Citizen-Advice Enfield: A Legacy of Charitable Service in the London Borough

1.0 Introduction

Citizen-Advice Enfield is a charitable organization that provides advice related to housing, debts, employment, family, legal and various other social welfare issues. The primary target audience for the organization is young people, old people, and other charitable community. The company had been in the services from 2nd September 1939 in the "London Borough" of Enfield. It has covered almost many parts of England in terms of services. The service of the organization includes advice related to the issues of housing and employment. The trustees are the main directors for the organization in accordance with the company law. For students who are seeking assistance with their academic pursuits, especially in the area of higher education, accessing reliable resources like UK dissertation help can be very valuable. The trustees of the organization are primarily responsible for preparing financial records following Company act 2006 and then disclose the transaction of the company to others. It is found that the total income for the company is found to be "£936.0K" and it is spending around "£793.1K" for a charitable purpose. The charity shop of the organization is located in “London”.

2.0 Discussion

2.1 Mission and Objectives of Organization

The primary mission or objective of the organization is to provide free and accurate advice to the people according to their rights and responsibilities. The mission is also to improve the number of policies or the practices that are actually affecting the lives of people (Moshtari and Ghaemi, 2016).


The objectives of this charitable organization are summarized as below

To provide better support through advice to different peoples related to housing, employment and others.

To help people fight the financial crisis through the better suggestion of debt and banking.

The need mainly met by the bureau through its mission and objectives include helping people to overcome the problem regarding any social issues faced by them. They also meet the needs of improvement required for the practices and policies which affects people’s life so that better social conditions can be created for the public (, 2020).

2.2 Performance Analysis

The funding in Citizen-Advice Enfield is received from various public donors and from the Enfield Council providing the organization required finances for their successful operations. The performance of the organization is improving every year as analyzed through the Cash flow statement of it. The performance of the company for the last two years are shown through the table given below

Cash Flow statement

Thus from the above table it is clear that in the year 2019 the company had a better performance as compared to 2018. The Cash Inflow/Outflow in the year 2019 is "£77,504" more than that of "£42,855" in the year 2018. There is an increase in the "ROI" value as a comparison to 2018 in the year 2019 with a total of "£1,616". There are also better values of cash equivalent with "£551,835" in the year 2019 as compared to "£472,715" of 2018. Thus through the last two year Cash-flow comparison it can be said that the organization is performing well every year. The organization had appointed 66 volunteers in total for the working activity. There is a total “£936.0K” income obtained currently by this charitable organization (Moullin, 2017).

According to financial statement 2019 the organization has helped 5,896 people till now to resolve total “26,000” problems last year. The local peoples got an opportunity to claim at about “£935,006 as an unclaimed benefit and it had managed about "£2.8 million debt”. The percentage of people associated with this charitable organization is increasing and thus creating a bigger circle for it (Steccolini, 2019). Moreover, it is seen that the oragnisation has opened two new outlets in 2019 which are found to be quite promising in offering them opportunity to gather more finances for their charity purpose (, 2019). These values indicate that the organistaion is managing their services and finances well. It is evident as they have been able to use the finances in building more charity shops to draw in more money and successful in planning their services that offer quality support to all increased number of target people. The performance is depending on the charitable activities that are performed by it as the maximum amount is inflow and outflow of cash is in charitable activities of the organization (, 2020).

Financial history of the organization

The bureau is prioritizing the training of new as well as existing volunteers and staffs to make them efficient to assure high quality support services to their clients. Moreover, they are prioritsing diversification of their funding base so that the bureau is able to be less dependent on the statutory bodies in receiving funding to expand their services (, 2019). The Trustees of the bureau is found to continuously monitor the resources expanded to ensure they are able to be used for meeting the required standards along with assure the incoming resources are readily available to be used for any immediate services to be provided (, 2019). The information made available by the Citizen-Advice Enfield regarding their services online is of medium quality as brief regarding their work activities and way they are done are provided. There is lack of detailed information available for their services in the online websites. However, they offer opportunity to individuals in directly connecting with them through online mode to gather required information needed by the individuals to access support from the bureau (, 2019).

The training and career development opportunity boost staff efficiency as they are able to gather skills and knowledge required to overcome barriers at work making them show better activities in fulfilling service delivery with better skill (Amine and Ouhna, 2018). Moreover, the promotion of staffs allows the employers to make them feel valued and out of value the staffs feel zeal to show better efforts and efficiency at work (Ahmad et al. 2019). The Citizen-Advice Enfield are seen to follow the aspects as to ensure efficiency of working of their staffs they offers the employees on-job training, career development opportunity and promotion opportunity based on their work activities without any form of discrimination (, 2019). The customer satisfaction in Citizen-Advice Enfield is found to be medium as many reports they have to follow long queues to avail services. This is evident s the Citizen-Advice Enfield themselves informed that they are short-staffed and require longer time in meeting needs of all clients (, 2019).

2.3 Budgetary process of organization

2.3.1 Source of Financial income

The primary incoming source according to the financial statement of the organization is listed as below

Through Donations and gifts: It is basically done according to the legal acts and it is specified only when the donor proves that it can be used in future periods for accounting. It is found from the 2019 financial statement of an organization that in 2019 total "£5,658" and in 2018 and "£11,139" total income is received from donations. The organization raises funds from the public. The donors need to be properly registered and have to maintain the laws and regulations followed by the organization for donating any amount.

Through Charitable Activities: The amount that is received under this category basically comes under any specific contract when any services or goods from organizations are provided (Schapper et al. 2017). Through financial statements it is found that in the year 2018 total "£888,557" amount is received and in 2019 "£845,617" amount is obtained through charitable activities.

Bank Interest: It is basically taken from the bank and done usually on a receivable basis. The amount that was obtained in the year 2019 by the interest of the Bank is "£1,616". [Referred to Appendix 1]

The source of income can also be the list of trading activities that are performed by the organization. The “Charity Shop” usually comes under these trading activities.

Financial Statement of the year 2019

2.3.2 Utilization of financial income

It is found from the analysis of the "financial income sheet" of the organization that total staff cost that is expanded from actual income is “£592,199”. The total amount that is expended for the charitable activities is found to be “£793,069" in the year 2019. There is also a total fund amount of "£128,484" transferred for different social activities as per the financial statement of the organization. The company also utilizes a larger part of financial income for the promotion and marketing of its activity. The total amount of "£540,404 is invested from the financial budget for the wages and salary of employees or staff working in an organization. The financial income is also utilized for payment of “Governance Cost” that is total “£3,000” is paid in 2019 for “Auditors Remuneration” and “£7,188” for “Accountancy charges”. The Charity shop costs about “£112,697” from the actual budget in the year 2019.

The total cost that is taken for the advisory services and also for the operational activities is around “£255,527” from the actual operational budget amount. Thus this all activities or parts are included in the financial budgeting of the organization (, 2020).

2.3.3 Budget status of the company

It is found from the financial report that total “£551,835" is still in the hand of organization after expended the income for all activities. Also, the current financial values of the organization denote that total "£936.0K" is income obtained and it is spending around "£793.1K" for the charitable purpose from income. Thus the budget is kept in a controlled manner and there is no need to reduce anything from the budget as per the analysis. It is also analyzed that there is proper budgeting for the staff too which is accurately managed from the overall costing of organization services (, 2020).

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3.0 Conclusion

The financial and performance analysis makes it clear that the organization is performing well every year. Even the process of the budgetary is well maintained and there is the proper utilization of financial income throughout the different activities. The primary source for the budget income of the organization is basically "Charitable activities", "Public funds" and many others. This charitable organization helps a large number of people to solve issues related to banking debts, employment, and housing. According to the analysis through the financial and performance report the organization shows better cash inflow and cash equivalent ratio in the year 2019 as compared to the year 2018. The "Return on Investment" for the year 2019 is better as compared to other years and thus it supports the statement that it is showing better performance with its activity.

Reference List


Ahmad, A., Kura, K.M., Bibi, P., Khalid, N. and rahman Jaaffar, A., 2019. Effect of Compensation, Training and Development and Manager Support on Employee Commitment: The moderating effect of Co-worker Support. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, 10(2), pp.39-55.

Amine, M.E.A. and Ouhna, L., 2018. Internal Relationship Marketing and Job Performance: A Theoretical Analysis. International Business Research, 11(11), pp.128-142.

Moshtari, M. and Ghaemi, A.A., 2016. A Framework for Auditing Management Control Systems and its Application in a Public Organisation. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research, 14(2).

Moullin, M., 2017. Improving and evaluating performance with the Public Sector Scorecard. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Schapper, P.R., Malta, J.N.V. and Gilbert, D.L., 2017. Analytical framework for the management and reform of public procurement. In International handbook of public procurement (pp. 119-136). Routledge.

Steccolini, I., 2019. Accounting and the post-new public management. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.


Appendix 1: Current Income and Expenditure graph for Enfield Citizen Advice
Current Income and Expenditure graph for Enfield Citizen Advice

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