Critical Reflection on Workplace Incidents


Critical reflection is effective to discuss own experience in the workplace and critically analyse the workplace practices for developing further decision to run the organisation successfully by maximising own contribution. This reflective assessment is beneficial to discuss the workplace incident in the recent situation as well as analyse its impacts on the service users and also on the organisational staff, who are experienced to handle the operational activities. As a staff of the National Health Service (NHS) UK, I try to discuss the recent incident at the organisation which has significant impacts on the service users and the health care professionals. For those seeking guidance on similar issues, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights. Through this critical analysis, it is possible to identify the causes and consequences as well as explore alternative strategic planning to handle the incident by maintaining the NHS principles and ethical code of conduct.

Critically analysing the incident


In the recent pandemic era, the people are suffering from COVID 19 and all the people are booking their appointments for their vaccination in the UK. In the recent times, NHS has been declared the vaccination programs for the people aged between 18 and 20 years. The people rushed to make 721,469 appointments through the national booking service on Friday, more than 30,000 an hour or more than eight every second. I face difficulties to tackle critical situation for the NHS for handle the people and getting their vaccination done efficiently. Everyone aged 18 and over is being urged to arrange a jab if they have not yet had one as the health service enters, the final strategy to protect the country against the virus (NHS, 2021). It becomes critical for me as the NHS staff to handle such huge numbers of appointments in the organisation, to protect the individuals against the virus. It is a crucial situation for me to manage the people and provide them vaccination through maintaining the stock of vaccine, arranging slots for each member and managing health and safety during the vaccination process. The Health and social care secretary appreciated such movement of the young generation towards vaccination across the country and it is a testament to the fantastic work of the team in keeping as many as people safe from COVID 19 as possible (Pandya-Wood, Barron and Elliott, 2017). The health and social care professionals are also efficient to manage their activities and meet the job role by handling the people. However, it raises the demand of the individuals mainly the young people which becomes difficult for the health care professionals to provide adequate vaccination to the service users (NHS, 2021).

I feel that, the major causes of such situation are increasing the numbers of people getting infected due to COVID 19, as well as lack of availability of vaccination, poor management and increasing rush in the NHS with rising numbers of appointments. As the infection has been spreading rapidly, the individual aged and young people focus on getting vaccinated as soon as possible. Hence, the numbers of appointments is increasing at a rapid rate each day (Wykes, Lipshitz and Schueller, 2019). It becomes high time for the NHS to critically manage the situation and provides vaccination in a synchronised way (Robbins et al., 2021). I as health care staff at the NHS contribute efficiently through working with other health care staff in order to manage the whole operations and create values for the young generations and old aged people. It is our duty to provide vaccines as soon as possible to the people across the country and make safer world for future generation and protect the individuals against COVID 19. The services users are affected for this incident, where the appointments become delayed due to lack of vaccination available in the storage and also poor management (Griffin, 2021). The NHS staff members including me try to collaborate with each other and communicate with the individuals about their appointments and vaccine slots, so that the whole system can be controlled as a synchronised manner.

Ethical principles

As per the ethical principles, I focus on maintaining equality and diversity in the UK and try to handle the appointment through the computerised database system as well as utilise Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for better information management and enhancing communication with the services users. Additionally, I try to follow the ethical code of conduct including harmony and freedom to work, managing health and safety at the workplace, maintaining transparency and accountability as well as developing integrity in providing vaccination to all the people, appointing for it in the NHS. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 and Health and safety at Workplace Act 1972 are also managed well by the NHS staff (Dickerson et al., 2021). I try to focus on maintaining autonomy and justice to all the individuals as well as the ethical practice of developing patient centred care and partnership working practice are also helpful for me to meet the duty and workplace responsibility during this critical pandemic situation. We try to maintain health and safety at the NHS and protect the livelihood of the individuals. There are proper sanitisation, cleanliness, wearing gloves, masks and PPE kit, maintaining hygiene and infection control unit to protect the individuals and get their vaccination done under proper supervision and control.

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I as the NHS health care professional focus on collaborative working practice by developing engagement with the general physicians, therapist, doctors, nurses, social workers and infection control team to protect the individuals and help them to fight against COVID 19. Through synchronised manner and managing the patient information and appointments by the computerised digital database system will provide me a scope to handle such critical condition and manage huge numbers of appointments for vaccination. I try to manage the services users by following ethical principles of maintaining health and safety, equality and diversity, creating values for the patients and good infection control activities during vaccination. I try to develop strong team work in the NHS to work with others and handle huge numbers of people systematically so that they can get vaccination as per their schedule.

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Reference List

Dickerson, J., Lockyer, B., Moss, R.H., Endacott, C., Kelly, B., Bridges, S., Crossley, K.L., Bryant, M., Sheldon, T.A., Wright, J. and Pickett, K.E., 2021. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in an ethnically diverse community: descriptive findings from the Born in Bradford study. Wellcome Open Research, 6, p.23.

Griffin, S., 2021. Covid-19: Ethnicity vaccination gap narrows in England, but concerns remain. BMJ: British Medical Journal (Online), 372.

NHS, 2021. COVID jabs rush as NHS vaccine programme opens to all adults. [online] Available at: [Accessed on 20 June 2021].

Pandya-Wood, R., Barron, D.S. and Elliott, J., 2017. A framework for public involvement at the design stage of NHS health and social care research: time to develop ethically conscious standards. Research Involvement and Engagement, 3(1), pp.1-21.

Robbins, T., Baitule, S., Kyrou, I., Ray, P., Morgan, N., Berry, L. and Randeva, H., 2021. SARS-CoV-2 infection despite vaccination: an under-reported COVID-19 cohort. Clinical Medicine, 21(2), pp.e243-e243.

Wykes, T., Lipshitz, J. and Schueller, S.M., 2019. Towards the design of ethical standards related to digital mental health and all its applications. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 6(3), pp.232-242.

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