The Significance of Time Management and Prioritization for Personal and Professional Development

Setting Personal Goals

It is important to develop personal goal and create further planning for ensuring personal and professional development. For working in an organisation efficiently, it is necessary to manage time for completing the organisational job roles and responsibility within effective time (Christie et al., 2018). I am able to manage time in the workplace, where I try to priorities the tasks and conduct each task efficiently within time. As per the priority of the task, I try to note down the tasks and conduct it proficiently by utilising own skill set and knowledge. Seeking business dissertation help can also be beneficial for refining time management skills and prioritising tasks effectively. Hence, time management skill and prioritising the task would be helpful for me to complete my projects and contribute efficiently in the workplace for achieving the organisational success.


For working with others in the workplace, it is beneficial for me to improve critical analytical skill and problem solving skill, so that I can take active participation in the organisational decision making practice and share creative solution. For critical analytical skill improvement, it would be fruitful to gather vast information, improve knowledge on business activities and market condition as well as adopt new technology for performing better (Akrivou, Scalzo and Orón, 2020). In this regard, I also try to focus on interacting with other colleagues at the workplace for developing partnership working practice. I try to communicate with others and show positive body language, so that I can develop an effective team. For further improvement, it would be beneficial to improve representative skill, so that it is possible to share own thoughts and creative solution with others at the workplace.

For personal and professional skill development, I also try to focus on decision making skill, which is important for me to develop innovative solutions for the organisation. I will try to enhance workplace activities by developing good teamwork and in this regard, representative skill, high communication and interactive skill set further help me to work with others by enhancing internal communication and workplace collaboration. The skill of emotional intelligence is also necessity to be improved in future, so that I can understand others perspectives and cooperate with others at the workplace. It further helps me to improve internal cooperation and understanding among the team members.

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Reference List

Akrivou, K., Scalzo, G. and Orón, J.V., 2020. How differing conceptions of integrity and self-integration influence relationships: Implications for management, personal and professional development. Archives of Psychology, 4(1).

Christie, H., Cree, V.E., Mullins, E. and Tett, L., 2018. ‘University opened up so many doors for me’: the personal and professional development of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. Studies in Higher Education, 43(11), pp.1938-1948.

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