Twitter’s Evolution and Organizational Impact


Twitter has been built on the basis of its procedural effectuality around the productivity of the organization by accomplishing the target of the association, successfully since 2006. Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone have launched Twitter, mainly based on countries like San Francisco, California, and 25 other countries to connect people for multifarious reasons. Moreover, the digital attributes of twitter offers a social media platform, granting the access of SMS, while associating with web-based programs like Face book and MySpace. As influenced by Araujo et al. (2017), it is opined that the prior intention for using Twitter can be named as a marketing strategy for various organizations, Public Relation purpose, reporting, and individual interaction and communication (Ottovordemgentschenfelde, 2017). However, the executive administration of Twitter revolves around designating the formalized and amicable guidance to the employee for an improvised outlet of production. The effective organizational expertise of it, concerning the up growth of both the consumer and workers, derive the potentiality to prognosticate and impede any adverse circumstances for the company. As per online review BBC NEWS has reported, Twitter has already allowed its employees to continue the work from home till the absolute antidote of COVID-19 is retrieved (BBC News. 2020). However, although Twitter has attributed an enlarged range of technological expansion and persistent levitation, it obtains a few numbers of Constraints as well like adverse condemnation, time deficiency, and other critical aspects like obstruction of only 280 available features.


Performance Management under the supervision of Human Resource

Technical foundation

Technology has retained a significant position, derived as a major component of Performance management, supervised by the HR management and its employees in Twitter as well as other global industries while in the complete procedure of settling and securing the objective prospects of the organization. The prime criteria of the technological enhancement by Twitter are the rapid and credible modification-related access along with providing a comprehensible measurement to the network mediator of the system. Accumulative and reciprocal entities like storage and Messaging, respectively incorporate 45% trace of the consummate framework of Twitter, with the assistance of essential congregating operators like Hadoop, FlockDB, Blobstore, and Twitter’s Manhatton9 Apache Cassandra-esque (Miller, 2020). However, the augmentation of the data core has been implemented with the help of Quality Technology Services in Atlanta by Twitter, ensuring the industrial up growth even more efficiently than before while being influenced by the internet-based corporations like Face book and Apple. According to Comin and Nanda (2019), it can be opined that the economic advancement of Twitter has been interconnected with the highly beneficial strategic schemes, produced by the HR Management of the company.

Establishment of enlarged product value and marketing strategy

Twitter had dealt with an appropriate amount of genuine and Valliant criticism while evolving the organizational structure of the company. At the same time, it contributes an enlarged plethora of opportunities to the individual customers, business implementers, publicists, and other associates with commodities like reinforces tweets, registrations, periscopes, and current involvements, Implemented by Jack Dorsey, the Chief Executive Operator of the organization (InfoQ, 2020). The procedure of advancing product value is integrated with the effective marketing stratagem following the customer need (Ismail et al. 2019). However, Twitter, Inc has sustained the authority over seven companies have already with the huge working force of 4900 employees with commercial financing of 27.776B and a net margin of 0.3639. Gnip, an Application Programming Company (APA), Magic Pony Technology, Mopub Advertising company, Periscope, Tap commerce, Tell apart, and Tweet deck have been acquired by twitter already. Still, Twitter has faced the loss of $8.4 million despite obtaining a significant amount of income extension due to COVID-19 situation, as reported by The Economic Times (The Economic Times. 2020).

Expanding trade turnover by appointing skilled and knowledgeable workforce

As mentioned before, it can be strongly stated that the use of any social medium, specifically Twitter can implement an intensive developmental statistics to any type of business (Bijarnia et al.2019). The most crucial attribute of the Human Resource sector of Twitter has been its capacity to reach customers and enterprises at once in one click, irrespective of time and place. The technological advancement of Twitter has introduced the consumer of any purpose to a great aspect of publicity propaganda. As a micro blogging platform, it was originated by Ruby on Rails web-based structure in 2006, with the arrival of $3 billion revenue in 2018. But the growth was possible due to the selective assessment of the employees by the HR faculty of the organizational administration (Quinn, 2020). The managers involved in hiring workers for the Twitter firm had enabled only those candidates, involving with the functional utility of Twitter before the users as well as translucent ideology and ability to recruit more commendable candidates for the organization’s wellbeing (Russell and Brannan, 2016). This determines the fact that interconnecting people all over the world. Although Twitter offers the job to each deserving candidates, It still has a controversial reservation procedure for the candidates, coming from companies like LinkedIn and Glass door, as these two are the key partners of the aforementioned organization while maintaining a concealment related agreement like EU-US and Swiss-US corroboration.


The administration of legitimized and revenue growth prospect of Twitter

As Twitter provides various purposes related with to the commercialized offerings, it ensures about authenticity of its users’ identification while accessing the use of Privacy Policy that is the IP log in variable forms.. However, the financial taxation of the company has developed by 21% in 2019, as reviewed online (Twitter, 2020). The information director, attached with the systematic designing of the app serves the accountable feature for securing private data as well the revenue derived at the end of the year is concluded as a section of HR’s regulations (Heger et al. 2017). However, the Terms of Service, provided by Twitter ensures the protection of the user’s confidential documentations like name, email verification, phone number and other personal or formal entities.

Role of organizational culture and structure in progression and its impact on employees' behavior

Various aspects of organizational culture

Twitter’s organizational culture and behavior: The organizational culture has been one of the most important factors in determining the work pattern of an organization and thereby pre-determines its success strategy in the long run. In the case of Twitter, it maintains a friendly cooperative and team oriented culture for easy collaboration among different teams and the members within. This enabled the staff to work in a non-dominant environment thereby allowing them to achieve the company's target goals. As stated by English-Lueck and Avery, (2017) it has also been seen that Twitter’s employees have been referred to be the happiest in the Silicon Valley. Some facts about Twitter’s organizational culture states that:

Steps for Organizational Culture mobilization

1. CEO conducting sessions: According to Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, he believes in having a strong manager for developing a strong business. Dorsey exemplifies his employees and team members with various real life examples and stories to make the exercises more interesting and attractive to his members (, 2020). Also, when the highest designated members interact with the employees, it motivates them and encourages them to work even harder for achieving the organizational goal.

2. Employees’ pulses: Twitter conducts surveys regarding Employee Satisfaction half yearly to see the level of containment among their members and the overall prosperity of their organization. In this survey, the employees need to answer regarding their job satisfaction level along with the issues they have been facing regarding their job profiles or organizational culture (Buchanan, 2019). They could even suggest recommendations for the betterment of the current scenarios.

3. Focus on the core areas: Core skills need to be incorporated within the tasks of managers as well as the employees such as building up of communicative aspects, development of collaborative skills and leadership management abilities, having flexibility towards change of organizational environments and working on meeting deadlines through smart works.

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4. Genuine and courageous feedback system: Through this system employees can give original feedback regarding organizational issues without being fearful throughout the line of organization from up, down or across. This includes launching some learning apps by Twitter, where the employees could receive and submit their issues without worrying and give fearless and authentic feedback responses. This enables the employees to work in a stress free environment without being stressed unnecessarily.

Twitter’s organizational structure: Twitter organizational structure enables and helps in empowering the people to share different ideas and diversifying information without hurdles and barriers. They offer services and products for the advertisers and data partners along with the users. Internally and externally, Twitter seems to be following an enhancive and tropophilic hierarchical structure. In this structure the organization has been inhabited by multi-skilled individuals working in hierarchy but in a non-dominant atmosphere. Within this structure, redundancy along with flexibility and adaptability becomes a part of multi-skilling and thereby increases the viability of all systems. For example in the case of Twitter, all the important and topmost business executives directly report to the CEO (, 2020). This kind of organizational structure reduces issues that could expand and escalate from the company’s bottom line to its headquarters straightaway.

Structure of Hierarchical organizational chart

The organizational structure of Twitter can be classified into:

1. Active groups for online and offline transactions: These groups include the HR management. Strategic decisions and initiatives from the CEO have been distributed downwards to the subordinates through the descending stages of authorization and communication. In the middle strata it then becomes interactive and thereby shows flat structure (Kim and Chang, 2019). This again promotes openness among the staff and enables cooperation despite the hierarchical nature flaunted by the company heads. Twitter’s functional group includes:

• Co-founder and CEO




• Legal


2. Geographically functional groups for managing the regional markets: This social media company enables strategic marketing with respect to the regional locations. Twitter addresses the challenges faced by the organization in the regional markets with the help of its corporate structures. According to Bowers et al. (2017) they even develop the promotional strategies as per the geographical need of the local markets. This part involves the multinational market demands necessary for developing company’s most strategic business plans. The operating segments may include the domestic and the international market trends.

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3. Divisional groups for managing products and operations: This involves the original and authentic programme and other contents. The main objective of this group involves management and operational efficiency and preciseness in content distribution and content production.

Twitter’s organizational structure currently revolves around three main objectives:

1. Strengthening the core: To strengthen the core growing active users and even broadening the surface to new users requires improvement of the experience. With regular quality assessment and easier service availability, the customer retention enhances along with increased customer loyalty (Tseng, 2017). One other means by which strength can be achieved has been through depth addition to its contents like upgradation of DM features and also implementation of new features which would be simple to use.

Twitter’s performance graph from 2010 to 2020

2. Reduction of barriers during consumption: With improvement in data organization, it becomes easier to handle by the consumers also it would become relevant to individual users. This should be throughout the process whether in logged-in condition or logged-out condition or during partner applications.

3. Launching new application and services: To create and to expand the ongoing development of new technologies like mobile and web application, it becomes quite necessary to upgrade and implement new services for Twitter to keep up with the modern day features (, 2020). This has been taken into consideration by the organization and applied to the entire twitter ecosystem including their fabric program.

Importance of Organizational culture and structure in employees’ behavior: The role portrayed by the organizational culture and structure becomes important in manipulating employees’ behavioral pattern and thereby helps in dealing with the growing challenges of today’s world. An appropriate organizational culture and structure helps in involvement of participative works among the employees along with the rise of sustainability and leadership in them (Nekvapil and Sherman, 2018). It enables accountability and engagement in the work showcased by the organizational staff and thus enhances the overall proliferative growth of the whole organization. In congruence with Pochebut et al. (2018) the foundation of varied skills in the employees like innovation and institutionalization of necessary circumstances have been acknowledged with respect to the mode of organizational structure and culture used in the company. Thus, with an open free and unauthoritative organizational culture and a collaborative organizational system, employees in Twitter have been able to achieve the target goals as deducted by the company.

Application of knowledge of personality and emotion to increase employee motivation

Importance of Employee Motivation and different ways to enhance it

Employee motivation is a key to organizational success, as motivated work-force puts high level inputs to achieve a shared goal. There are several effective ways that could help any organization to reach a desired situation regarding employee motivation. As stated by Varma, (2017) in order to be the best at managing the employees for the sake of organizational benefit, managers often need to think creatively to implement something out of the box. In this particular case regarding the Twitter organization the management could opt for such reliable ways in order to motivate its employees consistently. Some of such effective measures could be as follows:

Giving each employee a purpose

An accomplishable purpose enables the employees to understand their position and the target better. This also encourages them to execute their work more passionately. The concerned organization could also share the business purpose with its employees so that it results in company benefit.

Maintaining a positive work environment

For any organization it is important that the employees are highly energised and show great enthusiasm to pursue a job given to them. As opined by Cakraborty and Ganguly, (2019) in order to have such an environment the organization could definitely try to feed their employees with positive energy throughout. Cultural activities could be helpful to make the employees able to in the moment.

Motivating each individual instead of a team

In order to ensure that the input from the employees are productive for the organization not only a team but also every person involved in that team needs to be motivated in the best way possible. This approach can be opted for by the concerned organization to maximize employee accomplishment.

Prioritizing employees’ work-life balance

A great motivator is who provides the employees with a culture that promotes work-life balance. Employees serve their best in a work environment that allows them to be happy, take vacations, take part in fun activities and so on. According to Thompson and Bruk-Lee, (2020) this approach is the best way to yield high productivity and also maintain a happy environment at the workplace.

Elements of Employee Motivation
Allowing the employees to lead

Motivating the employees is beyond giving incentives and vacations. Each team member should be valued and their opinions must be heard. It is necessary for a giant organization to let the efficient employees lead the company, their ideas and views can prove to be highly beneficial for the organization. The concerned company could effectively incorporate such a culture in its framework through conducting regular discussions, meetings with the employees and encouraging them to take higher authority.

Believing in employee capabilities

Since the revolution in giant industries, employee performance and motivation have become delicate and necessary aspects for every organization to drive the work-force as a whole (Olusadum and Anulika, 2018). In this situation the organizations need to believe in their employees as motivation does not change employee performance overnight. The concerned company thus could particularly go for this approach in order to obtain the optimum performances from the talented and hardworking employees. Being big the Twitter family could utilize the abilities of its employees through effective leadership approaches. However, the bigger an organization is the greater is the concern. Therefore, the concerned organization has also a room for improvement regarding the employee motivation. In addition to the above mentioned measures they could also refresh their existing formulas in order to bring significant changes in employee performance.

Some Motivation Theories

An employee would be fully motivated if his or her requirements are fulfilled. According to, it is the leader’s responsibility to understand every individual’s needs and work accordingly to ensure the employees are satisfied. This in turn motivates them to push their abilities and fulfil the commitments. In order to understand the employee behaviour better and identify the effective approaches to motivate them, the concerned organization could opt for a few theoretical approaches as follows:

Hertzberg’s two factor theory
Hertzberg’s two factor theory

According to this theory needs can be classified in two categories: Motivating Factors and Hygiene Factors. These two elements complement each other within an organizational structure. Presence of only one of these two does not work (Expert Program Management. 2020). The concerned organization thus should definitely ensure that the employees are satisfied regarding the Hygiene within the work environment and also they are highly motivated, in order to enhance employee performance.

Vroom’s expectancy theory

As stated in this theory employees would be motivated and significantly productive if they are encouraged to believe that their efforts are important to achieve a goal and their hard work would be recognized as well as rewarded (Patil, 2020). Moreover, this strengthens the relationship of the employees with the higher authorities. The company of concern could extract some benefits through applying this approach within the work culture. This would motivate the employees to give more efforts to contribute to the organization's success.

Impact of personality on employee behavior

To keep the employees engaged and motivated the organization Twitter already has focused on the approach towards development through communication, and collaboration. They believe that a happy team is always productive. Now coming to the personality aspect, it has been argued by Attiq et al. (2017) that personality of a leader impacts on the employee response and behavior. In other words, organizational performance is somehow driven by the personality of the leader. Therefore, in order to have a desired organizational behavior, individual personality would play an essential role (Business Jargons. 2020). In the case of the organization of concern also personality development would be a purposeful approach. Some of the personality development theories are as follows:

Various personality Theories

Trait theory: According to this belief individual behavior can be utilized on the way of progress only by breaking down the patterns in multiple traits. As mentioned by Jayawickreme et al. (2019) it could be highly beneficial for the concerned organization as it would allow the leaders to identify the traits of their own and as well as the employees. It would become easier for them to compare the capabilities of the employees. Moreover, this theory has proved to be comparatively stable.

The organization therefore, could shift its focus to humanlike approaches namely motivation, emotion to extract the best from talented, skilled and emotionally intelligent employees.

Critical evaluation of self-management and other employees on the aspect of being a future leader in the concerned organization


In order to manage an organization with efficiency it becomes necessary to take self-management and staff management very seriously. Both of these elements are equally responsible for an organization’s benefits. To communicate effectively with the employees, co-workers and customers development of special skills is crucial (Dhingra and Punia, 2016). As a responsible manager I would therefore try to strategize the management process accordingly, in the best way possible. Some of the self-management approaches would be as follows:

Management of own behavior for organization’s benefit

I would take interest and participate actively in the organizational matters. This would help to know the organization better and more widely.

Will definitely try to stay up to date and consistent regarding both the organization and employee interests.

Workload management and effective time management would be essentials so that the company could make the best out of every individual.

Acceptance of own responsibility and act accordingly would be some other elements of self-management.

In order to manage the staff efficiently I would prefer to keep myself motivated first and then demonstrate that to the employees.

Will always be prepared for group discussions, meetings and also maintain a healthy relationship with the colleagues and other employees.

I would try to keep an enthusiastic attitude and also make the employees know about their own motivations, values, skills and emotions.

Maintaining a good behavioral conduct with every individual including the employees would be the primary intention (Careerizma. 2020). This would ensure that my actions and words do not harm anyone’s self-esteem. Moreover, I would ensure that my work fulfils my commitments and my reactions are never defensive towards constructive criticism.

Development of own Management Skills

In order to take correct actions, manage the work environment, supervise the working groups some effective management skills would be needed. In other words, a manager is more likely to manage his workers rather than focusing on his own. I would therefore focus on utilizing my knowledge in cooperating with my employees and supervising them. Being a today’s manager I would need to have a vision, a direction and principles to achieve the goal. A transformational leadership approach might be beneficial for the organization so that I can motivate the employees to accept transitions and perform accordingly (Sattayaraksa and Boon-itt, 2016). Charismatic approach would also be relevant in this case, as with a great persona I would be able to enhance employee behavior and motivate them. I would definitely be open to suggestions if that would aid the organization’s purpose.

Self- Management approach

Management of Employees and other staff members

To keep my employees motivated I would ensure that they receive regular feedback depending on their activities (Commons et al. 2018). This would be a constructive approach to enhance employee motivation.

I will make sure that the employees are given equal opportunity to participate and allowed to share their opinions.

Most importantly to ensure that the employees work efficiently I would focus on improving their skills through proper training.

In order to keep them motivated some theoretical approaches mentioned earlier would be also taken that are likely to generate a best outcome for the concerned organization.

Socio-cultural aspects
Socio-cultural aspects of an organization

In order to maximize the opportunities and benefits surrounding Twitter, I as a future leader would try and incorporate various means of excellence performance by closely regulating the socio-cultural aspects of the organization. These include:

1. Culture: I would incorporate vivid study regarding the employees’ attitude towards the norms and regulations issued by the organization. For multinational Companies like Twitter, the culture of foreign country may affect the behavioral pattern of the company which in turn affects the business (, 2020). Differences between work and leisure along with attitude towards achievements could be used to analyze the characteristics of the members and thus, design programmes accordingly.

2. Language: Being a part of MNC causes varied challenges in the foreign countries due to diversifying languages. Therefore, being a future leader, I would like to incorporate communicative sessions based on the local languages. This would not only increase the bond of the employees with the local consumers but also among themselves by building up collaborative projects through target reaching and efficient customer handling powers.

3. Religion: Appropriate understanding along with good knowledge of the religion and respecting each one of them, promotes the understanding and collusion of different members of a team and thus, helps in building up a strong foundation.

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4. Education: Level of education influences the job profile and the work output of the employees in an organization. As opined by Tenkanen et al. (2017) in Twitter, brief educational backdrop of the employees could be studied properly and works assigned accordingly for superior performance and efficient production. This would also increase the organizational yield.

5. Customer preferences: Services according to the customer preferences enables expansion of the organization which in turn expands the business platform thereby making the employees satisfied and happy. So, as a future leader of Twitter this point could be incorporated for better commerce and content employees.

Total number of active users in 2019

6. Social acceptance: Attitude of the local consumers along with the government acceptance needs to be studied well for the proper expansion of the organization growth and the employees. According to the Health knowledge, (2020) it can be enable that the conduction of seminars and conferences involved members’ well awareness regarding the social circumstances of the business conduction. This would enable smooth running of the business without hazards.

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Being a multinational corporation, Twitter has been handling various issues and challenges regarding business management both internally and externally with great competence and sincerity. Performance management through regular analysis and assessment made the organization’s team members become more proficient in the field of their respective profile. This human resource practice along with thorough management of particular areas made Twitter become more successful despite the threats posed by its competitors. Along with this the well-defined organizational structure and their mode of working through collaboration and employee participation enabled the expansion of adequate skills in the organizational body. The culture being friendly and cooperative also proliferates the overall achievement made by Twitter and the impact of these two features on their employees.

It has also been mentioned how Vroom’s expectancy theory and Herzberg 2 Factor theory help in understanding the needs and requirements of the organization along with the conscious choice of decisions regarding employee’s performance. Importance of the members in an organization enables smooth running due to their dependency on the collaborative outcome of the employees. With an optimistic work environment and a fine balance between the work and life, the environment of the company can become not only progressive but also gratified. The needs of self-management along with flexibility to develop transactional skill and various other socio-cultural aspects have been elucidated for discernment.


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