Intersection of Culture and Globalization


Culture and globalisation are the two determinants which are if inter-twinned then will create a united cultural world having commonly shared values and beliefs within themselves. The term cultural globalisation refers towards the phenomenon of sharing of various types of cultural experiences of different nations under one roof across the world, creating a united cultural value.

Q1. What impact has globalisation had on cultural diffusion and acculturation?

With the passing day, globalisation have promoted mainly the flow of the cultural norms and practices and also supported the rise of cross border exchange system of various kinds of goods and other products. According to Cleveland (2018), there is a power that exists in globalisation, and this power is responsible for moving the various types of national cultures on a huge range of global scale. This driving of all the cultures and mixing of the different national values together is known as the geographic process of the cultural diffusion which has a great impact on itself of the globalisation process. Lesenciuc (2017) opined that sometimes it also can be seen that globalisation also impacts in the global dispersion of all the national cultural traits which causes the enabling of dynamic cultures to fuse into a huge hybrid form resulting in creation of exciting new cultural traditions.

A second process which gets affected due to the globalisation is acculturation, which is a simple process that leads to psychological and cultural changes in both all the nations. Cleveland (2018) stated that acculturation occurs when various groups of different cultural backgrounds along with their individual members engages in each other’s cultures which is initiated by the intercultural contact of nations, leading to a cultural national change.


Q2. Will globalisation lead to one global culture?

Globalisation itself means a cultural, social, legal and political phenomenon. From the cultural aspect, globalisation represents the process of exchanging the values, ideas and the artistic expressions among each other on the global front. So it can be said that somehow, globalisation can lead different national cultures into one big global culture spread world-wide (Beumer e al. 2018). Basically globalisation represents a common trend where different cultures are diverted towards a development from them of a single cultural world. In fact, it can also be said that apart from only driving cultures towards a single cultural world, globalisation creates a homogenisation and on the contrary, it focuses on enhancing the united cultural identity in the overall world (Dziatzko et al. 2017).

The common people are not just personalities who got influenced by the cultures, but are identities or subjects who have the ultimate power to either accept and integrate cultures world-wide or reject them at once if not liked by them. Beside this concept, and apart from the globalisation effect, there are two other reasons which results in uniting nations and that are advanced and developed science and technology who can bring people closer and binds stronger than before (Beumer e al. 2018). But this is also a true fact that it will never be possible to create a world having a single united culture, not also because of globalisation due to the diversities within.

Q3. Is the idea of globalisation dead?

The slowing down of globalisation, if not fully but partially can be said that this fact is true to its nature and it has various reasons behind it. Islam (2019) idealised that it can be said that globalisation is not dead rather we, can say that globalisation is in the midst of a changing form of transformation. As described by Thorpe and Figge (2018), one of the few factors that are leading fast change in the globalisation process is the recent Covid-19 pandemic which has its negative impact on the globalisation and global economy but it can be recovered slowly. Some other reasons can be like rising trading restrictions across the international borders and other cross border activities which have slowed in their flow of service exchange process. Islam (2019) acknowledged that the exchange of knowledge, values, taste and cultural preferences are some interchanging methods which have continued the new forms of the cross border cultural integrations which will slowly but ultimately develop the globalisation trend which was declining with the passing time and challenges in it.

Many economists and researchers revealed the fact that there is still room for increasing the globalisation trend through the exchange of ideas, cultures and values within nations. This can be performed if everybody owns this idea and thinks globally.

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Globalisation has somehow has changed its form but partially & not fully as there are chances of reviving it with various new ideas that can bring a change in the structure of globalisation with exchange of cultural beliefs, knowledgeable values & taste preferences. It can be lastly concluded that globalisation and culture are closely inter-related with each other.

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Beumer, C., Figge, L. and Elliott, J., 2018. The sustainability of globalisation: Including the ‘social robustness criterion’. Journal of cleaner production, 179, pp.704-715.

Cleveland, M., 2018. Acculturation to the global consumer culture: Ten years after and agenda for the next decade. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 28(3), pp.257-271.

Dziatzko, N., Struve, F. and Stehr, C., 2017. Global Leadership: How to Lead Multicultural Teams Effectively?. Journal of Intercultural Management, 52(2), pp.5-29.

Islam, S.A., 2019. Globalization is Dead, Long Live Globalization! Impasse in Globalization Theory and Beyond. Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology, 16(2).

Lesenciuc, A., 2017. Globalization and Cultural Change. Cogito-Multidisciplinary research Journal, (3), pp.25-33.

Thorpe, A. and Figge, F., 2018. Climate change and globalisation as ‘Double Exposure’: Implications for policy development. Environmental Science & Policy, 90, pp.54-64.

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