through a perspective of food and wine perspective demonstrates that have the capacity to trigger the intensity and magnitude of people coming through to partake in the events.

application of organizational ecology. Tourism Analysis, 18(6), pp.621-634.

This article infers to the sustainability of festivals concerning their impacts and provides implications of different benefits accrued to a place which houses cultural celebrations on a periodic basis. Through critical observation and travels to cultural centres, the writers carry a study to come up with logical conclusions.

These scholars inducted their study to unravel the characteristics of events based on the impacts they are likely to induce destination points. The study was empirically conducted with their findings dividing the events benefits along economic, social and community cohesiveness domains.

This research takes cognizance of the fact that the area of cultural celebrations has not attained much scholarly attention, and focus on identifying major tenets which characterize such celebrations. The paper also touches on the roles played by festivals in a republic. The work mainly relies on secondary sources of data to draw up their conclusions.

The paper seeks to unravel the contemporary issues revolving around the cultural celebrations and events docket, by undertaking an innovative approach to seek opinions of event experts.

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  • Windle, A., 2019. Situated Design Reading: The Air Pockets in Spheres. In A Companion of Feminisms for Digital Design and Spherology (pp. 19-30). Palgrave Pivot, Cham.
  • Yoon, Y.S., Lee, J.S. and Lee, C.K., 2010. Measuring festival quality and value affecting visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty using a structural approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(2), pp.335-342.

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