Through the framework of effective quality management, as a manager, it is important to understand the key terms and the application of the best care and the services within the health and social care sector (Nelson, 2016). This is best applied in the cases, that can primarily focus on the productivity and efficiency required for the health care practices and services to be able to deliver at par with the quality maintenance. To be able to improve services that can focus on the users’ health care sector it must be able to apply the basic principle, guidelines along with the procedures that are under the direction and regulation of the government or industry authorities. For those pursuing academic excellence in this area, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights and support.
The role of the stakeholder is crucial and needs to focus on the health and social care services that can bring out an opinion and perspective related to the quality. it is best applied to the care and the standard practices and the application to the given health care home (Charalambous, 2008). To have a service that can bring out satisfaction to any of the stakeholders that can focus on the quality.
Such as service providers can assess quality through the budget, HR issues and reputation; employers spot through effectively employing budget and retaining employees; the view of professional/general practitioners on quality might be on managing drugs; and commissioners may view from standards, staff fit, and complaints. To have a visionary idea of the important stakeholders, the integration of the service users’ perspectives needs to be focused on the quality along with the setup of the particular health care. Such as for the patients’ there needs to be a standard measurement of quality care along with the treatment which is best applied to the hospital staff and to abide by the clauses of the dignity, confidentiality, and safety. To practice the patient safety indicators, it would lead to more chaos such as more waiting time for the process and the medical procedures to abide by.
in healthcare such as the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Care Quality Commission, Government, Healthcare service commissioners, etc. External bodies of the organization set proper rules and standards to ensure the quality of the organisation however the perspective of each organization can differ from one to another. Care Quality Commission (CQC), which has to ensure strict action to bring the best facilities for obtaining care as provided by the GP surgeries, hospital facilities along with the other practices.
The patient who uses service is identified as a service user who is the main stakeholder for the healthcare organisation. The service users should receive the best quality of service from the healthcare organization. Each healthcare organization needs to work accordingly to meet the service user’s need. If not met properly then the healthcare organizations need to find the appropriate reason and need to work hard to get.
To have a rile of the external agencies their needs to have an integration of the good quality of services along with providing a standard of care. It is important to abide by the external agencies work and ensures steps for the National Institute to include the clinical excellence along with the proper care of the Care Quality Commission and even includes the other parties such as the Health Service Commissioners or the local authorities. Each of the agencies has the role to provide extensive quality care. Such as the National Institute for Clinical Excellence: which would be able to provide extensive care to promote good health that can help to prevent and treat ill health. It is also essential for the Service providers to be able to include the training outcomes with respect to the National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidelines that can help to provide comprehensive medical conditions.
Care Quality Commission: To ensure steps to have a local authority the core role is to provide an NHS along with the crucial role of the private companies along with the voluntary organization that would be adhered by the CQC. The core role is to focus on the areas of the cleanliness along with care quality and taking comprehensive actions.
Health Care Inspectors: Their role is to monitor and checks all activities within the health and social care facilities. They are carrying out its tasks and published its finding scale rating to help the facilities make choices about their service.
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External agencies play a huge role in health and social care and as a manager in a hospital, I can say that we benefit from all expertise of different agencies. For example, while CQC ensures that we provide a safe environment for our patients, and high quality of service. MHRA ensure medicines and care device and equipment work in acceptably safe and professional manner.
The poor quality of service related to some accident that has occurred in our hospital. This incident will create a negative image for our hospital. And will have consequences such as funding, resources, spirit of the employees, damaging the reputation, and trust of our patients, which means these issues need to be addressed rapidly and effectively. To have a core role in the health care sector that can provide extensive care of the service quality that would deal with the negative impact created upon the stakeholders.
There are steps that need to be made:
Each of the stakeholder temperament needs to be exclusive of the cases that have to deal with the poor quality of services that would be able to provide health care. The role of the service users that always experience poor service and also ensuring proper steps for the which is essentially required. To even include the role of the service user it has to ensure that it is able to provide the best consultant. Maintain stability within the thinking standards of the stakeholder’s perspective that can abide by the quality measures required for the hospital industry. There is also a need for the quality standard that can bring out a change, through the proper coordination along with steps to provide proper quality care. Proving equivalent training for practicing the right methodologies in doing their work of quality care and according to our policies and procedures. Motivation and creating a positive environment will boost their spirit and confident to achieve good quality for our service users. Management needs to identify the causes of the incidents and necessary action need to take accordantly and in an effective manner. Monitoring will help to put an efficient and specific arrangement in working place.
There is always a prevalence step to provide a quality against and abide by the performance of health care that would be measured. For having a proper standard and care, it also has to abide by the measurement safe along with providing an effective practice. There is a need to provide support for better practice and regulation to abide by health care. To be able to receive the right care and support for the health along with social care. There is also a need for the person-centred approach to provide comprehensive facilitated care through quality standards. There is also a step to provide an implementing along with providing a specific standard within the health care sector error that would also be inclusive of the reduced steps to provide quality care and increased. In order to have a comprehensive Care Quality Commission that can provide proper quality and safety standards along with the procedure to abide by the record keeping. For having the recordkeeping standard practices, the role of the staff is to be able to provide proper care, unsafe practices and also to be able to provide an incorrect treatment along with the care standard. CQC standards to provide a high quality of care and to include a proper patient's treatment and to abide by the medical condition and also be able to provide care that can churn out services and provide a regular basis. It even has to maintain records that would be easily accessible
In order to apply the TQM, it even has to apply a framework of the quality management processes and would include key strengthening practices which would be focused on the standard services and care.
There are different approaches to implementing the quality system has been discussed:
Benchmarking practice: To include the quality system it needs to abide by the benchmarking practices that can freely use a method of the comparison. It also needs to include the quality and care and an edge for the competitive organisation. With the best approach of the comparison best, there is also a need to have the best organization practices (Archer, 2019).
Action Plan: An action plan requests to be completed to make sure everyone at Hospital is clear about the situation of what would be happening with the implementation of the quality system.
Communication: All information needs to be shared between the stakeholders. It must be clear that what set of information is to be shared with professionals, with regulatory bodies, with care workers, with managers and other agencies. This help to have feedback from the patients and the service providers, to ensure the quality of services are provided and if adjustment needed, a suitable strategic approach is to be planned for further improvements.
Flexibility: It is also very important to adopt the changes in this changing environment either because of technology development or incidents. The staff and the board members need to be flexible enough to accept and adopt the new changes readily.
Using these approaches will maintain a good quality of service in our hospital.
The inclusive role of the RUH and it would help to provide hospital that would be able to achieve a quality standard such as highlighted below-:
Legislation: It would lead to face off the legal issues. It would even create a controversy that can deter the hospital’s image along with the quality of care that would be affected. It would also lead to a warning notice given by the CQC standard that can lead to further inspection.
Social policy: There would also be a consequent step to require for the service user to provide the highest quality level along with proper safety standards to be promoted along with a value for money to rightfully provide measuring techniques (Vivien Martin, 2010).
Risks: Due to some quality related incidents, the hospital is at risk of its quality management.
Lack of Communication: It can lead to conflict between two people and have a direct effect on the quality. In health and social care, it is essential to maintain good communication either with internal or external stakeholders. This would help to the standardised improvement of the communication existing in between the two people: There would be a rightful step to create a staff along with a proper attitude required for the quality care and the positive practices for the healthcare.
Resistance to change: Some employees find it hard or they don’t want to adopt any kind of changes rather they are happy with the current working practice. In times of changes for the benefit of the quality system here, these kinds of workers stay back. This affects their performance and knowledge.
To have a proper Organisational structure: It would help to bring out the changes in structure that can help to maintain a quality standard. The inbuilt requirement of the core values, ethics and to abide by the proper training (White, 2008).
The effectiveness of the different system, policies and procedures are evaluated that are being used by NHS in order to achieve quality in its services. Herein, it assessed that the NHS possess quality and safeguarding team that follows the system of quality assurance. The given system will tend to provide information about the safety, effectiveness as well as the experience of patients. The given system is very much effective, because it tracks the type of performance which is being given by NHS to its patients. Thus, if the firm finds any deviation in its services then it will take timely action with an aim to mitigate the same. It is through this way only quality in the services of NHS is assured. However, it is to be evaluated that, the system of quality assurance will work best, if it is to be regularly updated as per the services of NHS. If this will not happen, the NHS cannot attain its quality services related goals and objectives. Besides this, it is also identified that the firm follows continual improvement quality policy. In this regard, it has the team of individuals who regularly dictate the flaws or the weaknesses that are incurring in its operation. In this regard, it can be said that, it is being considered as an effectual approach. This is because by using the given technique manager of a firm can take an instant action in relation to the incidents of improper management of medicines. On the other hand, it is through such type of activity only a firm can avoid the repetition of such a situation in the future in an effectual manner (Hatem, Halabi-Nassif and Maroun, 2018). As a result of this, NHS can deliver high-quality services to its respective patients. However, it is to be critically evaluated that, continual improvement approach is effective, but sometimes it becomes a very costly affair for the firm. On the other hand, on a daily basis firm do not have that much time that it should perform the work of evaluation on a regular basis. The given type of thing could hamper the service quality of the NHS. So, consideration should be given to the same. There are some factors, examined that influence the NHS with regard to providing a high quality of services to the patients. One of the factors could be unavailability of skilled and talented healthcare individuals. Herein, it is examined that, the success of any healthcare services totally depends on the individuals who are working in the firm. For example, if the firm does not possess a skilled individual who is able to understand the problem of patients then in this situation, the NHS is not able to deliver high-quality services to its patients. This thing will tend to have a direct impact on the brand image of the NHS. Furthermore, the sales and profitability related condition of the firm will also be impacted in a negative way.
In addition to this, the poorly defined management system is being regarded as another factor which will also influence the quality of the services which is being given by National Health Services in an effectual manner. In terms of poorly define management, it can be said that with an aim to deliver high-quality services the system of healthcare firm should be open, and it should listen to the problem which is being communicated by both the patients as well as the employees to its upper-level management. For example, the patients have given a complaint about the ineffective medicine supply from the department of NHS. In this regard, it is the responsibility of cited firm management where it should take instant action in relation to the given complaint. This is due to the reason that, if not taken then in this situation the whole working practices of the firm will be impacted. This thing will also affect the satisfaction level of the patients in an effectual way (Rosen and et al., 2018). However, this can be made it possible if the healthcare firm will have a good and defined system, where each and every complaint is given significant importance. Thus, if the given thing will be lacked then the goal of quality cannot be accomplished by the manager of NHS in an effectual way. Furthermore, it can also be said that the quality goals of NHS cannot be achieved if does not frame any kind of strict policy in relation to the same. The policy has a vital role in healthcare firm. It tends to provide guidance in relation to the aspect which needs to be accomplished. Overall, it can be said that these are some major policies which an impact on the NHS practices of will have attaining quality goals. There are some ways examined that can be used by the manager of NHS with an aim to improve the quality of services which is being delivered by it. At first, it is suggested to the manager of National Health Services that it should try in terms of raising the skill of those employees who are not efficient at their work. This can be done by arranging the training and development related programs for the employees. Herein, it can be stated that, with an aim to assess the training need of employees, NHS should comply with the technique like training need analysis. By using this tool, the firm can get information about the specific skill which it needs to improve among its employee. Thus, by working as per the same significant improvement in the skill of NHS employees can be carried out.
Additionally, it is also recommended that, NHS should follow open communication type of policy, in which a manager of NHS should make effort in terms of making the environment of the firm, in such a manner, so that each stakeholder can freely share their discontentment in relation to the services are given by NHS in an effectual way (Canedo and, 2018). This will help in improving the quality of services given by the healthcare firm. On the other hand, it is also suggested that, NHS should form a strict quality related policy. Here, punishment should be given to that specific employee of a firm who does not follow the policy. It is through such type of activities only the quality goals of National Health Services can be accomplished.
From the conducted analysis, it can be concluded that, it is important for the healthcare firms that they should comply with the quality-related policy. This is because the given thing will enable them in the task for delivering high-quality services to the patients.
Nelson, R., & Staggers, N. (2016). Health Informatics-E-Book: An Interprofessional Approach. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Penfold, R.B. and Zhang, F., 2013. Use of interrupted time series analysis in evaluating health care quality improvements. Academic pediatrics, 13(6), pp. S38-S44.
Rosen, M.A., and, 2018. Teamwork in healthcare: Key discoveries enabling safer, high-quality care. American Psychologist, 73(4), p.433.
Siriwardena, A.N., 2009. Using quality improvement methods for evaluating healthcare. Quality in primary care, 17(3), pp.155-159.
Vivien Martin, Julie Charlesworth, Euan Henderson (2010). Managing in Health and Social Care. UK: Routledge
White, K (2008). An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness. ISBN 978-∙ 1412918794.
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