Developing Leadership For Health Promotion


The public health professionals must know about the leadership skills and must have proper knowledge regarding the management techniques. These are highly required in the public health sector so that leadership management can be processed properly. Special challenges are seen in the healthcare sector that is required to be solved by help of proper leadership skills and management techniques, often with healthcare dissertation help. Long term solutions and complex situations can be easily solved by the help of these leadership skills in the healthcare industry. Life and money can be easily saved by the help of application of these leadership skills in healthcare sectors. Various key aspects of leadership skills can be understood in this study. The transparency, learning failures, creativity and many other skills are required to be understood in the leadership. Collaborative leadership, conflict leadership, ethical leadership and functional result oriented leadership are some of the aspects that are required to be discussed in the professional healthcare industry here.



Public health leadership is practice that mobilizes the people, organization and variops of the communities in the public healthcare sector. The public healthcare professionals can become a good leader with proper vision and mission that can be handled properly in the organization. The leadership change is the influencing power that can enthusiast others by the leadership vision and sources that can be helpful in building a solid platform for the public healthcare sector. The leadership is a key to successful healthcare change. Skills, knowledge and attributes are important aspects of leadership that are required to be understood properly by the professional in the healthcare sector. Leadership can be successfully processed by proper communication between the followers and leaders. Self improvement, support, proper decisions are some of the important aspects of leadership in professional healthcare industries.


Two leadership theories

The leadership theories are required to be understood properly in the public healthcare industry so that a theory can be selected for the proper orientation here. The two leadership theories are going to be compared in this section and those are trait theory and behavioral theory. In Trait theory the personal traits of the leaders are reflected so that the key leadership can be understood in this section properly. Decision effectiveness of leadership can be easily reflected in this section of trait theory (Berg, 2018). An example of trait theory can be seen by Steve Jobs that began his career with 1300$ and later led the whole apple organization by around 700 millions dollars. Nearly around 50000 employers are formed in apple organizations worldwide. The research and development focus can be easily seen in his leadership skills. Thus through trait theory the decisiveness and intelligence can be easily seen to be evolved in this case (digitalcommons.psjhealth, 2020).

The other theory is contingency theory. The part that is still insufficient in trait theory is seen to be fulfilled in contingency theory. It is the interaction of personal leader traits, behavior and work environment for the successful completion of any task in the organization. Three kinds of contingency theory can be seen to be discussed are fiedler's theory, yetton contingency and path goal theory. The actual leadership and distance of leadership theory can be easily understood by this concept of contingency theory. The ability of influencing the subordinates is the prime objective of leaders in this case of contingency theory. An example of contingency theory can be seen is in military leaders who have a strict sense of discipline and leadership qualities. The mission objective and vision are all cleared in this contingency theory for the military. The commanding task and rules regulations are seen to be important aspects of this contingency theory (Laliberte, 2017). The Implementation of new technology and enterprise skills can be seen in this contingency theory. Foxconn organization is based on high skill enterprise and a large number of employees that have good interpersonal and leadership skills. To lead such a number of employees and provide a proper structure to the organization the leadership skills are required and contingency theory is a proper one to be helping the leadership skills in this organization.

The seven habits for leadership are required to be demonstrated that is part of NHS. These seven habits are generally for the ineffective people for the leadership skills. The first habit is for the treasury or the master key for the failures that organization will be facing. The proper decision making is being provided in this section. The second habit is of clear end in the mind. The third habit is doing things those are urgent and delaying those are not required right now. The fourth habit is of thinking in winning or losing terms so that successful completion of task can be oriented. The fifth habit is procuring the understandings that are required for the task and projects. The sixth one is understanding the failures that occurred and working on them. The seventh one fears of new changes and improvements that can be helpful for them (, 2020).

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There are famous two change models in organizational and those are lewin's change model and Kotter's eight steps for organizational changes. Lewin's organizational changes involve three steps of proper orientation. These steps are unfreezing, changing and refreezing. This model helps in assuming the change in planned and emphasizes any kind of changes that can be made. The breakings of old habits are seen in this theory (Cone, 2020). Communication is an important part for this theory for updating people regarding the knowledge and information to be reached to the people. Training, employee involvement, stress management and other skills are being taught so that the organizational changes can took place in an ethical manner. The second phase here is changing in which the real change occurs due to the model. Various of the new things are taught and understood here such as behavior, structures and many of the changeable things. The changes are reinforced in the refreezing part. The feedback and desired behavior are the important parts that helped in his model to work properly. The least resistant and possible change are being implied in which the possible changes are being followed by lewins model (academic.oup, 2020).

The Kottler model which is developed by John kottler has witnessed eight possible reasons for unsuccessful organizational changes involved. A focus is given to leading changes rather than managing those changes. This model is successful in determining that the upper layer of organization is responsible for leading the organization through changes required. A clear thought is possible from this part that the leading changes is possible from top to bottom or from bottom to top but the involvement of leaders are highly required so that the changes are possible to be executed in the organization. The eight steps given by Kottler can be demonstrated as follows:

  1. Sense of urgency: The need of those changes is to be demonstrated properly in this section (Small, 2020). An image is being presented before implementation of the changes in the organization.
  2. Guiding coalition: The group is formed so that the large groups can be handled easily in the organization. The individuals are brought together so that the skills, authority and responsibility of each individual can be understood properly.
  3. Establish a vision and strategy: a proper vision and strategy is being made so that the clear understanding for the next step can be performed easily here in this part.
  4. Communicating the changes required and the so that people can be benefitted from these strategically communication.
  5. The next is action to be performed in completion of these visions.
  6. Creating a short term wins can be proper method in recognizing the employee requirement and even the organizational needs so that changes can be initiated properly.
  7. A new approach and gains for the producing more changes are seen in this final step of Kottlers

Thus it can be understood that the two theories are useful one in organizational changes to be involved properly. According to lewins theory the main issues is being focused and solution revolves around those issues. The weakness is there is no such urgency and if change is not initiated before the time then the organization is seen to be in vain.

Kottlers strength is that it concentrates on all the aspect of changes that are seen in the organization. The cultural changes are possible through this theory. One of the weaknesses is that urgency is being talked about but the proper reason for that urgency is not kept into consideration (Chappell, 2016). Moreover the most experienced leaders and managers are required here for the implementation of those changes.

The community based health promotion can be promoted by creating a proper environment. The concept of workplace health promotion is an important aspect of this healthcare and helps in defining leadership, organizational culture. Collaboration with partners is an important one for developing the healthcare promotion in the organization. Proper and effective leadership can be helpful in enabling the proper environment and adequate resources so that can be used in the organization. The community based health programmed can be initiated by the help of leaders for understanding the healthy lifestyle, behavior, attitude, literacy and various other things related to the organization. As the group members the employees have the opportunity to gain a good information and knowledge regarding the healthy lifestyle and voluntary activities in the community (Žižek, 2017). A lot of diseases are also spreading due to improper health and thus the leadership are required for the promotion of health programmes. Various of stakeholders and experienced are required for the health programme initiation for knowledge to be spread among the people. Thus good health can be maintained by the health promotion at schools and communities. The first priority is given to family and parents so that the nurturing and protection can be done properly to the children’s. The resources and the local healthcare centres are important ones in promoting for healthcare institutes.


Thus it can be concluded that the leadership and leadership changes are highly required in public healthcare centers. The key leadership skills are demonstrated in this study with the demonstration of two theoretical aspects of leadership to be involved in the organization. Key aspects of leadership such as innovation, creativity and many others are being demonstrated in this paper easily. The two leadership changes theory are also defined those are lewins theory and kottlers. The strength and weakness of these two theories are defined easily in the study and compared for a proper understanding. Community healthcare professionals and leaderships are being described here easily.

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Reference list


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