Exploring Nursing Excellence


Nursing is referred to the profession in which nurses provide collaborative and autonomous care to the patients and their families as well as communities to establishment of health and wellness. In this presentation, the principles of good practice based on values in nursing professional code are to be explained. Further, the way they impact the patients under care is to be analysed, including how healthcare dissertation help can offer valuable insights into improving these practices.

Task 3
AC1.1Explainning the principle of good practice on basis of values in nursing code of practice

The section 5 of the NMC Code of conduct mentioned that it is the duty of the nurses to respect privacy and confidentiality rights of the patients who are availing care from them (NMC, 2018). This means that the sharing of information regarding their personal data and care are to be made appropriately. The principle of good practice based on value of confidentiality includes nurses to inform in detail to the patients regarding the needs of sharing the patient’s personal information and confidential ways it is to be shared (Dheensa et al. 2017). This is because it would aware the patients to understand importance of sharing of information and make nurses respect the right of privacy of the patients in which no information are allowed to be shared without prior permission of individuals. The confidentiality of patients in good practice is to be maintained by following anonymity so that real patient is not identified. Moreover, information of the patients is to be shared with concerned health professional only for discussing care of the patients in confidential way (Riaz et al. 2017). This is because it would allow good practice to be established by avoiding sharing of any personal details of patients in community, in turn, abiding with the NMC Code. The NMC Code of Practice regarding safeguarding informs that effective protection of the health of patients is to be maintained so that any harm or abuse can be avoided (NMC, 2018). In this respect, the principle of good practice would be to execute risk assessment of the surrounding of the patients (Mohammadi et al. 2017). This is because the assessment helps to determine the risk and hazards that have the ability to harm patients and develop strategies to resolve them to ensure the patient's safety. The Care Act 2014 provides information to the local authorities and others regarding the way they are to act with responsibility in protecting adults from risk of harm


and abuse (legislation.gov.uk, 2014). Thus, to promote good practice based on value of safeguarding the Care Act 2014 is to be followed. Moreover, to promote safeguarding of the patient, nurses are required to work as per their competence and in discussion with their colleagues (Solbakken et al. 2019). This is because it would lead nurses to avoid making error in patient care and avail ideas to resolve safety issues act as principle of good practice in promoting safety of patients. The NMC Code of conduct mentions that value of diversity and inclusive care is to be implemented by the nurses while supporting the care of service users (NMC, 2018). In this respect, the principle of good practice would be making effective communication with the patients by the nurses to identify their care needs and demands (Kroning et al. 2017).This is because it would help the nurses to maintain diversity by catering to specific needs of service users. Moreover, nurses are to inform patients about the nature of care available to make them develop shared decision with the nurses regarding the intervention to be used for their care (Brogan et al. 2018). This is because it would implement inclusivity by inclusion of patients in their care decision. The section 3 and 20 of the NMC Code of Conduct informs that nurses are to avoid influence of personal attitudes and behaviour in caring for the patients that instigates discrimination. They are to act with integrity and honesty as well as treat people fairly to establish equal care (NMC, 2018). In this relation, the principle of good practice is that nurses are to neglect their personal customs and beliefs while caring for the patients and offer equal care to all patients irrespective of their caste, creed, social class, sex and others.

The NMC Code of Conduct under section 7 mentions that nurses are to communicate clearly with the patients by using different modes of communication (NMC, 2018). In this respect, the god practices would be using terms and languages which are easily understood by patients during communication by the nurses. The nurses are to maintain patience and take reasonable steps to overcome barriers in communication (understanding of language, inability to speak, others) faced by patients (NMC, 2018). Thus, use of translator or language devices is to be made to understand and inform needs and data during interaction between patient and nurses in communication. In clear communication, the principle of good practice includes nurses to listen actively to the patients and resolve misunderstanding between them to ensure effective interaction.

AC1.2 Analysing the impact of values and principles of nursing on patients

The establishment of privacy and confidentiality for the patients impacts them to develop trust and rapport with the service providers (Beck et al. 2016). This is because avoiding to reveal patient’s personal health data in public leads to avoid harm and abuse from others created out of stigma and misconception regarding the disease. This, in turn, makes the patient understand the nurses value their care and makes them develop trust over them for care (Rheeder, 2017). For example, revealing personal information regarding mentally-ill people makes them vulnerable to experience abuse from society and lose trust over nurses regarding their care. This is because mentally-ill individuals are stigmatised in certain communities as harmful making individuals to harm and abuse them to get rid of them (Kelly, 2017). Thus, without privacy and confidently by nurses makes the patients suffer lack of safety and security. The equal care delivery impacts all the patients to avail proper healthcare irrespective of their differences which in turn make them feel valued and satisfied with the care (Suhonen et al. 2018). This is because their needs and demands are met in similar way like others who are regarded superior compared to them that leads the service users to feel satisfied. It empowers patients to feel dignified and respected in society as no discrimination is faced by them.

The effective communication in nursing care impacts patients to report their needs. It also makes nurses understand the way their health demands are changing based on which the nurses accordingly make alteration in the care plan for better health well-being of patients (Turkelson et al. 2017). Thus, effective communication ensures enhanced care to be availed by service users from the nurses. The effective communication empowers patients to take decision regarding their care, in turn, directing the way they wish their care is to be provided by the nurses (Rouleau et al. 2017). This ensures shared participation of patient in care to ensure their good health. The safeguarding impacts patients to avoid deterioration of health due to harm as well as effects them to be able to avail support to meet their needs and demands in proper manner (Nyholm and Koskinen, 2017). This empowers the patients to maintain steady health condition irrespective of harmful aspects that may affect them. The diversified and inclusive health practices impact patients to have their diverse needs and demands fulfilled as per their customs and beliefs. This leads to promote sense of belonging to the patients and development of effective rapport with the nurses while receiving care (Northway and Jenkins, 2017).


The above discussion mentions that according to NMC the key values of care are confidentiality, diversity, effective communication and others. These are able to be attained by following good practice of avoiding sharing of personal data of patients without their permission, determine care as per specific needs of patients, actively listen to patients and others. The principles of good practices are going to empower patients to inform their key needs, arrange safe living and health maintenance, manage dignity and others.

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