Stacy Battle Against Workplace Injustice.

It is easy to forget the summer after waking up to many chilly mornings of winter. Stacy thought as she stepped out of her small bed in her dingy apartment. It was four weeks since she left her work and she had barely enough to get her going. Reminiscing on the work, she had decided that the only way she could keep her sanity was quitting it. She was a receptionist at a five-star hotel in the city. Although the job was less involved with the clients, she usually got attached to a few clients and this did not augur well with her bosses. Her chubby face, well-toned body and wide smile caught the hearts of many clients and this could have possibly worked well for her bosses if some of them were not too jealous of her. While she could deal with her bosses, some clients were just exasperating and made her think of quitting because of their rude tendencies at the workplace. As she reflected on her experiences, she considered seeking criminology dissertation help to better understand the dynamics of human behaviour and workplace interactions. She remembered the overbearing client who forced her, a receptionist, to carry his luggage up to his hotel room, and when she refused, he turned a short gun on her. She had obliged into taking the bags to the rooms, but left them at the door and quickly walked away before the heartless rude guest had a chance to ask for anything else. She was, however, angry and promised herself that no one can get away with such rude treatment. When she complained to her bosses about the guest, as usual, they failed to take her side and even called her a liar, giving her a warning against talking ill of the guests especially in such harsh economic times. She had angrily stormed out the building, promising herself to revenge not only against the client but also against the rude bosses for all the pain they had caused her. Her rough past had turned her into a fighter and being taken for granted was never among her plans. She prepared for the morning run and took a sip of some energy drink to boost her speed in the chilly weather. Before storming out of the hotel, she had taken the address of the rude client who he came to learn that he was called Cowell. She had intended to jog on that route

Her rough past had turned her into a fighter and being taken for granted was never among her plans. She prepared for the morning run and took a sip of some energy drink to boost her speed in the chilly weather. Before storming out of the hotel, she had taken the address of the rude client who he came to learn that he was called Cowell. She had intended to jog on that route though unusual for joggers as she planned her revenge on him. She never understood why people have to be rude to other people and this even intrigued her more to give her peace of mind to Cowell. However, she failed to consider the possible consequences of her actions as she was driven only by a motive of revenge. After closing her door and climbing down the risky stairs, she played some music using her earphones and started her morning run. She passed some joggers who waved at her and she waved back happily masking her revenge face well under her smile. With time, she had found several running mates and she usually outruns them in order to maintain her own company. She had reached to the upper-middle-class estate where her "criminal" resided and decided to slow down to see if she could trace that address. The weather was still chilly, making visibility an issue. As she jogged along, she could make out a shape lying down on the ice. "People are funny, am trying to run to keep warm, while others are cooling themselves with ice. So ironic". However, she felt that something was not right and decided to go closer to the person. Slowing down made her fill the cold winter chills down her spine. Her instincts shouted that she should run but she was almost transfigured when she came face to face with the one she loathed.


"You never seem to avoid trouble now do you"? The all too familiar voice of Cowell was calling after her. She was bent over the body of a woman, who was frozen and seemed to have been dumped there. "I almost thought you got lucky last time at the hotel, but thanks heavens you brought yourself," Cowell continued. She felt every muscle within her rise up in rage but Cowell seemed to read her mind as he forced her into a nearby house using his short gun. This was a case of the hunter and the hunted gone bad. As she was still comprehending who might be the dead woman and why Cowell looked so calm about the situation, she was led to an electric gate. Cowell had lowered her guard and she quickly turned and hit him straight in his face. She smiled as she watched him sink into the ice with a big thud. She took the short gun and brought it close to his head, demanding to know what happened to the other woman in the ice. His sarcastic laugh only increased her rage, and she slapped him again across his face.

"Is that any way to treat your clients?" It was her bosses behind her, she was forced to drop her gun and turn around to face them. They were only in their pyjamas an indication that they lived in the neighbourhood. "You nosy dirty beggar!" One of them screamed at her as she hit her across the face. They explained that they were too strong for her arguing that they have been luring girls to go across the border to work in illicit drug companies and when they refused' they would "ice them". They, however, explained that given the non-cooperation that she showed they had no choice than to kill her. The fact that they denied other people and used them against their wish was a fact that did not settle well with Stacy. Before the person holding the gun could make another move, she swung with her feet, kicking the gun from her and falling with a thud to the ground. She was prepared to fight them to the bitter end. She quickly arose and exchanged blows with the three solicitors and when they were all on the ground, she took a short gun, aiming at Cowell. She felt that she should kill them but this would deny her a chance to rescue the other girls. She made a deal with them to take her to the places where the captives are and although her enemies did not want the idea they complied and ended the ordeal of about twenty girls. Stacy deeply wondered about the lives of the others but she was already back to jogging as if nothing had happened that morning.

Husband: I have to get to work and you are late again. You will need to find your own ride today. Wife: You actually made me late, do you mind waiting for five minutes I swear I will be ready by then. Husband: You know if you swore with your life you would be dead already. Right? Anyway, am not waiting for you, I need to meet some clients before I sign to work this morning. Try and enjoy your day. Wife: I do not want to keep you waiting. Am sure I will find a taxi soon enough. And I will enjoy my day. (Husband leaves)
Wife: Hello, taxi man, I need you to pick me on the Fast Drive as soon as you can. I am almost late for an appointment and I would really appreciate if you got me there in time. Taxi man: (Playfully) You should be out by now then. (She takes her ride and reaches the school just within time to the principal looking at her judgmentally). Co-worker: That a look she got over you. I hope you will last a day without confronting her again. Wife: I am used to her old tactics, she got to find a new dog to confront. Besides, I have had a good morning and I do not plan to ruin it by any means.
Co-worker: Suit yourself then. I wish you all the best. By the way, did you sort out the issue with the student? I heard that he was planning on prosecuting you for sexual assault. Wife: (Thoughtfully) And now my day is ruined. Co-worker: You have to stand your ground although it can be hard to convince the chauvinist board to hear you out. Wife: At times life just kicks you in manners you cannot imagine. That young boy looked young and innocent and in need have help. When he showed interest in music he made it clear that he can only succeed through remedial class. As usual, I was keen on ensuring that I gave all the students any materials they can as long as I can manage. However, the student turned out to be a sexual predator, who insisted that I should sleep with him or he will turn the tables against me. Co-worker: Well, am sure if you narrate that to the board they will understand. Wife: I wish it was that simple.
Co-worker: Does your husband know about the story? Wife: I tried to explain the situation but he was in a bigger hurry and I have to face the board this morning. Co-worker: All the best my dear.
(Later with the board members) First Board member: (Sarcastically) I understand that you are the best music teacher in this school. Wife: I do the best I can. Second board Member: Yes, even taking them to bed. Can you not pick someone your own size? I thought you are married? Wife: I still am married and faithful to my husband.

First board member: That might change given your current charges. How do you think the parents of the young student will react? Teachers are supposed to protect them but you had the audacity to prey on him? How do you explain your actions to the board?

Wife: Sir, I am innocent, and it is my humble request that you let me explain what happened.

Second board member: I hope you can prove your innocence because you definitely seem like you can deceive even us to believe your story. We stay warned. (They all laugh sarcastically) Wife: The student in question showed a sudden interest in music and I was ready to help him discover his passion. I allowed him to join the music class but as you all know the term had progressed and he had a hard time catching up with the rest of the class. I asked him to place more effort in class because he was not only slow but seemed to be distracted in class. He argued that he had issues at home that was affecting his concentration and requested me to do some remedial lessons with him/ Although my time is tightly squeezed, I found it unfair to deny a student some time to understand a subject especially if they have the initiative. First board member: Even a tiger hunts with its claws hidden. Go on we are listening. Wife: (Ignoring the comment). The first lessons went well and he improved greatly, always finishing assignments on time and never being late for classes. However, during a remedial lesson, he confessed his feelings to me and I patiently but firmly explained to him that his feelings were misplaced because I am his teacher and it is my job to ensure that he is safe. He got exasperated and tried to grab me. Being prepared and well built, he quickly floored me but I overpowered him before matters escalated. He then quietly told me that I should agree to his demands or he will make my life to be hell.

First board member: Sounds like a movie to me. Does your husband know about your new sexual preferences? (Just in time, husband walks in followed by the boy.) Husband: Why did you do this? I cannot trust you anymore, if you were genuinely assaulted by this young man, you could have told me. Wife: You always accuse me of being late even when you are the one who is too early. How could I expect you to believe me? First board member: Save the romance for later. Let us hear from the victim. Student's mother: My son has nothing to explain. I brought him to this school because I believed in the high integrity of the teachers. How do you think my boy will recover from that assault? I want her jailed! Student: Shut up all of you! My music teacher it the best person I ever met. She believed in me when none of you could believe. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. I apologize only to her because of my bad behaviour in the music room. The board has no right to fire her. My only promise to her is that when I finish school, I will save her from the chauvinist world she lives in even if it means breaking her ugly husband's neck. Husband: What!! (Laughter in the room). Second board member: A niche in time. Huh? The end.

It is easy to forget the summer after waking up to many chilly mornings of winter. Stacy thought as she stepped out of her small bed in her dingy apartment. It was four weeks since she left her work and she had barely enough to get her going. Reminiscing on the work, she had decided that the only way she could keep her sanity was quitting it. She was a receptionist at a five-star hotel in the city. Although the job was less involved with the clients, she usually got attached to a few clients and this did not augur well with her bosses. Her chubby face, well-toned body and wide smile caught the hearts of many clients and this could have possibly worked well for her bosses if some of them were not too jealous of her. While she could deal with her bosses, some clients were just exasperating and made her think of quitting because of their rude tendencies at the workplace. She remembered the overbearing client who forced her, a receptionist, to carry his luggage up to his hotel room, and when she refused, he turned a short gun on her. She had obliged into taking the bags to the rooms, but left them at the door and quickly walked away before the heartless rude guest had a chance to ask for anything else. She was, however, angry and promised herself that no one can get away with such rude treatment. When she complained to her bosses about the guest, as usual, they failed to take her side and even called her a liar, giving her a warning against talking ill of the guests especially in such harsh economic times. She had angrily stormed out the building, promising herself to revenge not only against the client but also against the rude bosses for all the pain they had caused her. Her rough past had turned her into a fighter and being taken for granted was never among her plans. She prepared for the morning run and took a sip of some energy drink to boost her speed in the chilly weather. Before storming out of the hotel, she had taken the address of the rude client who he came to learn that he was called Cowell. She had intended to jog on that route

though unusual for joggers as she planned her revenge on him. She never understood why people have to be rude to other people and this even intrigued her more to give her peace of mind to Cowell. However, she failed to consider the possible consequences of her actions as she was driven only by a motive of revenge. After closing her door and climbing down the risky stairs, she played some music using her earphones and started her morning run. She passed some joggers who waved at her and she waved back happily masking her revenge face well under her smile. With time, she had found several running mates and she usually outruns them in order to maintain her own company. She had reached to the upper-middle-class estate where her "criminal" resided and decided to slow down to see if she could trace that address. The weather was still chilly, making visibility an issue. As she jogged along, she could make out a shape lying down on the ice. "People are funny, am trying to run to keep warm, while others are cooling themselves with ice. So ironic". However, she felt that something was not right and decided to go closer to the person. Slowing down made her fill the cold winter chills down her spine. Her instincts shouted that she should run but she was almost transfigured when she came face to face with the one she loathed. "You never seem to avoid trouble now do you"? The all too familiar voice of Cowell was calling after her. She was bent over the body of a woman, who was frozen and seemed to have been dumped there. "I almost thought you got lucky last time at the hotel, but thanks heavens you brought yourself," Cowell continued. She felt every muscle within her rise up in rage but Cowell seemed to read her mind as he forced her into a nearby house using his short gun. This was a case of the hunter and the hunted gone bad. As she was still comprehending who might be the dead woman and why Cowell looked so calm about the situation, she was led to an electric gate. Cowell had lowered her guard and she quickly turned and hit him straight in his face. She

smiled as she watched him sink into the ice with a big thud. She took the short gun and brought it close to his head, demanding to know what happened to the other woman in the ice. His sarcastic laugh only increased her rage, and she slapped him again across his face. "Is that any way to treat your clients?" It was her bosses behind her, she was forced to drop her gun and turn around to face them. They were only in their pyjamas an indication that they lived in the neighbourhood. "You nosy dirty beggar!" One of them screamed at her as she hit her across the face. They explained that they were too strong for her arguing that they have been luring girls to go across the border to work in illicit drug companies and when they refused' they would "ice them". They, however, explained that given the non-cooperation that she showed they had no choice than to kill her. The fact that they denied other people and used them against their wish was a fact that did not settle well with Stacy. Before the person holding the gun could make another move, she swung with her feet, kicking the gun from her and falling with a thud to the ground. She was prepared to fight them to the bitter end. She quickly arose and exchanged blows with the three solicitors and when they were all on the ground, she took a short gun, aiming at Cowell. She felt that she should kill them but this would deny her a chance to rescue the other girls. She made a deal with them to take her to the places where the captives are and although her enemies did not want the idea they complied and ended the ordeal of about twenty girls. Stacy deeply wondered about the lives of the others but she was already back to jogging as if nothing had happened that morning.

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In the contemporary society, students are protected by everyone arguing that they are just children. Many cases of sexual predation usually victimize the students and while they might be genuine, they affected the authenticity of the information that a teacher can give against the student(s). The teachers are usually prejudged as guilty and sometimes they might be the victims. The play explains such a situation where the teacher, unwittingly falls into the trap of a student who had fallen in love with her and wanted to make sexual advances even though they were clearly unwelcome. Even though equality is being slowly achieved, masculinist usually takes the lead in the society and combined with men's chauvinist tendencies, it is usually hard for a woman to prove her innocence. Her husband never cared to listen to her and always blamed her for being late and he still has the guts to argue that he cannot trust her side of the story. The only defence of the wife was the "victim's" senseless declaration of love to her in front of all people.
The play was not inspired by any book but just by an observation of what happens in the society. People are quick to victimize students or younger people and ignore what they are capable of especially that they are aware of their freedom and immunity in case of a legal confrontation. As a result, people who take care of them especially the teachers are usually judged harshly even if sometimes they are the victims. Sarcasm was the main literal device I used in the story and it was usually from the males who were interrogating the teacher on what happened. They seemed to enjoy the helplessness of the teacher and the fact that they were male, made it possible for them to establish their chauvinism and control the discussion hence finding the teacher guilty of an offence that she did not commit.

I made several changes to the first draft to make the story more effective. In the first draft, the wife and the husband usually engaged in a lot of arguments and this reduced the wife's trust of her husband. She ceased telling her what was going on in her daily life. However, I removed that part because it took a lot of space for the short story hence limiting the climax of the story. I also increased suspense in the story by making the audience think that the teacher will lose her job and possibly face criminal charges but then changed the course of events at the end. The main idea I wanted to explore was chauvinism and how it is usually used against women. I also wanted to explore the theme of sexual predation by students given that the society is used to sexual predation by teachers. I wanted the readers to understand that it is unfair to judge a person before understanding their side of the story and in this way it is possible to achieve justice in the society.

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