Strategies for Collaborative Care


Health and social care management depends on the clinical expertise and team working activities, where all the team members are trying to cooperate with each other of providing the best possible treatment and quality care to all the patients, who seek social care and health services in order to improve their standard of living (Mason et al., 2015). The aim of the study is to analyse the group working activities and identify the constraints of developing appropriate team working practice at the workplace so that it is possible to suggest suitable strategies for developing team work, so that all the members at the organisational workplace can cooperate and share their experience for delivering quality care to the patient. Additionally, for those engaged in research, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights and guidance. The study also helps to review the models and theoretical perspectives of developing team work at the health and social care settings, so that the objective of providing quality care and efficient treatment can be achieved.


Identifying the constraints to group working

In the recent years, there are many challenges of which, the health and social care providers fail to develop effective team work in the workplace which further deteriorates the quality of care. there are many constraints for which the team members fail to cooperate and cultural diversity is one of them, where due to differences in cultures and language, the team members fail to communicate and collaborative with each other and it in turn deteriorates the service quality, provided by the group members. Cultural diversity further raises issues in the workplace where mistrust and misunderstanding among the people deteriorates the chance of developing an effective team (Minogue and Donskoy, 2017). Lack of trust and misunderstanding further hamper the mindset of the employees were they are not willing to share their experience with others and cooperate for better performance. This in turn reduces the chance of delivering quality care and efficient treatment to the patients. In addition to these, lack of trust is another constraint, where the people fail to trust each other and thus they are not willing to share their task and do not rely on other’s decision to provide quality care and efficient health care service.

In addition to these, unclear goals and lack of communication are other major constraints, where the employees are not willing to communicate and interact with others through verbal and nonverbal communication which further raises mistrust and misunderstanding among them. Sometimes, the employees do not understand the clear goals at the workplace which is also raising misunderstanding and hamper group working activities at the workplace (Smith, Swallow and Coyne, 2015). The employees in the health and social care context cannot rely on each other due to lack of engagement between them and resistance to change. Poor engagement and lack of integration fail to develop strong relationship among the colleagues, and it further hampers the team members to cooperate further for better performance (Mason et al., 2015). Due to cultural diversity and resistance to change, the members are also not willing to collaborate while serving the patients. Health and social care service is a complex phenomenon, where all the members at the workplace need to be collaborative and communicative for sharing their experience and deliver the best possible treatment and social care to all the patients.

However, due to the above mentioned constraints, the doctors, nurses, staff members, physicians, general supervisors, and quality checkers at the hospitals are not able o cooperate with each other for better performance and patient management (Turner‐Halliday et al., 2018). This further deteriorates the quality of the care, provided to the patients. Additionally, there are other constraints such as internal conflicts among the team members, lack of engagement, talent differences which are also responsible for poor management of the health and social care settings for which the service users become sufferer, due to the above mentioned constrained, the service providers fail to deliver quality care and treatment to the patients and they are also not capable of managing the patients successfully due to lack of group development activities at the workplace (Humphrey et al., 2016).

Contributing factors in team working within different settings

It is the responsibility of the management team to encourage the team development activities at the health and social care context, so that, the employees can be cooperative and focus on developing effective team for better performance. Tuckman’s team development model is effective in this regard, where there five stages, which are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. In the forming stage, the employees have unclear purpose and little engagement with each other and they need proper guidance and support from the leaders of the firm in order to develop an effective team (Turner‐Halliday et al., 2018). In the storming stage, there are the issues such as conflicts, increasing the clarity of purpose and power struggle which deteriorate the chance of having god bonding among the colleagues and developing effective team work at the organisational workplace (Glasby, 2017). In the third stage of norming, the agreement and consensus are important to develop at the workplace, and the team leader needs to provide proper information about the clear roles and responsibilities as well as provide facilitation to all the employees, which increase trust and loyalty and further motivate the employees to form an effective group for performing better. In the performing stage, the team members have clear vision and purpose as well as they can focus on the goals and objectives which in turn help to reduce the internal conflicts and resistance to change and the members are willing to communicate and share their goal for achieving the team objective. In the last stage of the model, which is adjourning, the activities of task completion achievements, and recognition are effective to develop appropriate group, where the team member start trusting each other’s and sharing their goals for better performance (Millar, Chambers and Giles, 2016).

Figure 1: Tuckman’s team development model

Tuckman’s team development model

The team development model is appropriate for the benefits of the organisation to improve the overall performance of the employees and it further provides a scope to develop effective care plan for the patients to create values for them, which is the main team objective of the service providers. In this regard, the leader of the health and social care organisations needs to encourage teambuilding activities and provide proper incentives to develop an effective team (Millar, Chambers and Giles, 2016). Arranging group discussion and team meeting is effective for developing an effective team as well as it further helps the health and social providers to improve communication and interaction with each other (Smart and Auburn, 2018). The leader also needs to provide freedom and improve harmony at the workplace, which provides a scope to develop suitable workplace, where the employees can develop strong bonding with other colleagues. Apart from that, it is necessary to share all the relevant information with all the employees and inform them about the individual’s task and group objectives, so that each member can understand their roles and responsibilities.

Additionally, the team leader also needs to support the employees and encourage them for developing partnership working, so that they can work collaboratively by sharing their experience and knowledge with each other. Apart from that, focusing on achievements and sharing the clear goals and vision are appropriate to improve the understanding of the employees and in this regards, the team manager also needs to arrange effective training and development program, where all the colleagues can engage with each other and work cooperatively to treat the patients with quality care and efficient treatment (Sims, Hewitt, and Harris, 2015). Team building activities in this regard are useful, where the leaders are trying to focus on improving communication and collaboration in the workplace, so that the employees can resolve their internal conflicts and improve trust and loyalty among the tea members (Millar, Chambers and Giles, 2016). The management team is also responsible to manage the team members and lead them towards achieving success and in this regard, the leader is responsible to be supportive, communicative and interactive with all the members for developing an effective group to perform collaboratively for meeting the team objective.


It can be concluded that, the team building activities at the health and social care organisations are necessary for all the service providers and organisational leader in order to develop an effective eta and manage the internal team building constraints for better performance, where it is possible to provide suitable working place in which the employees can manage their task and responsibilities collaboratively to deliver high quality care to the patients. The leaders and the health care management team are responsible for developing an effective group, where the employees are encouraged for working together through sharing their experience and knowledge with each other. The care professionals in this regard need to focus on improving communication, positive body language and interactive ways, so that they can improve bonding and trust among each of the employees and contribute positively to develop an effective team in the workplace.

Reflective summary

It is the responsibility of the team leader and managers to develop effective group in order to support the workforce and enhance performance as a whole, so that the team objective of delivering quality health and social care service to the patients can be achieved well (Webb, 2016). As a health and social care providers, it my duty to cooperate with each of the members and contribute positively in the team building activities which in turn provides me a scope to enhance my performance and contribute in achieving the organisational goals successfully. I always try to communicate with all the staff members at the organisational workplace which is beneficial for me to share my experience and gather knowledge and in depth understanding by interacting with others. For improving communication, I try to improve my communication skill by improving my body language and being positive to other, so that I can be interactive with others and discuss about the working practice in the context of health and social care. In this regard, I focus on participating in the group meeting and general discussion, for more interactions with others, so that I can contribute positively in doing the team building activities and develop appropriate binding with others. Hereby, the participation and continuous communication with other is beneficial for me to develop proper bonding and enhance trust and loyalty among the employees, where it is possible to develop suitable working culture to serve better care and services to the patients.

In this regard, for improving the communication skill, I try to interactive with others in a friendly way and discuss over the health care practice as well as share each other’s experience so that I can improve binding and trust. Furthermore, as a heath care professionals, I also try to enhance verbal communication while serving the patients, as well as I aim at seeking opinion of others about the practice of health care service, which is also beneficial for e to develop string bonding. In this regard, I respect each of the members and improve binding by trusting each colleagues and this is also advantageous for improving a good team. Apart from that, proper cooperation is required in the context of health and social care, where I try to be collaborative with other, so that it is possible for me to work with cooperation and communication and this is effective for enhancing the overall performance of the team and achieving the team objective successfully. For more cooperation, I try to seek opinion from others and concentrate on other’s decision for sharing in depth knowledge and understanding where I also trust other’s decisions and cooperative for better performance. This is effective for building strong team at the organisational workplace, where each of the colleagues are trying to be cooperative and contribute positively to maximise the team objective.

Additionally, I also try to encourage others in the workplace to work as partnership basis in order to work collaboratively. In this regard, I also manage organisational ethics of team building activities where I maintain transparency and accountability which is necessary at the workplace. As an efficient leader, it is the responsibility of the leader to maintain transparency and accountability at the organisational workplace in order to enhance for treatment so that trust and loyalty can be built among the team members and it further provides a scope to improve bonding and develop string corporate relationship between the employees. This is also effective for developing an effective team and enhances the performance of the organisational as a whole. In this regard, I try to be co-operator and coordinators to enhance partnership working practice, where I try to motivate others and enhance internal communication in order to improve an effective teamwork. For developing an effective team, it is also necessary for the organisational management team to share their experience and enhance the practice of group meeting, so that the employees are encouraged to share their knowledge and work as a team rather than providing care service to the patient individually. Cooperation and internal communication in this regard is effective to mitigate the organisational constraints such as internal conflicts, resistance to change and cultural diversity as well as poor communication and lack of cooperation (Millar, Chambers and Giles, 2016).

In this regard, the leaders and the management team are also trying to empower all the employees in the decision making process of the health and social care organisation and this further motivates the employees to contribute positively by proper discussion and knowledge sharing. Additionally, the leaders try to support the employees and direct them with proper information and in this regard sharing information and important data are also effective for developing an effective group in the health and social care settings where the team members try to manage the work as a partnership working practice by developing an effective group. Hereby, it can be stated that, the leaders and the manager are contributing positively and they are playing crucial role in managing the workforce and developing an effective team for the benefits of the organisation, where they manage the corporate ethics and employment rules to develop effective organisational culture (Sims, Hewitt, and Harris, 2015). Apart from that, continuous encouragement to the employees and motivating them by providing suitable working environment are also effective to develop an appropriate team work at the health and social care organisation, where every team members are encouraged to support each other and share their knowledge and experience for working together (Sims, Hewitt, and Harris, 2015). Respecting each other, positive and set an open communication further help to build strong bonding among the members and it further provides an opportunity to develop an effective group work where all the members are willing to participate in the organisational activities in the health and social care settings positively an contribute with their full potential by improving collaboration and internal communication (Smart and Auburn, 2018).

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Reference List

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