MSc Accounting and Finance

Assignment 2A: Derivative Markets, Regulation of the Banking & Securities Industry, Central Banking and Risk Management

Learning Outcomes assessed

Exhibit a thorough understanding of the main theoretical frameworks which have been used to analyse developments in financial markets and of their key assumptions and methodologies


Demonstrate skills of critical appraisal with regard to the evidence put forward to validate theoretical approaches

Apply the theoretical and empirical knowledge obtained in the module to the analysis of the impact of financial markets and institutions on businesses using funds and the regulatory issues which arise from this impact

Demonstrate an ability to apply academic knowledge and skills in practical contexts.

Demonstrate an ability to engage in problem solving in ways appropriate to both participants in & regulators of the financial system.

Demonstrate an ability to apply formal modelling techniques in the context of financial theory

Objectives Part 2A

Part A of your Second Assignment is designed to assess your attainment of specific learning objectives from the second half of the module, weeks 7 to 11 focusing upon the following areas: a. Linear and non-linear derivative instruments and how they are used to transform and mitigate exposure; b. the appraisal of how financial institutions identify, measure and manage risk; c. comparing the key features of Supervisory and Prudential Regulation of the Banking and Securities Industry; and d. the role of Central Banks as lenders of last resort. The Assignment requires you to answer both objective computational questions as well as provide discursive interpretation of your results. In total, there are three questions with sub parts. Together the three questions count 30% towards your overall grade for the Module and is marked on the basis of 100%.

Submission date

Assignment 2A must be uploaded to the drop-box in Moodle by 13:00 hours on 19-12-2019 Give the file(s) which you intend to upload a name which begins with your student number. For example, ‘12345678 Assignment 2A.

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to UK Financial Recovery Frameworks.

For students who are registered with the Dyslexia/SpLD Service, any submission through Moodle and Turnitin will trigger a notification of a Blue Card and no further action is needed.

Please ensure you submit your assignment no later than the deadline set above (these are fixed but students may exceptionally secure a 24-hour grace period if last minute untoward circumstances affect your ability to submit on time). Excessive use of this facility will be reviewed.

Assignment length

The three questions of Part A of Assignment Two have a combined maximum length of 750

words. You have discretion with regard to how your total word count of 750 is used across the three questions. The word count does not refer to your computational results which you will be interpreting and explaining. Please answer the three questions in the order provided. On your third question, any words exceeding the maximum allowed amount will not be marked.

Presenting coursework for assessment

Marking, moderation and return of coursework and feedback

Please refer to the module guide for how this module is marked and moderated, as well as feedback arrangements. All marks are provisional until review by the Examination Board.

Use of Moodle for Submitting Assignments

This assignment will be submitted through Moodle. The University does rely upon web based tool that supports the development of good academic practice when preparing written work for assessment. Features and functionalities such as text-matching tool allows academic staff to check assignments for improper use of sources or potential plagiarism by comparing it against continuously up-dated databases (including web-pages and other student work).

Authenticating your coursework

Please refer to the module guide for advice on authenticating your coursework

Marking criteria

Your Second Assignment is designed to assess your attainment of specific learning objectives. The Assignment requires you to answer three objective computational questions as well as provide discursive interpretation of your results. You will be assessed for the correctness of your answers to objective components and the quality of your discursive interpretation. Each question is graded on the basis of 100% marks each.


You should perform calculations, as required, for each question in an Excel Spreadsheet. The results including graphs from Excel must be copied into your word document for submission. In addition, you must upload your Excel spreadsheet to complete your submission. There should be one Word Document covering all Three Questions. There should be one Excel spreadsheet covering all three questions, having separate tabs labelled Q1, Q2 and Q3.

Q1. The Skipton Building Society, like virtually all financial institutions, views asset and liability management as a key concern. Management wish to ensure that there is an adequate spread between return on assets and the cost of funds, liabilities. They are also concerned with the interest rate sensitivity of assets and liabilities as well as their respective liquidity. A key asset for Skipton is in the form of 30-year mortgages with floating interest rates that adjust on an annual basis. Skipton obtains most of its funds by issuing 5-year Certificates of Deposit. It uses the Yield Curve to assess the market’s anticipation of future interest rates. It believes that expectations of future interest rates are the main driver affecting the Yield Curve. Assume that the Yield Curve is steeply downward sloping. Based upon the information provided and

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your understanding of what drives their business model, please answer the following questions:

Why is it important to assess the sensitivity of assets and liabilities in a financial institution such as Skipton? (9 marks)

. If the time-weighted value (duration) of assets is not the same as that of liabilities, in effect, what is the financial institution doing and explain why this may or may not be problematic. (8 marks)

What do we mean by Liquidity Matching and why should this be important to an institution such as Skipton? (8 marks)

Why or why not do you think Skipton should use financial futures as a method of hedging? (8 marks)

You manage equity investments for a hedge fund based in Mayfair. Your fund specialises in U.S. shares and plans to hold these securities over a long-period. You are worried that share markets may experience a temporary decline over the next three months and your portfolio of U.S. shares will follow the market downward, losing value. You are considering using options on the S&P 500 Index futures (options on futures) to manage your risk and thereby transform or mitigate your fund’s exposure. The S&P 500 Index is trading currently at $3,000 which is the full value of the Index. The following options on the S&P Index futures are available and all expire in three months.

 The S&P 500 Index is trading

As information, Option Contracts on the S&P Index are for 100 units. (So, for example, on the strike price of 2800, you pay $10,800 and One Contract on a Strike of 2800 would hedge $280,000). Given the above information, please answer the following questions:

If your portfolio is presently valued at $8,000,000, approximately how many Index Option contracts should you use in order to hedge your entire portfolio against falling value? Please show and explain your calculations. (11 marks)

How would hedge your portfolio so that your approximate loss would not exceed 7% from present value? What would be the cost of such a hedge? Please explain and show your calculations. (11 marks)

Given your belief that the share market in the next three months may fall, how might you reduce the cost of having down-side protection. With an example, please explain and show your calculations. (Hint: What “position” in what options would correspond to a “bearish” market view?) (11 marks)

People’s Bank, a new start-up bank has begun operations with the following assets and liabilities:

People’s Bank, a new start-up

Given the above facts, please answer the following questions:

a. Explain and calculate the minimum reserves the Bank must hold if Required Reserves are 10% and of what may they consist? (5 marks)

b. What are the Bank’s Risk Weighted Assets and Tier 1 Capital ratio (5 marks) c. What does it mean for a bank to be “adequately-capitalised” and do you think People’s Bank is in that position? Please explain why. From a systemic perspective, why is it important for banks in general to have sufficient capital? (5 marks)

d. If because of Central Bank policy, mortgage rates increased to 10% how would it affect the market value of People’s mortgage book? Why? How would it affect People’s “market value” and its required capital? (5 marks)

e. What Central Bank policy might explain the increase in interest rates and, most likely, how was the increase in interest rates engineered to happen? (5 marks) f. If Bank regulators force People’s Bank to sell its mortgages to recognise their change in market value, how would this impact the bank’s capital position? What would be the effect upon reserves? (5 marks)

g. If there were an economic panic leading to a “run on the bank” (depositors taking their money out) what impact would it have upon required reserves? What policies or measures might prevent the “run” from happening? (4 marks)

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