Understanding and Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder: Symptoms, Interventions, and Support Strategies


ASD is termed as a severe mental disorder that impairs the ability of the affected person to interact and communicate. ASD is seen to impact the nervous system affecting the overall emotional, cognitive, social and physical health of the affected individual. As stated by Thabtah (2019), the range of autistic syndrome is seen to vary widely. Common symptoms are inclusive of repetitive behaviour and obsessive interest in certain things. Early recognition as well as family or educational therapies can work on reducing the level of symptoms while enhancing the support of learning and development. For those seeking to delve deeper into this topic, psychology dissertation help can provide valuable insights. Thus, it can be conclusively stated strong interventions can work on reducing the symptoms of autism.


The exact cause of autism is yet to be discovered. It could arise from problems in part of the brain that processes the language and interprets sensory inputs. A research based study conducted by Billig and Feldman (2017), stated the fact that autism is not specific to any particular social or cultural background. Rather autism runs in families and a certain combination of genes may enhance the level of risk among the children. A child with an older parent is at significant risk of autism; while a pregnant woman if exposed to anti-seizure drugs or alcohol may increase the chances of autism among the children. However, it is important to understand the exact underlying facts that give rise to autism and the interventional steps that can be undertaken to ensure that the symptoms are reduced for ensuring that the positive health outcomes are rightly obtained.

Case study for ASD child

Brock Ott was 2 years of age when his parents, Brian and Naidona, started to see contrasts among him and different children of same age. Their exploration appeared to highlight mental imbalance, related to autism; however his pediatrician and a nervous system specialist both rejected the thought. Later on at 6 years of age, while entering first grade, Brock was determined to have a chemical ASD, a gathering of complex formative issues that cause issues with social collaboration and correspondence (Chop.edu, 2020).


The signs and symptoms by Brock

ASD is a "range issue," implying that youngsters influenced by it show indications that run from mellow to extreme. Brock is on the advanced stages of the range, with better than expected insight, however perceptible social, conduct and language issues. At age 4, his vocabu;ar was extremely limited, consisting of 20 words when his companions were virtual chatterboxes, and he experienced difficulty with his memory; he was unable to try and recollect the names of relatives. His family alluded to these characteristics as "Brockisms." He would get focused on specific things and continue to do or watch one specific thing in repeat without ever getting bored of it (Chop.edu, 2020).

Despite the fact that he was a sweet child on a basic level, he didn't interface much with other youngsters of the same age, didn't look or grin, and would not like to be contacted. He experienced difficulty with the surfaces of specific nourishments, talked in a monotone voice and showed conduct like flicking his fingers and strolling on his pussyfoots. "At the point when he was pretty much nothing, I would state, 'alright, I need three embraces today.' And he would give me three hugs, and that was it," Naidona says. "It was unbalanced for him." Most alarming were the " sudden emotional breakdowns" Brock had when changing starting with one movement then onto the next. "It wasn't your commonplace 'awful twos' emergency," as remarked by Brock’s mother and primary caregiver (Chop.edu, 2020).

With three more seasoned youngsters, the consideration committed to Brock wore on the family on occasion. "You feel terrible for your youngster since you feel like they're unsettled," Naidona commented. "You are clueless about your actions and even theirs. What's more, you have the blame that you're investing this energy in this kid who is so troublesome. Shouldn't something be said about different children?"

Diagnosis for Brock

At the age of 4 Brock was, with his equivalents at New Jersey tuition based school his kin and father had joined in, yet the emergencies were a lot for the school to deal with. "The instructors at the tuition based school were old-school that they saw a youngster having emergencies, their reaction was to break down, and that simply aggravated it," Brian says. After Brock was approached to leave the school halfway as the year progressed, his folks selected him in first grade at an open primary school. It was there he was at long last determined to have an ASD and started to get chemical imbalance explicit mediation (Chop.edu, 2020). Not long after the determination, the Otts found out about CAR. Vehicle's strategic helping families living with an ASD — depends on the conviction that researchers need to comprehend the reasons for ASDs to empower prior conclusions and progressively powerful medications.

Research for better health outcomes

His inclination is that he needs help and parents energise the same." One investigation utilized bleeding edge neuroimaging procedures and infrared laser eye following to decide how contrasts in Brock's mind represent a portion of his social and correspondence shortages. Utilizing attractive reverberation imaging (MRI), an examination bunch drove by Robert Schultz, PhD, CAR's chief and holder of the Regional Autism Center Endowed Chair at Children's Hospital, found that irregular neural associations inside the mind's limbic framework add to challenges with social connections, for example, face distinguishing proof, among youngsters with ASDs.

Brock additionally tried restorative computer games Schultz created because of this examination. By requesting that the kids coordinate a face with the feeling that the individual is feeling — state, a grimace with misery — they expect to show kids with ASDs how to peruse social circumstances. Another examination drove by Timothy Roberts, PhD, bad habit seat of Radiology Research at Children's Hospital and holder of the Oberkircher Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Radiology, utilizes magnetoencephalography (MEG), a trend setting innovation that deliberate the continuous electrical movement in Brock's mind, to consider language hindrances (Chop.edu, 2020). Through that review, Roberts found that kids with ASDs process sounds a small amount of a second more slow than other kids.

After his determination, Brock was put in an exceptional study hall where he got ASD, explicit mediation and social aptitudes preparing. Before the finish of that school year, Brock's folks began to see improvement. Today, he has been mainstreamed for various subjects, and his emergencies are rare. As Brock keeps on taking an interest in new research he learns at CAR, he is assessed every year, yielding reports that help his folks and instructors address new issues as they emerge. For instance, a CAR re-assessment recognized a shortcoming with Brock's language abilities, explicitly his working memory, which thus clarified why he battled composing expositions. Brock's educators have balanced his educational program dependent on this finding, giving him all the more composing direction and showing him how to utilize traces.

Hopes for a bright future

Today, Brock is an incredibly brilliant child who eats up books and jumps recklessly into his interests, which incorporate fertilizing the soil, cultivating, making recordings with his advanced camera, innovation and science. "I have seen him make significant progress. Everybody who's been around him has seen him develop, and they can't accept the change," Naidona says.

In addition to the fact that Brock contributes his opportunity to CAR's noteworthy ASD explore, he has much greater designs to change the world. "He needs to assemble a plant that makes fuel from green growth, and after that business is effective, he needs to make sense of an approach to accomplish something positive with utilized cigarette butts," Brian says. "He needs to make the world a greener, cleaner place."

Ways to diagnose the condition

Interdisciplinary collaboration and involvement of the family are an important part in diagnosing ASD. In consistency with the WHO definition of ASD, assessment is conducted to point out and describe the following:

Impairment of body function and structure, including underlying weakness and strength in regards to ASD, affecting communication performance

Comorbid conditions such as genetic syndrome, loss of hearing and developmental disability

Limitation in participating in certain kinds of activities, including aspects of communication in everyday aspects, influencing the quality of life.

Benefits associated with early and accurate Diagnosis

Early but accurate diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can help the primary caregivers gain access to the right kind of services, while providing a common language across several interdisciplinary teams (Mesibov, 2018). Onaolapo (2017), argued the fact, establishing a suitable framework can help the family members understand the difficulties faced by the child. Diagnosis of young children needs to be periodically reviewed by the professionals because the conclusion is subjected to change through the course of development of the child (Paynter et al. 2019). Identification related to the initial behavioural indicators can help the family members to gain suitable referrals and access to early intervention services, before the definitive diagnosis is made (McCauley, Graham and Reid, 2019). Furthermore, Naren et al. (2019), supports the fact, early intervention can ensure improvement related to long term outcomes for children. Several researchers reported the advantages of providing intervention to at-risk individuals, especially infants targeting the aspect related to pre-linguistic communication.

Linguistic and cultural considerations

Awareness of cultural differences is important for ensuring right diagnosis. For instance the aspect of direct eye contact with an individual of power may be perceived as a sign of disrespect in certain cultures. In the US school system this behaviour could be easily misinterpreted being socially poor. The core characteristics related to ASD can be observed under cultural lens leading to misdiagnosis. However, Black, Williams and Ferguson (2018), argued symptoms that are termed as red flags in certain cultures (US healthcare or system of education) may not be viewed in a similar way in different cultures. The linguistic and cultural variable may thus lead to disparity in diagnosis related to ASD in certain ethnic groups (Kurian, 2018). For example, Dutch pediatricians may be forced to perceive social and communication problems among the non-European minority groups to their ethnic origin. Thus, it would be fair enough to conclude, linguistic and cultural factors can impact reaction of the family members to ASD diagnosis and decisions in regards to the services. As stated by Cox et al. (2017), few cultures perceive disability in negative light and feels it needs to be hidden


The goal of screening is to identify the delays in development that might hint towards ASD among the high risk population, including children referred to the early intervention system. As stated by Stout (2016), screening tools used in the early intervention system can be made available to identify the pre-linguistic behavioural related vulnerabilities among infants and broadband screener can be used to evaluate communication delays. Questionnaire-based tools are additionally used to screen children at the age of 1 year. Thus, as supported by Hardy et al. (2016), screening tool needs to be linguistically and culturally appropriate and have stringent psychometric characteristics for supporting the level of accuracy. The aspect of training is inclusive of the following:

Tools based on competency such as observation

Norm-referenced teacher and parent report measures

Hearing screening to rule out the possibility of hearing loss as a prime factor to exhibit communicational and behavioural difficulties

Thus, it can be conclusively stated, screening related procedures works in evaluating the prime characteristics that differentiate ASD from the other group of developmental related difficulties that includes the following:

orienting to one's name

pointing to or showing objects of interest

pretend play


nonverbal communication, and

language development

eye gaze

Social communication norm is seen to vary across different cultures, When the screening is carried out in regards to non-linguistic approach to communication it is important to understand the differences related to the existing cultural variance rather than disorder pertaining to communication. However, Hardy et al. (2016), pointed out the fact, loss of language or social skill at any stage of development should be termed as suitable grounds for running tests. In case children are being raised in bilingual environment, the loss of language can be blamed on language attrition. As stated by Sheldrick, Maye and Carter (2017), children with ASD is suspected to suffering from hearing issues and audiologists are seen to play an important role in recognising the possible signs of ASD among children with poor hearing tests and ensuring suitable referrals for screening

Comprehensive Assessment

The comprehensive assessment for people suspected to have ASD ate inclusive of the following

Relevant case history including background information about the medical, developmental and behavioural condition of the child, coupled with current medical status

Mental and medical history of the family members or siblings with similar conditions

Medical evaluation coupled with neuro-developmental examination and test for vision

Informal and informal assessments are inclusive of the following:

Assessment of language

Assessment of speech while simultaneously assessing the motor speech related abilities

Audiological testing

Genetic testing for understanding the scope of intellectual disability or possible genetic conditions such as fragile X

Metabolic testing exhibiting symptoms related to seizures, vomiting and lethargy

Speech language disability

Speech disorder can create significant hindrance in producing speech causing inability to speak. As stated by Gibbons (2017), in absence of accurate diagnosis significant speech related difficulties are observed that may be mistaken to language and communication issues linked with ASD. For instance, speech and sound related disorders results in unintelligible speech and communication may assume that an individual is non verbal in nature. Thus, it is important to rightly diagnose and address the associated problems while addressing the language related difficulties with ASD.

Challenges in identifying High functioning individuals

High functioning individuals with ASD are seen to have severe challenges for determining and identifying the eligibility of the mentioned services. These individuals are seen to exhibit either non-verbal and verbal intelligence within the range or even above the average range. It is for the same reason, many patients are not diagnosed even during adulthood (Bolis and Schilbach, 2018). Long term based outcomes for these individuals show the possible challenges with the level of social communication and engagement can help in changing the settings. These findings suggest the importance related to the need to provide intervention with the prime aim to address the gap between social adaptive functioning and cognitive potential

ASD is a condition that creates a profound manifestation of a child's development in two core areas: social interaction and social communication, coupled with repetitive and restrictive behaviour. As stated by Zeglam and Al-Ksaik (2019), a child has ASD from birth; however, it may not come into attention until there is an increase in social demands. From the domains of the psychiatric community, the thinking related to the autism spectrum has changed. 1 out of 59 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder with the rates of prevalence being higher among the boys 3 to 4 times than in girls (Child Mind Institute, 2020). Thus, it can be conclusively stated autism is a sex linked disorder.

Describe a child with ASD

Children with ASD are marked with combinations of two unusual skills of communication and repetitive behaviour. However, these symptoms are seen to vary with the range of severity. Firstly, social communication and interaction or other signs of social deficits may be a sign of worry among the parents. In younger kids under the age of 3 years, failure to respond to their name is a possible red flag. In case of older children, limited eye contact, reciprocal conversation and challenges in using body language is a sign of autism. These children fail to recognise the emotions and thus fail to respond appropriately for understanding the existing social relationships. As stated by Mahomed and Mahomoodally (2017), a child with autism is seen to exhibit non-functional knowledge; information that they recite but fail to implement. With the progressive aspect of aging the kids with autism gain the ability to use language. However, the pattern or tone may appear odd, as few children exhibit the habit of reciprocating the pronouns. High functioning children with ASD may monopolise the conversation, exhibiting little or no capacity related to understanding what the person talking to them wishes for.

Repetitive behaviour: Key behavioural signs are inclusive of performing repetitive actions and fixation in minute details. Children with autism are disturbed due to slightest of change in their daily routine. In young kids the signs of autism is inclusive of ordering toys instead of playing with the toys. In case of older children, repetitive behaviour can manifest as consuming interest in a specific object. Many children with issues of autism are highly sensitive to sensory objects, such as light, sound, texture and smell. Vlachou and Drigas (2017) attributed the high sensory sensitivity creating a clear manifestation of disturbances as the children are often seem to be disturbed due to high rate of sensory input making the child feel highly uncomfortable.

Children with ASD often struggle in regulating their emotions or properly expressing them. For example the child may react violently or laugh without any proper reason. If the child is stressed they might continue to exhibit disruptive behaviour and inflict self injury. Lipinski et al. (2019), noticed that kids with ASD may be unaware about the possible dangers such as height, yet be afraid of harmless objects such as a toy. The level of intelligence under which autism is seen to occur has been highly argued. As opined by Bajestani et al. (2017) ASD occurs at all levels of intelligence. However, the kids with average to high level of intelligence may have poorly developed cognitive skills. It should come as a surprise that verbal skills work on being weaker than the non-verbal skills. Additionally children related to ASD perform good in tasks inclusive of immediate memory or on visual skills while tasks involving abstract things are difficult.

Strength of autistic child

Austic individuals may display a varied array of abilities and strengths that can be directly related to their series of diagnosis, including (Altogether Autism, 2020):

Hyperlexia, learning to read at an early age

Memorising and learning the provide information quickly

Learning and thinking in a visual way

Logical thinking related abilities

May excel if provided with the right kind of guidance in academic areas such as mathematics, engineering and science as they are logical and technical areas that do not demand high level of social interaction

Having extra ordinary good memory

Being precise and paying attention to details

High levels of reliability and honesty

Being dependable in regards to routine and schedules

Exhibiting excellent sense of direction

Being highly punctual due to the habit of sticking to a specific routine

Strong adherence to the rules

Able to concentrate for long period of time when rightly motivated

A drive to reach for perfection and order

Capability for embracing an alternative sense of problem solving

Assessment and diagnosis

The timely access to assessment services is important for family to make sure that the child’s needs are understood and appropriately met. Few adults with autism are not diagnosed during their course of childhood making the condition worse for them. Having a clear understanding about the impact of autism can help in making sense of their daily lives and look for appropriate support (Young and Jean, 2019).

What has been done so far:

The initial strategic plan related to ASD highlights the gap in regards to diagnostic services for supporting the adults. In order to witness the expected improvements, it is important to bring together experts across all the health boards for developing a consistent approach for providing diagnostic training for improving professional capacity to ensure consistent assessment. In response to the 2015 research related to ASD particularly among the children, it is important to monitor the improvement among the children suffering from ASD (Altogether Autism, 2020). This is inclusive of £2 million of yearly funding aimed to improve the existing neurodevelopmental services (Bacon et al. 2019). The task and the finish group is focused to plan such programs and produce a report coupled with suitable recommendations. However, to ensure proper treatment it is important to support the work of the professionals linked with the assessment of adults and the children with ASD, a toolkit was developed. On the basis of NICE guidelines and the available information from reliable sources the chosen toolkit was developed.

The expected strategic plan

The independent evaluation related to the initial strategic plan is highlighted to understand the rise in regards to awareness that has caused an increased demand in autism related assessments, impacting the waiting times. While there was an increase in the number of adults obtaining assessment and diagnosis, the provision was not consistent in terms of geographic location. During the consultation on refreshed strategic action plan expresses difficulty in obtaining referral to assessment services through the use of primary health services and schools. Partners are concerned they could not get referral for their children. The absence of proper formal diagnostics fails to provide the needed support the child needs in school. As stated by Boucher (2017), is already improving the diagnostic for the children suffering from autism. The action plan in the mentioned case aims to develop a neurodevelopmental diagnostic assessment approach, to ensure an adaptation to consistent approach across the UK. The chosen pathway can help the families to understand the process of assessment and referral and the things that are likely to happen once the decision related to diagnosis is already made. Once the child qualifies for assessment, the parents or the caregiving professionals should not wait for more than 26 weeks from the initial assessment appointment. The time taken for the decision related to the circumstances of the child (Dyer, 2017).

Thus, it is important that families of the affected individuals receive information needed to treat their child. National Integrated Autism Service (NIAS) makes sure that additional support is available and helps the affected children during the course of change within their adulthood. NIAS works on offering the diagnostic services for the adult population with or without mild learning related disability (Ozen et al. 2018). The chosen services can work on building the progress that have already been made in capacity amongst the professionals to provide expert related assessment services. To make sure that the individuals are well aware of the services and the progress that can be made through the implementation of the mentioned services.

The course of action

Deliver the needed improvements related to diagnostic services and would be inclusive of the national standards of diagnostic services ensuring proper consistency. Improvement in the time related access to children and young people should be kept in the 26 week time target from first referral. Make sure of the existing monitoring of progress of the diagnosis. This will be used within the domains of formal planning and performance management related mechanisms. The course of action needs to be streamlined as designed as per the demands of the person availing the mentioned service. In similar regards it becomes important to note the fact that mental health condition such as autism is seen to create immense pressure on the caregiver. The caregiver is subjected to immense mental and physical trauma due to the constant care needed by the ASD affected individual. In similar regards, it becomes important to understand that the parents and the ways the aspect of caregiving can be rightly implemented for ensuring better health care outcomes. In addition to that, Alshaban et al. (2017), the aspect of psychoeducation can help the parents to ensure that the children with autistic symptoms can help in gaining the needed help.

Meeting the support related needs

Young people and children with autism and their primary caregivers will demand different support related needs as per their abilities (Yuen et al. 2017). For the adults related to NICE guidelines autism among adults relates to diagnosis and management, highlights the gap in service commenting significant proportion of adults with ASD. The condition is often ignored by social, healthcare and educational professionals creating barriers for accessing support needed to live on independent basis. The feedback from the concerned person is continuously highlighted and there remains three main areas of expertise that highlights the gap across the chosen age range (Hosokawa, 2018). The action is thus based on highlighting each of the mentioned areas as follows:

Transforming additional learning needs

Employment support

Health and social care

Transforming Additional Learning Needs Education

Things told

The Government has made clear that it plans to change the existing system created to support the educational needs of special children and for the individuals with learning difficulties. This is inclusive of educational support for the children. As stated by Tan (2018), families have reported that current services related to autism remains to be costly and not solely concentrated as per the needs of the child. As argued by Jacoby et al. (2019), needs are often misinterpreted or identified at late stages and interventions are not rightly planned. Families often state that they have a uphill battle at each stage for gaining right kind of support for the child

Things that needs to be done

The intervention aims to introduce new support to young people and children with additional needs for learning. Individuals with autism and the challenges under the same needs to be set out with legislations. The Bill introduced should incorporate the following things:

The Bill is for children and young individuals within the age range of 0 to 25 years, while ensuring the equity of rights and better transitions through the stages of growth and development

Composed of single statutory plan relating to plan of individual development

Enhancing high aspirations and improving the expected level of outcomes

Provides simple process of learning and ensuring that the needs of the patient is continuously met

Forms new statutory related roles that makes sure, education and health needs of the selected population is met

Concentrates on the earlier disagreement related resolution with disagreements resolved at much local levels as possible

Introducing consistent but clear rights of appeal when the disagreement cannot be addressed at local levels

The Bill remains to be a small part of wider reform for individuals with additional learning needs. This in return can work on improving the level of early diagnosis among the children exhibiting autistic symptoms. The action plans suggest investing in the domains of the workforce to ensure that they have the right skills for supporting young people and children with ASD. The work is to develop the confidence and capacity as a part of the mentioned programme to support professional learning. The strategic plan aims to improve the skill development of the educational professionals at three different levels. As stated by Calder (2018), special education professionals need to ensure core skill development for the ubiquitous workforce, advanced skills for working in challenging workforce and specialist skill development.

Citing the example of the Welsh government, learning with autism, primary school level interventional program can be used to address the issues. As influenced by Al-Attar (2018), an inclusive educational approach can help in the external sources of interaction and can help others to lend their support to autistic kids.

Employment: The rate of employment among the autistic individuals are significantly lower when compared with the general population. As supported by Wakefield (2017), there exists a series of factors that hinder the rate of employment among the people suffering from employment issues due to ASD. The first strategic intervention under the mentioned plan is to make sure that adults with autism need immense support to cope with anxiety related issues and depression. However, the mentioned population may not be eligible for social care related services and many may fail to receive a formal diagnosis for ASD. Thus, as part of the approach it is important to raise awareness about autism. Excellent links were formed with the employment providing professionals to incorporate people with ASD. The role of employment ambassador would be to raise awareness related to autism within the workplace providing the scope related to employment (Watkins et al. 2017). Many organizations worked together to sign up positive about working with autistic individuals. A close collaboration with ASD lead would help in developing the support and related advice to support people with ASD in maintaining and finding information needed to train the employees

The government can provide a varied range of support within which adults can participate. Young individuals are allowed to take part in Work Based Learning (WBL) scope such as employability skills. Providers are able to access the additional support related to funding to meet the needs related to costs for making it important to ensure that the learning provision is accessible to the individuals subjected to learning disabilities

Things told

The initial intervention of the strategic action plan recognised the importance of employment in enabling individuals with ASD to fulfill their lives. Through the course of evaluation and consultation with the stakeholders Watkins et al. (2017), understanding the lack of employment related support continues to be an important issue for individuals with autism there remains a lack of continuous support to meet the needs of the individuals. The support should start from job search and help the affected individuals for maintaining the level of employment.

Increasing the level of employability has been identified as an important priority for the government. Innovative intervention related to the Employability program is being developed in 15 different locations. Jenkin (2019), understands people with ASD need specific support in order to maintain the level of employment. Individuals work with partners to make sure that the existing employment related support helps in providing the expected information and assistance. As stated by Hannah and Stagg (2016), training packages for organizations providing mainstream employment related support can work on enhancing the level of awareness among the people. The programme is additionally supported by a series of resources to help the chosen professionals with daily activities among the individuals with ASD. The program aims to develop additional resources for the scheme that will focus on promoting the possible benefits of hiring people with autism and training the professionals working in the HR departments to support the people with autism

Health and social care for ASD

Autism is often termed as a spectrum and individuals suffering from the condition are seen to suffer from learning difficulties. Earlier, exact finding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can enable the essential guardians to access the correct sort of administrations, while giving a typical language over a few interdisciplinary groups (Al-Attar, 2018). Wakefield (2017), contended the reality, setting up a reasonable structure can help the relatives comprehend the challenges looked by the youngster. Analysis of small kids should be occasionally assessed by the experts on the grounds that the end is exposed to change through the course of improvement of the youngster (Tan, 2018). ID identified with the underlying conduct pointers can help the relatives to increase appropriate referrals and access to early mediation administrations, before the conclusive analysis is made (Hosokawa, 2018). Besides, Yuen et al. (2017), bolsters the reality, early mediation can guarantee improvement identified with long haul results for kids. A few analysts announced the benefits of giving medication to in danger people, particularly babies focusing on the angle identified with pre-semantic correspondence.

Social correspondence standard apparently varies across various societies, When the screening is done with respect to non-phonetic ways to deal with correspondence it is essential to comprehend the distinctions identified with the current social fluctuation instead of confusion relating to correspondence. Notwithstanding, Alshaban et al. (2017), called attention to the reality, loss of language or social ability at any phase of improvement ought to be named as an appropriate reason for running tests. In the event that youngsters are being brought up in bilingual condition, the loss of language can be blamed on language steady loss. As expressed by Ozen et al. (2018), kids with ASD is suspected of experiencing hearing issues and audiologists are believed to assume a significant job in perceiving the potential indications of ASD among kids with poor hearing tests and guaranteeing reasonable referrals for screening

Advanced people with ASD are believed to have extreme difficulties in deciding and recognizing the qualification of the referenced administrations. These people are believed to display either non-verbal and verbal insight inside the range or even over the normal range. It is for a similar explanation, numerous patients are not analyzed in any event, during adulthood. Long haul based results for these people shows the potential difficulties with the degree of social correspondence and commitment can help in changing the settings. These discoveries recommend the significance identified with the need to furnish mediation with the prime intend to address the hole between social versatile working and intellectual potential. ASD is a condition that makes a significant appearance in a kid's advancement in two center territories: social cooperation and social correspondence, combined with tedious and prohibitive conduct. As expressed by Dyer (2017), a kid has ASD from birth; be that as it may, it may not come into consideration until there is an expansion in social requests. On the basis of the above studies it could be clearly concluded that it is important to provide relevant health and social care needs for the people suffering from ASD. However, certain individuals with autistic behaviour specially with high functioning needs may fail to meet the needs related to additional care support. As stated by Boucher (2017), adults with ASD can experience a series of social issues such as social isolation and sudden outbursts related to anxiety. Individuals with ASD are additionally seen to have difficulties related to education and problems in sustaining employment. As supported by Bacon et al. (2019), the aspect of social interaction is a challenge for people with autism and thus, the developmental stages becomes difficult to be sustained in the longer run.

Intervention for family members and caregivers

There remains no doubt that most of the autistic individuals need constant help and support for ensuring that the needs are rightly answered. However, the caregivers and the parents should be well informed regarding the needs of the patients for ensuring a positive health outcome.

Families first program: This is designed to improve the outcome for the young people with autism

Early support program: Aims to make sure that the support service for the differently abled individuals are well coordinated

Flying start: Targeting the children under the age of 4 years to meet their autistic needs.

Integrated Family Support Services: It is designed to support the collaborative working to answer the needs related to the families caring for an autistic child

The plan made aims to answer the needs of the autistic child in the following manner:

For all:

Advice, support and train the family members, carers of the autistic child, adults and young people

Advice and provide support related intervention for individuals with autism for helping them in their daily lives

Supporting and training the professionals taking care of autistic individuals

Integrated provision of care and services across local and health authorities

For adult individuals only:

Diagnostic services coupled with the needed post diagnostic support

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Raising awareness

As stated by Gibbons (2017), providing care to the autistic individual is not the ultimate step that can work on ensuring better health outcomes. There needs no doubt that people are seen to stigmatise mental health conditions and the chosen population. In similar regards, it becomes important to understand the role of the external agents such as the people within the society to gain a proper understanding about the needs related to autistic individuals. In similar regards the family members need to be rightly educated to ensure that the health outcomes are rightly addressed


On the basis of the above studies, it can be clearly concluded that autistic child needs holistic care for ensuring better health outcomes. The social approach can work on ensuring better health outcomes among the targeted population. The ASD related approach can ensure that the caregivers address the issue of the patients in the right way and ensure that the right kind of care can be provided. Early recognition as well as family or educational therapies can work on reducing the level of symptoms while enhancing the support of learning and development. Thus, it can be conclusively stated strong interventions can work on reducing the symptoms of autism.

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