Collaborative Care for Adults with Disabilities and Mental Illness


Cooperation and communication are important contributing factors in developing professional workplace where the health and social care service providers and the service users can build strong relationship to cooperate each other for developing an effective care plan (Harris and White, 2018). Through developing appropriate professional working practice in the health and social care context, it is possible for the care professional to create values for the service users and maximise their wellbeing by providing effective treatment and quality care after acknowledging their actual health needs and personal preferences (Congress, 2017). The study aims at discussing the practice of multi-agency working in the health and social care context and the practice of developing professional working culture so that they can help the adults with learning disabilities and mental illness. Furthermore, the integration of healthcare dissertation help can enhance understanding and application of these principles. Through this paper, it is also possible to acknowledge the roles and responsibilities of the care professionals to support the adults with mental illness as well as identify the importance of collaborative working practice in the health care context. The study also focuses on suggesting the ways that demonstrate how good practice may be transferred to others when working to support adults with severe learning difficulties and mental health so that it can be beneficial for the health issue.


Ways of multi-agency working supports the well-being of adults with learning difficulties and mental health

The multiagency working practice is beneficial for supporting the adults who need help for overcoming their issues of learning disabilities and the mental illness problems. In this regard, the multi-agency working practice depends on the working relationship, multiagency process, resource for multi-agency work and management and governance in the health and social care context. Working relationship is one of the major factors for the multi-agency working practice where the team members try to develop effective relationship with all the individuals including and the adults so that they can be feeling free to cooperate with the care professionals. In this regard, the multi-agency team members aim at enhancing communication with the individuals to share their views and experience with them through which the adults can understand the care practice and ways to provide them proper treatment and support from the health care professionals. In addition to these, the multi-agency workers try to develop trust and loyalty among the adults so that they can rely on the care professionals for better care and treatment (Norwich and Eaton, 2015).

Moreover, showing empathy, respecting all the adults as well as open communication create suitable professional environment for multi-agency working practice as well as it provides a scope to the individuals to share their past medical records, experience in their lives and their preferences. This is also important for the care professionals to develop trust and loyalty through multi-agency working practice so that they can acknowledge the patient’s personal preferences as well as diagnose them with care to identify the actual health problems and health needs to maximise wellbeing of the individuals. Apart from communication, it is necessary for the multi-agency team members to develop cooperation in the professional organisational context so that all the members can collaborative with each other and develop resourceful outcome in the organisational context (Mackay, and Notman, 2017). The multi-agency working agents try to cooperate and share their knowledge and experience with each other to develop effective care plan for the adults. It is important for the patients also to collaborate with the acre professional to develop care plan for them. Through this practice, the care professionals can understand the learning disabilities problems as well as the activities of the patients due to mental illness so that they can empower the patients in the care plan an create proper planning to support the adults and maximise their values (Jasper et al., 2016).

Ways of multi-agency working practice

In addition to these, securing commitment and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the multi-agency working members are also effective strategy to support the adults, where the individuals can identify the ways the care professionals can support them to o0vercoe their disabilities so that they can live a normal life like others by overcoming their learning disabilities and mental illness (Moss et al., 2016). Hereby, the multi-agency process includes effective communication and information sharing, developing shared purpose and vision as well as effective planning and organising the planning for the maximisation of the patient’s values. Shared information, mutual respect and proper listening to the patient’s experience are effective way to build strong relationship with the service users where the care professionals try to explore different treatment and strategy to support the adults with learning disabilities (Ng et al., 2015).

Speech therapy, counselling and proper communication with them are possible through multi-agency working practice where the service users and the service providers try to be communicative and collaborative for developing an effective care plan. Ensuring the leadership style at the organisation is necessary to develop effective governance and manage net in the health and social care context so that the care professionals can develop suitable environment where the adults can feel free to stay and share tehri experience as well as the care providers also can cooperate and develop multi-disciplinary teamwork in adult and child welfare practice where the managers and the leaders make transparent decision for the patients by empowering them successfully (Kaehne, 2015). Managing transparency and accountability and reduce non-compliance in the organisational context are effective leadership style through which the multi-agency workers can fulfil their commitment and support the adults with their need and personal preferences (Dixon and Robb, 2015).

Exploring and discussing the importance of operating in a collaborative way and being an effective team member to support the adults with severe learning difficulties & mental health

It is important for the care professionals to work collaboratively to support the children and adults with learning disabilities and other mental illness so that so that the professionals can maximise the values of the individuals proficiently by delivering proper treatment and quality care. In this regard, the personal wellbeing is one of the importance of working in a collaborative way where the jo satisfaction of the service providers can be maximised, and they can get the opportunity for creativity and autonomy to perform and support the individuals (Arnold and Boggs, 2019). Additionally, the professionals can increase their confidence through teamwork and work cooperatively by sharing knowledge and experience with each other and this will be effective for gathering more knowledge and clinical expertise to support the adult. Professional development is another importance of working collaboratively, where increased knowledge and understanding about their roles and responsibility further helps to fulfil their commitments towards the adults.

Expansion of the roles and responsibilities and changes in the professionals understanding further helps to improve technical skill and clinical expertise among the staff members where they can contribute with their full potential to support the adults and apart from that they can utilise the organisational resources and latest technology to serve them better care and treatment so that they can overcome their mental illness and learning disabilities they are suffering from (Valentine, Nembhard and Edmondson, 2015). The collaborative working practice is also beneficial for improve suitable environment and enhancing communication where the care professionals can interact with each other as well as share their knowledge and skill to support the adults. Hereby, developing suitable organisational environment to work as a team as well as creating an effective organisational culture for to work as a partnership basis where all the members can cooperate and work to support the individual with the best treatment and quality care.

Importance of collaborative working practice

Additionally, professional identities are another important factor that can be achieved through the collaborative working practice and in this regard though cooperation and collaboration, it is possible for the car professionals to increase capability and manage transparency at the workplace so that trust and loyalty can be built. Through collaborative working practice, the care professions can develop trust and loyalty among each other as well as build strong relationship with the service uses that are important to work as a team and empower the patients for developing effective care plan to support the children and adults with best treatment and quality care. Moreover, the collaborative working practice has direct impacts on the service users also where it is beneficial for the adults as they can have quicker access to the health and social care treatment and service and care as well as they can get the best possible service front he care professionals. Increased focus on the care and integrated care are beneficial for the service users such as adults where there are care professionals who are trying to support with best treatment, care, counselling and open communication. Improved the quality of care and service is also the importance of collaborative working practice as well as through cooperation, the care professionals can acknowledge the problems that the adults are facing and it would be advantageous to develop appropriate care plan for them to overcome their problems of mental illness and learning disabilities through counselling, medication, speech therapy and others. Appropriate resource utilisation and improved support to the adults are also the importance of collaborative working practice. In addition to these, improved communication, sharing knowledge and technical skill, improved data sharing and developing inter agency relation are the importance of developing collaborative working practice which further provides a scope to the care providers to support the adults with learning disabilities and mental illness with proper treatment and quality care.

Reflecting the health and social care worker’s role and responsibility in ensuring effective communication and collaboration in practice when working with adults with severe learning difficulties and mental health

It is necessary for the health and social care workers to manage their roles and responsibilities to ensure effective communication and cooperation at the organisational context in order to support the adult with severe learning disabilities and mental illness. It is the responsibility of the care professionals in this regard to support the adults by developing proper communication. It is the role of the service providers to discuss all the activities and operational functions at the organisation with each other openly so that they can share their experience and knowledge successfully. Hereby, open conversation and positive interaction are necessary where the staff need to fulfil their roles of interacting with others openly and positively so that the members can be interested in communication with each other. In addition to these, it is also the role of the professional staff members and other employees at the workplace to show empathy and respect each other for developing communication so that everybody can feel special and valued while communicating with others. Showing respect and empathy further build strong bonding in the corporate professional environment as well as it in turn helps to enhance communication among them (Cherry and Jacob, 2016).

In addition to these, in order to enhance communication, it is the responsibility of the staff members to improve their body language, eye contact and gesture while talking with others and apart from that, they also need to increase their listening power so that they can be collaborative while sharing their knowledge and understanding. Moreover, managing transparency and accountability is another role of the professional staff members, where they can maintain compliance and develop accountable outcome at the workplace. It is hereby necessary for the workers to develop suitable organisational culture with proper leadership style so that they can openly communicate with each other without any hesitation. Additionally, improving trust and loyalty and relying on each other are also the roles of the employees where they can trust each other’s decision and share their decision with each other for developing ultimate care plan for supporting the adults with severe mental issue and learning disabilities.

It is also necessary for the health and social care professionals to improve collaborative working practice so that it is easy for them to work as a team and support the adults with their learning disabilities and in this regard, all the team members need to be cooperative and interactive for sharing their experience and working as a partnership basis. In this regard, motivating others at the workplace and supporting others by providing advice and technical skill are also the responsibility of the staff where they can be cooperative and provide a score to develop multi-agency working practice for working as a team and fulfil their commitment towards the adults having the health issues and learning disabilities. Health and social care workers are also responsible for facilitating constant communication and encourage the feedback form the adults so that they can improve collaboration with other service provides as well as with the service users as it is effective to develop appropriate care plan for the adults with sever learning disabilities. Interdependence must be developed among the employees where the employees can trust each other’s decision and work as a group with partnership working practice. Keeping promise and honour request are also the roles of the health and social care workers in order to improve collaboration and communication where the workers can cooperate with respect, empathy, integrity and positive communication.

Suggesting the ways that demonstrate how good practice may be transferred to others when working to support adults with severe learning difficulties and mental health

It is necessary for the health and social care providers to transfer good practice to others so that all the members can support the adults with severe learning difficulties and mental illness and in this regard, transfer of good practice also provides a scope to the professionals to utilise their skill and knowledge for providing the best possible care to the individuals. For transferring the skill and abilities, it is necessary to develop effective training and development program so that the doctors, professionals, health care physicians, and social workers as well as nurses and other staff members in the health and social care context can gather vast knowledge and clinical expertise for improving their technical skill so that they are able to perform better and support the adults. In addition to these, transferring the skill and best practice for supporting the adults can be possible through online training program where the staff members and professionals can access as per their preferences and gather vast information and knowledge to support the adults and provide the best treatment to them of overcoming their learning disabilities and mental issues. Hereby, transferring skill and best practice of supporting the adults is possible through online training process, departmental training and induction process where all the service providers can acknowledge the best possible way to support the adults with proper treatment and quality care (Gucciardi et al., 2016).

Technical support and managerial support are other ways to transfer the best practice in supporting the adults where the health care managers ae trying to provide proper instruction to provide better care and support to the adults as well as they try to ensure technological upgradation in the organisation so that the organisational resources become support activity to transfer the best practice to others for performing better and supporting the adults with the best health care treatment. Self-management skill as well as personal and professional development plan as well as cooperation with the senior health care professionals are also effective way to transfer the best practice to support the adults where proper technical skill, knowledge and clinical strategies are transferred among the staff embers so that they can have in depth knowledge and understanding about the practice of supporting the adults with the best care and treatment so that they can overcome their problems of learning disabilities and mental illness.

In addition to these, gathering experimental analysis and improving real life experience are also other important ways to transfer the skill and understanding of supporting the adults with specific needs and care and in this regard, the senior management team must provide the opportunity to the social care professionals and other staff members to gather experience in the organisation and understand the bets practice to support the adults so that they can improve their abilities to perform better and contribute with their full capabilities by utilising the organisational resource to support he individuals proficiently. In addition to these, there is another important way to transfer the skill which is conducting more in depth research and analysis with enacting communication and cooperation with others so that group discussion while researching on a particular topic will explore more areas of research and identify better ways to support the adults. In this regard, the leaders of the organisational also must be supportive and arrange general meeting where the doctors and social acre professionals can share their feedback and discuss over a vast knowledge and understanding about the best practices to support the adults in the organisation and it is also considered as effective way to transfer the best practice of providing treatment and care to the individuals.

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Communication and collaboration are effective strategy through which the team members can develop multi agency working practice at the workplace as well as improve suitable professional culture in the organisation to support the adults with the best possible treatment and quality care to resolve their issues of learning disabilities and mental illness. In this regard, communication and collaborate working practice are important for the service providers to acknowledge the actual health needs and personal preferences of the adults as well as empower them in the care plan to provide the best possible treatment and support to them. It is beneficial for the care professionals to transfer the best practice to support the adults with severe learning disabilities and mental illness through arranging general meeting, open discussion, enhancing communication, partnership working practice, providing training and development program, online training and research activities so that the best practice for providing treatment can be transferred among the care professional and improve creativity and innovation to support the adults.

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Reference List

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