Web Readership Insights

What I have learned from Presentations

According to the last presentation, which we talked about website readership, I learned a plethora of aspects related website readership designing. In that, for a designed website, web traffic is amongst the benchmarks to measure its success, based on the premise that the number of customers’ visits, comments or likes is a basis for distinguishing successful websites from those that are not. Some other parameters for benchmarking the website success do exist but they are characterized by several limitations, which ought to be overcome by strategic online solutions. Measuring website readership is a basis of identifying the effectiveness of online marketing strategy, giving insights on which is the most frequent target audience visiting the website. Website readership also provides an avenue learn about technical aspects within the website, for informed decision making.

Additionally, website traffic is impacted by a number of factors evolving around website designs, the rates of web page loading time and the content therein. The web loading time is a critical determinant of the quantity of data spent to access the website. This is why it embeds the successfulness of a website, such that if the less costs are incurred to load the content, many visits are welcomed. The designs of a website also matters a lot in website establishment. A well-presented and formatted website gives a physical seduction which thus attracts readability.


The website nature and type is a significant tenet above which website traffic is measured. The measurement indices will tend to reflect on the location or place of access, time of the day the website is accessed, the associated number of links clicked, the total data amount in transmission between the user and the site, website traffic trend, website traffic initiated by social media promotion and the increase website traffic.

Concerning group 12 presentation on intranet, I discovered that, the knowledge on intranet is fundamental especially in business environment characterized by communication all through. That; the application of programs in a business context to induce internal communication effectiveness is a contemporary issue that has indeed been embraced by many modern firms. Relative to intranet, the concept of Internet of Things which refers to networks of physical objects such as home appliances, vehicles and machines; which utilizes sensors and application programming interfaces (APIs) to share data over the internet have not enabled business to generate new business models, and offer operational efficiency in using automated manufacturing and business practices.

Industrial Internet of Things has significantly disoriented how things are done. Through IoT, communication sector is automatically induced as in the case of chatbots being used instead of human contacts. Moreover, through IoT, predictions on future equipment failure are made possible to enable business firms plan for preventative measures, thus reducing work risks. Intranet is a broad context, which integrate different technologies, and procedures such as creation of websites that can get accessed by employees, using passwords to access data, or using programs to effect a change internally.

Such that, an intranet is therefore a broad array of applications comprising of a networked computer, website browser, firewall hardware, software, content management, and other various related applications. Intranet is influenced by Virtual Private Network model to bring about interconnectedness. Intranet is characterized by its heavy ability to restrict data accessibility; it can therefore be used by organizations to store confidential information. It also minimizes on costs concerning space needed to store organizational information, and human resources managing the information docket.

The group 4 presentation on chatbots was also relevant. I acknowledged the crucial roles played by chatbots in the face of many e-commerce. Since they are programmed to do human roles as customer careers, I share the view; they have induced unemployment to many people. However on the side of company owners; they have reduced costs for employing many people. They are also faster and functions all day long.

My Advice to a Future WEBDEV Student

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To WEBDEV students, I would base my advice on the threshold of rapid evolution in te area of information technology. In that the older innovations are changing into new ones. Clerical and mechanical works are gradually becoming extinction; hence in the pursuit of a secure future; there is a need to perfect on skills that are relevant to the industry. Technical skills will filter the best students into job opportunities present; hence should focus more on their skills.

What I would like to see in a Web Design Unit

Currently, the world’s design landscape is significantly altered. Due to modernization and rapid conception of technology, I would like to see new brands in form of patterns and designs. Am optimistic to digitalized products, services and websites

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