Health Improvement and Social Welfare


Health improvement and promotional well being has been recognized with an effective instrument of social welfare as well as caring prospects. In other words, it determines that health and social care instruments are medium of communication in respect of social wellbeing and growth (Huber et al. 2016). In this brings into notice that most of health care organizations that are based in UK have been well aware about complete care and health benefits in hand. Taking an example, NHS Trust is concerned; it works as a suitable platform of managing and checking total quality management of a hospital organization ( 2020). In this respect of this, it is beneficial in respect to the kind of services and monitoring processes are being offered to the particular field running this observation. The report throws light into the comprehensive overview of health and illness and its major concerns in health and social care services and in society. It has been supported by evaluation on the concepts and theories and application (Sheikh et al. 2016). At the same time, the study highlights strategic implementation of quality health care services on the right path under ethical observation and clinical practices and managing health care sectors within the nation. Moreover, the paper has in-depth analysis on the models of health that are utilized for factors influencing on health care concerns in a society.



1. Evaluation of the concept of health and ill-health

In the late 1940s, the WHO's meaning a 'state of physical, emotional and social well-being, and not just an absence of sickness or disease,' established a more holistic definition of well-being. Instead, wellness was more conceptualized in terms of total and optimistic traits than limiting wellness to the lack of disease. This holistic, more Utopian concept of well-being supports and expands conventional medical views by conceiving well-being as a good health condition, of which physical health is just one element. The concept of health was often integrated into mental, psychological, physical, economic and political elements and was seen as principal components of health and well-being (McLean et al. 2016).The authors of the WHO's definition by incorporating psychological and social parameters. Health understood that health and disease are multi-cause and changed its emphasis from a solely medical perspective. The criterion for determining a person's status is the lack of disease. While the disease concept seems to be an authoritative construction in contrast with health, a closer analysis of certain conceptual problems surrounding disease description indicates that it may not be the case. It could be as challenging as the challenge to describe well-being to locate a relevant and comprehensive illness description (Sheikh et al. 2016). Although no one is resistant to the fact that malfunctions and absence from normality are main components of the condition, consensus over what comprises smooth functioning and distorts us from normality might not have been so simple. There is reason to assume that a human can perform poorly but not considered sick (Trevino et al. 2020). There are still no good delimiters of non-sick states owing to the absence of visible or felt signs. Besides, the judgments and explanations of the symptoms and indications by medical practitioners and laypeople vary.

2. Compare and contrast models of health

The biomedical model is a hypothetical disease model that incorporates only biological causes, without potential psychological and social factors to explain the medical condition. In other words, the paradigm of biomedicine treats the human body as a mechanism to be replaced if it does not function (Jantan et al. 2017). In comparison, it only covers one cause of the disease and rejects all potential causes contributing to this disease. This health model's focus is not disease control, but the quest for a cure. "Morbidity and premature mortality" is the goal of the biomedical example.

Social Health Model

The social health model is not as common as the biomedical model since it is not easy to treat sickness or disease. It concentrates on human lifestyles and attitudes and emphasizes and supports personal responsibility (Sheppard and Thomas, 2020). 'More likely to benefit from changes in human actions or the state of their lives' are major benefits to well-being. Furthermore, to facilitate improvement, the social health model considers the health influences of political, fiscal, social and environmental factors (Alvarez et al. 2020).The social model of health looks instead of individual body pieces at the body instead of the scientific model.

Bio-Health Model

Although the Bio-health model claimed that "the individual is not responsible for his or her condition and that the role of mind and body is separate from one another, the assertion of the social model varies. It assumes that the general quality of well-being is physical, social and economic (Yardley et al. 2016).The scientific model of well-being, for example, would conclude that smoking is a cause of lung cancer. In contrast, Sheppard and Thomas (2020), stated that the social model of healing might imply passive smoking or inherited illness. Further, on, though, recommend that organic health habits would not encourage a healthier lifestyle. The social well-being model examines things differently by empowering people to lead a safe lifestyle to avoid infections and diseases.

3. Analyze factors affecting health and well being

The health and wellbeing of an individual depend on numerous factors which are also termed as determinants. The determination affects the health of an individual or a community and includes social and physical factors ( 2020).

Factors affecting Health and well being

Social exclusion: From surveys it has been recognized that people feel excluded from the society for various reasons which include poverty, old age, mental illness or any kind of disability. The exclusion affects an individuals’ health and their capability to fulfill their desires Housing: Poor quality of housing has been recognized to have a great impact on the health of an individual and also refers to poor wellbeing (Baygi et al. 2017). The poor condition of housing may lead to deterioration of health conditions and injuries. Along with housing neighborhood also affects as a violent neighborhood has a negative impact on mental health. Employment: Employment has been perceived as a significant factor affecting the health and well-being of an individual as financial stability provides independence which is known to protect an individual from physical and mental health problems (Haddon, 2018). Better income leads one to get access to better food habits and safe places to live. Transportation: transport plays an important role for day to day activity from going to school to leisure facilities along with health services. Many have their vehicle, yet a large section of the population relies on public transportation to be connected to all required facilities. Education: An individual's level of education affects the decisions he or she makes regarding their health and wellbeing. It has been recognized that more educated people tend to live a healthier life and are involved in various activities to maintain their health and wellbeing. Inequalities: From surveys it has been recognized that around 2.3 million people have low satisfaction in life, whereas 10.4 million have reported anxiety (staff, f., 2020) in the UK. The reasons for anxiety and low satisfaction include an individual being single, or divorced, being middle-aged, lack of proper upbringing and education.

Inequality affecting health and well being

Access to health care: An individual access to health care acts as a significant factor, whether an individual has health insurance, or does give regular visits to a doctor or even easy access to healthcare facilities Childhood experience: An individual with an unfavorable childhood experience of abuse, neglect or a household of domestic violence, drug abuse or separated parents are recognized to develop ill health and behavior, which affects their well-being (Sheikh et al 2016).

Childhood experience

Environment: A caring and supportive environment has resulted in positive outcomes for an individual’s health and wellbeing (Sheikh et al. 2016). An environment which encourages the people to do physical activities along with sports facilities have positive impact whereas an environment lacking all these generate s negative impact on health and well being Food habits and exercise: The significant factors for a healthy life are food habits and physical activities (Sheikh et al. 2016). As per surveys, it has been noticed that people who regularly engage in physical activities tend to have a healthy life.

4. Analysis of the connection between diet, exercise and health

Food and well-being are dynamic partnership. Both people need food to survive, but not enough food, too much food or the wrong kind of food has detrimental health effects. It can be identified that the trends and behaviors in food-related conditions for both adults and children to improve the relationship's awareness (Quach et al. 2017). Using an ecological context, we then explain why food diets are dynamic and how they are linked to food consumption on three different levels — macros (including legislation and social and cultural standards), local populations, and human ecosystems. Given its close interaction with its environments, we conclude with examples of political responses to help people resolve perverse ecological incentives to a healthier diet. Finding ways to eat healthily is key to shifting the average U.S. diet to a diet that promotes health and affordability for all populations. In addition to the present food climate, the following nuanced food behavioral factors illustrate why dietary consistency is weak and nutritionally-related diseases in the United States are so prevalent (Sheikh et al. 2016). An individual's eating habits are formed by influences of three wide ranges: local macro community; and individual behavior, including the family. Food options are susceptible to environmental concerns and are limited at the macro and local level by what is available in the food chain. Agricultural, economic and political processes, directly and indirectly, form the food supply. These programmes strive to increase profits and show continuous demand growth for food producers. Advances in the production of foods have resulted in a cheap supply of caloric-dense and nutrient-deficit sweeteners and fats used to produce food that is tasty at low cost (Michie et al. 2016). Consequently, the food supply is consumed by a staggering amount with ever-increasing, comparatively low-cost, highly refined, highly tolerable, and rapid-to-prepare products.

Good diet – with an alert, good disposition, a well-built body, medium weight, well built and strong muscle, clear hair, reddish-pink eyelids and mouth-colored membranes, a good layer of fat, subcutaneous, perfect teeth, smooth and vibrant hair, considerable health and a healthy atmosphere which is renowned for its strength, a daily supper timid

Malnutrition –This is attributed to a nutritional insufficiency, surplus or imbalance. It contains both protein and protein (Sheikh et al. 2016). Hence, malnutrition may mostly be caused by a lack of supply or secondary use of one or more important nutrients, resulting in metabolism error, nutrient interactions and medicine used for diagnosis.

Physical exercise impacts multiple health conditions and the different doses and types of behaviors that each disease benefits differ. Scientific findings consistently demonstrate that, once the advantages of physical exercise are improved, additional activity benefits (Huber et al. 2016). Although there tend to be some health advantages starting at only 60 minutes a week (1 hour), findings have found that the likelihood of multiple chronic disorders and other unfavorable health effects are consistently decreased by 150 minutes (2.30 hours) a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as quick walking.

5. Evaluate the role of media in influencing attitudes to health

While news reports may contribute to the national plan for a specific health topic, strains occur among news journalists, scientists and specialists in public health in their attempts to relay health news and facts to the public, particularly during crisis periods. If news media are to engage in the public health sector, it is necessary to recognize these conflicts (Quach et al. 2017). In particular, the findings of a study carried out of scientists and journalists help explain each other's perspectives and their opinions on scientific knowledge being communicated and translated to the public via the media. Journalists found scientists to be so absorbed in esoteric jargon that they could not easily and cogently describe what they were doing. In contrast, scientists believed that the news media simplified complicated problems (Phillips, 2019). Reporters also noted that researchers do not realize that "news" is a destructive product which should be made important for the reader and viewers. Besides, Journalists' unions have now started to take the lead in supplying journalists with ways to increase the accuracy of their reporting to the public (Trevino et al. 2020). One way the association improves understanding between journalists and health experts is through training and professional development resources in healthcare and reporting on current and new problems. Especially important during emergencies is the importance of good coordination between public health authorities, the media and the public. At the time, news media plays a major role in amplifying or accentuating the understanding of risk by the population and is a crucial link for risk communication (Yardley et al. 2016). The incidents underlined the need for science and medical knowledge to be transmitted so that the public can learn and clearly understand the principles of risk and how they can be put into effect.

6. Explain the terms:

Health education-

Health education is an educational profession for people with health. It covers environmental, economic, social, emotional and moral health and education on reproductive and sexual health (Baygi et al. 2017). The theory by which the person and communities learn to act in a way that encourages, preserves, or restores health can be described as health education. However, since there are several wellness concepts, there are also multiple health education concepts (Kauw et al. 2019). A mixture of planned learning opportunities focused on sound ideas offers people, organizations and companies the ability to obtain insight and the knowledge they need to decide on quality health.

• Health protection-

Health protection is secured by successful cooperation between specialists in the detection, prevention and alleviation of the impacts of infectious diseases and environmental, chemical and radiological risks to people, communities and communities (Haddon, 2018). The science and art of disease prevention, prolongation of life, and health advancement through society's organized activities is a branch of public health. This is an awesome tutorial for public policy and health professionals of all ages. It addresses actions in circumstances where urgent intervention is necessary and dynamic activities such as medical, laboratory, family, organization, and media (Baygi et al. 2017). Although a health context helps truly appreciate the content, the lay reader will be reminiscent of the simple writing style and accessible interface.

• Disease prevention-

Prevention of diseases has been defined, as a basic, community-dependent and customized prevention strategy that works for health benefits. It reduces disease burden and the related risk factors for primary and secondary (early) identification interventions (Itharat et al. 2017). Primary avoidance is the effort to stop the incidence of a disease (this can include preventive change actions by changing the effect of social and economic determinants on preventive; providing information on behavioral and health threats along with consulting and reducing these threats at the person and neighborhood level; dietary supplementation and food supplementation (Philips, 2019). Nutritional supplementation, oral and dental health education, and preventive care programmes such as infant immunization and vaccine and prophylaxis for people exposed to transmissible illness and vaccine or post-exposure.

7. Explain approaches to health promotion

There have been numerous approaches to health promotion that can be taken for leading better knowledge development in a community (Pena and Skalr, 2019). In other words, most of the approaches of health promotion can be illustrated below:

Medical Approach to Health Promotion

The purpose of this approach has always been in targeting to reduce the level of morbidity and premature rate of death in a society. In other words, it would let use primary health care consultation ( 2020). In this respect, this would take under expert-led decisions and having a passive conversation with client. For example, this is conducted naturally for checking measurement of body mass and other additional diseases in patients.

Behavioral Approach to Health Promotion

On the other hand, the aim of Behavioral approach is to have health behaviors and views about health conditions of mass. In fact, it applies method of communication that is top down and mostly led by any medical expert as well ( 2020). For example, this kind of approach has its strong influence through promotion using any medical campaigning in the city with a mission of encouraging individuals for leading a healthy life.

Educational Approach to Health Promotion

Moreover, the educational approach of health promotion is for mainly driving awareness among people and enhancement of knowledge and skills. This can provide an individual to have a healthy lifestyle in countries, which usually get practiced in a small group work and engagement in a social program (Johnson et al. 2016). For example, a program like women’s health group participation as well as that is guided under experts with negotiation process ( 2020).

Empowerment/Client-centered Approach

Having an empowerment approach to health promotion is mainly guided with the aim of working with the client or any community-driven purposes as well as meeting the needs of certain communities as well ( 2020). In this respect, using this approach has applied and dependent on negotiation or facilitation with either with the target group of any fat women. It is involved with health promoter catalyst.

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different models of behavior change concerning health and well being

In the early 1950s, Social scientists in the U.S. developed the Health Convection Model (HBM). Public Health Service considers people's inability to follow illness preventive or early illness detection methods. HBM was later used for responding to signs and medical attention for patients (Alvarez et al. 2020).The HBM indicates, in combination with one person's confidence in the efficacy of the prescribed health action, that one trust in a personal illness or illness hazard will forecast the probability of the individual taking action.

The HBM is based on a psychological and machine hypothesis, which notes that

Health Belief Model

1) The ability to prevent sickness or to be healthy if they have already become sick, is the two components of health-related behavior; and

2) The conviction that a certain health intervention can prevent or cure disease. In the end, an individual's action also depends upon the individual's understanding of health advantages and obstacles (Sheppard and Thomas, 2020). Six HBM constructs are in existence. As the initial concepts of the HBM, the first four constructs were built. The last two were introduced with the evolution of science on the HBM.

The Planed Behavior Hypothesis was first developed in 1980 as the Hypothesis of Motivated Action to determine a person's intention of behaving at a certain point in time. In theory, all activities about which people practice self-control are explained (Cooper and Blanchet, 2019). This model's core component is behavioral intention; behavioral intentions inform the mindset about the possible consequences and the underlying assessment of this result's costs and rewards. A wide variety of medical habits and intentions, including baking, drinking, accessing health care, breastfeeding, and Opioid uses, were successfully predicted and clarified by TPB.

Theory of Planned Behavior

On the other hand, the theory of planned behavior notes that conduct success depends not only on desire intention and ability conduct control (Bohon et al. 2016). Physical exercise causes several health problems and varies in the various doses and forms of activities that support each illness. Scientific studies clearly suggest that extra activity results until the results of physical fitness are increased.

Attitudes – this applies to the extent to which an individual's conduct of concern has a constructive or disadvantageous appraisal (Alvarez et al. 2020). It includes contemplating the consequences of the actions.

Behavioral motive-It refers to the emotional influences influencing a certain behavior where the more intentions the behavior is to be done, the more likely it is (Alvarez et al. 2020).


1. Defining the rationale of a health promotion project

Health promotional projects are the fundamental justifications for the general health system. These kinds of programs project on some aspects of society that generally do not constitute under the banner of health forming a composite blend of socio-economic, ambience and diplomatic features of the society (Kyaw et al. 2019). In this context, the rationale of this health promotion project would be to propagate the fundamentals of the projection schemes.

Concept based calculations

Record and ability rectification along with certain rules and regulations

Procurement process for carrying out successful execution

Research on variant phases of the society like academic, socio-economic, and social of the society and the different forms of aptitude of the society

In respect of the coverage of these health promotion projects, by choice the allotment of financial aid for these projections are undertaken on national front which normally stands enough to run through. Evidences claim that existence of radical researches made all over the corners of the world with their noted potency and advantage (Cooper and Blanchet, 2019). These programs supervises jurisdiction over health threats and their contributing factors and thus refining outcomes. An interactive session to increase the awareness among individuals and community always faces obstruction due to minimized monetary and technical support.

2. Seeking an approval/permission to carry out the project

All the research that has been carried out involving human aides requires an approval from the Human Research Ethics Centre (HREC). The conceptual study based on the ethical values of the biomedical sciences can be contradicted on the significant necessity of the ideology followed for the research project. In this regard, it can summarize on the approvals that are significantly important for any research involving humans as aides (Koh et al. 2018). HREC includes and takes care of the lawfulness constant required for carrying out the entire project rightfully. While getting a green signal from the HREC department, the standard of the inspections of the arbitrations, if any, gets deliberately raised to higher margins. Once approval of the HREC is raised the back logs can be reduced to negligible forms. According to Featherstone et al. (2018), an approval of HREC on the circumstantial evidence may conclude that neither ethical nor physical concerns had aroused which on the contrary contradicts the righteous analysis to safeguard the human participants. HREC in itself sets a subservient standard, so in all ways getting approval for the project in itself defines the project as a reverential piece of work.

3. Design materials for project

Public health promotion programs become achievable and persist through the entire span only if the management and the alliances follow the inscription of the six modules.

Designing Materials for a Public Health Care project

These modules first describe obtaining the records of the test results based on the various activities carried out in a very revolutionary process (Michie et al. 2017). This innovation will be shouldered by the amalgamation of the primarily concerned records with a technologically sound process, which leaves back a remarkable impression due to previously recorded interruptions (Ellis et al. 2020). This carves out an operative conduction through examining the aspects minutely, with a conscientious periodical development. Furthermore collaborating with public and private boroughs independently helps enhance more and more funding (Phillips, 2019). The ground level healthcare community plays a significant and effective role here. The organization’s proper training to these ground level heath staff keeps them prepared for the service with proper knowledge. Therefore, it come into action once they are properly channelized and instructions of exact performance at proper timings by the organization will improve the entire health department at all levels along with the common civilians too, with a worthwhile evident change and increased participation in making a refined society (Time. 2020). Involvement of diplomatic schemes and subsidies for efficacious results

4. Carry out a health promotion project

In order to carry out a health promotion project, it can be effective in making assurance and assured about the target community. In other words, it can be effective in terms of generating social awareness among public (Bernstorff et al. 2019). For an example, if a health promotion project of “Say No to Alcoholism: Eat healthy and stay Healthy”

This promotional project will be carried out in the following manner:

Health Promotion Project on Alcoholism Health Promotion Project on Alcoholism

Based on this promotion plan of action, it can be effective in terms of reducing the habits of extreme level of drinking among the public having most risk of damage of health conditions.

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5. Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the project

Considering the above drawn promotion, it can be recognized that if such approach is planned and initiated, it might have the opportunity to reach those audience targeted above, for the sake of explaining them about its vulnerable impact. As influenced by Cicognani et al (2020), it was believed that promoting for health concerns and risk of life, has positive influence to a level that it is supposed to let think about this situation in imagination. In agreeing with the statement, it can be expected that depending on this kind of attempt it can be assumed to bring some changes among the affected ones. On the other hand, it can also be acknowledged from the analysis of the market that if one medium fail to reach the audience, then the other might bring some awareness among the target segment and express to decide for quitting it in the future.

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Therefore, based on the above research and analysis on the background and health care sector is concerned, it had shown that planning and procedure as well as execution of health care promotion well being has played a significant role in a community development. In this regard, it is require making sure that how a health promotion plan is being carried out and monitored. The above aspects that are discussed throws in light on the key factors influencing on health care concerns in an individual. Hence, it gives an understanding of overall impact and managing benefits of a health improvement and promotion well being.


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