A Critical Analysis with a Focus on Depression

The neurological disorder is referred as the illness or diseases of nerves, brain and spines. There are different types of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, sclerosis, brain tumours, depression and neuron infection. These diseases occur due to several reasons such as genetic disorders, infections in nerves and brain, congenital disorders, malnutrition and physical health problems. In today's medical field there are several medicines for treating neurological disorders such as anti-depression tablets that are used in reducing the level of depression in patient. This assignment is going to make a critical analysis of the benefits and limitations of using medication in terms of treating neurological disorders with special reference to depression. By using relevant academic sources this study will analyse both sides of neurological medicines in terms of analysing whether these medicines are useful in treating neurological illness or they have severe side effects that enhance the psychological and physical risk for the patient. In addition to this, this study will discuss the use of antidepressant medicines in terms of treating depression inpatient, while also considering the potential for healthcare dissertation help in addressing these complex issues.


According to Geffner and Ross-Swain (2018), modern science assists psychiatrists and health professional to recommend appropriate medicines to the patient in terms of curing their neurological illness. Several clinical pieces of research stated that although mediation provides relief to patient suffering from neurological disorders, these have both the positive and adverse impact on the mediations. When it comes to analysing the usefulness of medication on treating the neurological disorders, such as depression, it is important to use relevant resources in terms of evaluating whether these medications can improve the overall neurological condition of the patient (Edwards et al. 2017). Today's neurosurgeon first analyses the reason behind neurological illness in the patient before prescribing any medicines. For example, while treating depression, neurologists recommend different anti-depression tablets based on the severity of neurological illness, which helps patient not only in reducing their neurological symptoms but also in maintaining the perfect balance between the body and mind. There is some criticism regarding the statements, as some researchers in neuroscience have suggested that, use of anti-depression tablets are not always suitable for physical health and biological system of the patient, as it may cause digestive issues, restlessness, agitation, nausea and headache. On supporting this viewpoint several psychological researches have pointed out on the heavy dose of neurological medicines can effect on endocrine function and heart function (Chiang et al. 2016.). For instance, most of the psychiatrists suggest that high power anti-depressional tablets can interfere with the hormonal balance and their interaction with the endocrine system of the body. In spite of this criticism, neurological medicines are successfully used by psychiatrist and neurologists in term of reducing the level of psychological and neurological illness on the patient. From recent researches on neurology, it can be stated neurological medication have a positive impact on position transformation of mood and behaviour (Ramsay et al. 2018). For example, by using most anti-depressants such as duloxetine (Cymbalta) and desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), neurologic can improve the behavioural characteristics and decision-making ability of patient suffering from depression. There are some Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs), that blocks the reabsorption of serotonin and noradrenaline. According to Hadland et al. (2018), serotonin and noradrenaline are two important agents that are involved in mood-boosting and reducing the development of negative thoughts. Several doctors recommend TCA because they think TCA would be most suitable anti-depressants for the patient in terms of reducing their mood swing and development of negative thoughts. On the contrary Bøe et al. (2017) argued that modern neurologists believe in innovative treatment process such as counselling, psychological training, direct communication with patient and interaction with their family members rather than prescribing any medicine while treating depression. Based on this point of view it can be stated that, if suitable anti-depressants are prescribed to the patient along with conducting proper counselling and self-evaluating training program, it will be highly effective for reducing the neurological illness. Several psychologists have pointed out that, use of medications on treating neurological illness such as depression is highly effective in term of controlling deteriorating psychological condition (Levin and Chisholm, 2016). Moreover, through using proper medication for specific neurological illness, it is possible to determine the root cause of this disease. For example, with the use of anti-depressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil), doxepin (Sinequan) and imipramine (Tofranil), a neurologist can improve the flow of Serotonin and noradrenalin from brain cells. Through busing relevant mediation neurologist can also develop positive behavioural characteristics in patients such as developing proper sleeping pattern in the patient, improving their ideas as well as decision making power, improving their cognitive skill and interactive skill. On the contrary Hadland et al. (2018) argued that anti-depressants and other neurological medications although can improve the overall behaviour and psychological condition of patient it is unable to make proper changes in the behaviour and activities of patients. Based on this point of view, many neurologists suggest counselling, self-evaluation program, mentoring program and psychological training for patient suffering from depression and other neurological disorders. In his context, Oskoui et al. (2019) mentioned that in developed countries such as in the UK treatment of depressional is associated with not only improving their psychological and physical health of patient but also removing the chances of re-occurring of neurological disorders. For this reason, in the UK neurologists use of medications along with psycho-therapies for improving activities, behaviour, psychology and physical health of patient. According to Wijemanne et al. (2016), medications are useful in treating neurological disorders in terms of not only curing neurological condition of patients but also preventing the worse condition caused by the neurological illness. This is the reason, why neurologist prescribes anti-depressants in case of a patient suffering from the high level of depression, anxiety and memory loss. Some psychological researches on mental illness have suggested that medications although have side effects on the physical health of patient, it has wide ranges of benefits such as removing negative thoughts, improving the sleep pattern, improving problem-solving skill of patient and developing their innovative through a well as decision-making ability (Hadland et al. 2018). Lots of studies have suggested preference of non-addictive medications for patients which are associated with reducing the chances of worsening of patient mental health. According to Kuca et al. (2018), regular intake of appropriate medicines in a proper manner, patient suffering from mental illness can get the healthy psychological and physical condition. On the other hand, many studies have also suggested that using medications in treating depression and other neurological illness assists patients to maintain perfect balance between their body and mind which is important for developing productive thoughts, and decision that is essential for dealing with regular activities. For example, through using proper neurological medications, patients can improve their analysing skill and judgemental approach which are important to take right decision or do right activities. Several psychological studies have stated that proper medications assist patient to improve their way of interaction with community people and their family members.

On the contrary Higuera et al. (2016) argued that sometimes using only neuroglial mediations are not enough for treating neurological condition in which patient faces high level of depressional and other neurological illness, rather the patient needs proper psychological support, love, respect which can improve their psychological condition as well as their interactive ability. The overall discussion shows that, although there are several criticisms about using mediation in treating neurological disorders, these medicines have wide ranges of positive impacts on mental and physical health of the patient. Moreover, today. Modern neurological science is not only based on the psycho-therapies and self-evaluation training in terms of curing mental illness but rather it also prefers proper medications for patient based on the level of their mental illness.

Similar to the discussion for use of medication in treating neurological illness, the are some criticism by the researchers and health professional on benefits of these medication on patient mental and physical condition. According to, along with wide ranges of positive impact of neurological medication, there is important side effect that these medicines have on patient's health. One of the most important side effects of the neurological medicines on patient's health is that most of the neurological medications are addictive which instead of curing psychological condition of patient making them addicted to these drugs. On the contrary Kuca et al. (2018) argued that there are also non-addictive medicines in the market which are also used by neurologist based on the type of mental illness of patient. Some neurological researchers have pointed out that, neurological medicines can have adverse impact on the physical health of patient. For example, due to use of anti-depressants, patients can face joint pain, headache, nausea, skin infection and muscle aches. In addition to this, researchers also stated that high dose of anti-depressants and other neurological medicines promote sleep disturbance and daytime sleepiness in patients, which is generally sign of unhealthy lifestyle.

On the contrary Higuera et al. (2016) argued that neurological medication affects physical health and sleep of patient only when it is used at the very high dose. Many neurologists do not prescribe neurological mediation because long terms use of these medicines lead to severe weight gain in patient which increases chances of several diseases such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and pulmonary disorders. Psychological researches have shown that majority of patients suffering depression skip their medication which impacts adversely on their psychological and physical health. This is the reason, why many neurologists prefer treatment process for neurological illness. According to Richardson et al. (2017), long terms use of a high dose of medications in treatment of neurological illness can lead to suicidal approaches in patients. Based on this point of view, many bn psychiatrists have suggested that heavy dose of anti-depressants and other neurological medications can have a harmful impact on the mental state of patient which can lead them towards suicidal approaches. On the contrary Frazier et al. (2017) argued that suicidal approaches are not associated with using neurological medicines, rather it is associated with early year experience of depression and bereavement of people which they cannot forget in their later life. Based on the neurological researches on depression, several psychiatrists suggest that non-addictive drugs are even sometimes developed some health issues such as urinating difficulties, dysfunction of the urinary bladder, digestive problems and respiratory issues in the patient suffering from neurological disorders. In addition to this, the researchers also suggest that, if the patient who suffers from neurological illness has respiratory problems such as COPD, doctors cannot prescribe any high-power neurological medicines for his or her treatment. In this aspect, the patient is recommended to have neuro therapies and counselling which are thought to be highly effective in improving the overall, mental and physical condition of the patient. On the contrary mcclintock et al. (2018) argued that there are many cases of asthma patients, who receive regular neurological medicines along with inhalers without having any physical and mental health issues. However, several studies have stated that not all time but when used in high power diose, neurological medicines pose an adverse impact on the biological function of the human body such as reducing the digestive capacity of the patient, deteriorating their memory and reducing the cardiological functions.

Moreover, many psychiatrists think that long terms use of neurological medicines effect on the function of brain by affecting the ideas, decision and thoughts of patient. In most of the cases of depressive patient, it is seen that they suffer from short-time memory loss in spite of having proper medicines (Richardson et al. 2017). Therefore, the overall discussion on the limitation of neurological medication for treating this disorder, it can be stated that psychiatrist and neurologist need to consider the overall psychological condition patient while prescribing any medication. Moreover, doctors need to analyse the overall side effect of these medications on patient suffering from neurological illness before prescribing them.

From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that the use of medication in treating neurological illness has both support and criticism. There are both the limitations and benefits of neurological medicines which impact on the psychological and physical health of patient. Therefore, neurologist needs to determine the actual health needs to patient suffering from neurological illness in terms of prescribing them the appropriate medicines.

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