Beattie's Health Promotion Model Explained


Theoretical models and implementation of the same

Beattie's health promotion model is a complex analytical framework technology health promotion as a full part of social and cultural practices (Garnett et al. 2019). This model not only provides the reader with the ability to analyze present and past promotion of health strategies; but also helps healthcare professionals to understand their roles and responsibilities while building their current practices upon the available resources for generating new strategies ensuring positive health outcomes (Whitehead, 2018). The model comprises four quadrants and two axes. The quadrants represent various ways in which health can be promoted by government, healthcare professionals and individuals through a series of persuasion techniques, legislation, community development and counselling. The two axes represent the way of intervention which may be authoritative (top down approach) or negotiated (bottom up approach) ; the next axis represents focus of intervention which either can be collective or individual (Beattie-Huggan, et al. 2018). Healthcare professionals and administrative bodies implement the top down approach through the use of legislative action and techniques to promote health persuasion. Here recommendations and advisors provided couples with the intervention and policies developed for enhancing the uptake of the healthcare advisers provided. However, advice implements approaches in their own way that empower individuals through immoral main suggest victim blaming resulting in limited change (Beattie-Huggan, 2018). The event of community development and personal counselling approach, works on empowering and enhancing existing knowledge skills and understanding. With the implementation of personal counselling approach several health care professionals can help individuals to reach their goals by developing a variety of plans. The process to community development is similar to this, with only a point of difference with the difference that rather than focusing on an individual the focus is kept on a group of people or community (Blackie, 2019). Community development does not need a facilitator for helping to drive the project however the risk then is whether this facilitator has their own agenda causing a shift of attention towards their own objective rather than an objective designed for the community at large.


Pharmaceutical companies in marketing medicines to the healthcare professionals often make use of this model. This fits within the health persuasion quadrant of the chosen model representing a top-down or authoritative approach. However, one should know that this work is directed towards the healthcare professional rather than the patients and it may not be exactly perceived as health promotion (Woodall and Freeman, 2020). Healthcare professionals work on promoting antihypertensive drugs; the messages are projected at healthcare professionals while educating them about the possible risk of high blood pressure such as increase in cardiovascular issues, stroke and current treatment guidelines recommended that blood pressure should be reduced to a normal level in all individuals loading the possibility of risk. These messages are often imported by the senior positions also termed as key opinion leaders, implementing a top down approach to less experienced healthcare professionals with limited knowledge. Of course the concern about increasing blood pressure is taken up by other groups in different formats which can fit into the different areas of the chosen model (Knittle et al. 2018). The NHS Framework targets physicians for reducing events of blood pressure across various ranges of patients falling into the legislative quadrant. The work of several pharmaceutical companies falls within the quadrant, formulating blood pressure guidelines. As per the British hypertension society for the European society of hypertension; these guidelines together feed the target and NICE Standards (Gumley et al. 2020). Additionally approach to personal counselling through patient advice and liaison service coupled with community development approach scenes provides much needed health intervention. Besides specialists proposing Heathcote (2017), wellbeing advancement ought not to be agreed solely on a solitary component, for example, anticipation of illness for changing the general public's discernment towards a specific infection. Research advancement is being developed of financial ecological and physical elements, learning and training, comforts and administrations combined with network exercises Phillips (2019). The model backing this recognition permitting individuals to investigate the current complexities of their advancement draws near and exhibiting organizations with various methodologies over the quadrants required for a very much created help special practice. There exist different speculations around wellbeing conduct with numerous variables which develop both as determinant and obstructions to change. An individual relying upon a few factors by characterizing their wellbeing is the essential information about wellbeing and inspiration. Conviction and general demeanor combined with self idea must comprehend the significance of this model for giving positive wellbeing results (So and Jeong, 2017). The picked model speaks to a good conduct change model looking at why people act with a certain goal in mind that may seem legitimate to other people, for example the utilization of medications regardless of monitoring the potential well being dangers. For example the wellbeing activity models based on 3 arrangements of inspiration framework, conviction framework and standardizing framework helps in understanding wellbeing conduct in specific cases. The conviction framework is like the wellbeing model expressing that people will make changes in the way of life to ensure their well being based on four conditions as follows; powerlessness to disease, potential seriousness of sickness, presence of helpful measures and boundaries to take care (Raingruber, 2017). Model continues that people are believed to settle on wellbeing related choices in a balanced way by gauging favorable circumstances and hindrances. Nonetheless, this mediation follows up on over rearranging the dynamic procedure by not considering the unreasonable variables that influence the manner in which people see their wellbeing. Model people taking part in hazardous sexual conduct regardless of knowing the danger of explicitly transmitted illnesses, while yielding the drawn out medical advantages for momentary delight (Mittelmark et al. 2017).

The regulating arrangement of the wellbeing activity model speaks to outside effect on an individual, looks through companions' families, recognizes in the social strategy assuming a significant job in wellbeing conduct. For instance, social strategy recommends prohibiting smoking openly puts impacts on how ordinary smoking shows up and may influence the impact of smoking (Trego, Steele and Jordan, 2018). It furthermore offers the start of clarification for unreasonable wellbeing conduct shown by individuals because of outside impacts. The trans-theoretical model could essentially say that an individual isn't prepared or add the right stage to join sound changes inside their way of life. Be that as it may, Doran et al. (2017) feels this misrepresent is the issue adding to wellbeing imbalances by partitioning responsibility to the person. The inspiration arrangement of the wellbeing activity model contains singular disposition esteems and drive (Darch, Baillie and Gillison, 2017). Influencers dependent on the conviction and regulating framework feed into the inspiration framework influencing wellbeing practices and results (Fidanci, Akbayrak and Arslan, 2017). Taking care of in every one of the three frameworks is simply the thoughts and regard where how engaged and singular cause to feel where the focal point of control remains and a person's self-adequacy has an impact in affecting their wellbeing conduct. Khoshnood, Rayyani and Tirgari (2018), an appropriate case of a person who intends to restrain their and solid life exercises, for example, social drinking, word their social setting offers ascend to peer strain to act in a similar way. In this model violin people are decisive with high confidence their experience inside the gathering runs inverse to the desires on the off chance that they are scrutinized as opposed to being an expression for the activities for not drinking prompting unfavorable impacts in wellbeing conduct and mentality. The picked wellbeing model in this manner considers certain complexities of everyday life and outside elements which impact individuals to lose command over their day by day life exercises. According to the assessment of Garnett et al. (2019), this has a preferred position over different models of social insurance which focuses on an individual and whether they are prepared for tolerating change and making change inside their way of life independent of the outside impacts that may keep them down. The usage of such models take a shot at giving an away from the wellbeing conduct of a person. There remains most likely that wellbeing conduct of an individual is affected by a progression of outer and interior elements. Henceforth, it is of prime significance to execute the correct sort of inspirational methodologies to spur individuals to decide on solid mediation (Whitehead, 2018). Obviously creating exercises that can chip away at changing conduct of an individual is a troublesome undertaking. It is for a similar explanation, NICE set up specific rules that advance positive wellbeing results (Blackie, 2019). These rules worry over the significance of working in joint effort while considering the creation of social projects that work was helping networks out of luck and causing a unique individual to feel positive and manufacture key aptitudes. The rules chipped away at drawing proof from various medicinal services models and one may trust it is a changed scope of impact that brings about powerful projects.


Reflection on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

Advocacy: A decent wellbeing is a significant asset for self-awareness and a fundamental component of sound life. Political social prudent social conduct natural and organic variables damage or favor strength of a person. Self advancement plans to make these conditions ideal using wellbeing support (Gumley et al. 2020).

Enable: Wellbeing advancement focuses on accomplishing fairness as far as wellbeing and presents contrasts in wellbeing status for guaranteeing accessibility of equivalent degree and assets for helping individuals to accomplish their full wellbeing potential (Thompson et al. 2018). This is comprehensive of a safe establishment in a steady atmosphere with access to data, fundamental abilities and extension to settle on wellbeing related decisions. This is comprehensive of secure establishment in a strong domain giving adequate access to data individuals may neglect to accomplish their full cell potential until they can control the components that decide their wellbeing and this must apply similarly to individuals independent of sexual orientation (Wilberg et al. 2019).

Mediate: The essential and prospect of wellbeing can't be ensured by the wellbeing segment alone. Wellbeing advancement requests composed activity from the experts and the legislature.

The five subjects of Ottawa sanction are as per the following:

Building appropriate general well being arrangement

Making strong condition

Reinforcing network activity

Direction of existing social insurance administrations for forestalling disease and advancing positive wellbeing results

Aspects of mental health demand a good source of attention, where the people are not made to feel bad about the poor mental health condition enabling them to obtain the much needed medical help irrespective of the gender (Wilberg et al. 2019). It is for the same reason advocates in mental health are important to help the service user. Finally it can be concluded that mental health is a complex entity and the healthcare sector alone cannot work on promoting the mental health care needs. Hence, it becomes important for the community members to take proactive measures that can work on reducing the existing discrimination and lack of knowledge mental health. The existing policies and standards can work on promoting awareness among people (Tarkang et al. 2019). People suffering from various mental health conditions are reluctant to obtain the needed treatment and due to the existing behaviour of people of stigmatizing individuals suffering from poor mental health conditions. It becomes important to understand that people need to embrace proactive and flexible attitude while incorporating public health policies within the community

A brief idea about Logical Framework Approach

The Logical Framework for the logframe is an important tool used by the international development community for designing health intervention for achieving measurable results. The logframe is important to the healthcare professionals and evaluate it at every stage of the healthcare intervention. It is a tool for collecting and organizing the use of data in a concise and coherent manner, helping with the design and implementation of the project evaluation. in short the purpose of the log frame are as follows:

Foster a clear understanding with explicit immeasurable description of the events that are likely to occur if the project is successful coupled with project hypotheses

Verifying the mission to the project team and allocating the needed tasks to the responsible person

Displaying the prime elements of project and their relationship to one another in a way that promotes decision making and measurable outcome

The framework below provides a clear understanding about the chosen framework in understanding the nutritional needs of the mother, young children and infants; as follows:

Logical Framework Approach for meeting the nutritional needs of the young children and mother Logical Framework Approach for meeting the nutritional needs of the young children and mother Logical Framework Approach for meeting the nutritional needs of the young children and mother Logical Framework Approach for meeting the nutritional needs of the young children and mother Logical Framework Approach for meeting the nutritional needs of the young children and mother

Dealing with public health emergency

Responding to health emergencies need more than just resources, it requires patience and strategic planning. Local and state health departments need to handle different kinds of emergency that may threaten safety and health of communities, families and nation. A public health emergency occurs more over the country (Fidler, 2019). Communities need to be ready in case of public emergency; success in the current scenario spread of infectious disease often comes without a warning. The recent covid-19 case clearly demonstrates that States need to have the much-needed resources and expertise in place before disaster or infectious disease strike. The public health emergency program is seen to provide the following services:

Guidance: early guidance based on evidence to ensure the local territorial state and tribal jurisdiction has updated information to protect their community in a better way. Based on the recent covid-19 pandemic, the citizens are provided with death rate numbers and recovery incidents, which make them aware of the current medical condition of the country (Duru, 2019). One of the prime sources of this guidance is the public health emergency response and preparedness capability that reflects on changing environment and evolution and growth of the preparedness program of state and local areas.

Technical assistance is a prime importance as operational know-how to ensure the health departments are ready to respond. The pandemic outbreak caused disruption of communication channels (Carney and Bennett, 2017). However, the government needs to be prepared to establish and maintain clear communication with the citizens to keep them informed and provide them with the much-needed health care services. The next event of evaluation is to measure and evaluate the local estate abilities is important as it will allow the citizen and government to be prepared for any kind of public health emergency. The rate of infection reduction due to events proposed by the government such as social distancing and strong log down main factors are a good way of reducing chances of infection (Carney and Bennett, 2017). The government can measure their efficacy of logged on decisions by looking up to the reduction of infection due to covid-19. Emergency preparedness is important for ensuring the safety of the nation. Planning and implementing the plans make sure the health departments are adequately ready to respond and save life in cases of emergencies. The staff in health department needs to be readily accessible in terms of guidance and information to:

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preparing and train the other professionals

develop and establish priorities in order to respond to disasters

quickly and efficiently in case of pandemic disaster

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However, it is important to mobilise and engage the people for emerging out as active participants in regards to public health emergencies preparedness. The epidemiology function works on maintaining and improving the existing system to detect the potential hazards, specially, the ones that pose a threat to the human population (Tarkange et al. 2019). Before a plan is developed, it is important to create a mandate that works towards defining the roles of public health. Emergency healthcare services highlight the important outputs of integrated systems related to emergency management, coupled with lack of integration. Finding the right kind of balance of connectedness and separation in regards to governance is important; where the healthcare organizations are specialised and coordinated in a system.

Reference list

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