Biomedical Scientist Position at NHS Salisbury via

Job Advert

The job advert which was taken in consideration was from the job portal of "" for the post of "Biomedical Scientist" (Authority, 2020). The employer was that of NHS, established at Salisbury, UK. The position vacancy was for a full-time position, drawing a yearly remuneration of £23,139–£28,195, and encourage applications for the position from everyone, taking in consideration and welcoming even those in the workforce who are often underrepresented in the medical and healthcare fields. The employer is of repertoire and takes pride in being a sought-after organization of choice. This is especially relevant for those seeking healthcare dissertation help, as it reflects the commitment to diversity and inclusion in the healthcare sector. The job advert and more details of it, are provided in the Appendix section of the present study.

Key-Skills and Responsibilities-Biomedical Scientist

The job advert requires the candidate to join a team of laboratory scientists involved in COVID-19 laboratory practices, for supporting the drug testing strategy of the UK Government alongside conducting related projects.


The key-skills required for the position of a Biomedical Scientist is to be affluent in conducting a wide array of laboratory diagnostic tests and protocols, centered upon IFA, ELISA techniques, Immunofluorescence, real-time PCR and molecular assays for undertaking clinical sample testing on a routine basis to ensure thorough and smooth service delivery in clinical setting. The employer aims to develop state-of-the-art and innovative testing strategies for reflecting upon the ambiguity of the global health environment and the ever-going changes in practice, which is the need of the hour. The candidate should be capable enough to support Pillar-4 activity on COVID-19 testing and practices, being a core team-member involved in team activities. Thus high communication skills, interpersonal skills, and team working abilities are also another important employability skill-set required by the candidate as per the employer's requirement (Demaria, et al., 2018). Another crucial employability skill required for the job-post is that of clinical experience in the field, pertaining to diagnostic works, wherein the candidate needs to be affluent and well versed in working with a wide range of clinical diagnostic techniques and practices. The candidate should demonstrate Good-Lab-Practice (GLP), good-organizational practice, and flexibility in working. Apart from the extensive laboratory working hours, the candidate must be ready to work in flexible time schedules and durations, as meeting the needs of laboratory testing and research. Furthermore, previous working experience of training in working within regulated job environment, in compliance with systems of quality management is yet another key skill mandatory for the position. An ISO 15189/CPA or relevant work experience will be preferred. Another crucial skill which must be met by the candidate is that of a degree in Biomedical-science, or an accredited HCPC degree or relevant degree in similar subjects like Microbiology. This is because a well-accredited degree will assure that a candidate has had previous experience in molecular biology or in diagnostic serology, as well as in the usage of LIMS. On top of these, another major skill-set required by the employer, is that of a candidates previous work experience in working within level 3 Containment zones, understanding the safety and hygiene protocol which needs to be maintained in such a serious setting.

CV for the Job-post

Job Objective

I am a trainee in Biomedical-Science seeking for a suitable position as a "Biomedical-Scientist" in an organization of repute wherein I can utilize my core key-skills for the benefit of the organization.


Trainee :-

  • Biomedical Scientist: Have experience in working in Microbiology and Biochemistry Departmental laboratory for extensive laboratory hours following good lab practice under flexible lab-working conditions.
  • Fluency in performing a wide range of diagnostic techniques and automated systems like RT-PCR, ELISA, Immunoflourescence, Mass Spectrometer, HPLC, for measuring proteins in patient plasma.
  • Experienced in performing Sebia for measuring cryoglobulins via the process of gel-electrophoresis
  • Trained and certified in part-time online courses on diagnostic techniques of - RT-PCR, ELISA and Immunofluorescence
  • Can conduct routine laboratory processes for diagnostics namely- serial-dilutions, microscopy, staining, spectophotometry, and IFA.
  • Experience in using kit for Streptococcus grouping
  • Experience in using Vidas for HIV confirmatory tests.
  • Experience in using Vitek machine for analysing bacterial growth
  • Experience in using CAN2 Plates for confirming presence of yeast Candida albicans.
  • Performed MRSA confirmatory test using coagulese test.
  • Participation in NEQAS (National-External-Quality-Assurance-Scheme) for implementing internalized system of quality control.
  • Experience and show proactive behavior in laboratory stock management (ordering reagents, consumables and replenishing old stocks)
  • Maintains Laboratory Ethics and Good-Lab-Practice (GLP)
  • Observing Safety policies and Standard-Operational lab practices.
  • Have conducted several experiments, and data analysis by working on diverse sections and varied specimens
  • Worked in team-setting and under quality guidance of experienced Biomedical Scientist.

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2. Laboratory-Assistant (Nottingham Trent University)

  • Participated and successfully completed research project "Investigation of E.coli in evading nitrosative-stress from nitrites, nitrates and NO"
  • Performance - overnight-culture media preparation for E.coli, galactosidase assays, analysis of promoter activity, pipetting, DNA agarose-gel-eletrophoresis technique, P1 preparation following transduction, identification of E.coli genes involved in reduction of nitrites, nitrates and NO, preparation of the competent cells , transformation.
  • Accurate recording of data in EXCEL-sheets and maintained minutes-of-meeting on a regular basis
  • Handled laboratory waste and biochemical products safely, followed by safe disposal of clinical waste.
  • Expert in reagent preparation and in culture-media preparation.
Educational Qualification
Course in Biomedical-Sciences (Nottingham Trent University)

- Complete experience in blood transfusion, clinical biochemistry, clinical genetics, medical microbiology and clinical immunology


-Laboratory diagnostics skills

- Proficient and Trained in - ELISA, RT-PCR, Immunofluorescence techniques, serial-dilutions, microscopy, staining, spectophotometry, and IFA.

- On-hand training on using automated lab systems and apparatus

- Have a keen and eager mind to always learn new techniques

- Follows Good-Lab-Practice and Good-Organizational-Practice throughout

- Efficient team-working skills and in Interpersonal communication

- Proficient in data analysis, handing and storage using MS-EXCEL, MS-WORD and MS-PPT

- Critical mind for designing experiments and planning

- Expertise in performing Gel-Doc and Electrophoresis (Gel-Doc)

-Expertise in gene extraction via QI extraction kit


Medalist in LAMDA (Speech-and Drama)

Participated in several national Spelling-bee contests and won awards

Sports- Swimming, tennis and volleyball

Won awards in several elocution contests in high-school level.

Skills Portfolio(Portfolio-Proforma-Template)

health Evidence Title: Development of practical and transferable employability skills in biomedical-science To develop transferable skills and practical skills gained through professional experience for alignment with employability skills and future career potential. Abstract/Summary of evidence In the present scenario, the two skills-portfolio pieces of the candidate which has been focused upon are namely- a) practical skill-set on experience in technical laboratory practices and proficiency in several diagnostic techniques and b) transferable skill set comprising of communication skills and interpersonal team-working abilities. The practical skill set comprising of experience in using laboratory apparatus and in obtaining fluency in a wide variety of techniques specifically that of RT-PCR and ELISA, was gained through online training and through short-training courses on real-time qPCR, ELISA and Immunofluorescence from reputed organizations. The 3 day ongoing RT-PCR training had been initiated with experienced lab technicians demonstrating the technique, which was followed by the candidates performing the procedure steps shown in the later phases of the training program. This was followed by a short certification ceremony, wherein certificates were provided on successful completion of the training to respective candidates. The trainings on RT-PCR, Immunofluorescence and ELISA was obtained in this manner, as the apparatus required in these procedures are sophisticated and no prior detailed experience was obtained previously, during the biomedical-science university course in using the techniques with poise and perfection. The practical laboratory skills, and experience in maintaining quality compliance within lab settings, was obtained throughout the course program in the University, wherein sufficient lab techniques, procedures, equipment handling and good laboratory practices (GLP) was developed within. The communication employability skills were developed by enrolling in part-time-online learning and English speaking program, for a period of 6 months, where English speaking, writing and reading skills were honed as is required in a professional setting. Team-working skills were gained by working in the University lab, with seniors, colleagues and juniors working in teams, seeking advice from the seniors and mentors on increasing team collaboration and discipline wherever required. health

Taking in consideration the practical and transferable skill-sets which has been honed and developed by me over the years, through rigorous self-discipline and via trainings received from experienced mentors and biomedical-scientists, I aim to critically reflect upon my present skill-set to identify my strengths, and weaknesses for engaging upon self-reflection. I aim to build up my strengths furthermore, and to work upon my weaknesses, so as to be more job-fit aligning my core competencies according to the employer needs and requirements.

1. The Point - I had enrolled upon practical laboratory training courses on a part-time basis, as I knew this would add value to my laboratory experience and knowledge, which in turn would make me better fitted to obtain profitable positions in my career path of development. I had earlier realized that in my field of study, laboratory skills and a proficiency to handle automated systems, were core skills which most employers often seek. The COVID-19 pandemic situation that arose, increased the need for learning the laboratory and technical skills furthermore, as it became the need of the hour for biomedical scientists to work efficiently following effective lab-techniques and practices of serial dilution, microscopy, staining, spectophotometry, IFA, on a routine basis. Hence, I decided to enroll myself in the part-time training courses which provided hands-on training sessions, helping me to gain confidence in working with agility in modern laboratory settings and with high-end technical apparatus as required in the processes of RT-PCR, ELISA and Immunofluorescence. Considering the transferable skills, I have a good power of communication and can work efficiently in a team-setting, having previous team management abilities while working in the laboratory with seniors, colleagues and juniors in line. My previous experience of working in a laboratory with fixed norms and ethics, have also developed good-lab-practices (GLP) and good-organizational practices (GOP) within me.

2. The Learning - The transferable and scientific skill-sets which the routine laboratory experience and certified training session helped to provide were:

(i) proficiency in routine laboratory processes for diagnostics namely- serial-dilutions, microscopy, staining, spectophotometry, and IFA,

(ii) fluency in performing a wide range of diagnostic techniques and automated systems like RT-PCR, ELISA, Immunoflourescence, Mass Spectrometer, HPLC, for measuring proteins in patient plasma;

(iii) experienced in performing Sebia for measuring cryoglobulins via the process of gel-electrophoresis.

(iv) good team-working abilities

(v) excellent communication skills and power or resolving conflicts (conflict management)

(vi) good-lab-practices (GLP ) and good-organizational-practice (GOP)

3. The Success - By analyzing the skills and competencies which I have obtained through the previous training sessions and from the laboratory experience, I realized that I have gained a number of essential skill-sets which most employers seek and which is essential to carry forward development in my career aspect of biomedical science in the future. However, I also identified a few shortcomings, which I often face in the way of conducting laboratory tests and experiments and such weaknesses have also been discussed below:


A Biomedical science degree with proper accreditation as obtained from the University is considered as highly desirable for most employers

rigorous experience as trainee and as laboratory assistant has help me in developing knowledge and skills for diagnostics in serology, molecular biology and microbiology, which has increased my diversity in knowledge, making me suitable to opt for employability in a number of sectors.

experience of working at laboratory setting for flexible hours and with discipline has infused within me, GLP (Good lab practice) and Organizational ethics.

Online-part time training courses conducted have increased my proficiency in RT-PCR, ELISA and Immunofluorescence techniques alongside other necessary diagnostic techniques like serial-dilution, gel-electrophoresis, microscopy, staining, spectrophotometry etc.

Conflict management and ability to solve misunderstanding and disputes amongst team members

Team-worker and ability to collaborate and work jointly in a team-setting

Weaknesses -

I have poor time management skills, and often fail to meet deadlines on time. In a laboratory setting, multi-tasking on several tasks is essential and while I manage to complete some tasks, I cannot fulfill the time-schedule of others which start to lag, creating discrepancies within the team setting. I realized I need to work on this lacking skill-set for future career development.

4. The Solution - For addressing the aforementioned weakness, I have decided to maintain a schedule listing all the tasks at hand arranging them on the basis of priority. I have decided to start first with the tasks which are the highest on priority followed by the ones lower end on priority. I have also realized that procrastination over past problems or issues, acts as a negative force, which takes up more time and delays work furthermore. Hence I have decided to stop procrastination to focus instead on the work at hand, with higher level of concentration. I have also planned to start off with work early, and progress at a steady pace, instead of letting work pile towards the end. Finally I have decided to deal with my work stress in a wise manner, engaging in meditation based activities, which would help me to cut my stress and engage on my work in a more focused and alert manner.

5. Additional resources - To develop upon my weakness I have addressed the problem of time management by seeking solution through reading online literary sources, and authentic books of reputed authors, as obtained from the libraries. The literary work of S.J. Scott entitled “How to Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Mastering Difficult Tasks and Breaking the Procrastination Habit” have helped me in overcoming my problem to a considerable extent. I have also engaged myself to a part-time yoga and meditation course to help build my capacity to combat stress.

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Supporting Statement

After analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, previous experiences, trainings undertaken, employee requirements and development of employability skill-set within me over the years, I have realized that the experience and skills (transferable and practical) gained over the past years have helped me to align myself according to the employer requirement in a better and efficient manner, than that before. I feel more better equipped, in undertaking a job, and possess a higher confidence in handling laboratory equipments, automated systems or in conducting diagnostic tests owing to the training courses undertaken in the recent past. It can be seen from the employer job-requirement column and from the candidate responsibility column, that the employer is seeking for candidates who have previous expertise in the field of biomedical science, specifically in handling lab equipments and in conducting diagnostic tests in the field of medical science, microbiology and molecular science. This is directly in line with the practical skills gained by me via attending of hands-on training courses for RT-PCR, ELISA, and Immunofluorescence. These courses have certified and honed my knowledge and skills making me job-fit for the respective post. Furthermore, my rigorous years of working in laboratory setting, both as a trainee and as a research assistant in the University laboratories, have helped me to handle flexible working hours, which is yet another trait sought by the employer. The employer in the advert has also mentioned that priority will be given for candidates who have previous experience in working within regulated job environment, in compliance with systems of quality management. As I have been working in a laboratory setting registered under an University of high repute for the last few years, I remain well aware of ethics, health-and-safety code of conduct, quality compliance norms as required in a lab setting, and remain well versed in good-lab-practice skills (GLP). The employer is also seeking for a candidate who has an authentic degree in the field of microbiology, biomedical-science or similar other from a registered University. My present course on the subject matter of Biomedical Science, registered under the reputed the Nottingham Trent University, hence, remains directly aligned with the employer job requirements. The employer also seeks a candidate who is fluent in diagnostic lab skills and in performing several laboratory tests independently and within team-setting. My experience in the biochemistry laboratory and the microbiology laboratory of the University, has made me highly potent in conducting laboratory tests and processes namely - gel-electrophoresis, staining, microscopy, spectrophotometry, serial dilution, etc., making me job-fit in this perspective. From my previous experience in working in teams, and under the supervision of seniors and experienced biomedical scientists, I have developed some transferable skills of communication, crisis-management, team-working-abilities, development of team-collaboration and unity, which will come in handy in any job setting during my future years of career development as a biomedical scientist. However, I do possess weaknesses in form of inability in handling stress and display poor time-management abilities. For the same I have decided on certain effective measures to build-up on my weaknesses - namely a) to plan ahead and start ahead in time b) to maintain work schedules c) to attend jobs on the basis of their priority sequence d) to manage stress by enrolling in a part-time meditation course, which will not only enhance my work focus but also help me in multi-tasking. Taking all of these in consideration, I plan on building my weaknesses and in further development of my strengths, in order to make myself better equipped in handling job-challenges, through building up of employability skills for securing development in my future career path, as a biomedical scientist.

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Authority, N., 2020. Biomedical Scientist. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 December 2020].

Demaria, M.C., Hodgson, Y. and Czech, D.P., 2018. Perceptions of Transferable Skills among Biomedical Science Students in the Final-Year of Their Degree: What are the Implications for Graduate Employability?. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education (formerly CAL-laborate International), 26(7).

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