Enhancing Professional Growth in Healthcare


Self-reflection is highly important in healthcare that enables the nursing and care professionals to evaluate their personal and professional abilities thereby shaping their skills. Reflective practice is associated with determining own strength and weaknesses that assist an individual to make an effective action plan in terms of promoting his or her personal and professional development. This reflective essay aims to reflect on how practise themes can be implemented into health and social care practice by an adult care nurse to promote effective learning and professional development. This reflective essay will present a reflective analysis of their performance and learning by using the practice themes. Moreover, the essay will also discuss how the evaluation of holistic professional development and learning on own career journey can assist a adult nurse to promote their own personal and professional development, similar to how healthcare dissertation help can guide research in the field.

Implementation of practice theme as a framework for reflection: (LO2)

As mentioned by Reljić et al. (2019), in self-reflection in health and social care, the care staffs must reflect on their abilities to effective implementation of all the practices’ themes into the practice. Currently, I work as an adult nurse in a local healthcare centre. During my practice, I try my best to implement all the practice themes into practice, which enabled me to develop my knowledge and expertise in maintaining the professional standard and values. Under NMC (2015), health and social care professional must follow the regulation, law and ethical practices in their workplace. I implemented this practice into practices by obeying all the ethical and statutory guidelines in terms of meeting the professional values and maintaining the professional standard. As stated by Reljić et al. (2019), health and social care staffs must understand the health social care policy, regulations and ethics in terms of maintaining professional integrity. Throughout my practice, I ensure that I understand all the local and national healthcare policies, organisational ethics and regulation and healthcare law. Through evaluating my ability in terms of implementing guideline of the healthcare policies and ethical guidelines, I am able to determine my ability to establish my professional accountability and integrity. Through implementing the organisation policies and ethics into practices I am able to develop my understanding of different health and care regulations their guidelines, the organisational roles in terms of providing safe care to patients and organisational ethics. Under NMC (2015), care professionals must be aware of their own behaviour, values and attitude while working with other care professionals and patients. As mentioned by Naicker and Van Rensburg (2018), health and social care professionals must know how to behave with services users and what attitudes need to be shown in front of colleagues and seniors. Through implementing this practice into practices, I learn how to show always the positives and supportive attitude towards the service users in terms of providing them with the support and care they need.

Emphasizing the evidence-based approach to undertake a continuous learning and devolvement process is another practice theme that I implement into my practices. As stated by Pai et al. (2017), care staffs must involve in the lifelong learning and development process in which they must shape the skill and professional expertise by taking an evidence-based approach. Being an adult nurse, I always involve in the self-assessment and self-reflection process through which I can determine my professional strength and weaknesses.

Implementing good leadership and management skill into practices to manage perfect balance among the manifold duties is the other important practice theme that I use to follow during my practices. Under NMC (2015), care professional must have good leadership and management abilities that will assist them not only to manage the symptoms and needs of patients but also maintain a systematic balance between the different task they perform in a day such vas attending the meeting with doctors, checking patient’s health and medicine management (Naicker and Van Rensburg, 2018). During my practices, I learn from my seniors and mentors about the process of choosing the right leadership styles in terms of managing different roles effectively. On the other hand, I believe in promoting continuous improvement of my leadership and management skill that will assist me to develop professional expertise in managing patient’s ever-changing health and social needs.

Demonstrating ongoing, active and critical reflection on learning experience: (LO3)

In this self-reflection, I will use the Johari window model and the Gibbs reflective cycle in terms of analysing my professional and personal strengths. By using these two models I will be able to reflect on my learning and development that I gather while implementing the practice themes into my nursing profession.

There are four areas of the Johari Window, open area, blind unknown areas and hidden areas. While analysing open areas I can evaluate my skills and abilities that are open to all my colleagues and services (Ha, 2019). I can discuss these skills in relation to implanting the practice themes into my practices. One of my open skill is my understanding and evaluating skills that assist me to understand the organisational regulation, health and social care policies and the healthcare laws. My colleagues appreciate the analysing and judgemental skill that I use to implement the right professional value and policies into the right context. As mentioned by Mathew and Sebastian (2020), in nursing and healthcare the care professionals must have a strong understanding skill that will enable them to have a good understanding of organisational values, professional conducts and integrity.

Through implementing the practice themes inro my work process, I have identified the ‘blind spot’ or the skills that are unknown to me but are known by my colleagues and services users (Lowes, 2020). While working in teams with my colleagues I come to knit that I am an idealistic, logical and observant person. After identifying these skills, I try to work on these skills to make further improvement. Being an observant, I start to view things with a deep understating and proper judgemental approach in terms of developing a proper solution for example, while adhering to the policy of providing safe and highly protective care to vulnerable adults I begin to observer the behaviour, activities and attitudes of the adults in terms of identifying the psychosocial, social and the emotional needs. As mentioned by Oliver and Duncan (2019), in the nursing field identifying the blind spots is crucial that enable nursing professionals to work on these unknown skills in terms of enhancing their professional expertise. Being an idealistic person, I always try to implement loyal and ethical ideologies into my practices in terms of maintaining professional integrity.

Throughout implementing the practice themes into my professional practices I am able to identify the hidden qualities or weaknesses that are unknown to other people. Here I identified that I am a bold, reflective and sentimental person. Although being bold is considers as a positive attitude that shows the self-determination and strong personality of people, in health and social care care-professional must not use their boldness unnecessarily in every aspect of the professional life (Ardian et al. 2019.). This is because sometimes the boldness can enhance the conflict and misunderstanding among team members which then interfere with the ability of care professionals in implementing the practices’ themes. In this context, I must apply, boldness when it is needed such as for taking any vital and strict decision regarding my professional or while desiring to present my strong personality in front of my colleagues.

My unconscious self helps me to learn my qualities that was unknown to me as well as to others. Through implementing the practice themes into my professional practices, I have identified these qualities (Martínez-Balbuena et al. 2017). I identify myself as an energetic and resilient person who can adapt to any situation in my profession and personal life, this is one of my qualities that will assist me to adapt with any team members and maintain effective rapport with service users to provide them with high-quality care.

Another reflective cycle that I will use to reflect on my skill and abilities in unpinning the practices’ themes into my practices is the Gibbs reflective cycle. In the description stage, I can describe that, while implementing the practice theme of respecting the right to confidentiality autonomy and preferences of vulnerable adults I suffer from severe ethical dilemmas (Ardian et al. 2019). Here I experience the conflict between my moral values and the patients’ rights. In case patients with dementia, I cannot go with the autonomy and preferences of the patients as this can cause a health risk to them. I tich context I discuss the matter with my mentors and other care professional, who support me to solve the issue by improving the level of communicating with patients. As mentioned by effective communication can assist car staffs to identify the needs u vulnerable patients and meet these needs accordingly. Here I feel that I must apply a good decision making and judgemental approach in this situation to make the patients understand the harmful impacts of their unjustified preferences and demand. Through evaluating the situation, I can learn the importance of effective communication, strong decision-making and a good judgemental approach in healthcare. From overall reflection, I can conclude that I need to improve my decision making and problem-solving skill to deal with any situation in my workplace. In the action plan, I would include the strategy to improves my decision making and problem-solving skill by taking changing task on my hands.

Overall success of the reflection journey and consider the career pathway: (LO4)
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By using the reflective cycle [Gibbs and Johari window], I can say that my entire work journey was highly informative and productive for me that enables me to develop my professional and personal skill. through reflecting on my drawbacks and limitations I am able to shape my skill and profession knowledge that will assist me to in the future workplace to provide a safe and high-quality care to my patients. As stated by Martínez-Balbuena et al. (2017), reflection assists people to determine the success of their own work journey as well as drawbacks of their journey. Through this reflection I can evaluate the opportunities and limitation that I experience in my workplace. the teamwork is one of the positive aspects of my work journey that enhances my adaptability and resilience skill that are important for future workplace to adapt to any nursing environment. through implementing each practice theme into my professional practice, I have learned that how an adult nurse can maintain high professional standard in nursing practice. in additional to this, implementation of the practice themes assists me to develop my knowledge on how I can promote my professional integrity and accountability as an adult nurse during my practice. through following the practice themes, I am able to adhere to all the health and social care policies and the organisational regulation that will assist me to follow and implement all these policies into my practices in future to meet the professional standard of care and treatment process.

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From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that this reflection in underpinning practices times into my professional practices is highly informative and useful for me. Through this reflection, I have gained in-depth knowledge on the care process, leaderships and management work, teamwork and maintaining professional values. Moreover, this refection assists me to shape my existing skill and developed new skill that assists me to provide high quality and safe care to my patients.

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Reference list:

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Ardian, P., Hariyati, R.T.S. and Afifah, E., 2019. Correlation between implementation case reflection discussion based on the Graham Gibbs Cycle and nurses’ critical thinking skills. Enfermeria clinica, 29, pp.588-593.

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