Improving Evidence-Based Care Systems


The care systems have taken shape and improved day by day as the time passed but still the researchers when surveying about that found some gaps and loopholes which needs more focus and attention to remove and more advanced technology to fulfil the continuous improvement. Here the research writing here has three main parts where the first part is the literature review part where the project discussion with all of the components and other details are presented about the need of improvements in the evidence based practices in the healthcare systems. The second part is the proposed writing about the benefits of the evidence based practices that are used in the care system as care practices. And the third part is the self-performance review section where reflection writing is shown which will describe what leaning and experience is gain while conducting this research topic, which could be valuable for those seeking healthcare dissertation help.

Task1: Literature Review
1.1 Research Introduction

The research presents here will focus on the evidence based practices that are used in the health and social care systems while treating patients with diseases. The evidence based practices (EBP) in health and social care is basically the integration of the best evidence based treatment practices and clinical expertise that gives the valued based care to the patients by the care givers, health professional, nurses, doctors and physiotherapists (, 2017). The EBP are those practices which are previously tried and tested and after getting valued results from them, then only they are applied on other patients for their care routines (, 2018). The research here will highlight all the issues, complications and other aspects of this evidence based practice and how they can be resolved with best possible measures so that there must be maintained a continuous improvement in the healthcare system among patients. All the key roles and duties of the care professional will be mentioned in this research paper along with the behavioural aspects of the care workers in the healthcare and social care sector.

1.2 Research Background

This research is conducted to reveal the determinants of getting the appropriate evidence based health care practices that must be implemented and which are already applied so that what improvements are needed in the current care practices can be identified. There are certain valued care principles that are expected from the care workers in the health and social care sector.

Establishing and promoting more of the communications practices that are effective so that a healthy relationship can be formed with the patients.

Always trying to protect the patients from any kind of mental or physical abuse so that they cannot get harmed from any aspect.

Care workers and practitioners must always promote the anti-discriminatory practises of any kind to the patients including the policies and codes of practise also.

Providing intense and individualised care to those patients who need them.

The professional must always maintain the confidentiality of the patients those they are treating.

Supporting and promoting the individual rights to dignity of the patients.

1.3 Industry Background

The matter of health and social care among patients is a very highly delegated responsibility of the government, so the governing bodies formulated certain laws and legislations which protects and informs the people about their rights and duties regarding health and social care and how it can be protected. There are laws and acts implemented by the government like the Health Protection Act 2004 which is the power of the local authorities and they are responsible for making people aware of the healthy habits, they provides medical objects and substances to the medical institutions and healthcare homes, they motivate people about good eating habits and supports them in adopting them (Botti et al. 2017). As per Cox (2020), another prominent, heath care protection act implemented by the government is the Health and Social Care Act 2012. This policy is originally introduced to secure the legal responsibilities and duties of the care professionals and workers for protecting the patients from health care inequalities in the health and social care sector.

1.4 Research Rationale

The rationale of this research says that this topic has been chosen to be researched after analysing the past and present scenario of the health and social care sector and the behavioural traits of the care workers and professionals towards the patients. The rationale here says that the care professionals when surveyed and asked their views and thoughts regarding this matter they revealed lots of things which were previously unknown. The main target of this research is to analyse the evidence based medical practices and identifying whether they are suitable or not. This research enquires that how much effective are those evidence based practices are in case of patients in the health and social care system of the society. Therefore, this topic has been chosen for conducting this research as there has been seen scope of needed improvements and developments among the care workers and professionals as well as the patients regarding the fundamentals of the health and social care sector.

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1.5 Research Aim

The research aim describes the targets towards which the research directs at stating why this research is being conducted. The aim of this research is to express the how evidence based care practices works in the health care systems and they can be used so that the best possible results can be seen. The research also aims at highlighting the responsibilities and duties of the care professionals and workers towards the patients. The aims of this research can be specifically phrased as –

• To determine the standards of the evidence based health care services in the health& social care sector

• To determine that the health protection laws and acts must be maintained by the care professionals and workers

• To maintain that the rights and confidentiality of the patients must be maintained by the care settings

• To know the thoughts, feeling and views of people about current health conditions of patients and the benefits of the evidence based practices in the health and social care sector

1.6 Research Objective

The objective of this research is to describe and clearly understand the concept of evidence based healthcare practices in the healthcare and social care system among the professionals and care workers. This research is conducted with the ultimate objective of revealing the problems, obstacles, issues and challenges that are general and they are commonly arising while we talk about treating patients using the experiences of the past evidence based treatment having proofs of good results in the social and healthcare sector (Dahlgaard-Park et al. 2018). The objectives of this research also consisted of the laws, regulations and acts which are made and formulated by the government to give protection in this regard. This research objectifies the mental healthcare and well-being of the employees in the workplace. There are certain programs which promotes staff mental health care such as the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995, Mental health financing (WHO, 2003b), Occupational Health Care Act (1987), WHO’s Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package and many more (Goldsmith et al. 2019).

1.7 Research Question

The research questions here are set up in such a manner that it will pinpoint all those facts and figures which will find out that at which direction the aims and objectives are focusing at (Lempp et al. 2018). A questionnaire has been set up for taking feedbacks from various people depending upon the research. The list of questions prepared for this research are enlisted as –

What are the responsibilities and duties of the care professionals towards the patients while treating?

What should be the rights of patients while getting treated except the right to have dignity, respect and confidentiality?

How the parents tackle their children to have fruits and vegetables?

How much effective is the evidence based treatment and care practices in the care system?

What are the laws regarding health and social care safety and protection has been maintained by the care settings?

How much positive results have been gained by the application of the fundamental evidence based care practices?

1.8 Research Hypothesis

This research hypothesis is a form of a standard and general statement which will present the expectations and sometimes the predictions which this research work will be going to test during the overall process starting from the initiation to the final closure significance of this research paper (McGovern et al. 2021). This research is conducted with the expectation that the mental health of the staffs can be promoted by designing a healthy work space and an office culture with employee wellness programmes for uplifting the staffs (, 2020).

This research has been conducted evaluating that how the mental health policies like supervision of the staff members improves their work quality and improves the communication between the supervisor and the staffs (, 2017). These policies facilitate adequate resources and tools so that staffs can work efficiently. Another mental healthcare scheme is the work cycle programme where there are mental health day offs are provided to the staffs to maintain their good physical and mental health at work.

1.9 Research Significance

The significance of this research paper will clarify that whether the care givers and professional are following and maintaining the local and national standards of the care settings or not regarding the treatment of patients and also the significance says that whether the confidentiality of patients medical information are kept secret or not. According to Zaira and Hadikusumo (2017), this significance will be contributing towards improving more and more with better implications of the evidence based practices since they are the tried and tested practices so as compared with opting for new ways application of tried, tested and proved practices are safe and secured. The problems which arose during the furnishing of this research paper will be solved by opting for better solutions as compared with the past solutions (, 2020). The laws that are set up by the government are made to protect the patients’ safety and care; they did the same or not according to the surveys and recent studies are showing the essence of this research work.

Task 2: Project Proposal
Project Overview

The research paper presented here will propose the detailed purpose of the evidence based medical care practices in the health care and social care sector. The research paper will explain all the required skills and expertise for the care professionals and also the skills needed for conducting this research. The qualities and skills are needed for the research paper to conduct are IT skills, Communication skills, Problem solving skills and Time management skills. The IT skill will be necessary for record keeping and data storing as soft copies in systems for the utilisation in the research work. The communication skills are a must when taking interviews and asking people about their thoughts, views and experiences. The time management skill is also important because every research and its tasks have a certain time limit to finish so understanding the appropriate time managing quality is required while conducting a research proposal. This research topic is based on the basic fundamental rights and principles of the utilisation of evidence based medical care practices in care of the patients in the care settings of the health and social care sector. In respect of conducting a research, an essential quality that a researcher must attain is the problem solving skill since while the research process will be on-going there will be problems and issues in every level. So understanding them and solving them is also needed to be done to move forward smoothly.

Benefits of the Evidence Based Practice

The evidence based practice as a research method for conducting any research proposal is basically a process where the requirement says that the practitioner will find the best possible empirical evidences regarding the efficacy or effectiveness of various types of treatment options and also to add that it will then determine that there must be relevance of the evidences with the particular patient’s situations. The evidence based practice has values that enhances and also builds the grounds of the clinical proficiencies, knowledge of the medical mechanisms before initiating the research and the matters of pathophysiology. Some of the benefits of the evidence based research method for conducting research are like –

It helps in organising the individual needs when it recognising the healthcare requirements and all the probabilities and uncertainties in this sector.

It basically formalises all the care processes depending upon the proofs of the best practitioners and clinicians for all generations.

This research method is based on the available evidences but also analyses the patients’ preferences, circumstances and physiognomies.

This research method is based on practiced and extensive understanding including both primary and secondary practice evidences.

Including to all these, it focuses on promoting the evidence based mental healthcare promotion and well-being practices among the staffs with various policies and programmes in workplace culture and environment.

Critical Assessment of Research Project

This research assessment is conducted basically to understand that how much the fundamentals of the evidence based health care practices are effective in promoting the staffs and employees’ mental health and well-being in the workplaces. The evidences provided in this research will be promoting not only the staffs but also delivers positive services. The research proposal also defines that how the evidence based healthcare practices will be benefitted for the service user also. The proposal highlights some of the programmes and policies that serve both the staffs at workplaces and the service users of the healthcare centres. The programmes and practices are if applied in the respective places as proved by the evidences then there will be seen improvements in the healthcare matters of both physical and mental state. Apart from this, the research proposal also showed that how the skills and qualities that are described above will help in improving the quality of the research work resolving the challenges & issues.

Task 3: Personal Performance Review

The personal performance review of this whole process of conducting the research brought much new information and made me understood such things and details about the topic that I was previously unaware and gave me more knowledge about the evidence based research method which was little known to me. The performance review reflection can be furnished through many ways but one of the best methods to furnish tis refection is the Gibbs Reflective Cycle model. This Gibbs Reflection Cycle model was named after Graham Gibbs in the year 1988 after getting inspired from the Kolb’s learning cycle. So here, in this research also the reflection will present all the aspects of this overall research topic. There are six basic elements of the Gibbs model according which the reflection is showed here –


The description of this research topic is the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the usage of evidence based medical care practices as research method while surveying about the care practitioners’’ and care workers’’ measures of treatment that they apply on the medical decision aiming regarding the patients in the care settings. The research was mainly directed towards the efficiency or efficacy and qualitative effectiveness of the evidence based treatment methods on patients. As I gone through the proposed evidences, I got to know that the base evidenced can be both primary and secondary and both are equally contributing towards this work.


While I was indulging myself for this research paper I met numerous people who were in the medical care profession and were dedicatedly involved in the processes. I saw how it is to treat a person with pain and difficulties in their body and I understood that making medical treatment decisions were equally tough. Sometimes I felt emotional while reading the experiences of the care workers and professionals while they work in their field so from my personal experience which I gathered during this assessment.


The evaluation process of all the collected information and gathered experiences, I brought out some of the information which was not revealed previously so I can say that this research work helped in my personal development also in huge manner.


When collecting information, I analysed that apart from the hard work there are a lot of challenges also in this profession and as well as I also found many difficulties when collecting the evidences, recording experiences and recording the information. So I can say that like every other profession this profession also have both pros and cons.


After completion of this proposed research assessment, I can conclude that the evidence based medical practices are very much useful and effective for analysing the duties and responsibilities of the care professionals and workers. Though it has some negative points in it also but as compared to the negative points the positive impacts are much more efficacy in nature and since this method consists of evaluation of the previous experiences while decision making, there are less chances of mistakes in it.

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Action plan

The action plan for the next opportunity like this, I can now assure that I will explore more of the other methods also for analysing the topic as research method so that more new methods can be emerged like this evidence based method. And also to mention that I will be more careful for the to make no more mistakes which I did in this assessment.


The overall research assessment with the matter of health and social care among patients is a very highly delegated responsibility of the government, so the governing bodies formulated certain laws and legislations which protects and informs the people about their rights and duties regarding health and social care and how it can be protected. The problems which arose during the furnishing of this research paper will be solved by opting for better solutions as compared with the past solutions. This conclusion can be made after completion of this research paper is that it explored all the aspects of the medical treatments decision making process and the measures which the professional apply in this process of decision making process such as the evidence based method.

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