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A Reflection on the Blog and Commentaries from the Readers

In the modern world, the advent of technology in all fields of life has borne a huge impact along the social and economic pillars of human development. Development of fitness apps as integrated into modern Smartphone is in itself a critical milestone towards a fulfilled health practice, reflecting the growing need for healthcare dissertation help. As the food industry evolves with time, so does the outbreak of related lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cancers. The concept of keeping fit and burning excessive fats and calories in the body, therefore, stands as relevant issues not only in the United Kingdom but the world at large.

The push to invest in physical fitness is grounded on an intrinsically inspired will, and on a drive to evade maladies, that in the long-run are expensive to treat. This essay intends to reflect on the comments the related blog attained as per the perceptions of the readers. Through such a reflection, a meaningful conclusion will be drawn, on the premise that whether the readers found the blog informative and of great service upon their life. As the paper conclude the reflection section, I will then venture into unravelling the sociological analysis of contemporary issues in the sports domain, and analyse related tenets on the basis of historical, contextual and analytical contexts; then after which I present a conclusion


Whereas too many who share the view that the Fit apps have induced efficiency in the domain of fitness upkeep, there are those who in contrary believe that the app has ceased to be fundamentally good; on the premise that they lack personal contacts with a trainer. Learning by looking at the screen, as one reader perceives contradicts immensely with personal training. The apps, therefore, have eliminated the authentic practices whereby individuals sought to undertake the tasks through an expert person as a guide through the entire session. Additionally, the reader argues that the absence of a personal guide is subject to a trainer accruing injuries, on the premise that the trainer may not apply the skills on the screen as expected, which may induce personal harm. Additionally, there is an argument constructed on the premise that the absence of an individual tutor tends to alleviate the motivation to the gym up and gather insights relevant toward the achievement of targets (Waddington and Smith, 2013)

Moreover, there is an observation made concerning the blog; suggesting that the fitness technologies such as the smartwatches and tracking gadgets do not merely help one improve her/his fitness prowess but, additionally assist the user to track down aspects such as distances and time invested in the training and thus inspiring one to beat the set targets depending on the set metrics. In view of this tenet, the smart apps, therefore, can initiate a motivation to surpass targets presently and in the future; therefore contributing to the basketry of improved fitness upkeep (Marshall, 2017). The various apps on disposal, therefore, have come a long way to inspire individuals from the comfort of their homes or zones to make a more haste in improving their performance. However, there is a need to supplement the apps with a personal trainee to diversify the experiences. This alternatively will gear to cut short overreliance on the phone apps which again may compromise on ethics and disciplined approaches for training.

In response, I find the article instrumental and resourceful, on specifically concerning the Beko Stainless Steel Vacuum Blender. I reminisce on how efficient and good it is to induce fitness from a blender, at home. With the integrated video and captivating pictures, on is inclined to buy one and use it to prepare a nutritious juice with high fitness value. As he marvels on the innovation, the questions on the aspect of those smart apps that compromise and erode one’s fitness privacy. I hold the view that the sharing of individual fitness record makes the apps send digital and up to date. The responses from colleagues concerning the shared scored information may also turn out to be a positive enforcement towards more improved performances. However, the sharing also may disclose sensitive information; say on where the user lives, or work which again may disclose the sensitive information on the part of the user. To opt out, one only need to visit the apps setting and toggle off the personalized features (Tomlinson, and Sugden, 2013). One can also disable the sharing activity from the loader boards or opt to make the activity visible to the intended audience.

HT equally finds the article not only informative but transformative. He enjoyed exploring through the lines of articles to draw wisdom from the technologies he has not heard about ever before. As HT journey through the articles; he also poses for a moment to interrogate whether the technologies are headed towards the right direction, particularly on the aspect of stored data. He also wonders how forward it is when the app keeps on tracking personal development in the context of training. He also notes with critical concern about the app which does not exhibit privacy policy and fears on the ability to compromise on the users’ confidentiality.

In reaction to these perceptions, the essence of the apps to track the users is to provide a benchmark for the far the individual is developing with reference to the past training experiences. Such that a person becomes informed as to whether he is moving forth, static or deteriorating in the training. The issue of security is very sensitive because the trainer’s basic and confidential information may get disseminated to the wrong people. This begs for a careful scrutiny of these technologies to ascertain users apply those which the security settings can be manipulated according to the individual needs and preferences. In view of this trajectory, there is also a need for the developers to innovate technologies whose settings can get manipulated to suit the user’s specification concerning security and privacy.

Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Sports Issues

As Rich, and Miah (2017) records, the gradual development in the field of sports sociology has been a focal point for both physical sociologists and educators. In the previous dispensations, sociology had been essential to the enactment of the new forms of physical education that developed later in the mid-19th century in the United Kingdom. The urge to develop and demonstrate a new form of physical education thus brought forth different subsets of the education that takes into consideration the physical constraints of a human body. At this particular point, the concept of physical fitness was born, alongside other disciplines such as biomechanics, sports psychology and exercise physiology (Rich, and Miah 2017).

In the early years of 1960, there was a sporadic wave calling for the establishment of institutions for sports sociology. In response to this calling, there came to be two major developments namely the birth of a body of literature and an organizational framework for which the sociology of sports sociology was to be found. The development of food industries resulted in people adopting new dietary foods while abandoning the former foods extracted naturally from the firms. The adoption of such new meals according to Pura, and Radicchi (2015) gave birth to lifestyle diseases which the academic literature significantly became aware were as a result of inadequate human exercise. This further contributed to the development of sports sociology as a way to make one fit and invulnerable to diseases. The essence of this section is to explore and analyse the different technology app has influenced and affected human health and lifestyle, and how an individual utilizing such apps can make a big impact toward self-development in the domain of physical and mental health.

Historicizing the Advent of Fitness App on Smart Phones

A mobile app refers to a software application that is developmentally designed to run on a mobile gadget. Fitness app integrates instrumental instructional content which intends to educate the user on how to work towards an accomplished physical fitness and form. The invention of mobile phones in the year1973 by Martin Cooper, there has been remarkable development of constituent apps that have instigated ease and efficiency not only in fitness but also entertainment (Hargreaves, 2014).

There has been an observation made, by the eMarketer reports saying that many 86% of mobile users invest their time on mobile apps, which again raises concerns on ethics. There is a need to train oneself about proper ways to invest time, to balance on training and other aspects of life (Millington, 2017). Such that; the existing health tracking system are broadly categorized historically based on their developmental areas (Young and Atkinson, 2012.). These groupings are traditional and electronic fitness tracking apps. In the past days, the tracking of a human health was done locally, say requiring a thermometer to measure a person’s temperature and gauge the findings to the constant body temperature. Such readings could be recorded, tabulated and stored in health centres.

The consequential advent of time later on induced electronic health tracking systems, in varied forms including Smartphone apps. As of today, there are people using stopwatches, and bathroom scales to benchmark and track down their fitness levels chronologically. A fitness tracker is a device or app which for observing and following aspects an individual’s fitness measurements such as lengths covered in a run or a walk, calorie utilization, heartbeat rates, and nature of rest (Young and Atkinson, 2012.) These fitness trackers are normally connected with a personal computer or Smartphone which takes account of fitness activity. Due to improvements in the field of technology, the present fitness trackers allows robotizing the observations and while keeping the record of fitness development.

Baca and Schwartz, (2016) observe that in the year 1981, wearable heart rate screen was already in place. Additionally, wearable fitness GPS beacons such as remote heart rate checking were eloquent in presence in training centres in mid-2000. The use of sensors to track down developmental rates thus in the context of history has treaded a stepwise ladder, from traditional forms t more complex digital apps. In the modern context, there are various technologies in place; including Beko Stainless Vacuum Blenders, Flint App, Wearable technology, and Samsung Galaxy watch. Despite the expensiveness of these devices, they have largely induced efficacy in the domain fitness. As opposed to the old days; where people had to train from the gym rooms, these contemporary apps can be integrated and accommodated in the household; making it possible for one to use them at the most convenient time and length.

Conceptual Analysis of the Contemporary Fitness Apps and the Sociology of Sport

Coakley (2014) defines sociology of sport as a fundamental branch of sociology that explores the sports as social phenomena. Most scholars studying this field view sociology of sports as well as structured competitive sports besides the fact that that other related fields such as recreational adventure, physical fitness; extreme and virtual sports are integrated therein. The conceptual studies of sports sociology tend to respond to the following frequently asked questions (Hargreaves, 2014);

Why are some practices considered as sports whereas others are not in the context of some particular societies and groups? Why are the precepts governing the sociology of sports structured in particular forms in different places and societies? How do people integrate sporting into their daily endeavours and does participation in sports account for their personal physical and social development?
How does the concept of sport impact us ideologically concerning our bodies, feminism, masculinity, race, class, ethnic extractions and abilities and disabilities; conformity and deviance; and aggression and violence? How are the interpretations derived from the understanding of the definition of the sociology of sports link with elemental social and cultural doctrines of a society? What is the similarity and differences between sport and other physical practices geared to generate fitness and health objectives?
What are the relationships between sports and the fundamental spheres of life such as education, family, education politics, media, economy and religion? How do individuals harness their understandings of sports while in their physical contacts with other people in society and how do sports impact them and the environment around??

Finally, how can individuals utilize sociological comprehension on sports to master the actively participate in social development to induce a positive change? The understanding of sports as a social construction and therefore apart of the social world that is induced into place by humans as they interact with each other; in the contexts of social economic and political conditions attracts a much more understanding on what it is. Coakley, Hallinan and McDonald (2011) observe that the meaning of sport is therefore varied across different lines of cultures, and time. The fact that sports are social entities renders some individuals uncomfortable considering the premise that they accrue livelihoods from sporting activities. Such individuals extract much more advantages from sports as currently defined, structured and undertaken. The victims of these circumstances thus do not perceive sports as a social construction based on sports are dynamic in terms of definition, organization and gaming (Lupton, 2014).
Darnell, (2012) suggests that there is a dire need to master the distinct therein between the psychology of sports and sociology as a better understanding of what sociology really entails. He outlines that psychologists dwell more on unravelling behaviour concerning the processes and attributes amongst individuals. And therefore psychologists seek to study on individuals’ motivation, cognition, perceptions, self-confidence and esteem, personality and attitudes. They also reflect their scholarly works on individuals’ interpersonal relationships such as communication skills, social influences, leadership and present these parameters in the context of how they impact processes and attributes in different individuals (Horne, J., Tomlinson, and Whannel, 2005). In view of this, psychologists ‘research may be searched as; How is self-esteem of physical fitness trainees link to their motivation and self-perception of physical fitness. Sociologists, on the other hand, unravel the relationships and actions in the contexts of social setting where individuals thrive. They reflect their studies on the reality outside and around deal with how individuals build links with each other and therefore how they establish arrangements that sustain and control them in various discourses of life.
The sociology of sports as Coakley (2014) observes is a basic tool informing parents and trainers about the premises under which sports are constructed and its general rationales. It may further exemplify why some sports are characterised by grains of violence and how to control such traits. Despite the controversy that supports the charge of the organizational structure of sports; such decisions may threaten some individuals especially those managing and benefit from sports organizations who share the view that sports are in their right and natural ways. Therefore such people are inclined to approach for sports which Depper, and Howe (2017) term as fond of blaming problems on the weaknesses and failures of practitioners.

Analytical Analysis of the Contemporary Fitness Apps and the Sociology of Sport

In contemporary sports, Dunning, (2013) regrets on; how violence has become a critical issue in both professional and amateur sport. Violence in this regard culminates that which is portrayed by that newly gaining physical prowess in body fitness. There is a critical need for ethical observance; in that, the trainees induce some insights to their clients on how to get self-discipline and avoid applying their muscles upon others. Sports have had a felt influence across not only in Europe but the whole world. It is undeniable to the fact that sports have had a felt impact on the people of the world as it has shaped the cultural, moral and political domains of the societies in which it is constructed (Fotopoulou, and O’Riordan, 2017). It has also impacted on the economy, based on the premise that people earn through sports as coaches and instructors, gym owners and so forth. Sports are eloquent in demonstrations about how the accomplished figures in sports industry have influenced the young people into adopting similar cultural fitness.

Sport and race have been issues of contention for a while now. The issue of gender disparity; whereby the stand of women in the gymnastics rooms has historically attracted attention. The universal dogmas held women unsuited to handle physical fitness training in the medieval days (Giulianotti, 2015). The advent of time, equality and he reawakening sense in human equality later; plus the advent of the modern app really brought along so much for all races. Women have become more integrated into sports through the availability of resources and opportunities. There is a resounding will to bestow similar control of power and influence associated with sports and there is a constant calling for sports that incorporate values, interests and resources to me and women alike. Their contemporary changes also suggest a need for revised perceptions concerning femininity and masculinity, gender relations and resource distribution across societies to care for the need of all people (Houlihan and Malcolm, 2015).

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The study and practice of sports is a critical tool in societies for a number of reasons, which some have been integrated in the above discussion. The elemental sports are a suitable trajectory above which important ideas and beliefs of a society are founded. Sports are equally significant in the context they develop oneself mentally, socially and physically. As discussed above, sports in the medieval days used to confer distinctions between men and women, in that women were deemed less strong; to partake in training. This gender ideology that insinuated women as failures in a sport was broadly accepted during the twentieth century (Goldstein et al., 2010). However with the gradual progression of society and the realization that physical fitness is subject to all people; such stereotyped perceptions have been reversed. As discussed in the above analyses, the development of sports has induced modern fitness app that has made ease the concept of fitness training. Such apps are efficient, even though costly considering the familiar doctrine that keeping fit brushes away lifestyle-related diseases that could otherwise be very costly to administer (Shilling, 2012).

Dig deeper into The Essential Guide Leadership with our selection of articles.


  • Baca, A. and Schwartz, B., 2016. Wearables and Apps--Modern Diagnostic Frameworks for Health Promotion through Sport. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 67(6), pp.1-8.
  • Coakley, J., 2014. Sports in society: Issues and controversies. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Coakley, J., Hallinan, C.J. and McDonald, B.D., 2011. Sports in society: Sociological issues and controversies. McGraw Hill.
  • Darnell, S., 2012. Sport for development and peace: A critical sociology. A&C Black.
  • Depper, A. and Howe, P.D., 2017. Are we fit yet? English adolescent girls’ experiences of health and fitness apps. Health Sociology Review, 26(1), pp.98-112. Dunning, E., 2013. Sport matters: Sociological studies of sport, violence and civilisation. Routledge.
  • Fotopoulou, A. and O’Riordan, K., 2017. Training to self-care: fitness tracking, biopedagogy and the healthy consumer. Health Sociology Review, 26(1), pp.54-68.
  • Giulianotti, R., 2015. Sport: A critical sociology. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Goldstein, E.R., Ziegenfuss, T., Kalman, D., Kreider, R., Campbell, B., Wilborn, C., Taylor, L., Willoughby, D., Stout, J., Graves, B.S. and Wildman, R., 2010. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(1), p.5. Hargreaves, J., 2014. Sport, Culture and Ideology (RLE Sports Studies). Routledge.
  • Hargreaves, J., 2014. Sport, Culture and Ideology (RLE Sports Studies). Routledge.
  • Horne, J., Tomlinson, A. and Whannel, G., 2005. Understanding sport: An introduction to the sociological and cultural analysis of sport. Routledge.
  • Houlihan, B. and Malcolm, D. eds., 2015. Sport and society: a student introduction. Sage.
  • Lupton, D., 2014, December. Self-tracking cultures: towards a sociology of personal informatics. In Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: the Future of Design (pp.77-86). ACM.
  • Malcolm, D., 2014. The social construction of the sociology of sport: A professional project. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 49(1), pp.3-21.
  • Marshall, P.D., 2017. Celebrity and power: Fame in contemporary culture. U of Minnesota Press.
  • Millington, r. and Millington, b., 2017. The datafication of everything: towards a sociology of sport and Big Data. In Digital Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Activity (pp.40-54). Routledge.
  • Pura, M. and Radicchi, E., 2015. Social Value co-creation using sport mobile apps. Sport in changing social, economic, political, and cultural contexts Book of abstracts.
  • Rich, E. and Miah, A., 2017. Mobile, wearable and ingestible health technologies: towards a critical research agenda. Health sociology review, 26(1), pp.84-97.
  • Schwartz, B. and Baca, A., 2016. Wearables and Apps for Health Promotion through Sport, Dtsch Z Sportmed, 2016(67), pp.131-136.
  • Shilling, C., 2012. The body and social theory. Sage. Tomlinson, A. and Sugden, J., 2013. Power games: A critical sociology of sport. Routledge. Waddington, I. and Smith, A., 2013. Sport, health and drugs: A critical sociological perspective. Routledge.
  • Young, K. and Atkinson, M. eds., 2012. Qualitative research on sport and physical culture. Emerald Group Publishing.

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