Enhancing Collaboration in Health and Social Care

Elements of the partnership

Partnership-based working in health and social care brings separate organisations so that they can benefit from collective expert power-sharing and resources (Helmers and Kaplan, 2016). The goal of the partnership is to enhance the level of efficiency. The partnership additionally works on improving quality related to service provision, as partners are working to achieve a typical milestone, which is providing a better quality of care to the patients. Working in partnership is a critical component of practice within the domain of health and social care services. De Vries et al. (2016), define collaboration as a working relationship where more than one permission and work in conjunction to improve the lives of vulnerable children and adults within the system of care. For the partnership to be active, vital elements, need to be observed by staff. These elements are a source of collaboration and include respect for one another, joint decision making independence and empowerment (Nyström et al. 2018). Business to be successful, the partners with one another must have the presence of respect within the partnership makes it easier for the partner to work collaboratively. Working within the health and social care should embrace connection for each other to maximize the positive outcome in regards to partnership working (McKimm, 2017). Nurses in several hospitals respect the patients and perceive them as their partners, ensuring collaborative work with them for improving the lives of vulnerable adults. The partnership should be based on the premise of empowerment. Partners should empower one another for better work outcomes (Emmanuel, 2017). Accessing healthcare dissertation help can also be beneficial for professionals seeking to explore this topic further.


Another scenario involving the local police authority and health and social care empowered one another with required resources inclusive of information for better protection to the patients. Another essential element of the partnership is the sharing of power that demands the professionals and patients to work together in some instances (Towe et al. 2016). Individual hospitals view patients as equal partners and thus, were able to work together, finding the best way to meet the care needs of the patient. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and nurses were reluctant to sharing power with the patients. Finally, the independence of a partner is an essential term in partnership working (Blank et al. 2019). While working in a partnership, it is vital that the partner respects the independence of others, allowing the members to remain fully committed in collaboration without losing the ability to exercise governance.

There are differences in working practices and policies that may affect collaborative working. Towle et al. (2016), stated that partnership tends to provide better outcomes when the partner has a high level of similarity in working practices and policies. Gaining a partner with a similar working perspective is difficult. It is for the same reason most health and social care workers find partners whose working style is different from their own style. These differences are issues that can affect collaborative working in a negative way. For example, Cunningham et al. (2018), mentioning the working practice of a partner gives rise to a disagreement while wanting to achieve a common goal. In some instances, working policies and practices between partners defer forming partnership operating agreements become impossible. Transparency can be termed as one of the most critical aspects of health and social care. As per the study conducted by Abd-Elrhaman and Ghoneimy (2018), transparency makes the practitioners accountable for their activities, leading to better patient outcomes. The element of transparency in health and social care can improve safety and efficiency and quality of healthcare throughout the system irrespective of the competition or availability of clinical benchmarks. Transparency is accompanied by the element of honesty and honesty matters to the patient. Patients need honesty because they are vulnerable and burdened with queries that demand truthful answers. As stated by Turkan and Cemaloglu (2016), high levels of transparency, coupled with honesty, helps the patient to cooperate better with the healthcare professionals. The aspect of transparency demands the health and social care professionals to inform the patient about their medical condition and possible way of treatment. Honesty is vital to the doctor and the other medical professionals. A loss of reputation for reliability in medical practice means the end of a profession (Moeta and du Rand, 2019). Employees will be happier knowing where the organisation is headed and where they fit into the picture if the employees tend to be well informed about the internal operations on its communications tribes making the collaboration effective and productive. Current patients are likely to appreciate integrity coupled with continued efforts to keep them updated of any changes happening in medical treatment. The patients will know that health care provides care about them and offer the resources as part of loyalty within the scope of services (Kiss et al. 2020). In addition to that, the potential patient gets to see the brand that the healthcare organisation has built by being transparent in nature.

However, it should be noted that partnership can reserve a situation where the employees will deliver improved services and consequently work on improving the well-being of the patients. Nevertheless, there exist specific adverse outcomes for the patience that suggest miscommunication giving rise to neglect (Eleftherakos et al. 2018). Communication is the key while collaborating and an efficient way of working with diverse people. It is crucial to make use of the right communication means and sharpen the skills while working in partnership with external organisations, patient colleagues or their families. Lack of training among the partners, coupled with the difference in priorities and values, can give rise to issues in collaborative partnership (Morley and Cashell, 2017). Hence, it can be conclusively stated it is vital for the health and social care workers to operate in a collaborative manner with other professionals in order to provide the best care. This is inclusive of both unpaid and paid workers as well as friends and family members each person in this collaborative work as a role to play and no character are less important than any other

Importance of partnership

There exist several kinds of partnerships for different reasons that can help in developing care. Partners help in generating ideas for developing services others will help in designing engagement related activities while sharing the needed skills and knowledge for obtaining the perceived success (Manthorpe et al. 2018). Partnership in health and social care can help in developing relationships with different stakeholders. Partnership, the external organisation, can work on inspiring great ideas. Inspiring particles help in the process of creativity, which can be enjoyable working as a part of the team. External partners from a different field of research can complement the organizational activity by adding more excellent rates of interest for the prospective audience (O’Dwyer, Sweeney and Cormican, 2017). Experience from the external partners can have better ideas in regards to engagement related activities for guiding the demands of care through unfamiliar processes and helping in current professional development. Partners have expertise in a series of important things such as understanding the need for services of the target audience and ways to provide a specific function. External partners can work on giving scope for contribution to their own activities. It may be that the care service provider can work on supporting what they are doing rather than investing something on their own (Campbell, Ioakimidis and Maglajlic, 2019). The right kind of collaboration with external partners can help in reaching a new audience. Partner may have access to members of the target audience and thus, can work on bringing better profit margins to the care. As per the study conducted by Rossi (2019), health and social care operate across organisational and geographical boundaries. It is for the same reason the organisations need to share relevant information. Common examples of working with external partners are inclusive of the following (Jameson, 2017):

global account management with the demands of the customer relates to a single point of contact for gaining high profile service relationship

outsourcing, and off shoring work to different location leading to complex management

complete supply chain with product and services move from one place to another being in physically interdependent in nature

Engaging with external stakeholders or partners across boundaries demand increasing with people from different cultures, commercial interest and organisation, and it is for the same reason that the care needs to update their existing skill. Issues in managing relationships with external partners.

The element of partnership often involves preparing both parties for managing the challenges associated with human resources they are likely to face in the transition of managing future relationships. Developing and strengthening of virtual team members with the company needs corporations for delivering the results (Shdaimah and Strier, 2020). Identifying specific issues between the organisations suggests a difference in corporate culture and commercial behaviour is a major hindrance while working with external partners. Several organisations tend to spend a lot of money in managing relationships with external partners (Smiley, 2018).

Partnership with colleagues

The key aim of the essay is to identify the fundamental principle of working with colleagues. A study conducted by Samuel (2018), stuff to define partnership characterized by good or bad partnership considering which should be underpinned for working. There can be limitless interpretation in regards to a partnership that may explain why colleagues were in general inclined to discuss practical experiences of partnership rather than involving actual abstract concepts (Martin et al. 2018). However, there is a term implied where a fair number of relevant threats are evident. Partnership with colleagues is a long term relationship; it can be either formal or informal word; it is the quality rather than the form which works on determining the success of the partnership. A strong concept would be that partnership is based on different interests working together for becoming more than the sum of their parts. Partnerships work on needing a sense of shared objectives and aims while providing space for difference and disagreement (Nixon, Elliott and Henderson, 2019).

Despite the difference in perception, there is a strong commitment to partnership working throughout the process of business operation. However, participants of colleagues need to be careful about pointing out the commitment having definite limits and confrontational approach when they envisage benefits from their work. Perception related to partnership can be contradictory; for instance, Witter et al. (2020), argued in general for an informal approach while demanding others that remit their responsibilities should be in formalised writing. Internal participants or the employees are open to discuss their understanding of partnership and recognise there remains a lack of transparency around aspects of partnership working. The aspect of negotiation is termed as an important component while working with colleagues. Negotiation is termed as an important element between interest for settlement on particular issues and not all methods of partnership are suitable for this engagement. On the other hand the power of veto of the partner accepts the process of policy development (Chiumento et al. 2016). The importance of recognizing that is history coldest who have the final say and accountable for the decisions being made

Individual and family

A feature associated with partnership working is honesty, trust and openness with the shared perception of clear communication. Partnership working is the heart of the agenda improving outcome and making the services effective (Moran et al. 2017). However working as an individual it demands more than just open communication channels, it demands understanding oneself. At an individual level a person needs to understand the strengths and weaknesses for enhancing their performance at work. While working with the family, an individual needs to adopt proactive measures for increasing the level of productivity exponentially. Staying in touch is of prime importance, as lack of communication is a common reason that partnership fails effective communication can help in building relationships and the people engaged (Holm, Berland and Severinsson, 2017). Thus, it is important to maintain regular contact with the partners and schedule appointments to check-in; reflecting the progress continuously and adjusting when necessary is a great way of promoting healthy partnership. Hence, it is important to manage the project and meet the deadlines while informing the best way to manage partnership in near future

Barriers in partnership and ways to overcome them

Families with different perceptions, in regards to support from arrange a professional different from extremely positive and supportive to poor quality facilities are difficult to manage (Bertone et al. 2018). The factors may make the family feel unsupported and have a profound impact on families’ quality of life. Visibly aware of the difficulties a family may experience while trying to gain access to health and social care related services, support can be termed as a two empathising with the circumstances making the adjustment to work the way professionals want to. The professional there exist several factors creating barriers to working with families inclusive of the following (Kapur and Baez, 2017)

limited amount of resources and time

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lack of training and trust from the family members

A higher number of caseloads coupled with a lack of appropriate services.

Working in collaboration with other external organisations cannot be termed as in easy ventures as it comes with various challenges. The prime barrier to work in collaboration within the domain of health and social care can be noticed at various levels (Trezona, Dodson and Osborne, 2017). Certain healthcare organisations that support the top-down management style rather than open, collaborative inter-professional approach concentrates on the patient-centred approach of care. Additionally, there remains gap incompetence, lack of skills and knowledge between the workers (unqualified social worker completing a task of a qualified social worker) backed up with a lack of understanding about the possible responsibilities and roles. The barriers to partnership working are as follows (Fell et al. 2017):

Structural barriers can cause trouble while establishing a partnership in health and social care as services are divided among the organisation based on the partnership; however, a particular organisation may not be ready to take up the task provided. Secondly, procedural barriers discuss the particular procedures to handle a specific demand for services and the customer's need (Nyström and Strehlenert, 2020). The difference in procedure could make things worse than making them better as the policy of working needs to be changed while the partnership is established. The financial barriers add the difference in a private organisation, and this type of difference in financial sources could create problems in partnership. Finally, it is the professional barrier, as every organisation has its own set of professional rules based on which they are unlikely to operate their activities (Gureje et al. 2019). When organisation with different values involved in profession partnership the need to respect each other professional interest in order to avoid chaos in partnership

There is no doubt that organisations differ in their ability to collaborate and set up an individual team. A unique combination of cultural, interpersonal and organizational creates barriers to collaboration. One of the effective ways of dealing with this problem is conducting a survey for identifying the behaviour that hinders collaboration within the health and social care organisation (Tung et al. 2019). Leaders perceive the dysfunctional behaviour is creating challenges for team collaboration. They need to customise solutions for addressing the specific barriers existing within the health and social care organisation. The leaders need to motivate the employees to change the behaviour preventing employee burnout or diminishing the success related to the effectiveness of collaboration across the business unit (Ness et al. 2016).

A successful partnership is vital to make sure that the patient gains the most positive early care experience. Continuity is essential during the first incident; so it is critical practitioners can mimic the health care routine within the setting, meeting up to the realistic expectation of the patient (Bell et al. 2019). Communication is highly essential as it gives provision to both the service providers and users to know about one another while fostering better understanding between them. In order to answer these challenges, it is essential to devise a wide range of strategies that can be implemented for improving the partnership based outcome in health and social care. These are inclusive of improving communication while establishing a framework for resource sharing. Communication is cited as one of the essential aspects of active partnership. As influenced by Airhihenbuwa (2018), without sharing relevant information, there is no way a partnership can be developed and sustained. A lack of information may give rise to getting care where the patient is not aware of their medical condition, or the doctor is not aware of the mental health of social requirements of the patient hence giving rise to a gap in care. The outcome in terms of partnership working can be rightly achieved; the resources are equally distributed and shared among the partners (Racko et al. 2019).

Changes in the system demand complex intervention and cross-sector partnership to face the task of addressing intricate social problems by aligning different cultural backgrounds and resources (de Vries et al. 2019). Among the challenges in partnership is linking the type of partnership to the intervention that drives change. Health intervention strategies are increasingly based on theories of change. Application of theories of change is a requirement but reply admission of the partnership for enhancing the potential associated with transformation. As stated by Nyström et al. (2018), the theory of change is not limited to provide justice to the complexity of the partnership problems. Since the dynamics of a partnership are complicated and challenging themselves, disagreement over the right kind of change strategy is likely to hamper rather than enhancing the level of productivity. As argued by McKimm (2017), specific combinations of partnership and problem are likely to bring success. However, it should be noted that the change is gradual and needs to be brought about with time. Certain changes can disturb the equilibrium and cause a shift of concentration from the core competencies (Emmanuel, 2017). The shift of concentration has a greater manifestation on the health outcomes and productivity of the organisation that it operates with a collaborative partnership.

Ways to deal with conflict while working in collaboration

Collaboration is one of the excellent ways to handle work-related conflict (Towe et al. 2016). When people are collaborating there remains a maximum concern for the maintenance of relationships on both sides. However, often due to a difference in professional perception, it becomes impossible to avoid conflicts, and it is for the same reason collaboration emerges as an unfortunate event. As stated by Blank et al. (2019), conditions for successful collaboration can include willingness to resolve conflict coupled with finding the root cause of all the problems. Both the parties involved in collaboration need to exhibit interest in understanding the root cause of the problem and acting accordingly. A conflict is termed as a situation where the values, needs of the involved parties interfere with one another and gets addressed (Towle et al. 2016). In a collaborative partnership within the workplace, conflicts are inevitable and common. The professionals may have different priorities and configure. However, Cunningham et al. (2018) argued the fact that conflicts are not always a bad thing. Conflict can provide scope for improvement, and it is important to understand various conflict management techniques that can work on enhancing the level of productivity.

Confronting the problem provides an attempt to work the other person to find a suitable path for addressing the issue that satisfies concern of both the parties. The win-win approach perceives conflict resolution as a scope that is mutually beneficial for the event of collaboration. A study conducted by Kiss et al. (2020), proposes strategies for resolving conflict, including avoiding defeat, compromising accommodating and collaborating with the respective partners. This is based on the assumption of how people choose to cooperate with one another during the course of the conflict. Furthermore, competing for the cell of conflict is when an individual asserts his or her position with total disregard of perception provided by others. A symptom that competing style of conflict has overpowered partnership includes the participation of the team members, coupled with angry outbursts (Forbat et al. 2017). The avoiding style of conflict occurs when no one is satisfied with the collaboration. This style is often performed to delay project progress and accompanied by the symptoms of low level in foot force decision breakdown in the modes of communication and problems that could have been solved earlier provided enough attention was imported to the issue. The compromising style of conflict works to find the middle ground between everyone's perception (Sexton and Orchard, 2016). The symptoms of collaboration are missing the mark of project goals and cynicism. The collaborating style of conflict aims to satisfy the conflict by respecting perceptions put forward by healthcare professionals, family members and social workers. Finally the accommodating style, working in a joint effort with other outer associations can't be named as in simple endeavours as it accompanies different difficulties (Timofe et al. 2017). The prime boundary to work in a joint effort inside the space of well-being and social consideration can be seen at different levels. Certain associations that help top-down administration style instead of open collective inter-professional approach focuses on the quietly focused methodology of care. Moreover, stays a hole in fitness, absence of abilities and information between the laborers (inadequate social specialist finishing an assignment of qualified social laborer) supported up with absence of comprehension about the potential obligations and jobs. The obstructions to association working are as per the following (Forbat et al. 2017):

Basic hindrances can raise problems while building up an association in well-being and social consideration; as administrations are separated among the association depends on the organisation; anyway, a specific association may not be prepared to take up the undertaking given (Bertone et al. 2018). The distinction in method could exacerbate the situation than improving them as the strategy of working should be changed while the organisation is set up. The monetary hindrances include contrast in private association and this sort of distinction in budgetary sources could make issues in organisation (Fell et al. 2017). At long last, it is the expert boundary, as each association has its own arrangement of expert standards dependent on which they are probably not going to work their exercises. At the point when association with various qualities engaged with calling organisation the need to regard each other expert enthusiasm for request to maintain a strategic distance from mayhem in organisation (Gureje et al. 2019)

There is no uncertainty that associations contrast in their capacity to work together and set up an individual group. One of the successful methods for managing this issue is directing a review for recognising the conduct that blocks coordinated effort inside the well-being and social consideration association (Tung et al. 2019). Pioneers see the useless conduct making difficulties for group cooperation they have to redo answers for tending to the particular boundaries existing inside the well-being and social consideration association. The pursuers need to rouse the workers to change the conduct, forestalling representative burnout or lessening the achievement identified with the viability of coordinated effort over the specialty unit (Bell et al. 2019).

a coordinated effort is one of the superb approaches to deal with business-related clashes (Airhihenbuwa, 2018). At the point when individuals are working together there stays most extreme worry for support of connections on the two sides. Anyway regularly because of distinction in proficient recognition it gets difficult to maintain a strategic distance from clashes and it is for a similar explanation coordinated effort rises as an ineffective occasion. As expressed by Forbat et al. (2017), conditions for effective joint effort can incorporate eagerness to determine strife combined with finding the main driver of the considerable number of issues. Both the gatherings associated with joint effort need to show enthusiasm for understanding the main driver of the issue and acting in a manner. A contention is named as a circumstance where the qualities, needs of the included gatherings meddle with each other gets tended to. In a community-oriented organisation inside work environments clashes are unavoidable and normal. The experts may have various needs and arrange, includes the colleagues making a hole in care. Notwithstanding, Timofe et al. (2017) contended the way that contentions are not constantly a terrible thing. A contention can give a degree to progress, and it is essential to comprehend different peacemaking strategies that can take a shot at upgrading the degree of profitability.


Based on personal experience, I conceive the idea that partnership working is a critical path to embrace. The complexity remains in the challenges faced due to two examinations of different perception and professional behaviour. I feel developing my communication skills can work on expressing me in a better way. Partnership or collaboration demands an intensive understanding of differences in perspective. I think agreement opens a broader manifestation of experience that is gained with the passage of time. In relation to knowledge, do have a theoretical knowledge of collaboration and partnership; however, there is a lack of knowledge on a deeper level.

In order to develop and improve partnership in working, I plan to remain open to changes and new ideas. For a partnership to be successful, it is vital that the partners with one another have the presence of respect within the partnership makes it easier for the partner to work in a collaborative manner. The objective of the organisation is to upgrade the degree of productivity and quality identified with administration arrangement as all the accomplices are attempting to accomplish a typical achievement, which is giving better nature of care to the patients. Working in an organisation is a crucial segment of training inside the area of well-being and social consideration administrations. Nyström and Strehlenert (2020), characterize an organisation as a working relationship where more than one consent and work in coordinated effort to improve the life of defenceless kids and grown-ups inside the arrangement of care. For the organisation to be powerful vital components should be seen by staff. These components are a wellspring of organisation and incorporate regard for each other, joint dynamic freedom and strengthening.

My strength that can enhance collaboration is patience. The partnership to show the practical and expected result time needs to be invested. An investment of time is crucial and may if there is no patience involved. The strength may not be enough to obtain the expected outcomes from collaboration as a weakness at times may overpower the strength. My vulnerability in regards to the current aspect is self-critical. It can be arranged in such a way that being self-critical often demands might run certain events again and again until I reach perfection. Working as a professional in the health and social care demands utmost attention and fulfillment. Being self-critical gives me a scope to reflect on my actions and improve my existing skills. I plan to enhance my current practice by understanding the areas of the professional gap. My current weakness can be termed as a significant gap in my professional behaviour, working in partnership or even individually often demands quick reaction and decision making. Harbouring a self-critical perspective and waiting for perfection each time may lead to unfortunate outcomes if the right decision is not taken on time. Partnership working can be measured through the level of satisfaction my colleagues and I obtain working with one another. In other terms, it can also be stated the better rates of outcome for the patients availing care from the collaborative partnership is a significant way of determining the effectiveness of the collaboration. In future, I plan to keep a journal and record my perspective and perception in relation to collaborative working the ways I can overcome the challenges faced during the course of working with the prime objective to improve patient care.

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Research Proposal Samples

Academic services materialise with the utmost challenges when it comes to solving the writing. As it comprises invaluable time with significant searches, this is the main reason why individuals look for the Assignment Help team to get done with their tasks easily. This platform works as a lifesaver for those who lack knowledge in evaluating the research study, infusing with our Dissertation Help writers outlooks the need to frame the writing with adequate sources easily and fluently. Be the augment is standardised for any by emphasising the study based on relative approaches with the Thesis Help, the group navigates the process smoothly. Hence, the writers of the Essay Help team offer significant guidance on formatting the research questions with relevant argumentation that eases the research quickly and efficiently.

DISCLAIMER : The assignment help samples available on website are for review and are representative of the exceptional work provided by our assignment writers. These samples are intended to highlight and demonstrate the high level of proficiency and expertise exhibited by our assignment writers in crafting quality assignments. Feel free to use our assignment samples as a guiding resource to enhance your learning.

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