Social, Political & Environmental Issues In Healthcare

Executive summary:

In the modern world, health is considered to be one of the most important aspects of society. Being healthy is most important for people in order to not only perform their everyday function but also maintaining the perfect balance between their mind and body. Art and science id medicine has taken the crucial place in modern medical world. The rapid development of overall global health framework is associated with modernisation of the medical instruments, clinical methods and professional's perception. There is huge contradiction between the contemporary philosophical concept and modern concept of health. In the past centuries, the historical and philosophical evidence suggest that health was considered as the biological aspect that is influenced by the natural and environmental factors such as climate, disease, rain and earthquake. However, in the modern world, the health philosophy has been changed with technological innovation, changing medical framework and modernisation of the clinical concepts. With discussing the issues and challenges associated with healthcare in the global political, economic and environmental context, this report will identify the different dimension of the global healthcare in individual and population group. Here the report has selected the cardiovascular disease as one of the common chronic diseases that has become the global health issues. Finally, it will recommend the proper action plan that needs to be taken by the international healthcare leaders and government in order to solve the issues that are associated with healthcare. For those working on related topics, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights into addressing these complex challenges.


There are different factors that affect the overall policies, proposal and organisational programme of healthcare. The factors are political, socio-cultural, environmental and economic factors that have potential impact on strategic development and the planning mechanism of global healthcare system. This report is going to discuss the global health and health issues in relation to the political, environmental and economic context. Here the report has selected the cardiovascular disease as one of the common chronic diseases that has become the global health issue. Moreover, this report will also discuss the cross-national challenges in order to control and manage cardiovascular disease. With discussing the issues and challenges associated with healthcare in the global political, economic and environmental context, this report will identify the different dimension of the global healthcare in individual and population group. Finally, it will recommend the proper action plan that needs to be taken by the international healthcare leaders and government in order to solve the issues that are associated with healthcare.


Concept of health:

According to the World Health Organisation, health is physical, social and mental wellbeing of individual in which the individual is able to perform all the basic functions normally (WHO, 2019). Although the basic concept of health has been developed in last two decades, its root is situated in the ancient civilisation (Jiménez et al. 2017). Based on the philosophical and medical evidence of ancient civilization, health can be defined with the supernatural power that dominated human society. With civilisation, the perception of people regarding health has been changes drastically with reveal of scientific methods and treatment process. According to Huber et al. (2016), contemporary philosophy of health and wellbeing focuses on determining the issues that are associated with illness, disease and biological disturbances by applying scientific approaches. Contemporary philosophical and historical evidence on health and wellbeing suggests that health is essentially value-laden. On the contrary, most of the philosophers have argued that to establish that an individual is healthy, is not only associated with measurement and objective inspection of current health status, rather it needs general evaluation of proper mental, physical and emotional aspects of that individual.

In modern world, health is considered to be one of the most important aspects of society. Being healthy is most important for people in order to not only perform their everyday function but also maintaining the perfect balance between their mind and body. Art and science id medicine has taken the crucial place in modern medical world. The rapid development of overall global health framework is associated with modernisation of the medical instruments, clinical methods and professional's perception. There is huge contradiction between the contemporary philosophical concept and modern concept of health. In the past centuries, the historical and philosophical evidence suggest that health was considered as the biological aspect that is influenced by the natural and environmental factors such as climate, disease, rain and earthquake. However, in the modern world, the health philosophy has been changed with technological innovation, changing medical framework and modernisation of the clinical concepts. In most of the developing countries such as Japan, India, China and Sweden, several investigations have been conducted for promoting the best healthcare support and treatment to the individual. Todays’ health professionals are more focused on developing high-class disease intervention which is associated with implementing high-quality treatment process. Moreover, heath is now considering as the biological aspects that need scientific approach and innovative treatment methods in order to provide the best care mad support to individual. On the contrary McCutcheon et al. (2016) stated that philosophical viewpoint of health and wellbeing appreciate the scientific methods of treatment for promoting health, but it also highlights the importance of social, economic, political and cultural factor that determines the normal condition of health and wellbeing.

Health this is most derivative notion that is primarily applicable to the human being as a whole. in the ancient times Ponte et al. (2018). Historic and philosophical evidence suggests that there are several interpretations of health in direct times. In ancient times, health is considered as the spiritual and natural power of body and mind in order to assist people to perform its functions, however, with the modernisation of the world, clinical interventional has changed this assumption about health. Based on today’s scientific viewpoint, health is biological aspect that connects the body with mind (Kaas et al. 2016). There are several categories of health such as mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological health which are influenced by several factors such as political, social, economic and cultural. With innovation on new technologies, changing political factors, cultural shift and economic slowdown or boom, modern healthcare framework has gone through drastic positive alteration. This alteration is associated with bringing about innovative clinical intervention method, high-quality treatment process and ultra-modern techniques in order to ensure the health and well-being of the entire community.

Disease control and cross-national and international challenges in it's controlling and management:

Disease control is one of the important global responsibilities which are not only confined to promote good health and wellbeing of individual but also provide the proper health education, information and knowledge to the community in order to empower those (Poier et al. 2019). This report has selected Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD), as chronic health condition, that becomes one of the host concerned topic in the global health context.

Control and management of CVD:

Cardio Vascular Disease is chronic health condition that includes the disorder associated with heart and blood vessels. As stead by (), this term commonly includes heart stroke, heart failure, coronary arterial disease, cardiomyopathy and peripheral vascular disease. Report World Health Organisation shows, Cardiovascular disease accounts for nearly 18 million deaths every year in the global community that accounts for 32% of the global mortality rate. As stated by (), the reason behind increasing rates of CVD is increasing rate of smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and lack of proper physical activities These reasons leads people to the high blood glucose level, obesity, overweight, risk and poor blood supply to the heart.

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Global management and control of CVD:

Global management and control of CVD are associated with initiatives that are undertaken by the international governmental and health care authorities in order to prevent the ever-increasing number of CVD cases (Juanes et al. 2018). Through developing the Global Heart Initiatives, World Health Organisation supports the national and international government in order two scale up the afford on prevention and management of CVD in global context. In order to control the development of CVD, it is important global technical packages have been taken by the WHO, such as MPOWER, SHAKE and HEARTS. World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control has conducted MPOWER, the initiative that is intended to support the government in order to reduce the demand of tobacco on global context, through country-level implementation of effective intervention, this WHO initiative would assist the national and international healthcare framework to reduce the prevalence of heatstroke, coronary heart disease and heart failure due to severe smoking. SHAKE is another important initiative developed by WHO in association with Centre for Population Salt Reduction, Australia. These initiatives have been designed in order to assist the member's states in order to evaluate, monitor and determine the salt intake reduction, in order to reduce the heart diseases and promote the health and wellbeing of the global community (Chillet et al. 2018). HEARTS is the technical package, developed by WHO for managing and controlling the ever-increasing effect of CVD on global health. It assists the Ministries of Health for managing the risk and prevalence of CVD in the global community by determining and elimination the causative factors.

Cross-national and international challenges in controlling and managing CVD:

Although innovation of technology and modernisation of the global clinical framework for promoting improved global health, the current paradigm of health faces several international and cross border issues such as cultural, political and economic (Kristensen et al. 2018). In case of managing and controlling chronic disease such as cardiovascular diseases, World Health Organisation has identified several challenges that are associated with human, security, enhanced democratisation, good health education, caring social institution, proper social justice. The increasing rate of cardiovascular disease in the global context needs immediate management and control in order to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates in the entire world.

One of the most potential challenges in controlling and managing CVD is an unstable economic world. According to World Bank Statistics, real-world income has increased from $25.096 trillion in 2010 to $71.845 trillion in 2014. Most of the economist suggests that though in spite of this economic boom in the global economic spectrum, the cross-national management of CVD and other chronic disease is at high risk. The reason behind the issues is an unequal distribution of the economic wealth across the countries in the global context. Majority of the developing and underdeveloped countries are still suffering from eth high unemployment rates, lack of education and lower economic level which increases the prevalence of CVD. For example, as compared to UK, US and EU countries, India, China and Bangladesh has poor healthcare framework, in spire of their association with World Health Organisation initiative in order to prevent rates of CVD.

Another important international challenge in managing and controlling CVD is random changes in the legal and political aspect in the global context. As stated by () there is no specific international legal structure that can be contributed to the clinical management of disease. Recent report from the UN Human Rights Council shows that poor medical waste management in majority of the countries affect human rights, the right to health and wellbeing of the global community/. in this aspect () stated that the rising number of heart stroke, coronary heart failure and cardiac disturbance, in India, Pakistan, China and Bangladesh is due to less effective clinical intervention process and treatment methods as compared to the UK, US and Germany.

Global decay of public health infrastructure can be considered as one of the potential challenges in managing and controlling CVD. Recent reports from World HealthOrganisation suggests that funding for promoting the public health functions is in chronic decline, which put the international and cross-national government into trouble in managing and controlling ever-increasing rate of chronic disease such as Cardiovascular disease. Restriction of the federal and state budget leads to depletion of the public health resources that make it difficult for the international and national public health agencies to perform their functions.

Brief discussion of national health and health issues in environmental. Economic and political context:

For any nation, health is considered as one of the most important basic needs that assist individuals to perform their regular functions. Moreover, fundamental and basic healthcare frame is an important determinant of nations’ progress and growth. As stated by Keehan et al. (2017), proper policy is important for assisting nation in order to conduct resource mobilisation, health prioritisation and resource allocation for setting proper healthcare framework. In this context, Cardiovascular disease is one of the critical chronic health condition in which people suffers from irregular and improper activities of the heart. In order to deal with ever-increasing rates of CVD in the community, each nation has set its own healthcare policies which have some common goals. Healthcare policies in each nation are associated with the attainment of the highest level of health and wellbeing for each individual by applying appropriate health care orientation. In this aspect, Cohen et al. (2016) mentioned that the national health focuses on delivering and providing ultra-modern healthcare service to all, especially to the vulnerable and underprivileged people in the community.

There are several issues that are associated with healthcare framework in a nation, such as political, economic and environmental issues.

Health issues in political context:

When it comes to discussing the political issues that a nation faces in order to implement the health care policies and practices, it needs to discuss the changes in the political context that affect the overall healthcare system in the nation. The political instability in different nations affects the overall policies and strategies of healthcare. For example, the controlling and managing the cardiovascular disease is interrupted by the political instability in nations, which not only affect the overall implementation of health care policies but also influence the treatment process. Due to changing government in a nation, there are chances of alteration of existing healthcare policies and laws that affect contemporary healthcare system and process. As stated by Keehan et al. (2017), national healthcare policies for controlling and managing Cardiovascular disease is highly influenced by changing the government. Due to the changing political context, human rights (right to health and wellbeing), overall human health and allocation of health resources are affected. New legislation and acts are imposed on medical waste management which makes a high level of controversy and conflict healthcare procedures. Therefore, the nation's political paradigm poses potential issues in the overall healthcare system.

Health issues in economic context:

On the other hand, the nation's economic structure has potential impact of the overall healthcare system. Proper control and mange of Cardiovascular disease are based on proper fund management in the healthcare system, high-quality clinical intervention and ultra-modern medical techniques. In underdeveloped nations, which face highlight economic slowdown, healthcare infrastructure is poor and full of mismanagement. In this aspect, Garin et al. (2017) stated that, in South Africa countries, mortality and morbidity are due to the cardiovascular disease is highest, due to the poor healthcare system. The recent report of WHO shows that economic condition of a nation sets the standard of healthcare system which determines the overall growth and progress of that nation. Due to unemployment, low income, economic slowdown in underdeveloped nation people are more prevalent to cardiovascular disease, heart stroke, diabetes and cancer. On the contrary Chillet et al. (2018) argued that, although developed and developing countries have economic growth that assists the government to get proper healthcare fund, there are cases of high mortality and morbidity due to poor and irregular diet and unorganised lifestyles. Moreover, developed countries, due to unequal distribution of wealth and income, the majority of the people residing under the below poverty level. This is the reason why people in the developing and developed countries have equal threats of disease and infection as the undeveloped countries.

Environmental context of health issues:

Based on the recent report by the World Health Organisation, the non-communicable disease has become the growing burden in the developing as well as developed countries due to ever changing climate condition. As stated by Juanes et al. (2018), it has been proved that children who are exposed to the changing climate for long period are more prevalent to different non-communicable and chronic disease, such as Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and lung disease. International health framework is associated with proper implementation of innovative and ultra modern treatment process across the world to fight with a different disease. According to the NHS database and NICE report, due to environmental hazard, there are more than 36% of deaths of children and young people. The mortality and morbidity due to the environmental hazards account for nearly 25% of the entire death rate across the world. In this aspect, Jiménez et al. (2017) stated that environmental pollution is also associated with developing of different chronic disease in the community. A recent report on the global health issues by WHO shows that environmental pollution is one of eth important causative factors of more than 9 million deaths across the world. Moreover, the report also suggests that people who are residing in areas which are more polluted than the other areas are highly prevalent to cardiovascular disease and other non-communicable diseases.

Discussing issues and solution in global health context:

There are several issues in the global health context, which affect the overall health and wellbeing of the global community. As stated by Schenker et al. (2018), the global health framework is highly influenced by international and national political, social, cultural and economic factors. The issues that are associated with the global health context are as follows:

The healthcare across the world has faced several issues such as obesity, overweight, poor implementation of treatment process, poor medical and unorganised health education to community. Behind all these issues different factors are associated.

Political instability is one of the major factors that affect the overall health outcomes in global context. Frequent changing of government in different nations poses a positive and negative impact on the acts and legislation. As stated by Levin et al. (2019), new government focus on developing new thoughts, ideas and legislation instead of restricting the existing and old legislation. For example, after Brexit, UK government has developed several independent healthcare legislation in order to improve overall healthcare process. However, the changing of legislation poses adverse impact on the healthcare authorities and the health professionals as they have to focus on the new health rules and legislation. Moreover, political instability affects overall find management process in the healthcare sector which can interfere with the overall budget fixation and financial allocation into the healthcare field.

On the other hand, socio-economic factors are associated with developing different health issues in the global context. People who belong to the below poverty level, suffer from lack of proper education, health facilities and income. According to Clark et al. (2018), the majority of the people residing in the poor community are prevalent to non-communicable disease such as CVD. On the other hand, unequal income distribution in the country makes the poor people poorer and rich people richer. As a result, majority of people residing he poor community suffers from high level or mortality, morbidity, infections AIDA, chronic disease.


In order to make proper solution to global health issues, different initiates have been taken by the government of different nations.

Global Health Initiatives (GHI):

World Health Organisation has been taken the Global Health Initiatives (GHI) in order to prevent the development and contamination of different non-communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, AIDS, CVD and Pulmonary Disease. Under this GHI, World Health Organisation has been conducted President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which will assist the health professional across the globe, to implement eh high-quality treatment process in order to improve the immunisation of global community.

Health strategic International (HSI):

Health strategic International (HSI), is one of the global health strategies, it aims to prevent the development of chronic and non-communicable disease and promise the health and wellbeing of community people (Hoffman and Tan, 2015). The main activity of HSI is to determine and implement innovation and ultramodern treatment process for dealing with critical health condition, Moreover HSI is also associated with developing the expertise and proficiency of the health professionals across the globe.

National Digital Health Strategy:

This strategy is developed to deal with global health sustainability, lack of health professions and poor technical framework in healthcare and poor health education (Taylor et al. 2016). It focuses on implementing strong and highly effective health care system across the globe in order to maintain sustainability in healthcare. Moreover, this strategy also focuses on developing eh digital health strategy in order to tackle the human resources crisis in healthcare. Through assisting the government of a different nation to appoint high skilled healthcare progression this strategy assist the healthcare system to maintain its sustainability.


From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that health is one f eth major and basic aspect of an individual which is associated with performing the regular function in a proper manner. The philosophical and historical evidenced suggest that in ancient times it is considered that health is affected by the natural powers. With the modernisation of the medical world, this perception has been changed drastically. Now the modern scientific perception of health is based on the fact that the disease is developed due to several factors such as biological, social, economic and environmental. There are different factors such as political, social and economic factors affect the overall health outcomes in a community. These factors are associated with developing global health issues such as obesity, non-communicable disease, mortality and morbidity.

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