Understanding Globalisation's Impact


According to Georgiadis and Mehl (2016), globalisation refers to the integration of the international markets in the global economy which is helpful to increase interactions of the national economies. In such an era of globalisation, all the social communities are trying to expand their interactions and influence the international activities for enhancing their performance globally. In this regard, there is increasing pace of transfer of labourers, technology, skill workforce, people and business where all the people are trying to collaborate for achieving future success (Zajda, 2015). Through this study, it is possible to evaluate the impacts of globalisation in the media and communication where globalisation enhances communication across the international countries in which people are trying to interact with others over media and hereby the media is also influenced by globalisation to expand the activities and improve communication across the world. In this regard, globalisation refers to the trend of the countries joining together economically, through education, society and politics and monitoring themselves not only through their national identity but also as a part of the world as a whole. As opined by Ghate (2016), people are trying to collaborate with each other to improve their contribution in the economy and there are strong impacts of technological globalisation on the education and teaching activities, where the people have great opportunity to adopt new Information Technology (IT) and implement new ways of teaching and learning. The study is hereby helpful to understand the process and the types of globalisation and after that it is easy to demonstrate the impacts of technological globalisation on education and teaching.



As stated by Hopper, Lassou and Soobaroyen (2017), globalisation enhances the activities of the people, where growth in transfer of goods and services as well as people and technology is possible at high pace of growth. Changed in education and technology is one of the effects of globalisation where the people are efficient to develop their activities by improving communication and networking (Mutalemwa, 2015). In this regard, the people aim at improving their networking and building strong relationship with the people across the globe in order to enhance the international transfer of technology, education and skill. According to Lee (2015), globalisation further influences the people to work proficiently and develop knowledge and understanding in enhancing their activities further. In addition to these, technology transfer is another major effect of globalisation where the people and the business entities are engaged in transferring technology for technological up-gradation and making the business digital. This in turn helps the people to improve their communication and networking in the market across the international borders as well as it helps further to enhance their performance through improving their innovation and creativity (Cramer, 2017). As stated by Naqvi (2019), latest technological advancement, transfer of technology as well as networking and communication are enhanced and it is one of the major contributing factors to enhance their performance and improve personal and professional growth of the business in near future. Through developing suitable technology, communication can be enhanced where people can interact with the world successfully, and access all the relevant information and data proficiently.


According to Oberlander, Disdier and Etilé (2017), accessing the internet and valid information is possible, where the people try to be updated with latest news and information through internet and latest technology. This further enhances social development and economic growth of the countries where people are trying to improve their standard of living by improving their wellbeing to live. In this regard, technological up-gradation, awareness of education and tendency of improving wellbeing of the people are effective for the people to utilise the recent era of globalisation and enhance their capabilities further (Qaim, 2017). As stated by Omenugha, Uzuegbunam and Ndolo (2016), technology transfer is also helpful for the leaders as well as people across the globe to access proper information and it further enhances the education among the individuals. People recently are concerned about improving educational background and there are huge numbers of people going for study abroad with scholarship. This is also effective to enhance social development and influence the young generation to grab the opportunities across the globe and develop their personal and professional skill to be employed in near future. This is also one of the curial effects of globalisation where people can get opportunities for personal and professional development as well as they can communicate with the world for better opportunities (Bende-Nabende, 2017). As opined by Schattle (2018), outsourcing is another impact of globalisation where the people are engaged in outsourcing and this in turn helps to increase the national income of the country where foreign investment and foreign money in the home country can be increased by outsourcing. There are many developing nations where people are engaged in outsourcing and earn a lump sum amount of money through outsourcing (Olimpia, and Stela, 2017). This is another contributing factor to improve the performance of the country as well as enhance the national income. Poverty can be mitigated in such an era of globalisation where employment rate is increasing through exploring the opportunities across the globe. According to Gill et al. (2019), the people are trying to grab the opportunities across the international borders as well as they try to be employed for improving their wellbeing. This further helps to reduce poverty among the people. Apart from that, globalisation is helpful for enhancing international trade where the transfer of goods and services is possible in which all the multinational corporate firms as well as the service industry are able to transfer their products and services across the globe (Flew, 2018). This is effective in such an era of globalisation to improve interaction and communication with the whole world and expand the activities successfully across the international borders.

According to Olimpia, and Stela (2017), there are certain advantages as well as disadvantages of globalisation where the people, corporate entities and environment are affected positively and negatively. The advantages are such as increasing competition, employment, transfer of goods and services, improving communication and enhancing investment. Increasing international trade is one of the advantages of globalisation where in the recent years; there is sustainable increase of import and export of goods and services where the people and companies are engaged in doing personal and professional activities internationally (Derani, and Naidu, 2016). As opined by Gill et al. (2019), globalisation enhances the performance of the people and it provides a platform to connect the world and develop own proficiency to interact with the world. Globalisation is beneficial for the people and business where communication, media enhancement and networking are useful for the people to improve their performance and grab global opportunities. Globalisation is also beneficial for the investors where they try to invest more in the foreign countries for improving their wealth and perform better in the global context (Potrafke, 2015). The mass media ties the world together where globalisation enhances the growth of mass media and it in turn helps to improve communication across the international countries. Vital information to be shared through communication to the world as well as it is possible to enhance cooperation and collaboration among the individuals and the corporation (Bagur-Femenías, Perramon, and Amat, 2015). Moreover, as opined by Siakwah (2017), the health and education system has been improved throughout the edge of globalisation and where people can access up-graded health system and education for living better and improving their standard of living. Hereby, globalisation is advantageous for the people to improve their wellbeing and maximise values in the society. The major cause of globalisation is improved communication where the development of communication technologies such as internet, email and mobile phones has been vital to enhance the growth of the countries towards globalisation. Both the developing and developed nations are focusing on improving communication as communication helps the multinational corporate firms to operate across the globe successfully (Gill et al., 2019). According to Olimpia, and Stela (2017), the development of satellite, TV channels such as BBC and CNN have also provided worldwide marketing avenues for the concept of products of globalisation. Hereby, communication is one of the major causes of globalisation where people can interact with the globe successfully. Improved transport is another major cause of globalisation in which the development of refrigerated and containers transport, bulk shipping and improved air transport has allowed easy movement of goods and services throughout the international borders. According to Siakwah (2017), the growth of multinational corporations is another reason for which investment of the business firm is also increasing and it raises the pace of globalisation across the globe. It is the major part of globalisation, where there is adequate growth in the firms, mines, factories as well as service industries across the world (Siakwah, 2017). As opined by Lutz, and Lutz (2015), globalisation further allows the multinational corporate firms to produce goods and services as well as improve their network and communication for enhancing the performance through international trade. Hereby, these are the major causes of enhancing the path of globalisation where the network and communication is being improved in such an era of globalisation and digitalisation where all the people are trying to cooperate with each other and improve their performance as a whole.

Technological globalisation

According to Siakwah (2017), technological globalisation is the process of technological diffusion where there is spread of technology across the international borders. technological advances in the areas of mobile technology and current improvement of IT and communication technologies are effective in the recent era of digitalisation, where there is high expansion and growth of technological advancement, innovation in technological up-gradation as well as digitalise and automation process of the activities of the human being. The people are cooperative and used to with the digitalisation process in the recent era of globalisation, where for example, information sharing, online browsing and mobile banking activities as well as online training and educational programs are increasing rapidly. Additionally, as opined by Siakwah (2017), media refers to different means of communication like radio, television, internet etc. through which people can interact with each other and in the recent ear of globalisation, people are active in internet as well as other traditional media like radio and television and they try to be updated with latest news and information through media interaction. Hereby, globalisation is effective which influences global networking system and communication to be enhanced where people can cooperate with each other as well as interact positively (Lutz, and Lutz, 2015). Hereby, media plays an important role in human mind where the news and information are influencing the lifestyle of the people across the world and recently globalisation has influenced the activities of media and for improving communication and networking.

Technological Globalisation

As stated by Calvo, Rodeiro-Pazosand Fernández-López (2017), people are interested to communicate and interact with the whole world through the media influence where the mass media and social media plays a crucial role in enhancing networking and communication among the people across the international borders. Hereby, globalisation has great impacts of media activities and it further influence the living standard and mind set of the people. The internet has done revolution in the impacts of globalisation where all the people recently are known about internet, social media and online activities proficiently (Calvo, Rodeiro-Pazosand Fernández-López, 2017). The contribution of internet is great in the recent era of globalisation where digital media enhances the activities of the human being as well as influence the people to improve their capabilities for performing better in the society. It further creates new opportunities in the countries where large number of people access internet for different purpose. Moreover with the ease of accessibility of internet, people become concerned about what is happening around them. As opined by Lutz, and Lutz (2015), all the people mainly the younger generation are concerned about the latest updates, news and activities in the society through surfing internet. Hereby, the growth of internet use and accessing the internet are beneficial for the people to gain more knowledge for improving their understanding. According to Calvo, Rodeiro-Pazosand Fernández-López (2017), the role of internet in the era of globalisation also contributes in terms of economic impacts where people are engaged in share market and online trading and banking facilities which are important aspects of generating money and improving the national income of the country. The internet facilities provide the scope to the people for engaging with share market, foreign investment, transaction over banking internationally etc. Hereby, the term globalisation is beneficial to enhance the performance of the country in the economic aspect where cross border transactions, free international capital flows, and portfolio investment and rapid blending of technologies further enhance economic growth and social development through improving communication and networking (Calvo, Rodeiro-Pazosand Fernández-López, 2017). In this context, as opined by Lutz, and Lutz (2015), it can be stated that, globalisation is helpful for improving the communication and enhancing media activities through which people are able to perform better in the all of economic, political and social aspects. In this regard, economic growth and social development through globalisation further enhance the quality life and maximise the wellbeing of the individuals across different societies around the world which is also beneficial for the people to live a standard of living (Groenland, 2018). As opined by Groenland (2018), people especially the students are interested recently to conduct online learning activities in order to gain vast knowledge where the students can access the online books, journals and other articles for improving their skill and knowledge. This is another important aspect of globalisation which enhances the use of internet among the students across the globe. The social network like LinkedIn, Google+ and FaceBook, the people are trying to post new job opportunities which are also beneficial for the students to get proper employment (Calvo, Rodeiro-Pazosand Fernández-López, 2017). Hereby, the between connectivity can be possible in the recent era of globalisation through internet where it would be beneficial for the students to get proper job opportunities through utilising the social platform as well as improving their networking and communication to the world. According to Jestl, Leitner, and Leitner (2017), the students are also interested to gather more information about scholarship in abroad as well as other universities in the international borders where they can get admission. Hereby, globalisation is advantageous for improving media access where the students can get chance to explore more opportunities for them as well as they can access online learning activities for improving their skill and gathering more in-depth knowledge and understanding. Social network bring integrity and provide a scope to improve connectivity among the people where it is a platform to the society for better connectivity and improving own performance successfully (Jestl, Leitner, and Leitner, 2017). In the political field, internet also serves a medium of connecting the viewers and there are lots of people who are connected through internet. In this regard, people are trying to access the political information and review the news and information related to politics across the globe through mass media as well as internet today which is the major source of sharing the news and information.

Additionally, According to Groenland (2018), globalisation also enhances the activities in social media where business activities have been enhanced. The customer relationship management trust and loyalty of the consumers are managed well through the social media activities like FaceBook posts, Social group on FaceBook, YouTube posts, Instagram pictures as well as Twitter and Blogs which are effective for promoting the business and attract more Audiences across different social communities around the world. Hereby, globalisation enhances the activities on social media and provides an opportunity to the business firms to expand the business by attracting more audiences at the market place across the international borders (Bagur-Femenías, Perramon, and Amat, 2015). Hereby, technical globalisation is beneficial for the world to improve the transaction of high end technology and reallocation of the technology and resources for better performance of the individuals. Proper inflows and outflows of technology and more in-depth research and development can be possible through technological globalisation, where the people are becoming more efficient to conduct their activities by utilising the latest upgraded technology.

Impacts of Technological globalisation on education

Technological globalisation is important for enhancing the activities of technology transfer and improves the economic growth and social development by ensuring technological advancement. There are crucial impacts of technological globalisation, where people around the globe are more connected with each other. Education in the global society is one of the important factors in reshaping the preferred future of the students and in this regard liberalisation and privatisation has changed the education scenario of today’s world. The major changes in education are in terms of interdependence, identify and diversity management, rights and responsibility, peace building activities and poverty and with management, exploration of change band global justice which are effective to improve the educational system across the globe (Bulman and Fairlie, 2016). In today’s world, there is improvement in developing skill of cooperation and shared responsibility, critical thinking skill and communication. Positive and responsible values and attitudes towards active participation are also important in today’s world and thus the technological globalisation and digitalisation further enhance the pace of education in a unique way where technology is playing a crucial role in reshaping the educational system. the major aim of education in recent of globalisation are to ensure economic development, manage diversity and accountability, maximise human rights, change management, raise conflict resolution and peace building activities, maintain environmental sustainability and enhance interconnectedness and interdependence, where every individuals are connected with others across the globe. Globalisation enhances the pace of internationalisation and it further help to restructure the coursework for the students across the globe. In the recent era of digitalisation, there is high growth in the educational institutions, where the teacher and the authority of the educational board promote education in a different way. Changes are managed well in today’s world, where it is possible for the policy makers to change the educational system and develop effective coursework which is effective for the students. And thus, it can be stated that, there is vocational education, where the people can gather more real life experiences and understand the actual job market efficiently. The educational institutions restructure the coursework according to the needs and preferences of the multinational companies, so that the people can understand the today’s world and gather more real life experiences at the job market. For personal and professional development of the students, it is necessary for the educational authority to develop the educational system according to the job market and this further help to arrange different training and development program for the students across the globe (Che and Zhang, 2018). Additionally, the educational system becomes multi lingual, where there is more than one language through which the students can interact with other and gather knowledge and information in different languages according to their language and cultural identify. Hereby, through the activities in the recent years, it is possible to develop own identify in educational system and manage the cultural diversity efficiently by providing multi lingual educational system. The human rights can be maximised through this and the people can manage diversity as well as maintain accountability in the educational institutions.

Technological Globalisation

On the other hand, technological globalisation is effective for improving the educational system, where the latest technological up-gradation is effective for restructuring the coursework as well as improves communication and information sharing activities successfully. Recently, there is the trend of developing ubiquitous education. Under the ubiquitous education system, the everyday learning environment is supported by the mobile, computers and wireless networking system. The aim of the ubiquitous learning is to provide the learners with content and interaction anytime and anywhere. Through developing the mobile application as well as searching through internet, the students can gather a vast range of knowledge and understanding about a particular topic. There is vast range of information, given in the internet and online activities where there are online articles, journals and newsletter which are effective for the students in today’s education. The online training programs are also effective of the students, where the students can access the online sites anytime and anywhere as per their choice and preferences. This further influences the students to learn more and gather more in depth knowledge and understanding. Information technology in this regards plays a crucial role in the education system, where the individuals can improve their education through utilising the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The ICT implementation is beneficial for the world where the activities such as developing values and knowledge, changing the role of the students and the teachers and producing shift in society from industrialisation towards information based society are enhancing rapidly in such an era of digitalisation. expansion of technology and easier to contact the people through the world further helps to share the information about the new educational system and influence the individuals to access the right education for the personal and professional development of the students. stronger focus on technology and science further influence the teachers to develop ubiquitous education where the mobile application, online training courses, application of the technology in accessing the right and latest information about a particular topic as well as learning through online pictures and content are effective for the students to catch the knowledge efficiently and gather more in-depth knowledge and understanding successfully (Jacob et al., 2019). There is great influence of e-learning and m-learning activities. Under m-learning practice, the students are engaged in mobile learning, where learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions by using personal electronic devices can be possible and the students are influenced and interested to utilise their electronic devices for gathering more in-depth knowledge and information successfully. The learning system based on formalised teaching with the help of electronic resources is known as e-learning where the skill and knowledge transfer is possible through technology. It is also another educational trend in the recent era of digitalisation, where the educational system is towards gathering knowledge and information through technologies, internet and mobile devices. in this regards, digitalisation of education is a powerful concept in today’s world, where digitalisation further influence to improve technological advancement and it further motivate the teaching professionals and educational board to introduce the new way of gathering knowledge and information through utilising the electronic devices and latest technology. It is effective in terms of reformation and modernisation of global education environment, where the people across the globe can access the information and gather the knowledge and understanding successfully. Digitalisation in education refers to transformation of education through texts, sounds, visual records video and their data from various sources in digital language. The students are beneficial to have proper access of a vast range of information through technology (Tugun, 2018). In this regard, there are different strategies of education and learning in the rennet era of digitalisation of education and globalisation. Digital textbook is one of them, where the students utilise smart phones and iPods for learning the eBooks, online magazines, journals and articles. The digital textbook is one of the major sources for the students through which the individuals can improve their knowledge and understanding about a particular topic.

Online classes is another way to share information and improve learning activities, in which the teachers are efficient to provide a range of online courses to the students and Massive Open Online Classes is of them to provide online classes to the students. Personalise teaching and learning is another way which is great result of technological globalisation on education, where the presence of technology in the classroom helps the teachers in personalising the lessons and projects for all the students. the computerise system, projectors and audio visual activities are utilised in the class room for the benefits of the students, where it further enhance the quality of education, where the individuals can improve their understanding by gathering a vast range of knowledge and information. Increasing use of diversity in teaching is another factor where there is increase in the use of digital technology that helps the teachers from diverse background from different parts of the world to come together and share their knowledge and experience with an equal and large diversified group of people. Enrolling the multicultural online test is effective for the students to gather unique experience, cultures and perspectives across the world. Additionally, use of multimedia is another way of utilising technological advancement in education in such an era of globalisation, where there is great learning opportunity for the individuals across the globe. multimedia system of education promote education across the world and the people become interested to gather more knowledge and information through the unique way of multimedia technology and thus globalisation further enhances the pace of digitalisation in education. Video based learning is also another new approach of learning, where the students can understand the topic and learn more in depth knowledge and information through the audio visual activities in the class room. The presence of the audio visual system in the classroom is effective for the students to utilise the latest technology for gathering vast knowledge and understanding. In this regard, the students are beneficial to have greater access of the knowledge and information through online secondary source of information, including books, journals articles and newsletters as well as video and audio sessions, articles and mobile device based learning. Hereby, the era of digitalisation is beneficial for transforming the educational system more global and enhances the technological advancement in enhancing the educational activities across the globe.

Self reflection on teaching and learning

In the recent era of globalisation, there is high transformation of educational activities towards technology based, where the teaching professional are likely to teach the students by utilising the technology and media. It is effective for m to reflect my understanding about the traditional education system and the recent technology based educational approach. When I was a student, there was a traditional method, where class room sessions are important and there was strong relationship between the teacher and student and the students rely totally on the teachers for gathering vast range of knowledge and information. The classroom books and activities were important for the students traditionally, where the traditional way of teaching the student is different as compared to modern educational method and technique. Recently the coursework is different and the education courses are more towards vocational training program. There are many online courses where the students can take active part from their home and gather information and knowledge through the online classes. In the recent teaching professionals, the teachers are attached an involved with the students through online where the teachers are involved in teaching the students online. Apart from that, there are many online tanning program, were the teachers motivate the students to join the training program to gain ideas about real life working activities for personal and professional development. I experienced that, there are various opportunities in teaching the students in the class room also. There are audio visual systems which are effective for me as a teacher to teach the students. The audio visual system, projector and laptop are effective firm where the students can earn easily by the audio visual sessions at the classroom. Moreover, it would be beneficial for me to utilise the educational portals and online sites for connecting with the people and share the latest information and data with the students. The online activities and the enhancement of the ICT are effective for improving cooperation and communication with the students. I also try to utilise media and communication for gathering knowledge and understanding, where I would like to influence the people to check the media like BBC and CNN, as well as there are other online sites which are beneficial for the students like Economic Times and Statista which are effective of the students to learn more and gather knowledge about the global economics and activities around the globe. Additionally, there are other activities in the recent technological era where the transfer of technology and strong ICT and IT system are influencing educational system rapid the international borders, where changes in education can be managed will as well as a teacher it would be possible for me to conduct more online classes and improve the teaching and learning activities across different social communities. this activities further help me to manage different culture and improve efficient online class by taking into account about the multi lingual learning process for including all the student across the globe irrespective of their culture and language. The recent educational system depends on technology, where downloading the online articles, or visual image and other necessary information are effective for the teachers to influence the students and give them the chance to access a vast range of information for personal and professional development. due to information technology and media influence, the recent educational system is more towards improving personal skill, problem solving and creative decision making skill rather than gathering traditional knowledge, theories and models on a particular topic. The recent educational system is related to application of the existing theories and concept and the information and online sources and media are effective for the students to improve their understanding about real life working process and experience.

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It can be concluded that, globalisation is helpful for improving media activities which in turn provides a scope to the people across the international borders to improve communication and interact with whole world. Globalisation enhances the activities of media and networking which improves communication and collaboration among people around the globe and thus globalisation is a contributing factor in achieving economic growth and sustainable social development in near future. the technological globalisation influence the recent educational system, where the teaching professionals are interested to develop online classes and coursework and arranging online training program for the benefits of the students. moreover, the introduction of ubiquitous education as well as e-learning and m-learning activities further enhance the skill and abilities of the students where the individuals become interested to utilise their personalise device or internet for cessing a vast range of knowledge and understanding.

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Reference List

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